@MarkBuffalo Yeah well the inspectors provided by the realtors aren't always totally unbiased. Get your own trustworthy dude to come in and scope it out.
@MarkBuffalo There are a few possible reasons for this, one is that there is a big nasty issue with the house that they have failed to disclose. If you find something out you could sue them for failure to disclose an issue with the house. That's a bad problem.
@MarkBuffalo Also, when you have your guy come through to inspect it, you should negotiate that either they fix some things or they reduce the price of the house to fix any issues.
@DavidFreitag ADHD in my case (though I preferred when they called my form ADD - I knew one or two people who really put the "H" in "ADHD" and would rather not be associated with that). But it's also prescribed for narcolepsy I think.
@DavidFreitag I was on Ritalin as a kid. Dropped off it 'round high school. Couple years ago started to realize I never really shook the condition and asked the doctor about treatment again.
Main difference I found in Adderall and Strattera was how my brain handles the time between doses. When I'm off Adderall, (dose has run its course for the day - or worse, I forget a dose) I'm really off it. Strattera is a bit smoother.
Think I've mentioned in here once or twice how ADD/ADHD is kind-of a self-perpetuating problem too. Go to reach for the meds when it's time to take them and you end up distracted before you even get the bottle open.
Dead serious, that happens to me more often than not.
i just couldn't imagine having my brain go haywire like that, and not even being able to take my medicine. physical pain is one thing. brain issues are scary.
@Ohnana I take small comfort in the realization that somehow I managed to navigate the decade or so between high school and Adderall without being medicated, with reasonable success.
So, if I miss a dose it can be challenging but I know it's nothing I haven't dealt with before.
Meme: Canonical Time Zone
Originator: Unknown
Cultural Height: Early 2011
Background: American hubris on the part of our East cost users resulted in blanket declarations that EDT/EST (UTC-4/5) would be considered the de facto timezone of The DMZ. This was brought upon by inconsistent time of d...
and as expected @Simon had a #simoning to share... bloke hates my rules
though that comment on your answer is correct. easier to bruteforce hashes to 2 short passwords, than one long one. even if the long one is identical to the 2 short ones.
anybody that has kids will enjoy this - ping @RoryAlsop @Iszi @MarkBuffalo and etc
To give you an idea, one of their recurring gags is a prop character literally known as "Suck-For-A-Buck Girl" (or something similar). Far as I know, we've never heard her speak or found out her actual name.
And since when do the older dates go to the right?
(That said, now realizing that LICD started in 2003 and I was probably following it not long after - and that that's 12 years ago - I'm feeling a little old now.)
Ahaha. Totally forgot about this one. @DavidFreitag To further highlight the depravity of the comic: The first strip is the main character celebrating his latest "conquest" by congratulating his "little guy" on their 50th "anniversary".
A while back @RoryAlsop posted a link to some comic about a magician's assistant or something like that. Now that was depraved. I'm kinda sad I can't remember what it was...
@AviD She got married too? Damn. And "best friends" does not negate the possibility of marriage. In fact, most people would consider that a pre-qualifier for candidacy.