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@MarkBuffalo Did they also give you cards to protect against fatal lightening strikes? That would have been more useful.
"the shark not only has teeth – he's got tears as well. But since it lives in the briny deep, no one sees them. A shame. After all, this cartilaginous fish is one of the oldest of the world's many misunderstood creatures. A bit more sympathy couldn't hurt!"
@Xander Well, it's a bunch of general rules from Homeland Security
and I'm done :-)
that damn unicorn is too fast
@Ohnana wut
@MarkBuffalo You can frame them, and hang them on the wall with a caption reading: Information Security Exhibit 1: Failure to Properly Assess Risk
@RoryAlsop gg
@Xander It's actually good advice in general
@RoryAlsop I would play that just to leave the initials "ASS"
You never know when someone's gonna go all nuts and shoit some place up
And since that's not a good enough reason for me to play games at work I won't be playing
@DavidFreitag you can't leave initials
@SEJPM Even more of a reason not to play
@MarkBuffalo Yeah, but that's not the point. Keeping your computers in a Faraday cage is good advice for protecting them from some specific risks. Just not from the actual risks that you need to be worried about protecting them from, and are ignoring in favor of the Faraday cage.
@DavidFreitag I used to love playing the original Sega Rally arcade game - my brother and I tried to leave our initials in every one we could find up and down the country
@RoryAlsop That's pretty cool
@Ohnana thanks :-)
@Xander Yeah, I know. But you never know when people will go nuttier than Austin Powers milkshakes
And it's better to be prepared
Boy scouts. Be prepared. Always. Even if it's for an 18,000 foot frog that escaped from a 1000 sqft room
^sounds like a messy affair
@Jacco TWSS?
"18,000 foot frog that escaped from a 1000 sqft room"
that's a tall frog.
@MarkBuffalo hue
That's a strong room.
@MarkBuffalo I certainly agree that it is better to be prepared than unprepared. And reading a few rules on a card is cheap enough preparation that it's probably worth it. What I don't agree with is that it is especially necessary.
@JourneymanGeek sounds like a millipede with an identity crisis
@Xander cant agree there, mate. I do think it's necessary for people to have general advice for this kind of thing. It's becoming more frequent, and you never know when it's gonna happen
@RoryAlsop Hey now! It's a frog now.
@MarkBuffalo with 18000 feet?
I'd rather not have anyone caught with theit pants down when an active shooter shows up somewhere.
@MarkBuffalo heh "with my pants down"
@RoryAlsop huehue. Good catch
@RoryAlsop yeah he might shoot me and the world will see my forbidden nakedness that only my wife is allowed to see
@MarkBuffalo "This is my rifle, this is my gun...."
this is really cool, I might take this out with me next weekend to play
@MarkBuffalo Or he will be startled enough for you to bash him to death with your gonads.
but it feels a lot like cheating
Bahahahahahaha I just noticed that, @RoryAlsop
Typing on this phone is aids
@kalina your new gadget? What is it?
some kind of sequencer?
@MarkBuffalo Again, the chance of this actually happening to you are effectively zero. So the benefits of protecting against it are effectively zero. So you're better off spending your time and energy protecting against other, more realistic risks.
@RoryAlsop traktor s8
it's a controller for traktor dj which is a digital dj solution
so I loaded up a bunch of tracks, it scanned them, worked out the BPM and then basically from there on it's button pressing
you don't even have to mix, it calculates the bpm and does synchronized start
even a dog could mix with this setup
/cc @JourneymanGeek
@kalina definitely cheating :-)
@MarkBuffalo It's a simple question of the effective use of scarce resources. The only reason to spend those resources preparing for an active shooter is emotional, not economic.
I'm struggling to scratch with it but I'm sure I'll work that out over the next week or so
@kalina does it have the Numark code for that?
> maybe not accurate, but I lost my trebuchet in a pink slip race
Just got a message from a friend of mine ^
I don't know, it sounds different to serato and obviously different to scratching with cdjs and even more different from scratching with vinyl
@DavidFreitag worst way to lose your trebuchet
@RoryAlsop Yeah at least if it was burned to the ground you wouldn't have to watch another person drive it around town
@DavidFreitag Too bad he had a slow trebuchet. Shoulda supercharged that thing.
@Xander it's not me I'm worried about. It's others
If I see an active shooter, I will find a way to disable his organic life support functuons.
Or die trying
@MarkBuffalo considering my entire experience with weapons is having air pistols and crossbows as a kid, some silly fun and games with the Royal Marines as a teenager, and the odd visit to the Gun Shop in Vegas, I'd guess my response would be to scream like a girl and hide
I think that hiding is, in general, a better strategy.
less screaming more hiding.
yeah, by screaming you're giving away your position
@RoryAlsop haha, well I understand that
by screaming like a girl you may confuse your adversary though.
now, if you were a skilled ventraqalist...
however that's spelled
a 1st lvl bard spell.
speaking of bard
I'm bored
if we wanted to use magic, I'd want something that turned a gun into a giant stuffed phalloi.
@Xander some people are easily bored
@Xander well my mixing is already basically flawless so it's not like I need to practice, I have accustomed myself with the controls and I like the build quality but since I do not have a night club with several thousand people to hand I have no other use for it at this time
@JourneymanGeek True
@kalina Alright then
I mean I could keep going but really that's just pointless
@kalina you don't? You seriously need to use one as a cover story when you get your supervillan lair
Actually, scream like a girl, and then lure him into a trap thinking he has a free kill. Then pounce on him with the rage of a red headed step child and ragesmash until you can't anymore
@kalina why don't you build one?
You strike me as the person who would do it right
@MarkBuffalo why don't I build a nightclub or why don't I build several thousand people?
@kalina 'yes'
building several thousand people would take longer than my lifespan based on an average of 1.5 children per 9 months
outsouce the problem ?
building a nightclub is expensive and unforgiving and... well, really not worth my time or effort
and ultimately if I were to undertake such an endeavor I would insist on a nice sounding system but then be stuck in a situation where I wouldn't allow the average DJ off the street anywhere near it on account of the average DJ's tendancy to have no mechanical sympathy for the setup and just running everything well into the red because "yay loud"
@kalina SLACKER
which would result in me getting imprisoned for breaking fingers of any DJ who reached for the gain
meh. just hook up high voltage power and zap the DJ when the knob is turned up to 11.
which will leave me equally imprisoned
so I'll leave that stuff to somebody else
@kalina Not enough to kill them, just stun them
that's what you have minions and cloning vats for.
Just a little 12V across the nipples is all it takes
...from experience?
240v to the finger
hurts like a bitch
ought not to kill you
shakes head
meh netflix for a bit
until I overflow with hate for archer
@DavidFreitag "anally"
@Adi Probably best not to say it again.. lol
@DavidFreitag It's cool. The person who flagged me isn't here now
@Adi Who flagged you?
@DavidFreitag I checked a few sources. It seems that the majority of Newegg deliveries don't come from EU
@Adi Yup that makes sense
In fact, I've seen nobody mentions they got a package from Newegg from an EU country
@kalina Yes
The nightclub, haha
@DavidFreitag Are willing to help me more with this build?
@Adi have you ordered yet?
@Adi Certainly
@MarkBuffalo Nope. I'm trying to find a way to save 500 euros from this order.
@Adi You should see how much it would cost for me to ship something to you
@DavidFreitag Not with that
@Adi man that's rough :/
@DavidFreitag After extensive research, it seems that the best prices and shipping options to Finland are offered by this shop mindfactory.de
@Adi Well if you buy it using USD and have it delivered to me, I wonder what the shipping costs to Finland would be.
However, the issue is that not all of the parts you recommended are available there
@Adi Which parts are not available?
@DavidFreitag Customs would still catch them as coming from U.S.
@Adi Ah so you're trying to avoid getting rekt by customs
I thought you were trying to avoid paying the markup
@DavidFreitag Which is why I want to order them from EEA
@DavidFreitag Also that
@DavidFreitag For example, the EVGA card
@Adi Motherboard isn't a huge deal
Unless you mean the GPU
Which also isn't a huge deal
Basically, nothing but the CPU is an integral part of the build
I don't really know how to pick another compatible one
And even then you could go with a 2011-v3 hex core like @RoryAlsop did instead of a broadwell
They don't carry anything from EVGA
@Adi What else isn't carried by those guys?
@DavidFreitag I found all the parts you recommended except the EVGA ones
@Adi So no motherboard and no GPU?
and no PSU
If this is not the same CPU, then no CPU either mindfactory.de/product_info.php/…
(The part number checks out, though)
@Adi Yup i7 6700
Yeah, so only EVGA products aren't there
@DavidFreitag Here's the list you gave if you don't have it chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/151?m=28499256#28499256
@Adi Phew I totally forgot :D
Oh.. and no SSD either :(
That's easy too
"Hersteller" is the manufacturer
That's GPU (way better than EVGA BTW but more $)
If that's too much, there's this one: mindfactory.de/product_info.php/… but watch out that is like a 20" card your case might not be big enough
Nah, price is okay
PNY is the best manufacturer on the market
for GPU's
Now only the Mobo and PSU
@RoryAlsop the preferred order is run, hide, fight
@Adi can I have the link to the ram you have on the mindfactory site?
Also, Chrome's translator just shit its pants
@DavidFreitag <3 ASUS motherboards.
@Xander I prefer EVGA over ASUS for motherboards
ASUS boards are probably slightly better in the long run, but EVGA has a much better offering for USB ports and such
Q: Establishing a Security Bug Bounty Programme for Stack Exchange

Rоry McCuneFollowing on from a conversation with @shog9 on the DMZ, it was suggested to raise this here. At the moment SE has a security contact page which details how to contact SE regarding security issues, but doesn't detail what actions are acceptable / unacceptable by a researcher when looking for pot...

(cc @SmokeDispenser)
@DavidFreitag You would know better than I. I've just personally had good luck with finding ones that had what I wanted, and never had a problem with one.
so I asked on Meta.SE although it turns out it has been asked before about 3 years back
looked to make the case for an actual policy
@Adi Yeah, so that ASUS motherboard only supports up to 2400 speed ram, I'll select some different chips
Ooooh also, this site has GSkill!
Oh no :(
@RоryMcCune Upvoted. Good points made, 'specially the 3rd-party management recommendation.
I was emotionally attached to 3200
@Xander well I could see that was going to be a potential sticking point for them,and hopefully that'll help.. I'd happily go bug hunting on SE for funsies, but not without a cast-iron "this is ok" statement
@Adi Are you also emotionally attached to the heat spreaders being black? mindfactory.de/product_info.php/…
@RоryMcCune Yeah, I don't blame ya.
@DavidFreitag Not really. Just wondering how much better 3200 vs. 2400 is
I guess 2400 is good for what I'm trying to do, no?
@Adi Well judging just based on the clock speed, they are 25% faster, however that does not mean that the 2400 speed chips will by any means be slow. I would say the difference in performance would be almost unnoticeable
Alright. I'll go with 2400 then
@Adi Yeah 3200 is sorta like the best on the market, not many boards support it natively
Alright, I replaced both on my list
Is 650w enough for me?
@Adi Yes, the calculator I used recommended a 450W, I chose a 750W the first time around because it was cost-effective
Also, I'm a bit of an EVGA fanboy...
Alright. 650w it is then
Now we're only missing my sweet M2
The extra 200W will add a healthy amount of head room should you choose to add another GPU or a sound card or... etc.
O effing unikong.
wow their M.2 selection is.... not good.
@Adi OK, so here's the deal, none of the M.2's they have use PCIe, they are all SATA 6Gb/s only
Tildal Wave is an effing professional and an effing good fellow.
@Adi the difference in transfer speeds is 2200MB/s versus 550MB/s
If you're dead set on getting a real M.2 (the PCIe one), and you damn well should be, I would recommend buying one from somewhere else.
@Adi Checked them all, they are all SATA
Oh, sucks
I guess I'll order it from there
@Adi Jesus, 512GB? Yeah that's the one!
@Adi So the thing about that ASUS motherboard is the M.2 slot is hidden under a panel that can be removed with (what looks like) a phillips head screwdriver
Is it a big deal?
Nope just letting you know
It's not totally visually apparent
Well, I guess it's settled then!
Thanks a lot for your help.. again!
Any time :]
Just make sure you take some pictures for me to drool over :d
Will absolutely do
@RоryMcCune thank you for the ping. I have a few minor edits. side channel or just proposing the edit?
@SmokeDispenser go for an edit :)
@Simon lol
@SmokeDispenser Aren't you supposed to be asleep?
@Simon haha, I do that
@RоryMcCune, you may insta-approve to keep the review noise down;)
@DavidFreitag I had a nap.
@SmokeDispenser I don't understand naps. If I fall asleep it's for >4 hours
@SmokeDispenser hokay, how do I do that ?
@RоryMcCune I edit, then tell you to refresh meta, then you can approve the edit from your inbox
@SmokeDispenser sure I can do that , on the site now
Forgot a curly brace, woopsies
@RоryMcCune, there you go
@SmokeDispenser approved :)
@DavidFreitag works great for me. 1 1/2 h and I'm back on track
well I'm going to get some sleep before International stay off the Internet day tomorrow
Abrupt change, at close range, on the firing range, bull's eye, you lie, bye bye Stack Exchange.
@RоryMcCune :-( Hope he changes his mind.
@Xander indeed
@RоryMcCune Really? I don't think that's going to go well for me.
But enjoy your sleep!
@Xander well it's stay off the internet or risk eye strain from rolling at bad april fools jokes!
@RоryMcCune say what?
@RоryMcCune Ah! Yes, that. Good point.
@SmokeDispenser April fools day ... generally means many unfunny jokes and the odd good one on every site known to people
@Ohnana no screaming? Damn...
@RоryMcCune Such a shame.
@RоryMcCune but.. but... rfc!
@RоryMcCune ah hah hah hah
any Reverse Engineering regulars around?
@RоryMcCune I rely on the DMZ to let me know the good ones
wondering if stackoverflow.com/questions/36343003/… would fly there, it's too localized in a way, but it is answerable in a way that would help the asker and provides some teachable information. I know Cryptography wouldn't take it.
might be a duplicate somewhere but good luck finding one that isn't so general as to be unhelpful
@SmokeDispenser Ooooh, yes! I need to remember to look for that! Or just wait for someone to post it here.
@Gilles Yeah, wouldn't fly here. In fact, I think it would be closed as dupe of several that have been closed for non-dupe reasons.
@Iszi “here” meaning sec.se or RE.se? I'm not suggesting sec.se
@Gilles Sec.SE - the main site for this room, hence "here".
@Iszi this room is also where one is the most likely to encounter Crypto.SE or RE.SE denizens, because those sites' chat is pretty inactive
@Gilles True. But "here" remains Sec.SE regardless. :-P
"here" is active because we don't talk about any of those things.
@Iszi I just wanted to make sure, since my question was about “there”, not about “here”
or anywhere
@Gilles Had I meant "there", I'd have said "there". Duh.
@Iszi but then I wonder why you replied, since you weren't answering
@Gilles Call it an indirect expression of gratitude that you weren't trying to get it here.
@Shog9 As a moderator, I will agree to everything Shog9 just said. And in fact, I can state that merging accounts is very rarely done, it was done about 4 years ago several times that weren't true representations of it, and as a result, moderators lost the ability to merge accounts.
What's really the overlap between RE.SE and Sec.SE anyway? I'm not over there often enough to notice.
It was always a scary privilege to have...
@Iszi I don't recognize any of their users on the first page as users here, which kind of surprises me.
@PearsonArtPhoto - I think I once nearly had to use it, but it scared me too much :-)
Woah, anything that @RoryAlsop is afraid of is seriously scary!
@RoryAlsop Twice (Maybe 3 times) since they removed the tool from us, I've sent a request to SE to merge two accounts, when it's pretty obvious, but...
I think I did merge an account or two. I know one mod who suspected people of voter fraud and merged them without doing the due diligence. The power was removed shortly thereafter...
You guys seeing the flags from "The h Bar"?
@Iszi Nope, I'm blissfully unaware of flags.
@RоryMcCune :(
@Iszi The h Bar has been an epicenter for flagging lately.
I missed flags? :(
@PearsonArtPhoto hi
@kalina Hey, what's up?
@PearsonArtPhoto nothing, that incident was possibly me
I enjoyed it a lot.
I have cookie dough ben & jerries
What incident?
so I consider myself winning
@kalina Which incident?
@DavidFreitag the incident I mentioned earlier... gaming mod merging me with two other people mistaking a voting ring for sock puppeting
@kalina Ah.
When did that happen?
many years ago before my account deletion
@kalina I didn't know if you felt responsible for Tilda getting banned and subsequently ragequitting.
@DavidFreitag nah, I did bring up the conversation though
@kalina Yum
I should have considered that in advance
@Xander I know right!
and I think I've finally mixed this track in a way that is commercially viable
which my ears are going to be eternally grateful for
@kalina You're not responsible for what other people say.
because now it's basically finished I am seriously never going to listen to it again
this one has really done my head in
@DavidFreitag no, that's true
Especially if you weren't egging them on...
@kalina I just don't want you to feel bad, he made his own bed.
I went afk after bringing it up and missed the initial drama
so many regrets
also I've been playing with my new toy more extensively
@kalina You are not responsible at all.
@kalina It looks like a ton of fun
and for some reason I keep getting intermittent buffer underruns which causes the music to skip
which is a major deal breaker
but I'm not sure if it's because I'm streaming off an SD card
I will do more testing
I was joking right after you said 'see, what you did there', you know that, right?
my surface pro 4 is underclocked by 50% as well
@kalina Definitely sounds plausible, SD bus is very slow
it could be that
@kalina You could underclock to 10% and still be bottlenecked by the SD card
yeah it depends how intensive traktor is though
for all I know it has a decent buffer and handles this but doesn't have enough CPU to achieve it
we'll see...
Both are equally as likely I think, depends on what's running on the surface.
just traktor on the one that's plugged in
Might want to open task manager and see what you get for cpu usage
WoW: login servers are full
@MarkBuffalo you play WOW?!
@silverpenguin go to ctf room!
@kalina All of my friends started playing again too
that's disgraceful
Their guild is like #3 on their server
@kalina inorite
@HamZa to the ctf cave
fortunately as time has passed people have stopped asking me to be their new guild's healer
@kalina I do indeed
@silverpenguin I don't do that stuff
mythic archimonde on farm. all characters @ 735-744
1 of each class
@MarkBuffalo that is really quite sad
kidding. but I have one of each class. I can level to 100 in like a few hours.
@kalina soz hit k instead of m
it's equally sad that I'm 99% confident I know exactly how much effort you put in
@kalina Pretty much next to no effort?
I haven't even set foot in mythic
@MarkBuffalo well my assumption was on 744 item level being high
but if you're a casual who dungeons then you're basically in full blues
oh right, they give epics out like candy now
which is why I don't play anymore(!)
full candy welfare epics
well if you don't raid that makes it less sad
lowest character is 680. 2nd lowest is 690. then it goes to like 697-722
I wish I could just play WoW to LFG/LFR
I raid maybe a couple times per week
I don't even have my rings
nah, I don't do lfr. I run heroic pugs
@MarkBuffalo nurd
the rule about just taking part doesn't apply to monthly subscription mmos

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