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@RoryAlsop What were the typical use cases on those?
> two built-in floppy drives which hold 91K of data each, with floppy disk storage compartments
a detachable full-size keyboard with numeric keypad
a built-in, albeit small, monochrome CRT monitor.
runs the CP/M Operating System, the most popular OS at the time.
Mostly word processing
I have one game left for this one
@RoryAlsop word processing?
but you barely have a screen...
some analytics work - these were cutting edge. You could take maths when travelling
word processing - you could write documents
what did one of these cost in todays money?
that's a 2.5" screen! Nearly as big as a modern phone screen :-)
they were around $2000 in 1981
Look at that motherboard
so in todays money too damn expensive?
apparently only 4,400 USD today
@LucasKauffman According to the calculator I just found, $2000 in 1981 dollars is $5,400 today.
@Xander The Macbook Pro of their day?
Apparently, humas are good at spotting criminals
And women are bad at spotting rapists
might as well just shut down that Windows Phone division, right?
> The Nokia X2 features an Android user interface that resembles Windows Phone
vintage computers
I was thinking of buying an AS400 for the lulz ones, was only 900 eur, but I probably wouldn't even get it booted
I probably wouldn't even know how to install an OS onto it
@LucasKauffman You don't boot it, you commence IPL
IBM redbooks are actually astonishingly comprehensive
I actually want a windows phone for my next phone I think
@kalina why.....
@RoryAlsop I heard they are actually not bad at all
@kalina @Iszi and I recommend this.
@kalina Not you as well ...
@RoryAlsop because I've heard the only thing actually wrong with them is they don't have millions of fart apps
and I don't really see that as a negative?
saying that, the new version of android+sense on my phone has fixed my battery issues
@kalina was it @FEichinger? I bet it was @FEichinger.
sorry @FEichinger.
@kalina oh, the fart apps they have. its the rest of the useless apps that are missing.
@AviD Heey!
actually the only missing apps that really matter are for specific companies. e.g. certain banks and such.
1 min ago, by AviD
sorry @FEichinger.
anyway, we are yet to have any proof that she actually knows anybody else IRL.
@AviD maybe she knows all of us, but we don't know it........
@RoryAlsop and we are all secretly verified??
@AviD or vilified, I dunno :-)
@AviD oh, you misunderstand how absolute and permanent my disassociation is
@AviD I... er, I'm saying nothing
@kalina so you're saying you have a permanent disassociative disorder?
that.... actually explains a lot.
@AviD explain what you mean by that
urmmm.... nothing. nothing at all.
I won't be angry, I just don't understand
A fugue state, formally dissociative fugue or psychogenic fugue (DSM-IV Dissociative Disorders 300.13), is a rare psychiatric disorder characterized by reversible amnesia for personal identity, including the memories, personality, and other identifying characteristics of individuality. The state is usually short-lived (ranging from hours to days), but can last months or longer. Dissociative fugue usually involves unplanned travel or wandering, and is sometimes accompanied by the establishment of a new identity. After recovery from fugue, previous memories usually return intact, but the...
no that's not what I said at all
@kalina you expect we fear your anger more than we do.
@kalina no, thats what I said.
yes but that isn't what I said
@kalina this then?
Dissociative disorders (DD) are conditions that involve disruptions or breakdowns of memory, awareness, identity or perception. People with dissociative disorders use dissociation, a defense mechanism, pathologically and involuntarily. Dissociative disorders are thought to primarily be caused by psychological trauma. The dissociative disorders listed in the American Psychiatric Association's DSM-5 are as follows: * Dissociative identity disorder (formerly multiple personality disorder): the alternation of two or more distinct personality states with impaired recall among personality state...
I mean that if I choose to cease tolerating an individual and they cease to exist as far as I'm concerned
So I hear that I need to start watching Silicon Valley. Opinions?
is that a tv show?
I'm bored
did I mention that I'm bored?
I think you should all know that I'm bored
@kalina I would never have guessed
I have read every article on the front page of theregister
I have read every article on the BBC news site
I have read every article on BlinkFeed
I can't read anymore
chat involves reading
just sayin
  _   _  ____    _____ _______   _____   ____  ______  _____ _   _ _ _______                _
 | \ | |/ __ \  |_   _|__   __| |  __ \ / __ \|  ____|/ ____| \ | ( )__   __|     /\       | |
 |  \| | |  | |   | |    | |    | |  | | |  | | |__  | (___ |  \| |/   | |       /  \      | |
 | . ` | |  | |   | |    | |    | |  | | |  | |  __|  \___ \| . ` |    | |      / /\ \ _   | |
 | |\  | |__| |  _| |_   | |    | |__| | |__| | |____ ____) | |\  |    | |_    / ____ \ |__| |
 |_| \_|\____/  |_____|  |_|    |_____/ \____/|______|_____/|_| \_|    |_( )  /_/    \_\____/
@kalina I really, really hope you have a tool that does that for you
@AJHenderson my guess is @FEichinger
@AviD that's rude
my tool takes offence
@AviD that's almost as bad as my comment when someone asked for a tool to do a particular audio effect and I told them I call the tool a sound guy
@AJHenderson true. but she didnt deny it.
Two weeks ago I was her AI-enhanced sex toy ... Now I'm a tool for ASCII art.
What is wrong with you people?
@FEichinger I don't know about all of those guys, but I'm completely innocent.
@kalina ಠ_ಠ
@FEichinger you have an extra SCI ?
@FEichinger if you still have to ask, you clearly haven't been paying enough attention
let's draw him a picture
SE chat would be better if it was an interactive white board
so we could draw penises at each other
or on each other
or in each other
@kalina you still hang out in here, by definition something is wrong with you
@AJHenderson I know there is something wrong with me
I don't deny it
it doesn't affect whether or not I am innocent, though
pen island
expert sex change
@kalina do I need to rename this to "The Closet"?
@AJHenderson no but if you want you could make me room owner
@kalina now that's a terrifying thought :)
@AJHenderson hardly, it's a powerless position that allows me to do nothing other than add purile tags to the room and put it in gallary mode whenever simon arrives
@kalina and delete user messages at will
@AJHenderson wrong
really? I thought that was an owner priv
room owners can do nothing
they can move messages
only if they own both the room they're in and the target room they're moving the message to
why am I teaching you how to stack exchange
because I don't have to worry about user limitations in chat anymore ;)
there are user limitations in chat??
there are no limitations on which users can chat
it's a shame
any user with a capital letter in their name should be NUKED FROM ORBIT
damn, absolute powers have corrupted my memory absolutely.
you call your powers absolute, I sit next to the button that ends the world and haven't touched it once.
it's flashing and everything.
oh, forgot about that button.
big red button, that flashes, and has "PRESS ME" written in white across it
soooooooooooo tempting
but alas, pushing the button would end the existence of all human life
@kalina They can view deleted messages, that's juicy enough.
and I haven't written off your pitiful species yet
@AJHenderson I would like to be room owner please. :)
I'm still sure that there is at least one decent human on the planet
@kalina ...
@kalina I would say @FEichinger but he writes PHP.
@FEichinger diddums
@kalina is this just blind optimism, or have you met her?
@AviD blind optimism
@TerryChia I think I'll take that as a compliment anyway.
hey, be grateful, if I didn't have blind optimism I would have ended your species already!
@FEichinger only a PHP developer would take a negative as a positive
@kalina Nah, Javascript developers as well.
@kalina Hey, I'm just saying - if the only thing @Terry can complain about is that I write PHP, that's pretty good for me!
@FEichinger Maybe I simply don't know you well enough.
@FEichinger ... except for the fact that you write PHP.
... which kind of overshadows anything else.
Axe murderer? Kitten torturer? Corrupt politician? Pshaw, that's nothing - this one writes PHP.
"It has been reported that the shooter - Mr Eichinger - is in fact a PHP developer. There has been an international outcry in favour of getting this monstrosity out of our children's schools and our of the workplace."
@RoryAlsop good android stuff, amazingly annoying "smart" windows on this room, they have servo motors opening/closing them as the temp changes which is alllll the time :op
@RоryMcCune like in the gogar office - really loud
"The CDC warns today of a highly infectious disease known as 'PHP'. This 'PHP' disease causes otherwise rational people to act upon bad decisions, write terribly formed badly commented code, and occasionally - torture small animals."
"Anybody you suspect may have been in contact with 'PHP' should be reported immediately. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES approach the individual, as they may spout bullshit akin to Vogon poetry about how PHP isn't all bad and does, in fact, have some upsides."
so I'm bored again
Time for genocide
I'm already committing genocide
@RoryAlsop Nah, she plays the shameless clone.
@FEichinger what's that?
nobody even saw it coming
oh - it's an app
nvm - I only have 2 game apps on my phone
no duh, I just pasted the android button bar on the bottom of it for fun!
it's good because it's the kind of game you can play while driving
@kalina you forget - I have old eyes. Can't see that bar unless I really zoom in
@kalina So you're killing people in parallel, nice!
@RoryAlsop that screenshot is at a higher resolution than your TV!
@kalina heh - I doubt it :-)
@RoryAlsop 1920x1200!
@kalina I rest my case
well that works 90% of the time
actually, it comes up as 910 by 569 :-)
well I resized it, obviously
@kalina oooh - good bluff
I don't have a mobile device with a resolution below 1920x1080
@RoryAlsop well if you think, most consumers think HD is the business
whereas everybody in the world of computing thinks of HD as a widescreen resolution from the 2000s
@kalina I have to admit that while 3 of the mobiles on my desk are at that res, I have 6 within arms reach that are lower
@kalina heh - very true
don't ask why I'm messing with old mobile phones
but they all work, and I can't resist making them as up to date as possible
the oldest phone currently in my possession is an iPhone 4
@kalina oldest in front of me is an HTC Desire HD
but in my drawer I have the full line of nokias - unbroken back to 3110
and some other weird ones
why would you keep those
@kalina they all work
I (almost) never ditch anything that still works or can be repurposed
I have only once done a cull - one house move I ditched 28 servers
(but I had virtualised most of them so it was ok)
oh right, that makes it fine then!
the oldest thing I own
Stuff - it's fun - stops me being bored
I actually have t-shirts older than you
hang on, let me have a quick look around
I have a jumper older than your dad
in fact, older than mine
and I'd be willing to bet four of my guitars are older than you
I'm a hoarder
ok the oldest thing I own is an eeyore beanie baby type thing
that has to be more than a decade old
but it drops off pretty sharply after that
digitally I never delete anything
I don't know why
The oldest thing I have is a WWII era knife
but in real life I'm a minimalist
I have no collections of optical medias or anything like that
except for 3-4 DVDs
I suppose actually quite a bit of my vinyl collection is going to scale all the way back in to the early 90s
I'm pretty sure I have an original pressing of Paul van Dyk - For an Angel
which would be 1994
and Thrillseekers - Synaesthesia
would be '97
I do have a copy of Quake on CD, which would be 95
I own nothing that is older than I am though, I'm pretty sure of that
@kalina I do have a couple of thousand CD's, but I play them once each - to record them to mp3 - then they go into the attic. At some point I may sell them, but that seems like effort
why MP3?
actually I don't want to have that discussion
@kalina okay - it's actually a 2 stage. I have them all in FLAC (except for some of the early stuff I ripped) and then I mp3 them for some devices
I will accept this answer
but mp3 at full quality is fine for everything except metal and classical
(I was just messing with you there)
At least you didn't say WMA at any point during the above
@kalina nor AAAAAAC
What about OGG? That's good stuff right there.
@DavidFreitag same category as MP3, AAC, WMA
I also noticed no one has mentioned .WAV
FLAC or WAV for music, or be deaf and use MP3 if you really must just because it's so widely supported
@DavidFreitag wav is just storage inefficient. If you can use flac you might as well
Shows what I know... I thought WAV was bottom of the bucket
@DavidFreitag no - wav is as accurate a copy as you will get
I would use WAV for anything I'm going to load into a sampler
^what she said
but I store my music as FLAC
record all samples as wavs so your DAW doesn't need to perform unnecessary calculation
Don't you need like studio quality headphones to even hear the difference between FLAC and high quality mp3?
has enough processing overhead as it is, doesn't need more
@DavidFreitag nope
depends on the music type @David
you need to be not deaf
I must be deaf then
really simple stuff can be encoded well enough that no-one in tests could tell the difference, but anything wide spectrum (especially metal or classical) makes it obvious
pop music = easily encodable in mp3
I'll have to see if I can find some Kalmah FLAC's kicking around.
although by deaf, I mean less sensitive to particular frequency ranges
you wouldn't even really notice it in day to day life
the thing that annoys me most with mp3 is the janglies - I don;'t know the correct term, but boy are they annoying
the janglies?
when you have some complex bass, and melody, and distortion (eg metal) you get weeeird artifacts
yeah @kalina - they jangle atonally
really nasty
@RoryAlsop like an under water sound on the high end?
with dance music it's generally all of the high end percussion and the really low end of the bassline
yeah same stuff - and same reason. mp3 can't cope with that wide a frequency range successfully
I duno, with super low quality MP3 its far easier to explain, because it simply sounds like you've got water in your ears
but with high quality most of that disappears and it just sounds dead and lifeless with artifacts in the decays
it becomes more tinny/jangly with really complex music even at pretty high quality
especially on that high end
it does something weird and really kills warm metal distortion - which might be what you are saying but for different music
right - time to feed the kids [puts on a 128kbps mp3 of Ace of Base - All that she wants]
I can't say I've ever listened to anything that would even be appropriate to form a judgement with :p
Google play doesn't have Metallica :[
I actually have a "Rock" folder in my music collection due to previous living arrangements
Z:\Music\ROCK\Metallica>dir /A:D /B
Creeping Death
A Tribute To the Four Horsemen
New Skulls For The Old Ceremony
Nothing Else Matters
Platinium 2 of 2
Ride The Lightning
Garage Inc 1 of 2
Escape From The Studio '06
Kill 'Em All
St. Anger
...And Justice For All
S & M 1 of 2
Live Shit Binge & Purge 1 of 3
S & M 2 of 2
Master of Puppets
One (German Single)
Acoustic Metal
Platinium 1 of 2
Garage Days
The Unnamed Feeling
Some Kind of Monster
Jump In The Fire
Live Shit Binge & Purge 3 of 3
that is all
Metallica in German? Heh
yep, ears are bleeding now
brb, going to go and die.
oh boy, we need to exorcise the chat room
@Braiam I'll get my spandex
@Braiam I only want to exorcise if we're doing yoga. (Calling stretching and breathing deeply "exorcise" FTW.)
there's something fundamentally wrong with this chat room....
@Braiam If you don't like it you can always leave.
@LucasKauffman I didn't said I didn't like it :/
@Braiam If you don't like it yet, just wait till @Simon comes back.
Nobody likes it then.
So I guess the Area 51 proposal for lockpicking was deep-sixed?
I mean, hi!
@Braiam there's something fundamentally wrong with you!
fine, I'm watching TNG again
@Xander wait, what - when did it die?
@RoryAlsop I dunno, but it isn't there any more. :-( area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/39915/locksmithing
And I had such fun picking locks at B-Sides on Saturday....
@Xander I thought I was following that one - but didn't get a notification
@Xander that's always fun. I've never been good enough to enter one of the competitions they run though
@RoryAlsop You were, and I was too. I didn't get a notification either.
@RoryAlsop This was my first go at it. It was great fun. I got through five locks, and bought a pick set, now I'm going around picking every lock I can find in the house.
@Xander you'll find yourself eyeing up random padlocks etc wherever you go
that bridge in Paris, for example...
@RoryAlsop LOL..I'm sure I will. I already have the urge to go to the hardware store and buy more locks just to have a go at them.
@RoryAlsop That's awesome.
@FEichinger question is, what is wrong with you that you didn't like the @kalina's AI-enhanced sex toy position?
it is an excellent hobby, and a fun talking point if you teach young kids to do it
@TildalWave you re-reading the transcript :-)
@RoryAlsop we have one like this here too ... it's an international conspiracy I tell you :)
wow, beautiful lightning just now ... I'll try and capture some
@TildalWave didn't you read @kalina's post? You don't capture it...you Ride The Lightning!
@RoryAlsop couldn't resist with you posting pics of old hardware, I'm an orthotechnophile :=)
@TildalWave good word
@RoryAlsop thanks, just made it up, google didn't find anything on it LOL
too much blue in here
I hate to interrupt your blue people circle jerking
but there are more important things to discuss
nothing is springing to mind immediately
but I'm pretty sure there are more important things
@kalina I don't think you ever told us what you think about Nest.
@TildalWave Nothing wrong with that. The change of position is ... wait, no, bad phrasing ...
@Xander I think it's a nice idea but I wouldn't want the full potential of the idea anywhere near my home while it's integrated with anything at all
@kalina Ah, yes, the privacy thing.
computer controlled heating, locks, lighting, etc etc etc would be awesome but it would all have to be separate from the rest of the world
got others too ... was pretty cool time for it
@TildalWave that's an interesting horizon
how long exposure was that?
@RoryAlsop c'mon, say it, you know you want to :)
@RoryAlsop 15 seconds
I think
@TildalWave I'm resisting, on account of my maturity and stuff
OK I'll say it then
electric tits
but that lightning on the nipple must hurt
^ the title of the photo
well there's a restaurant on top of "the nipple" of course
@TildalWave just the one?
yup the other peak isn't as nice to walk to, kinda too steep for most
@TildalWave So is all that lightning hitting the peaks themselves? How far away is that?
about 10 km
I just really like the way the shot has soft out of focus clouds, and a really crisp foreground, but well defined 'classic' lightning
it's not a tall hill, there's many like it all around, but that one stands on its own so I guess it's a more attractive tourist point ... plus it resembles certain body parts
cam does that on its own, some HDR program that's made for starry skies but I realized it's perfect for lightnings too
@Kisunminttu in case you're missing @adnan, here's a picture of him doing his OWASP duty and helping out today...
@RoryAlsop He. That one had some trouble a few days ago. Part of the railing collapsed under the accumulated weight of all the padlocks.
@ThomasPornin wow
I assumed they just regularly cleaned them off
It would be a shame.
@RоryMcCune I should have given you a spare t-shirt or two
(might be only one left...)
As per the local Tradition, the padlocks are installed by couples as a token of their everlasting love, or something quaint like that.
@Braiam hey I'm not a local blue :P
@ThomasPornin do they hire locksmiths to remove them when they split up
(easier than tattoo removal, I guess)
@RoryAlsop I was wearing mine today, doing my bit for the cause!
@RоryMcCune swagster!
@RоryMcCune @Adnan was saying few had heard of the Sec.SE teim
@TildalWave I forget where I got it, must've been @RoryAlsop ... but hey a good T-Shirt is a good T-Shirt!
@RоryMcCune I think I must have so far delivered about 50 to deserving individuals
@RoryAlsop yeah ironic given that Sec.SE was proposed by someone who was on the OWASP board at the time...
@RоryMcCune I know
Dear sir, a non native English speaker may have to invest time in deciphering your poetic post in order to unravel the actual answer. With all due respect (And although the poem is awesome) poetry shouldn't be on Stack Exchange and the upvotes are giving newbies the wrong impression that such answers are acceptable. — Hello World 2 hours ago
@ThomasPornin what? Banhammer :-)
there was a suggestion that they contribute to Sec.SE as a q&a platform, but instead they decided to do they're own thing which never got traction <sigh>

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