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@D3C4FF hmm. I dont like not understanding everything.
so I'm working on lowering the PLL. I think it might be lowering the temps by a couple of degrees, but its hard to tell what is the effect of the PLL and what is just because of the change in ambient temperature.
not much is consistent, either.
Whats the PLL set to at the moment @AviD?
PLL 1.6, vcore 1.2, x44. Temps steady at under 80C at stress.
Like I said, plenty where to push, but I'm trying to understand what each dial does.
so far, not so much.
@AviD My understanding of PLL is that it shouldn't have any real impact on temps
@D3C4FF oh? read on overclockers to lower it as much as stability allows, which should reduce heat.
well, really, any extraneous wattage pumped in adds to heat, so removing it should lower it.
i've been doing some reading and haven't found anything other than, yeah maybe 2-3 degrees if your lucky.
@AviD That's the logical assumption :P
Also. It sounds like getting a stable OC with a vcore of 1.2v is rather impressive!
Sounds like you got a good chip?
hmm. okay, so say I lower it to 1.5, or whatever is stable. what else can I do to lower temps?
@D3C4FF yeah? cool!
@D3C4FF or maybe I'm just awesome that way :-)
@AviD whats your ambient temperature?
well, I havent run an overnight burn-in yet.
Your in israel or something yeah?
but running torture for an hour or two, gives a good indication.
@D3C4FF Yes. I think now its between high 20's during the day, and low 20's at night.
(indoors, of course).
Ah okay, so not a crazy climate.
It varies here wildly between 44 deg C during the day (in the shade) and around 0 deg c at night
Which can actually really fuck with your overclocking ability
@D3C4FF well, it is still spring.
@D3C4FF I'm sure...
but once it gets that hot, I'll be running the AC anyway.
You should hook up your CPU to an AC unit directly, put it in a vaccum sealed ice box... and feel the glory that is -70 degrees C of CPU
seriously, go get the OC proposal going...
@AviD @TildalWave seems to be having a solid go at it. Maybe we should try what SF suggested? Post to SU and see what kind of responses we get/
yeah. I'll try to add a few there too, see if you fellows have a go.
2 hours later…
@D3C4FF Interesting question about multiple vendors.
I'm not really sure it comes down to security concerns. Rather - price and convenience.
@TerryChia Yeah, i'm curious to hear what the general consensus is. There are heaps of other factors but in regards security related concerns i'm interested to see what arguments there are
Once again, it seems to be a really slow day on sec.se
@AnujKaithwas Hello
hello @D3C4FF
@AnujKaithwas How are you?
2 hours later…
@nealmcb my game name is doktormayhem. Here we are on very good terms with the smurfs, after every big op there is a meetup in a local pub, and cakes are brought. We also have a training area agreement where nothibg over L2 is to be built in George Square in Glasgow, in order to help the new folks.
We also accompany L1s out for an early foray, weakening portals so they can get the AP for taking them out
And our L8s coordinate the big ops
Getting everyone involved
@RoryAlsop that is just so... civilized.
Playing games, having fun, not getting religious fanatic all over someone else for being on the, by definition required, other team, of a game. Shocking.
I guess getting everybody drunk helps with that.
Though I would have expected the Resistance to be the natural enemies of the Scots. And also the Enlightened are natural enemies of the Scots.
The resistance are blue (hence smurf) and the scots like the colour blue...
There is the odd cheating type, but they get jumped on from both sides
which are the good guys?
or is there not enough backstory
Obviously it's us, the enlightened. Called frogs or toads by the resistance
The resistance say they are the good guys, protecting the earth
do people not jump back and forth between teams?
The back story is actually pretty well thought out - niantic project.com
There have been a couple who switched, but all amicable - both to fit in with spouses
2 hours later…
@RoryAlsop What's this game then?
@Polynomial dunno, something about couple swapping. Must be a Scottish thing.
@Polynomial ingress it's an Android game that ties to real world locations..
It's pretty much all @RoryA talks about now.
it does look really cool, but I cant imagine investing that much time in it. Then again I'm not a hardcore gamer, so I guess this is closer to that.
I'll check that out. Looks good.
Also I find the religiosity of the factions, judging from some of the things @ScottPack and @nealmcb have said, to be quite a bit stupid.
@Polynomial Augmented reality is awesome.
anyone got an insta-invite, or will I have to wait?
Too bad its android only.
@AviD This.
Can't play on my iPhone. :(
@AviD Augmented reality games always remind me of Total Immersion from Red Dwarf
I'm sure it would be even more awesome on google Glasses.
@AviD Get with the times! iFail is for kids and hipsters :P
@Polynomial ahem. I aint no apple fanboi.
@AntonyVennard "Well, sir, this is Better Than Life!"
@AviD kekekeke
there are more than 2 mobile platforms... ;-)
guess again :D
@AviD ooh good point, you know I bet that's where they're going with this...
its me, @Iszi, and Mrs.@RoryMcCune.
HP WebOS? :P
Windoz Fone
now now WP8 is actually quite a good phone platform...
yeah I know, I'm just winding him up ^^
oh speaking of which, @Iszi and @RoryMcCune - Facebook Home no it's Windows Phone
plus if I actually diss it I know Marion will hit me with a Surface.
@Polynomial heh, its cool, I'm not a MS fanboi either.
I aint nobody's boyyyy
lol, me too, me too!! Surface sucks!
@AviD Except your mother's, of course.
(subtle yo momma joke is subtle)
@Polynomial no, I've disabused her of that notion long ago.
@AviD You abused your mother? Vile!
she talks to my wife whenever she wants something...
@Polynomial heh, yeah, should have seen that one...
@Polynomial she might hit you with both of them as she's taken to carrying them both (in case one runs out of charge...)
@RoryMcCune One might argue that therein lies a potential performance issue ;)
@Polynomial I just happen to like certain MS products, for my specific needs, but not without consideration of the alternatives.
@Polynomial well yes
also, wouldn't it be cheaper and lighter to just buy a battery pack? :P
@AviD Sure. I do the same. Running Win7 on this box with BT5 and FreeBSD VMs for when I need that stuff.
@Adnan :genius:
@poly I can send you an invitation if you like
@Adnan made my day :) I see you're putting your new privilege to good use hehe
@Adnan BTW that comment should be flagged for disclosing personal information ;)
@TildalWave Already have.
@Adnan added mine too... just in case, the review queue on SO is probably looooooong
@TildalWave To be honest, I don't see them as privileges. I'm not privileged when I offer my help to the community. The community is privileged to have people willing to spend some of their time maintaining the site.
@Adnan oh c'mon say it as it is... you know you want to! :P (hint: should be "The community is privileged to have me here.") :))
what the? when did that minstry of defence get 15 stars? :O when were here 15 people? LOL
@TildalWave Well, I wouldn't exactly put that way. We're all privileged to have The Bear to write some neat answers, to have Rory, AviD, and Jeff moderating, to have Terry correct our spelling mistakes, to have Poly with his witty comments. (and all the others). Together, we all make The Community. I refuse to think that offering helping is a privilege, especially in this case since we're all doing it for free.
@Adnan Why am I the spelling nazi around here. :(
I corrected you once!
Maybe two times. MAX!
@TerryChia Twice.
@TerryChia That's okay, I'm just an "other". SNIFFLE.
@TerryChia But still, you're our little spelling Nazi.
@Adnan Ah see, now you hurt @AntonyVennard's feelings. That won't do. Go get your cactus to make it up to him.
@TerryChia Actually, now you mention it, my feelings are fine...!
@Adnan word!
@LucasKauffman @AntonyVennard Any other ctf-ers in here: plaidctf.com
@Adnan you forgot @ScottPack offering snark.
@TerryChia Well, we don't really see @AntonyVennard that often here.
@AviD God damn it! Now this is gonna bite me in the ass.
@TerryChia Ooo.
@Adnan Just threaten them with a cactus.
@TerryChia captured! just open the page in IE :))
@TerryChia Fancy countdown.
@AntonyVennard What cactus? I know no such thing.
Wanna go for it?
@TerryChia Oh please, after you.
@Adnan The CTF. Not the cactus.
@TerryChia I think I'm still scared since the last one we did, but yeah, why not.
@AntonyVennard Heh. This time we need more people.
@TerryChia Yes, true. Count me in if we have more than just us!
@Polynomial, @Gilles, @LucasKauffman.
Maybe @TildalWave and @Adnan will like to join us this time?
@TerryChia Friday evening... hmmm... thinking about it
Why in heaven's name did they put it on Friday? They have no life?
There are even cash prizes in the (very unlikely) event we win.
@TildalWave Probably because a lot of people who might want to take part work during the week?
@AntonyVennard yup that would be it... didn't realize there's prizes... cool I'll try my best to make time for it
@TildalWave Yeah, I'd find it impossible to do one over say Tues-Thurs !
@AntonyVennard OK, who will register? We only need one account per team
@TildalWave Not sure and I don't mind - @Terry?
@TerryChia Hmm.. looks interesting. How can I find more info about it?
@TerryChia I checked it, but no actual info
Info will probably be released when it starts
Apply to the room, i'll grant you access.
Oh, I can just grant you without you applying.
@TerryChia and how can I do that?
@AviD heh good one... I've also noticed YouTube added tape mode LOL
@TerryChia oo, how much cash? if its worth my while, maybe I'll come ensure that we do win.
@AviD 1st: 4k, 2nd: 2k, 3rd: 1k.
anyone got an invite code for Ingress?
I think @RoryAlsop.
@RoryAlsop ooh yes plx :P
lucaskauffman on April 15, 2013

A few weeks ago the anti-spam provider Spamhaus was hit by one of the biggest denial of service attacks ever seen, producing over 300 gbit in traffic. The technique used to generate most of the traffic was DNS Amplification, a technique which doesn’t require thousands of infected hosts, but exploits misconfigured DNS servers and a serious design flaw in DNS. We will discuss how this works, what it abuses and how Spamhaus was capable of mitigating the attack.

A short refreshment of the DNS protocol. We have different types of DNS servers, namely: …

@TerryChia not per person right? and this is US$?
@AviD Per team obviously. :P
And yes. USD.
@TerryChia lessee, simple math. Doing the CTF would take about 10 hours, is that right?
4 person team, means about 100$ an hour.
not too bad, but it is speculative - no guarantee to get any at all.
@D3C4FF ... and I answered 1579 of them.
Goddamn math.
@AviD It last for 48 hours. But I don't think anyone is making a living of winning CTFs.
@ThomasPornin whaaa? over 6000 that you DIDNT?
@TerryChia yeah... If I get paid for it, I dont do it for fun.
Meh, it's a learning opportunity for me.
I would take part even if there isn't a prize.
@AviD Well, yeah, I must not spoil them all. Where would be the fun ?
Hmm, what I said is not always true. I do program for fun, sometimes, and research, etc happens often.
This would especially not be the case if I was a gigolo.
@AviD You mean you aren't one?
42 new vulns, 39 remote exploitable.
@TerryChia heh. Are you looking for one?
@TerryChia @Jefff I agree.
@jeffferland @TerryChia is right - you need to fix #Java.
(pssst hey @everybody - you should all post @jefff a message about that...! ;-) )
You can't just pray to the computer god! You must also dance with a goat. Bad news--it's a slow dance. And the song that you dance to must be "Muskrat Love." — Nosredna Aug 4 '09 at 0:40
@AviD s/goat/bear
@TerryChia that would really be messed up, considering the next comment...
Of course, the worst part is looking the goat in the eyes, knowing that there's an altar and knife in the next room.... — Babu Aug 4 '09 at 2:14
@AviD It actually fits perfectly. It's the worst part since the bear is gonna sacrifice you on the alter.
@TerryChia exactly, you dont want to be dancing with the bear if he's going to sacrifice you. It would mess up your two-step.
@Lucas Really, wow. One of the best explanations online. +10!
Speaking of which. Anybody has any idea about why Spamhaus-size DNS Amplification attacks aren't more widely used?
@Adnan With DNS amplification attacks you get something like a 10x - 30x increase in bandwidth, so a 300Gb/s DDoS using DNS amplification would be at least a 10Gb/s DDoS attack without it.
@Adnan they are, but the source bandwidth is usually low enough not to matter.
@Ladadadada Which is easily manageable by the charismatic Anonymous . All they need to do is Tweet some LOIC-like tool and it will be downloaded by the thousands.
But also DDoS attacks usually only get as large as is needed to knock the service offline. Last year I was knocked offline by 70Mb/s. (But it was the number of packets, not the bandwidth that broke our firewall.)
so the average DDoS might push ~50Mb/s, giving ~1Gb/s after amplification.
@Adnan I wat?
@Polynomial Really? 50Mb/s only? I've always thought it would be far more. Good to know
If we had upgraded our firewall, I have no doubt the attackers had more bandwidth available to them.
@Adnan I'd be tempted to write something like that, just so it gives people the incentive to properly configure their DNS servers.
@Adnan most nodes are going to be home connections that have malware on them. up speeds are usually pretty awful.
I'd love to see a post on the Google Security blog about what they do to avoid being part of DNS amplification attacks.
@Polynomial Jihaaa.. alright alright, the up speed thing skipped me.
@Ladadadada If one client is asking for too much, they ban them for a while. Simple.
I guess it's probably not much more than rate-limiting single IP addresses.
even my 100Mbps connection only has ~20Mbps up.
and most people still aren't on more than 20Mbps down.
@Polynomial I guess connections here are different. Here it's more common to have those connections that have upload same as download (I don't know the exact term)
@Adnan symmetric.
god damnit Trent Reznor, stop making me depressed at work
@Polynomial Yes yes. I don't think I know anyone with asymmetric connection.
Hmph. I just realised I'm on the slow connection at work. The guys downstairs have a Gb line. I get 40Mb on speedtest.net.
@Ladadadada Oh! The humanity! I'm sorry for you :p
@Adnan in the UK / USA it's pretty common to get very asymmetric connections, such that upload speeds are only just enough to keep up with ACK overheads.
@Adnan It's pretty much the norm in the UK (to have asymmetric).
@AntonyVennard @Antony As far as you know, how are the prices?
in the UK?
Australia is having a big argument about whether we go ahead with the national FTTH proposal or switch to a FTTN compromise.
@Polynomial and, Jesus! So depressing.
@Polynomial Yes
I pay £35/mo for 100Mbps.
well, £30 for now. £5/mo reduction for the first 6 months :)
@Adnan Depends on who you're with, really. I think £20/month is normal for consumer broadband. It gets more expensive if you go for cable or BT Infinity (which is fibre to the cabinet, and might get you up to 80Mb/s theoretically).
@AntonyVennard I'm on Virgin. Fibre to door.
@Polynomial Yeah okay ;)
BT is kinda always going to be a bad choice for cable, since they have to lease the lines from Virgin.
so they'll be more expensive or have worse service. that's the only economy they can manage.
But, @Adnan, cable isn't available everywhere in the UK, so some of us can't actually have cable even if we wanted it, without persuading Virgin to dig up our road.
can get really shitty ADSL for as little as £6/mo, I think... PlusNet maybe?
Likewise, FTTC doesn't go everywhere. Depends on if BT have bothered to upgrade the cabinet in your region.
@Polynomial In my apartment it comes for free (10Mbps symmetric). For 30€ you can get 50Mb/s symmetric.
places like Norway tend to have really good internet infrastructure
@Polynomial Oil!!
central city areas in Japan also tend to have ridiculously fast speeds. like free gigabit ethernet in hotels.
@Polynomial BT's FTTC isn't too bad these days and better than Virgins business broadband (which is the only way I know of to get a static IP on virgins network)
planing to look at this openreach.co.uk/orpg/home/products/super-fastfibreaccess/… when it comes out
mmm 330Mbps
I can dream...!
@RoryMcCune anyone's business broadband is usually horrible though.
@Polynomial What are you trying to say? That business broadband is home broadband, but slower and more expensive? Outrageous!!
@Polynomial virgins is particularly nasty. 10MBps is the fastest they'll do (even though their consumer product is 100MBps) and if you want to transfer from business to home you have to buy out your contract even though it's the same co.
I really don't understand these companies offering business leased lines for ridiculous amounts of money, and they only do 8Mbps symmetric or something shit like that.
@Polynomial Zen FTTC has been quite good. speeds aren't bad and we get a little netblock of 6 addresses to go with it
how do they make any money? surely companies would just say "nope, fuck it, give me the 100Mbps home line"?
@Polynomial What's hard to understand with these offerings ? They totally make sense.
@ThomasPornin how does a full office of people function on such a meager line?
What's hard to understand is businesses accepting to buy such plans.
@Polynomial They probably have T&Cs saying you can't do that.
@Polynomial By banning youtube on the firewall, mostly.
@AntonyVennard then they should be pwned by anti-trust lawyers.
@Polynomial static IP requirement and "Business level" T&C's plus they won't put the consumer grade stuff into an office address :)
Strangely enough, blocking access to youtube does not seem to decrease work productivity.
@RoryMcCune I just don't understand why they only offer such slow connections. Surely their business grade should be the faster stuff?
@Polynomial ah yeah they do that... and it's much much more expensive :)
yeah, like £800/mo for 40Mbps symmetric
their website is horrible as well, impossible to find actual figures on speeds on offer
But it'll inspire confidence in your customers and... stuff. Hey, read our whitepaper and look at our industry awards we won (for our home broadband service).
TBH the FTTC is fine for us 25Mb/s down 3MB/s up does the job for most stuff.
@AntonyVennard oh god the whitepapers, their website is covered in that stuff
@RoryMcCune Yep. Cloud integration on demand with big data cyber network threats and your speeds may vary.
im pretty confused about the advantages of the 'business grade' leases. so you're getting a guaranteed speed? and a static ip? anything else?
for a fraction of the cost you can have fiber to your building : /
I'm still waiting for FTTWC
What it comes down to is that some businesses will not spend money on anything that does not involve a lot of money. In fact, they don't do money, they do purchase orders and procurement.
@lynks For us static IP is a must as customers need to know the IPs we'll be testing from and they have to be static. What we pay for is waaay cheaper than a dedicated fibre run AFAIK. Even the new FTTP on demand thing that BT are doing is pretty expensive compared to the business broadband style products...
@RoryMcCune yeah I can understand the need for a static ip, all my experience has been with managed datacenters, so ive never had to worry about connectivity.
@D3C4FF have at it:
Q: How to optimize PLL voltage

AviDI am overclocking my Core i7 (Ivy Bridge 3770K), aiming for a moderate overclock. Currently I have it easily stable at a pleasant 4.4GHZ - BCLK defaulted at 100.00MHz, with the multiplier set to x44. While it is currently stable (tested using Prime95 torture test for a few hours), it does gen...

I'll probably be adding a few more over the next few days...
derp @ThomasPornin, it seems that (by my calculation) NIST's recommendations are near-perfect :-p
im sad nobody got my fttwc joke :'(
@lynks ahh lucky lucky :op us small business people have some different problems. that said I have seen broadband into datacenters. Usually run by third parties for support purposes..
@lynks I do now I think about it :)
I have no idea why my answer was accepted over The Bears...
Q: Encrypt then checksum or vice versa?

kmortThis is probably a naive question, but here goes: What is better for security over TCP/IP? Encrypting the payload and then adding a checksum? Checksuming the payload and then encrypting it? Checksuming the payload and then encrypting it, then checksuming again? Something else entirely? And b...

@RoryMcCune hey im a small business person :P we just pay people like rackspace, amazon or hetzner to worry about that stuff for us :P
@lynks ooh can I pick your brains on that then. Any recommendations on where you'd host a dedicated server or VM somewhere that has things like ISO27001/9001 (i.e. things that make auditors happy)?
@lynks you meant TiSP?
@AviD Strictly speaking, the game is a competition between the two sides, so some amount of trash talk should be expected...
@RoryMcCune given that clouds kill kittens, and dedicated servers are due to make a big comeback (any day now) I always point people in the direction of hetzner. but thats pretty much purely down to pricing and reliability.
@TildalWave that is deeply amazing.
@ScottPack trash talk, sure, but in a friendly manner... dont really need to hate the other side.
@AviD Only douchebags hate.
Well, douchebags and sysadmins.
@ScottPack Haters gonn' hate.
@lynks yeah hetzner are mega-cheap, I'll need to check in and see what shiney badges they have :)
@ScottPack hehe
@ScottPack that sounds extraneous ;-)
@ScottPack Why so self-critical?
@RoryMcCune i was about to check, im not sure they actually have what you are looking for.
@lynks yeah it's one of those things if we're audited and we host data somewhere you can usually make the auditor go away by intoning the incantation "our hosting company is ISO27001 certified" otherwise you have to do actual work :)
@RoryMcCune ahh, non-zero work quantities are bad.
@RoryMcCune fyi hetzner are blacklisted on most CBLs that use bad neighborhood policies ;)
@TerryChia I work in Security, yo.
@TildalWave hmm that could be a problem :)
My brain just hurt, reading this post title. Had to share the pain: Ubunto wanting password in dos, when non set
@Iszi LOL
@ThomasP btw, my new smart cards have arrived apparently. Might be able to report something interesting this week. They've taken about 3 weeks to leave france!
@AntonyVennard It takes time to learn how to swim.
@ThomasPornin True. I suppose I'm expecting too much, but they could have just booked themselves on a plane, right?
I also find this really interesting, but as a post it makes me feel VERY inadequate!
Q: Strange CGI file

KeesI'm completely new into perl ( CGI and PL ) files, some things i can take a clue, others not. recently i did find a nice one, mostly encrypted, i did try base64 decode without any results, i hope to find some smart people here who can help me out with this file !/usr/bin/perl require './lib.pl...

Holy crap....
@RoryMcCune I guess it doesn't matter for web servers, but mail might be a problem already... didn't read all your conversation with @lynks, what would you use it for?
@TildalWave we're thinking about testing from a datacenter location. The idea being that we can SSH/RDP to a dedicated server and then run all the tools from there (thus the requirement for ISO27001) :)
it would be useful 'cause then we could test from anywhere with a static IP and also use things like 3G if we lose connectivity.
@TildalWave for what its worth, i haven't had any problems sending mail from my hetzner box. not that i send many emails. plus £2/month per gig of ram is such a great deal.
@RoryMcCune hmm no you'd need a clean source for that, might be better finding ISP that would collocate your own server for some reasonable moneys
@TildalWave yeah that's an option too.. big variances in cost, just investigating at the moment.
@lynks they're cheap yarp... but you can be less lucky with what IP you get to be on
@TildalWave yeah, fortunately thats not so much of a huge deal for me, i pretty much only send out account registration emails and password resets.
I checked my filters and there's 30 Hetzner on-line A.G. ranges that auto-committed to bad neighborhood and a few hundred individual IPs... that's on a small scale SaaS type server
"ex abstracto." I really hope that's real latin :-p
@Tinned_Tuna The usual locution is in abstracto meaning "in an abstract context".
E.g. like "@ScottPack is in abstracto a human being".
@TildalWave what would be the best way for me to see the filter status of my IP? is there a filter aggregation i can look at somewhere?
@ThomasPornin You're a bear to deal with sometimes.
@lynks If you get a bad IP then you might need to wait for CBLs to clear... most common are 60 day blocks, but sometimes you need to send a request on your own
"Ex abstracto" would be translated as "out of the abstract", meaning that the answer cannot be extracted from the purely abstract context it is presented in.
@lynks ipvoid.com for example
@TildalWave danke
@lynks keine ursache ;)
so, we have the nirvana album, In Utero, the Pendulum album, In Silico, and now, In Abstracto
I like this :-)
@TildalWave woot 0/38 :)
@lynks you can try opening my page (on profile)... I'm running more filters... neglect any funny messages if it's blocked, those are my personal musings and they might be sometimes a bit offensive LOL
IIRC @LucasKauffman hit one of those filters of mine and got a message that was intended for some other individual ... the message really wasn't nice, I kinda blushed when I realized and he asked me what I have against his country LOL
Which I don't... beer and chocolates are mighty nice :)
OK, I studied all previous Forbiddenbits CTFs... mostly just heavy obfuscation and not so much of encryption. Who writes them?
@TildalWave That one really kicked our asses.
@TerryChia The red spectrum PHP code injection from a JPeG file? Heh, I bet :)
A: Identifying strange Perl CGI script

Thomas PorninThis script begins by require './lib.pl', which will read and execute the contents of the lib.pl file, from the same directory. Without seeing the contents of this file, your question is (provably) unanswerable. The generic method for reverse engineering is: do things in due order. The script en...

If it would be anyone else that wrote provably in there, I'd have thought it's a typo and should be probably. But it's The Bear's answer, so having any doubt would be utterly misguided :)
Indeed, I really meant provably.
@ThomasPornin Never had any doubts, just found it amusing that I didn't.. so unlike me :) While we're on the subject of Perl... do you happen to know of any useful decompilers for Perl executables?
@TildalWave Perl executables? I always thought perl was a scripting language.
Q: making perl executables on windows

msinfo hi experts, I want to make a executable from simple perl script in dir D:\script.pl (just prints hello world) I want to do this using PAR::pp. I have installed it using cpanm PAR. Could someone show actual steps. As i tried pp -o name.exe D:\script.pl both in cmd prompt and padre, but no success...

@TildalWave Ahhh interesting...
OK maybe not the best link LOL
I blame Google!
So a perl script compiled into a binary is native code? Or does it still require perl to be installed?
@TerryChia from the last time I used that tech (a while back) it compiles the script along with a perl runtime into an exe
so doesn't require a perl install but a small script can be quite big
@RoryMcCune Ahh interesting..
@TerryChia is v. handy when you want someone to run a script on a system, but they won't let you install any software on the box
@RoryMcCune yup, and you can specify import libraries, too... single exe, something I learned to love with Delphi too... OK, not for larger projects, but for what usually comes out of Perl, it's useful
Have I ever mentioned how much I hate writing proposals?
@TerryChia who's the lucky lady? :))
@TildalWave Google.
@TerryChia I did. First result was @Adnan's blog :))))
@TildalWave I don't want no cactus up my ass!
@TildalWave Damn! That's a good one.
Ooooo - down voting the bear!
A: Does mobile send signals when it's off?

Thomas PorninWhen there's no power in electronic components, they do nothing. However, and that's the tricky point, it is nigh impossible to "switch off" modern mobile phones (and computers, for that matter). The power switch is no longer a real, genuine, true-to-the-core power switch which switches power; it...

Looks like the end times...
@RoryAlsop im sure this is directly referenced somewhere in 'revelations'
Hahahaha - there will be a gnashing of fangs and a rending with claws!
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