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Does anyone know how to figure out what phone company "has" a phone number?
I let my local telco service expire, and now I changed my mind and want my # back
that would be different in different countries...
212 567 exchange
say what you will about government interference, but here there is a law that you can keep your number even if you switch telco provider.
Call up Global Crossings and beg
by law they must move your number over.
@AviD That's called Number Portability. We have something similar.
For cell phones you are allowed to take your number with you to new providers.
It's no longer "mine" .. it's lost in the "ether" and been unused for quite some time.
@ScottPack ah yeah? Thought that didnt exist in U.S.
However, it does not say that the company must give it to you if you sign a new contract within the saem company
@D3C4FF wow your first 200+ rep per day and a mortarboard badge. Congrats! :)
Yeah, it's been about a decade since that happened.
That is exactly what I want to do... light it up (somehow) and port it to a mobile device.
Unless it's been reassigned it probably "belongs" to your local RBAC
im resisting having a massive comment rant
@lynks the problem with grep, awk and sed is that these tools are not user friendly enough. My other team members need to be able to easily view and compare the results. — Francois Valiquette 4 mins ago
grep is one of the most user friendly tools i am aware of.
@lynks Would the rant have a non-negligible probability to educate your honourable interlocutor ? No. Would the rant make you happier ? No. So let it pass...
LOL someone thought of the banana diagram as too personal :)
@lynks that would really depend on what type of user is being considered.
@lynks Resist. At times like those, I simply ignore SE entirely for a bit.
@AviD The type of user considered here is someone who is assumed to be able to read and understand results from nmap. Arguably, if that person cannot cope with the complexity of grep usage, there is something amiss.
Furthermore, I am of the opinion the barrier to commenting is too low, which can be fixed, and that many a user comments before thinking, which probably cannot be fixed.
@ThomasPornin oh, surely. I wasnt referring to the context of the original comment, rather the statement that grep is one of the most user friendly tools i am aware of.
I merely pointed out that stating that anything is "user friendly" implies a consideration as to the type of user.
@ThomasPornin @AviD it just troubles me that it seems the vast majority of new blood in tech has none of the basic skills, only knows one hipster language, and has no interest in learning.
@lynks I agree. Ruby is the problem.
@lynks WAT? Excuse me, I only know ruby, but I want to write the next facebook!
:P I'm glad you guys understand completely :)
Personally, I think it's hilarious we both picked Ruby as the language to mock.
@ScottPack well, he said hipster, and that universally brings Ruby to mind.
@ScottPack Most of the people I know who write ruby are either a CEO or a CTO or an Entrepreneur, or a Serial Entrepreneur.
my god if it was my job to interview people..."CISSP? thats great, now can you just tell me how you would parse this text file...no you cant install emacs plugins...no writing a ruby program is not an option...yeah perl is ok...no eclipse isnt installed...
And every single one of them, without fail, is building a beautiful app that will revolve around you.
@AntonyVennard What's wrong with cereal?
@AntonyVennard i hate those people
@ScottPack I never said there was anything wrong with cereal, I simply pointed out that everyone I know who writes ruby is going to take over the world.
@lynks Only the last part ("no interest in learning") is really an issue -- but it is a big one.
@lynks by the way, this problem (other than the hipstery part) is not really limited to new blood. This is true for the majority of our entire industry.
Google for "why can't programmers... program?" for example.
@ThomasPornin you're right, but the issue for me is that people seem to approach tech from a completely different angle now. its like, they spend one weekend writing scala and suddenly they're mr computer scientist. when I think of the decades of experience I (in my meager career) have already built up about so many things they have never ever heard of...
@lynks Don't forget. This guy has a CISSP. His intent for getting the certificate was to get an entry level position in Information Security
@AviD Seconded. I once had a colleague, let's call him George, who moaned because Eclipse and Java were "not as good" as .net/Visual Studio. Whilst I agree the first thing eclipse does is EatRAM() and Initialize20BillionAbstractions(), honestly, C# and Java aren't that far apart. If you know one, you almost know the other.
at least i have somewhere to rant
@AntonyVennard superficially.
To put it into context, George was 35+.
@AviD Oh ok alright there are differences when you get down to it, but if you can't write a for loop in both languages, or figure out packages...
@AntonyVennard as long as he was aware that C/vim > all, then all is forgiven.
the internals are very different, once you move past the concepts of "VM", "managed memory" and "semi-compiled code".
@AntonyVennard oh, for sure. Syntax is almost identical, save for "special cases". (such as C# unsafe code, lambdas, linq, Spring annotations, and a few other additions - but almost all of these are not core to the language anyway...)
@AviD Yep and the odd function or naming or way of working. Our work didn't involve anything really outside of the basic language.
Except for libraries, but, I mean, they're easy. Just add jar to classpath, off you go. No worries. Not like C++. Ever tried to link a DLL built with a different version of VC++ to your project? Bad Things(tm) happen.
@ScottPack "Currently studying TCP/IP and Wireshark" I'm even more angry now :P
Caveat for pedants: if you end up invoking any C++ features.
But on the other hand, we keep insisting that knowing syntax is trivial for any but the most inexperienced (or incompetent) developers. Picking up a new syntax is something that should be possible within a day or two, learning the language's internals, patterns and idiosyncracies are what take a lot of experience.
@lynks Tell me about it. Stud.
But hey, he's a CEH
@AviD true, but I think the point was about desire to learn. If you care to learn, learning a new syntax is easy. The rest you should be able to learn by engaging with your colleagues (what's the best way to...) and reading everything you can find about the language.
Obviously, you need some experience.
@AntonyVennard Syntactically, C++ wouldnt be so bad if it werent for macros, overriding, and the like.
Incredibly verbose, sure. Like talking to an autisitic 6 year old, possibly. But not quite the work of the devil.
Basically, @ThomasP is right. Unwillingness to learn is a big, big issue.
(Although, I will still privately mock people who dream of building the next big web thing in Ruby).
@AntonyVennard Of course!
But not as much as we mock those who dream of building a big anything in PHP. :D
Evening All!
@AviD FizzBuzz 3 mins C and it compiled first time :P
@ScottPack Scott!
@lynks read @JeffA's followup... you're missing the point.
@ScottPack You just ambiguously Roried. I think that may annoy the other Rory.
@AntonyVennard Autocomplete only found a single Rory
@Scott - Have been a bit busy in the evenings recently - had some visiting Resistance L8s so have been running around popping them off on my way home
I'm not concerned.
for any but the most inexperienced / incompetent programmers, it shouldnt take more than that.
@RoryAlsop Nice.
It shouldnt even be an issue.
@AntonyVennard Other Rory is really very nice and mild-mannered :-)
It is nothing to be proud of.
@AviD i was just happy that it compiled and ran first time :)
@AviD in leafpad
sounds like something that you should be excited if you get hello world to compile the first time... ;-)
@AviD im kidding, i do see your point
@RoryAlsop We've had, all of a sudden, some higher enough level Enlightened join us. We've got a pretty stinking big field going on now, but most of the portals are still blue.
@ScottPack Hang on - need to go and see on the intel map.
@ScottPack maybe tell them a funny story. That should cheer them up.
@AviD hahaha
@ScottPack you're in Georgia, right? Or is it one of the other Athenseseses
@RoryAlsop Ohio
now I need to browse all the way over there
so, yeah. Never thought I'd be reading an Intel CPU datasheet.
@AviD hipster
(well, except for back when I was doing their security reviews...)
@RoryAlsop Wow, so a lot's changed since lunch. We're not looking nearly so green right now.
@AviD Just the datasheet ? Not the complete manual ?
actually just looking for some voltaging details.
@ThomasPornin hmm, yeah, I think its that.
@ScottPack hahaha - none more green
@ThomasPornin actually had a question for you about that - why would I need to use the AESIMC instruction?
@ScottPack I blame vptimmy
@AviD Ah, you are looking for the optimal voltage, which will make the CPU suffer the most without actually killing it ? I like this thinking.
@RoryAlsop This entire area used to be several overlapping blue fields. So, yeah, we're making headway.
@ThomasPornin Pretty much :D
@RoryAlsop It's definitely him. I don't know who that guy is, but he just seems to drive around whacking everything.
@ScottPack students! His res placement is shocking :-)
@RoryAlsop hmm?
@ThomasPornin actually optimal is a tradeoff between: (1) effect on performance, (2) stability (3) heat (4) power usage. In that order.
@ScottPack Look where his res is on the Bicentennial of the Northwest
far too close. Same with the Sundial and the gateway
and apparently some voltages affect the stable range of other voltages. so theres that.
@RoryAlsop I don't think I know what you mean
@ScottPack You know to always walk as far away from the portal as possible before placing your res. This makes it much harder for an attacker to XMP'em
@AviD Re: Ingress - Don't accuse the factions of taking it religiously - that's sort of like dissing a sports team because they have some crazy fans. I've seen lots of passion but nothing ruder than trash-talking. I have seen folks having good fun playing roles, and I have heard of an occasional individual who goes overboard, and of course there are assholes like always.
@RoryAlsop Ah, so the burst radius covers fewer. Sure, that makes sense.
@ScottPack yup
@RoryAlsop How can you see how far away they are?
@nealmcb of course.
@ScottPack here's the sneaky bit - there are a few plugins for the intel map. They also show where people have attacked or placed res recently, so you can track them
I'll send you a link
Oh cool
But I find the storyline behind it fascinating. It is helping folks grapple with what the signgularity will/would mean.
@AviD: aesimc is used to compute the subkeys for decryption. It is handy if you often switch keys and you use the block cipher in decryption mode.
If you use CTR, or a mode based on CTR (e.g. GCM or EAX), then you never need to use the block cipher in decryption mode, and therefore have no use for aesimc.
ah! I see, thanks.
@RoryAlsop That 404ed for me. I think you mean github.com/jonatkins/ingress-intel-total-conversion
@nealmcb yes - I am only recently catching up on this. Was playing for two months before realising nianticproject website existed
@ScottPack Oooh - good point. Need to update the Enlightened Scotland tips and tricks page
@ScottPack it also colour codes portals so you can see their health, gives you distance circles for your links and a whole lot of other good stuff
And tells you how much AP is available for each side - eg when I zoom in on the campus, I see 34k available for us, and 5k available for smurfs
@RoryAlsop if you call them smurfs, what do they call you? Telletubbies?
@AviD frogs/toads
For security or puzzle fans who don't like walking or don't feel drawn to one faction or the other, Ingress has a regular stream of puzzles that yield clues that get folks gear in the game. E.g. Niantic (google) will post images with odd metadata or low-contrast features that can be decoded into codes for use in the game.
@nealmcb havent read all the way thru (looks very interesting!), but if XM can influence and inspire the human mind, anything they discover about it, from that point forward, should be subject to skepticsm. Even the skepticsm should be viewed suspiciously.
@nealmcb our crypto guys have got us some great stuff. I have an L8 Portal Cube waiting to be used sometime - from one of the puzzles
@RoryAlsop ah. Is there any room for a 3rd party? Unaffiliated? Anarchists?
@AviD not yet, but who knows...
We could choose red as our color, and you guys can all call us telletubbies.
We dont care which side wins, we just want to Burn your planet.
@AviD Of course there is. The whole world, real and cyber, is an opportunity for folks to build on top of it and create emergent phenomena, including new styles of play, new rules for subcultures, new alliances and factions, etc. Emergent phenomena. An API seems to be in the works. Opportunities galore.
now we just need support on non-android platforms ;-)
@RoryAlsop +1
that is from our big battle - not long after I started
@AviD Yup. Skepticism is always in order. Like what are they doing with all that data on how people move around the cool places in the world.
(oops that should have been planet, not world.)
@nealmcb - did you say there was a public writeup
of the Wallace Monument Klue battle?
@nealmcb hahaha, I meant in-game lore, but yeah that too.
@nealmcb and possibly also who connects with who in person (ie for L8 portals), how far people will travel, battery life and connectivity stats etc
hmm, wanna pop up a question on the site regarding privacy implications from ingress? It would go ballistictrain.
@AviD could be fun!
@ScottPack - for more info: iitc.jonatkins.com
has some documentation etc
@AviD Well, anyone can go ballistic speculating about the evil any site or app could do. I'm not sure what the useful / relevant question would be.
@AviD Why not - I'll go do it now
I have one
@RoryAlsop Going through docs now. I installed the plugins but they don't seem to be in use.
@ScottPack count one infraction @ScottPack for ambiguous Rory'ing :op
If it's crap, feel free to (what's the opposite of reptrain) me
@RoryMcCune Whatevs
@RoryAlsop Offensive flags?
@nealmcb exactly. perfect fodder for a reptrain.
@TerryChia it's my missus that has the montage of Windows CD's. She's got all of them apart from (AFAIK) ME
@AviD And reputation whoring is.... "useful"? "relevant"?
ah, thats right - the fellows here have been trying to suss out the formula in creating a super-popular question. Good for rep, good for bringing in new users, good for badges, and especially good for rep for the answerers.
@RoryMcCune that's okay, Windows ME wasn't very good anyway.
@AntonyVennard this is true...
@nealmcb no, not at all. We've discovered that one attribute of a reptrain question is that it typically a very poor question, but not quite closable.
It's not for nothing it is sometimes referred to as "Mistake Edition".
Ahh - I see Ingress has already been discussed here :)
Q: Ingress RFC1918 spoofing: How to handle it?

3moloI've seen packets originating from RFC1918 addresses from two fairly large european ISP's (ASN1257 & smaller ASN35706) coming in on eBGP transit links lately, and I'm a bit puzzled why it wouldn't be dropped by an ACL first entrance in my ISP's network (or really, entrance in ANY ISP's network). ...

@nealmcb we always get a long tail of new community members who remain
Actually quite relevant in a way
and an uptick in general activity
@nealmcb didnt realize it had been around for so long...
thought it was very new.
@nealmcb ah hahahah, okay, now I read the question.
@AviD :)
@AviD More strictly, it is a question that is easily approachable by people not necessarily avid Security professionals and is worded in such a way to generate an immediate opinion.
If it can be tied into temporally relevant news features all the better.
hey! thats ambiguous avid'ing.
@AviD Not at all. Your face is ambiguous.
heh. avid Security professionals. I think this is the term that should be used all the time from now on.
so I'm reading about the gameplay. WP states: Each portal may be equipped with up to eight Resonators and four Mods. Does @RoryAlsop count as two?
@AviD hahahahaha
Mods are (currently) just shields - which prevent attackers getting useful items from a hack, and help notify you when your portal is under attack
Who mods the mods? And who shields us from all those rude bursts?
@AviD - this game is how I toured Tel Aviv on my first day there - and it took me to a wide range of amazing monuments, statues and locations a tourist would want to see
@RoryAlsop I haven't heard that shields affects gear from hacks - say more. But do they increase the damage from the portal to enemy hacks?
@RoryAlsop thats pretty cool. Did you get to look up from your phone at all...? ;-)
@AviD Why would he want to do that?
@AviD yeah - used it as a general navigation aid. At least the first day. Then most evenings I would head out for an hour round the local portals and turn em green:-)
@AviD Aye - it's a source of info and distraction at the same time.
@nealmcb Much like Wikipedia.
@nealmcb Local lore (from people testing) seems to show that your odds of getting an item drop when more shields are in place. And as you say, the hits you get are harder.
And the Internet in general, for that matter.
But their "Field Trip" app comes from the the same team.
Nice for tourism
@AviD The one evening I failed to do much portal hacking I was in a bar with someone.....
@AviD Indeed
shouldnt have let that stop you
Bars and restaurants within range of portals will grow their clientele
@AviD I know my priorities. There was a big battle in Edinburgh at the weekend. But there was a beer festival round the corner from me. no contest
hehe. like @nealmcb said, bars should be in range of portals.
or rather, perhaps, portals in range of bars.
"Hey! There's a portal at the bottom of my beer bottle! Somebody help me hack drink this!"
@AviD new business plan - set up a bar next to every major monument/statue or art gallery ... profit!
hmmm... @AviD how did you get strikethrough?
@TildalWave MAGIK!!! I'm kidding, its not magik
Q: Ingress collects a lot of data - what impact could this have on my privacy or security?

Rory AlsopThe Augmented Reality game from Google, Ingress, has players travel to specific GPS locations to destroy and rebuild virtual targets, link locations, and team up with other players in order to carry out missions. There are some immediate implications which all players are aware of, such as the r...

@RoryAlsop lol
@RoryAlsop Well, this is annoying. I can't get any of those scripts to actually run. I call shenanigans.
@RoryAlsop Yes! :)
--- magik ---
(with a few small edits by me - though I remain skeptical about the appropriateness)
@ScottPack hmm - do you have Tampermonkey installed?
and are running google chrome?
@RoryAlsop I do. I tried them first without. And yes, I'm using Chrome.
@ScottPack Did you reload the page? Were you clever about where to find the new feature?
Which feature are you looking for?
@nealmcb good edits. I added a few tags too.
@nealmcb Yes mom, I reloaded.
@ScottPack Exit chrome and start it again, then go into Ingress.com/intel. Then in the tampermonkey icon you have the option to enable each plugin
@RoryAlsop I have to restart after installing them? This is getting complicated.
I wish my mom would be so helpful :) I wonder about the need to restart.
@nealmcb good edits - thanks. I am with you on the appropriateness - but it is on privacy, and it is accessible, and it hopefully is a topic of interest to a wide group that may include some who stay...
@nealmcb I'm not sure either, but it is worth a try
Mainly I remember having to look hard for the new UI for many features
@RoryAlsop I posted the link on SE's FB page ;-)
Restarts can cause loss of data and other problems, so I often avoid them for days.
Interestingly, I just discovered you can alter the date noted on FB posts.
Yet another reason I'm not on FB.
@RoryAlsop You are destroying my calm.
So the trick, apparently, is to install the Intel Map Total Conversion script as well
@ScottPack ahh - yes. Thinking it maybe says that at the top of the github page... maybe
@RoryAlsop Unlikely.
ahem. From the site:
oh, hang on - misread that
I think we're done here.
@lynks awk
@JeffFerland cut
heck, i still do some "text parsing" in vim for one-offs.
oh, @nealmcb - just in case you were wondering about me, I'm not very worried about the data I provide google. They have lots of other stuff about me, but it just seems like a way to bump the site's profile a little.
@AviD there is an FB page?
@RoryAlsop surprisingly, its at: facebook.com/stackexchange
@JeffFerland yep - vim is always an essential for me. Mostly because I can never remember the exact syntax for awk :-)
@AviD hahahahaha - fair enough
@RoryAlsop yeah - if we get a couple of great answers, it could eventually be a resource pointed to by some of the ingressians.
@RoryAlsop ` | awk '/searchstring/ {print $1,$2,$NF}'`
@AviD Oh, dood :-)
@ScottPack ;-P
hehe. Like I said, I don't exist on facebook.
Though it is possible my avatar will be recognized by some of the locals.
@RoryAlsop Anything more complicated goes to perl.
@AviD That non-existent person should friend this guy: facebook.com/pages/The-Insidious-Doktor-Mayhem/…
@RoryAlsop I dont do friends!
besides, I already liked the metaltech... people might start to wonder ;-)
hahaha - it's more of a page
@AviD and @Jefff - did you see @Hendrik's comment in TL?
@RoryAlsop Neither can I. I keep two cheat sheets on my desk: the output of tx2tregex --showmeta (which meta characters need to be escaped in which regex parsers) and my favorite awk cheatsheet
@RoryAlsop I did. I think I'll ask staff before doing that, even though I agree they're all crap.
@JeffFerland cool - Shog will give the definitive answer as usual :-)
@JeffFerland yeah, but I dont think they necessarily socks - just a bunch of crap cowirker marketers.
@AviD yarr - that's what I thought too
@RoryAlsop Who?
Mmm... on that theory, I'll leave them.
@ScottPack Spammy accounts.
@ScottPack you know - the ninja mod
right - gotta feed my eldest 2. Later folks :-)
Just browsing the Infosec Europe exhibitors and found out that Checkmarx are based 27 floors below where I had lunch one day @avid - wish I had known, I'd have popped by
Havent spoken to anybof the guys there
heh. Yeah, they like doing the conf rounds, trying to ge the word out.
They are horribly underrepresented in corporate mindset.
@AviD I generally do my bit when presenting about static analysis by pointing out that they're massively cheaper than their two main competitors :)
@RoryMcCune are they? Considering the corporate package discounts given by those two competitors, I usually hear that Cx is considerably more expensive.
@AviD well not last time I costed it for a co'. IBM were coming up on £80-90k for an install and checkmarx were a lot less...
although that was initial costings so could have changed at order time...
interesting. Good to know!
Besides quality, I always point out the ongoing TCO (I know, buzzword alert) for e.g. fortify needs to take into account the time spent running it and filtering the crap out, often a full time position. Whereas with Cx (aside from initial setup) you can even run it in place by the devs.
@AviD and @Jefff - should we delete that question on Interpol then? It has stacks of downvotes, and two flags to delete. We have one answer, which is decent...
@RoryAlsop for deletes, its always about the answers. That said, I am of to minds as to the redeeming value of that answer. Which is why I left it to my betters.
@AviD heh, note I said 'decent' not 'amazing' :-)
@RoryAlsop aw hell, reading some of his comments, and looking at his other posts... I think we should skip the delete and just go straight for the DESTROY...
@AviD I would not complain if you did :-) His highest scored post is 2 and he has a 0, all others are quite badly negative!
in fact he only has two questions not closed :-)
oh, missed that one. Thought his highest score was -4.
hmm, also didnt realize he basically asked the same question twice - once about interpol and once about US.
before we delete, should we merge? yknow, just to f**k with him.
@RoryAlsop just deleted both of them.
@AviD :-)
who are you two talking about? :O
btw @Polynomial I believe VAT does exist in U.S., you just dont pay it seperately. And the death penalty only exists in some states. Like Texas.
@TildalWave yo momma, of course.
@AviD neah her questions would be highly supported... such as why oh why did she have me :)
@AviD funny (404)
@TildalWave lol I KNOW! buwahaha! ;-)
@AviD watch it mister! :)))
@AviD - someone roused shouty bear :-)
hehe, wasnt me! I never touched the treasure!
oh wait, is that bears or dragons?
@TomLeek @LilBear - have at it - security.stackexchange.com/q/34448/33 :-)
@AviD mmm dragons... Khaleeeeeeesiiiiiiii
@TomLeek oups I didn't vote enough today yet sry... I'll repent in a minute
@TildalWave ... and trip the serialvoting script.
@AviD hmmm no I'm not going by posters... I'm still doing my masters in rep train questions :)) (reading by votes ;)
@TildalWave then get on that ingress :)
@AviD I have no information about it :( plus, @nealmcb answered it pretty good
@TildalWave agree. the other answer was pretty good too.
But that's not the formula for reptraining!
@AviD didn't manage to read it yet... I have 26 votes left for the day (less than 3 hours left) and that's a lot of reading ;)
yup it's a good answer +1ed that... tho nobody touched that point you were talking about here before... you know, bars and portals :)
I'm curious what a MiTM could do to it also
@TildalWave bartals?
are beers really just XM in liquid form...?
@AviD XM?
@TildalWave that's the magic stuff leaking through dimesnions that started the whole thing. niantic.schlarp.com/investigation:characters:lore
@AviD oh, the gowd particle?
yeah that
while we're on CERN... do you remember who was mocking the switching on of the LHC? some standup comedian I believe... you know, the press the button, plug your ears, kneel and pray to God gig
could have been a woman even... Ronni Ancona?
@RoryAlsop @nealmcb - can't wait till they make Ingress: The Movie.
That was quite fast actually -- all out of votes for the day :)
bears, neil, rook, both rorys, avi, and I believe maker7 and d.w. were nominated
oh and jeff and tuna... some others got my votes before already :P (the usual suspects mostly, and some questions)
can I go back to watching GoT now? :P
@AviD Indeed
wow nudity :)))
first time I visted the red light district in Amsterdam today, it was quite fascinating at how high the silicone level of these girls is

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