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i got the voting gold badge! next up, fleg bombing
I used to fleg all the things.
@DavidFreitag Hey, where are you you donut?
@Ohnana lmfao
No Dovid today... dude... I'm checking obituaries now
no pls
actually, he may not have power/internet
the east coast just got fucked by a snowstorm
philly got 18 inches
Is it still going on or it was over on Sunday?
over by sunday night
@Simon Busy busy busy
i slipped and fell on my ass twice getting to the subway
@Ohnana Hehehe
@Ohnana TWSS?
@Ohnana how much sner did you get?
let me find the offical measurement
We got 0.0001" of snow
@Ohnana TWHS?
@DavidFreitag 22.4 inches
Over the span of 17 hours we got just shy of 3"
@Ohnana Dayum
it's slippery, but there's enough of it that you make a nice paffing sound when you hit the ground
and it doesn't hurt
37 people dead. wow
@Ohnana Giggity.
@DavidFreitag Ok cool, be busy then.
Also, TWSS.
I'd rather see your busy than dead.
west virginia got 44 inches
@Simon Some of us have to work ya know
...44 inches of snow?
The fuck?
@Ohnana Poor west virginia. I bet they won't walk right for a week
@MarkBuffalo yep
this was a whopper
philly gets about 22 inches a season
I'm so happy that we avoided the snowstorm though.
this was a season's worth of storms in two days
Two years ago we got 5' of snow in the span of a weekend
85 mph winds in Maryland
@Simon Yeah I'm right near you. We avoided it
Three local buildings got absolutely crushed under the weight of that snow
@DavidFreitag A literal collapse?
Tomorrow should hit 5 C.
It would have been a nightmare if we had a ton of snow.
@MarkBuffalo Yeah
@Simon It's 5°C outside right now
thankfully it's 44F right now so everything is starting to melt on the sidewalks
It's like 40 degrees here
@DavidFreitag Oh lawd, heavy snow.
@Simon I didn't even have to shovel
Apartment FTW
@DavidFreitag My apartment makes you plow/shovel yourself
@DavidFreitag Yeah that's the only time where living in an apartment is cool.
awesome huh
Well it was 5°C when I got to work at noon so I bet it warmed up a bit since then
@MarkBuffalo wooooow
@MarkBuffalo That would be illegal here.
The tenant has to take care of that shit.
@MarkBuffalo Is it also non heat/hot water included?
I mean the landlord.
Sigh I'm a mong lord.
@DavidFreitag No water included
@Simon Nah I prefer apartment living
Water/trash = extra
Shoveling... do it your damn self
@MarkBuffalo You got shafted son, and not in the fun hole.
@DavidFreitag implying there is an unfun hole
@DavidFreitag I prefer to be to able to make all the noise I want.
Yep, and the prices are $300 per month higher than equivalent apartments elsewhere
@Ohnana Depends on what you're in to
So I'm locked into an ultra-shitty lease until tax refund day
@Simon Meh, I'm super quiet and I have great headphones.
Could get a place for $350/m less nearby. Dammit. And water/trash are included
@DavidFreitag My landlord lives in the apartment above me, I'm sure that he knows when I fart.
It sucks.
I couldn't be bothered to mow the lawn or do other regular maintenance so as far as I'm concerned getting a house is a terrible plan.
@DavidFreitag You couldn't afford a house on what they're paying you :((((((((((
I also want a garage at some point.
@Simon So? If he doesn't like it maybe he'll spend some money improving it.
but a house would be cheaper + you can hire a company to cut grass, and still pay less than an apartment
@DavidFreitag It's illegal to include water in some places. Code requires it to be sub-metered.
@MarkBuffalo Yes I could, my friend's mortgage is less than my rent...
@DavidFreitag He's cheap as nobs. We're getting out of there anyway.
@Xander Mine is sub-metered, but it's included in my $1050 rent. Same with heat.
@DavidFreitag Ah, nice.
You kids and your expensive rents.
@Simon For a 2 bedroom apartment
I only pay $525
Yes but you split it with someone else.
That implies that you gotta tolerate the presence of another human being not being your donut.
@Xander It's not illegal here. They're just cheap as balls
Damn, I pay $992
And this is too much here
My apartment is huuuuuge
There are literally two entire rooms that I never use
Well, technically 3 rooms
1150 square feet here. It's kind of tiny
@MarkBuffalo Website says 1050 square feet
But for just me it's enormous
That's big for just you
The funny thing is I'm trading for a tiny apartment for $300 more a month
Funny how that works out
My rent is split two ways right now
So technically my rent will be $200 cheaper a month, but what I actually pay will be going up.
You have a room-mate?
It's a long story
we are considering the purchase of a house
rent will go down by $600 per month if we do
It's not a bad plan, it's a good market for buyers
Just get that shit inspected a bunch of times
the realtor flat out told me they're "motivated"
and they've been unable to sell the house for a long time
It's in a really good area
Don't want to sign a 35 year mortgage agreement and find out the foundation is leaking or something
Yea, true
You have to anyway.
@MarkBuffalo so why is that?
there's usually a reason why a house won't sel
@Ohnana It's too close to the black areas
or so I'm told
but I'm like "ligaf"
@MarkBuffalo Yeah well the inspectors provided by the realtors aren't always totally unbiased. Get your own trustworthy dude to come in and scope it out.
@DavidFreitag Agreed, that is what I'd do
@MarkBuffalo hmmm
that doesn't speak to highly of your neighbors
@Ohnana Also, it's smaller than most houses
@MarkBuffalo There are a few possible reasons for this, one is that there is a big nasty issue with the house that they have failed to disclose. If you find something out you could sue them for failure to disclose an issue with the house. That's a bad problem.
@DavidFreitag Yeah, I viewed all the disclosure forms. There's nothing bad disclosed there
But like you said, failed to disclose
@MarkBuffalo Also, when you have your guy come through to inspect it, you should negotiate that either they fix some things or they reduce the price of the house to fix any issues.
@DavidFreitag That's what I do
Also, there is a huge tax lien on it, I think
For example my friend just bought a house and the main sewage pipe was almost completely rusted through
So it's like $1787 per year for taxes for the house, even though it's not going to be sold that high
He made the person selling the house fix it before he would sign any paperwork
@MarkBuffalo Pretty sure you can have someone come through and re-value the house so that doesn't happen
My starting point will be about 65k. foreach (var p as house) { p.problem -= problemCost; }
@DavidFreitag Well, usually there is a government issue in this state
@MarkBuffalo Just remember: the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
They don't want to reassess the property
Agreed :
@MarkBuffalo Yeah because that can backfire, what if the value of the home increases
A bit south, in Detroit, they're doing the same thing
$500 houses with $40k tax liens
You buy that bargain basement house, but you're on the hook for incredible amounts of unpaid taxes and water bills
i mean, that can still be a pretty good deal
Not with a 40k tax lein
just pay it off to the water company in a lump sum
I drove through there and saw the houses. MOst require 40-100k to fix
houses/buildings caved in
@MarkBuffalo Yeah plus the houses that were vandalized
Living in detroit reminds me of Fallout 4 and setting up bases
and there are people living in them
good luck kicking the squatters out. they'll kill you
Not if I surround the house with microwaves that have been "tampered" with.
I think they'll choose moving out over their flesh boiling off
steps away from Dovid
@MarkBuffalo you don't mess with an engineer
@DavidFreitag That reminds me...
2nd Chinese journalist who "disappeared" in Thailand
I bet he's hiding out in one of those lady boy clubs
Xi Jinping is disappearing a lot of people
It's depressing that you can't modify lambda expressions at runtime
@DavidFreitag You need a pig.
@Iszi I do?
Specifically, this one:
(Yeah, I think I might have sprained something there with that stretch.)
@Iszi Hopefully it wasn't your penis (I've heard spraining that hurts quite a bit)
Also, I have no clue what you're on about.
@DavidFreitag lambda
Lamb = young sheep. Babe = sheep-herding pig.
@Iszi What does a baby sheep have to do with a pig?
I think you need to ease of the bong water there bro, it might be affecting you negatively.
@DavidFreitag Hey, I admitted it was a stretch.
@Iszi Yes but you forgot to mention that it wasn't even in the same galaxy as funny
@DavidFreitag ...hence the strain.
@Iszi I can never tell if you're trolling on purpose or you're just obtuse when you haven't had a coffee or something.
@DavidFreitag Actually, I probably could use some caffeine. Mmmm... Psychostick.
Probably time to talk to the doc about upping my Adderall too.
@Iszi You actually take adderall?
I can't tell if you're making an ADHD joke...
@DavidFreitag Seriously. I'd prefer Strattera but that shit's expensive and the patent doesn't expire until next year.
yeah, if you're using caffiene to feel better you should get your dose checked
that's the number 1 sign for a lot of my friends
@Iszi So what is Adderall actually proscribed for?
@Ohnana Oh, no. The caffeine is primarily to combat fatigue due to habitual sleep deprivation.
Speaking of sleep deprivation, I was up until 5am playing JC3
Which I have some complaints about
@DavidFreitag ADHD in my case (though I preferred when they called my form ADD - I knew one or two people who really put the "H" in "ADHD" and would rather not be associated with that). But it's also prescribed for narcolepsy I think.
@Iszi Did you get your prescription as a kid or is it a recent thing?
(btw you don't have to answer any of these)
@DavidFreitag I was on Ritalin as a kid. Dropped off it 'round high school. Couple years ago started to realize I never really shook the condition and asked the doctor about treatment again.
Main difference I found in Adderall and Strattera was how my brain handles the time between doses. When I'm off Adderall, (dose has run its course for the day - or worse, I forget a dose) I'm really off it. Strattera is a bit smoother.
Think I've mentioned in here once or twice how ADD/ADHD is kind-of a self-perpetuating problem too. Go to reach for the meds when it's time to take them and you end up distracted before you even get the bottle open.
Dead serious, that happens to me more often than not.
wow that sounds pathetically awful
i have to say, i am incredibly grateful for my mental health
@Ohnana I'm not crazy... though I'm not sure I can say I've actually been tested for that, either.
Gender-verified, sure. Sanity-confirmed, perhaps not.
i wasn't saying you're crazy
i just couldn't imagine having my brain go haywire like that, and not even being able to take my medicine. physical pain is one thing. brain issues are scary.
@Ohnana I wasn't saying you were saying I was crazy. I was just saying that I definitely think I'm not crazy, despite any lack of empirical proof.
i see.
/shuffles away
on a more serious note, following snowden on twitter was a good choice
@Ohnana I take small comfort in the realization that somehow I managed to navigate the decade or so between high school and Adderall without being medicated, with reasonable success.
So, if I miss a dose it can be challenging but I know it's nothing I haven't dealt with before.
@Ohnana Oh? What'd I miss?
@Iszi I dunno I still kinda question that whole gender verification thing.
@DavidFreitag Take it up with my CA, @ScottPack.
@DavidFreitag do it yourself ᕙ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ
Who, apparently has been absent from chat for some time?
Hey @kalina!
@Snowden @AddieDMena https://t.co/UxxLJk24up
@Ohnana I don't have the imaging equipment to find out if @Iszi is male or not
@kalina \o
@Ohnana LOL
Life with open DMs. https://t.co/x133UYsmPj
@DavidFreitag Oiy! @Simon's condition isn't hereditary! And even then, I'm his ex-dad.
For this, maybe he should be arrested https://twitter.com/Snowden/status/690560342154416128
@Ohnana Hahaha
@Iszi I never said it was a hereditary condition.
yay - think that was my first ever Reversal badge, and a rep-cap on meta.se. Good day :-)
@RoryAlsop Noice
@Ohnana (*)
I'm always surprised by meta
Evening all, anyway
how are you?
@RoryAlsop $diurnal_isomorphism
@Gilles you're about the same timezone as me :-)
(aren't you?)
@Gilles Funny enough googling "diurnal isomorphism" gives this as the first result:
A: The Memes of Information Security

Scott PackMeme: Canonical Time Zone Originator: Unknown Cultural Height: Early 2011 Background: American hubris on the part of our East cost users resulted in blanket declarations that EDT/EST (UTC-4/5) would be considered the de facto timezone of The DMZ. This was brought upon by inconsistent time of d...

@RoryAlsop yes, but I'm considerate to all the fur'ners who hang around here
@DavidFreitag that's hardly surprising, it's specifically a DMZ meme
@Gilles Well I was hoping for a translation from nurd into english
@DavidFreitag and you got it
speaking of translation from nurd to English, what does “Life with open DMs” mean? What's a DM?
@Gilles Not really.
@Gilles Direct Message
He's commenting about how anyone can send him a private message on twitter.
@DavidFreitag thank you
@DavidFreitag and that's remarkable because?
@Gilles It's not necessarily about people sending him messages, more about what they say.
@Gilles I dunno, but some random person happening by and mentioning "I wish there were more porn stars that looked like you" is a bit odd.
@Gilles da fuq you want
@Ohnana an explanation of the tweet you quoted, which David nicely provided
@MarkBuffalo Jesus fuck batman
user image
i see. (*) was not parsed correctly
awwww shit. she's a baller
That's sexism, though
@MarkBuffalo Oh here we go...
Belittling men and reducing them to sausages instead of actual people with feelings.
that attitude cuts both ways
and its a pretty common sentiment
modern marriage is merely a legal convenience
It's time to take my resumes off sites like indeed
@MarkBuffalo She's not belittling men, she's saying all she wants is a penis and not all of those gooey feelings
people keep sending me infected documents
@MarkBuffalo rekt
click em
"Hi, we're hiring for X. Please open this document if you're interested"
then click it again when it doesn't open, best tactic
download document... repeated attempts to haxor
@MarkBuffalo pls, your fault for not using SE Careers
I don't even open the docs
Go to sketchy job site get sketchy offers
@LucasKauffman who dat? my colleague or yours?
99% of the "recruiters" emailing me can't speak basic English
@RоryMcCune dang someone should make a HipsterLang. Like LOLCODE but all hipster buzzwords
@MarkBuffalo maybe they mangle the english on purpose to get past spam filters
@AviD Oh god please no
@DavidFreitag well it would be ironically of course
pls is there a merciful god
@MarkBuffalo Also, they're just recruiters, it's not like they are college educated. All they have to do is send emails to people pedaling their wares
By definition a recruiter has no idea what they're talking about, otherwise they wouldn't be a recruiter
It's like CO's at prisons or gym teachers
Ha, well I'm just tired of the spam.
@MarkBuffalo Yeah well it's your own damn fault
No shit
@Matthew ha! good on you.
and as expected @Simon had a #simoning to share... bloke hates my rules
though that comment on your answer is correct. easier to bruteforce hashes to 2 short passwords, than one long one. even if the long one is identical to the 2 short ones.
anybody that has kids will enjoy this - ping @RoryAlsop @Iszi @MarkBuffalo and etc
@AviD that's soo messed up
@AviD Ah, LICD. I should catch up on that.
@DavidFreitag You should see the archives.
@Iszi No, no I really shouldn't.
To give you an idea, one of their recurring gags is a prop character literally known as "Suck-For-A-Buck Girl" (or something similar). Far as I know, we've never heard her speak or found out her actual name.
@Iszi That's an interesting character, for sure.
@DavidFreitag Here's one appearance, though I don't think it's the first.
I like how I'm seeing on social media some people warn others that they should not browse crashsafari.com on an iPhone.
It's called crashsafari you dumbass, what the fuck do you think it's gonna do?
And it reboots your damn device, it won't brick it.
@Simon give you a 2 minute guide to hunting in Africa?
@Simon kek
@Simon Heard it affects Android too.
@AviD Yeaaaaah.
@Iszi It affects everything if you don't close it soon enough.
@Simon What exactly does it do?
@Simon Kinda like your mom?
@AviD ... ... ...
@DavidFreitag I've only briefly read about it, but it's supposed to write to the address bar until the browser's memory gets full.
4 hours ago, by Thomas Pornin
                var total = "";
                for( var i = 0; i < 100000; i++ ) {
                    total = total + i.toString();
                    history.pushState(0,0, total );
I closed it and my Android is running super slow anyway.
Someone tell me when it started making sense for a webcomic's homepage to not have the latest comic on it?
ok bye
@Iszi right? I dunno.
And since when do the older dates go to the right?
(That said, now realizing that LICD started in 2003 and I was probably following it not long after - and that that's 12 years ago - I'm feeling a little old now.)
Ahaha. Totally forgot about this one. @DavidFreitag To further highlight the depravity of the comic: The first strip is the main character celebrating his latest "conquest" by congratulating his "little guy" on their 50th "anniversary".
@Iszi that's not really depraved?
@DavidFreitag Probably not quite the word I'm looking for. Point is, that's just the start.
A while back @RoryAlsop posted a link to some comic about a magician's assistant or something like that. Now that was depraved. I'm kinda sad I can't remember what it was...
@Iszi yeah but lately he's been settling down.
@DavidFreitag the main character is kinda like Barney from HIMYM, just even more so.
@AviD Yeah, I came across some review that said he got hitched? How'd the comic not totally jump the shark with that?
@AviD I think I can count the number of episodes of HIMYM that I've seen on one hand
@Iszi cuz Julie is awesome.
@DavidFreitag you sick bastard! where is your other hand??
@AviD Nature's pocket.
@DavidFreitag Wow. I'm pretty sure I speak for all when I say, "we didn't want to know you are into manual self-colonoscopies".
@Iszi That's not... nevermind.
@Iszi Ok, this one's pretty funny. leasticoulddo.com/comic/20110920
@Iszi and I know I speak for all of US when I say, that was really past the untasteful mark.
@DavidFreitag did I? What one was that?
@AviD Fair 'nuff.
@RoryAlsop Something about some wizard lady who had an apprentice
@Iszi I mean, it was pretty obvious, but it didnt need to be stated outright ;-)
@AviD Better?
@DavidFreitag damn - can't remember. Was it good?
@Iszi .lmao
@RoryAlsop Yeah
@AviD Yeah I felt the same about that one
@Iszi lol well done.
@DavidFreitag You must have found the "first-time readers" page.
@Ohnana Yeah I think that's it
yesss oglaf is awesome
@DavidFreitag ahh yeah thats excellent
@Iszi Yeah
Except I can't check it at work
ahh - oglaf. I guess some have apprentices, but that's not really the point of oglaf
@RoryAlsop Well, the ones I read had apprentices
@DavidFreitag heh
current oglaf is funny. but obviously nsfw
Yeah, hence I'm not currently reading :P
@AviD They should totally have a before/after or "through the years" page or something. Most of the main cast looks nothing like they used to. (LICD)
@AviD Wait, WTF? Julie? I thought Rayne/Issa were the OTP of the comic?
@Iszi what? no, shes his best friend, and married the irish kid.
I'm sure there is a tvmeme for "never meant to be"
@AviD She got married too? Damn. And "best friends" does not negate the possibility of marriage. In fact, most people would consider that a pre-qualifier for candidacy.
@Iszi wow you really have been out for a long time. It's been a couple years, I think.
@AviD Poor bastard got friend zoned
@AviD I do not understand
@Iszi I do not understand
@Iszi Oh, I get it now. :(

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