"the shark not only has teeth – he's got tears as well. But since it lives in the briny deep, no one sees them. A shame. After all, this cartilaginous fish is one of the oldest of the world's many misunderstood creatures. A bit more sympathy couldn't hurt!"
@MarkBuffalo Yeah, but that's not the point. Keeping your computers in a Faraday cage is good advice for protecting them from some specific risks. Just not from the actual risks that you need to be worried about protecting them from, and are ignoring in favor of the Faraday cage.
@DavidFreitag I used to love playing the original Sega Rally arcade game - my brother and I tried to leave our initials in every one we could find up and down the country
@MarkBuffalo I certainly agree that it is better to be prepared than unprepared. And reading a few rules on a card is cheap enough preparation that it's probably worth it. What I don't agree with is that it is especially necessary.
@Xander cant agree there, mate. I do think it's necessary for people to have general advice for this kind of thing. It's becoming more frequent, and you never know when it's gonna happen
@MarkBuffalo Again, the chance of this actually happening to you are effectively zero. So the benefits of protecting against it are effectively zero. So you're better off spending your time and energy protecting against other, more realistic risks.
@MarkBuffalo It's a simple question of the effective use of scarce resources. The only reason to spend those resources preparing for an active shooter is emotional, not economic.
@MarkBuffalo considering my entire experience with weapons is having air pistols and crossbows as a kid, some silly fun and games with the Royal Marines as a teenager, and the odd visit to the Gun Shop in Vegas, I'd guess my response would be to scream like a girl and hide
@Xander well my mixing is already basically flawless so it's not like I need to practice, I have accustomed myself with the controls and I like the build quality but since I do not have a night club with several thousand people to hand I have no other use for it at this time
Actually, scream like a girl, and then lure him into a trap thinking he has a free kill. Then pounce on him with the rage of a red headed step child and ragesmash until you can't anymore
building a nightclub is expensive and unforgiving and... well, really not worth my time or effort
and ultimately if I were to undertake such an endeavor I would insist on a nice sounding system but then be stuck in a situation where I wouldn't allow the average DJ off the street anywhere near it on account of the average DJ's tendancy to have no mechanical sympathy for the setup and just running everything well into the red because "yay loud"
Following on from a conversation with @shog9 on the DMZ, it was suggested to raise this here.
At the moment SE has a security contact page which details how to contact SE regarding security issues, but doesn't detail what actions are acceptable / unacceptable by a researcher when looking for pot...
@DavidFreitag You would know better than I. I've just personally had good luck with finding ones that had what I wanted, and never had a problem with one.
@Xander well I could see that was going to be a potential sticking point for them,and hopefully that'll help.. I'd happily go bug hunting on SE for funsies, but not without a cast-iron "this is ok" statement
@Adi Well judging just based on the clock speed, they are 25% faster, however that does not mean that the 2400 speed chips will by any means be slow. I would say the difference in performance would be almost unnoticeable
@Adi So the thing about that ASUS motherboard is the M.2 slot is hidden under a panel that can be removed with (what looks like) a phillips head screwdriver
wondering if stackoverflow.com/questions/36343003/… would fly there, it's too localized in a way, but it is answerable in a way that would help the asker and provides some teachable information. I know Cryptography wouldn't take it.
might be a duplicate somewhere but good luck finding one that isn't so general as to be unhelpful
@Shog9 As a moderator, I will agree to everything Shog9 just said. And in fact, I can state that merging accounts is very rarely done, it was done about 4 years ago several times that weren't true representations of it, and as a result, moderators lost the ability to merge accounts.
@RoryAlsop Twice (Maybe 3 times) since they removed the tool from us, I've sent a request to SE to merge two accounts, when it's pretty obvious, but...
I think I did merge an account or two. I know one mod who suspected people of voter fraud and merged them without doing the due diligence. The power was removed shortly thereafter...