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I only fight when I can one hit knock down
@AviD להימנע בחושך
did you see that in the TL, @AviD?
bored bored broed bored bored boerd bored bored bored broed bored broed broed boresdfbisogb;\i h#p4
is GoT on hiatus for the summer?
that was not related :P
you don't know, do you?
it could have been
for all you know, I'm facedesking at you
that's how it seemed to me yes
you're facedesking too easily :)
What's the difference between England and a tea bag?
Tea bag stays in the cup longer!
Allez les Bleus!
the tea bag eventually dries up?
sorry, what?
no, I already stated the punchline
you are incorrect
I know
I know
it's an alternative answer :P
your attempted compromise is unacceptable
Geez, you must be really bored.
very bored
@kalina Also ... Shuddup! Shuuuudduuuup!
nobody seems to care
@TildalWave I approve of answering anti-jokes
@kalina or we have no way to help
that's the other possibility
@FEichinger don't worry, Germany will lose to America on Thursday
@RoryAlsop see what? havent been there much lately.
@kalina Nah, that would be even worse than Germany winning.
Think of all the sudden interest and cheer from Americans for a sport they've bashed for ages, just because they're now winning for a change.
@RoryAlsop so I googled for "Rory Alsop's seal of approval" and I got this: christinajamesblog.files.wordpress.com/2014/05/seal-3.jpg (sorry, big image, didn't inline)
maybe if football becomes popular in america they'll start calling it football
I'm still bored I'm still bored I'm still bored
@RoryAlsop ah see it now. Thats pretty cool bot, though
I'm still bored I'm still bored I'm still booooooooooorrrrrreeedd
@TildalWave is that seal so special it's licking a rock?
Star Trek: Enterprise time
@kalina Eww.
@RoryAlsop that seal "rocks" :)
@TildalWave yep... special
@FEichinger it's the best star trek
because it has the best CGI
It's not the worst Star Trek, I'll give you that.
@kalina you'd love the new Cosmos then
But it's definitely not the best.
I must really do you guy's heads in at times
@kalina MissionFactory.Create("Go").SetBoldly();
@FEichinger no the worst is TNG
followed by TOS
followed by Deep Space 9
followed by Voyager
followed by Enterprise
@kalina I know what you're doing. Don't you even try and start this.
Which is obviously Star Wars episode 1
> Weee arrre the neeerrds. We arrre the childreeeen
Men, I think you should all know that 7 of 9 was more attractive as a Borg than as a human.
> We are the ones to build a better day, so let's start hacking
complexion was a bit of a mess but I guess you can't have everything
oh my
I can't imagine it would be very comfortable
Needs to be bigger
the clouds have come out, no more sunbathing for me then
@AviD they're all too young to remember
@RoryAlsop impossible!
remember what?
@kalina Right ...
@kalina Which was which?
@FEichinger I'm looking at boats
@AviD moustache indicates "before my birth": did not watch
@kalina bite your tongue.
You no longer have any right to talk about music.
At least until you educate yourself.
and then there is blood
@AviD no, it hurts
@kalina Sure you are.
and then I bloodlust
@RoryAlsop and anybody else old enough to drive - back me up.
@FEichinger I actually was, I want t borrow a big enough boat for 8 people for 2 weeks
I have to say I impressed myself - I recognize most of them.
@AviD I'm old enough to drive
I also own a car
@kalina do you know who that was in the video singing?
@AviD Did you forget? She's a trucker from Des Moines.
EVERYBODY. Every.Single.Musician.
not hire purchase like most of millennials
At least those that were famous - and alive at the time.
If I click this link and get exposed to 80s pop music
there won't be a single place on the planet you can hide
@FEichinger no, she just put that rumour to rest. If she was, she would have heard of We Are The World.
@AviD She's just maintaining her cover, silly.
not as good as Do They Know It's Christmas
below par 80s pop
bunch of people with mullets, their opinions are invalid because they have a mullet
bunch of people with moustaches, their opinions are invalid because they look like rapists
right I've watched your stupid video, now give me something alcoholic
Shame on you. Shame on you to hell.
Good grief. Everyone is in that video. I don't think I've heard Cyndi Lauper sing in 25 years. At least.
@AviD Every single musician except Prince.
@Xander you don't remember it?
I think Cyndi Lauper was already inactive at the time.
@ThomasPornin whoa. that's true. How come?
who is Cyndi Lauper?
sounds like a stripper
@AviD Of course I remember it. I remember singing it at the top of my lungs with all my friends when it first came out.
@AviD Prince and Michael Jackson where on bad terms at that time.
@kalina Kind of looks like one too. She was the one with the pink hair.
ah, of course.
@Xander @kalina the bouncy one.
right so, Cyndi Lauper foreshadowed Pinkie Pie a full 25 years before Pinkie Pie was a thing
@kalina Well actually, Pinkie Pie was modeled on Cyndi Lauper.
@kalina I've never heard of Pinkie Pie, but it sounds like something that Cyndi Lauper might have inspired.
@Xander pwnie
@AviD I doubt you know anything about My Little Pony
and why do I know that???
@AviD Bah. :-P
@kalina you would be surprised.
Today I learned that @AviD is a closet brony
hahhaa, unlikely
Today I learned that I can't spell, at all, even in the slightest
Q: how i can decrypt hash joomla ( md5+salt)

apoca93fc271afc01f5cd73be5d18656c9cc5:fUfyw49UYLpZWEx4u62xbWcauoWrAXjW this hash joomla pleaseeee i need it thanxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

> Pinkamena Diane Pie (or Pinkie Pie) is a pink earth pony with a curly mane and tail and a cutie mark of three balloons where 2 are blue with yellow strings and the last one in yellow with a blue string. She was originally inspired by the '80s pop singer Cyndi Lauper, and is a baker at the Sugarcube Corner
from wikipedia
that's disgusting
now I no longer like MLP
or, I like Cyndi Lauper
I haven't decided which yet
first of all, you would like Cyndi Lauper.
Second of all, I made that up.
Girls don't just wanna have fun, though.
well, half of it.
but it should have been there, it is so obvious.
@ThomasPornin oh dear
@RoryAlsop don't worry, I dealt with it
please don't ban me from your precious site for denying your resources from casual users
@kalina lol
I signed in, for the first time in ages
and I downvoted
and I flagged
and I commented
= dealt with
hardly, my flag count increased by 1
was totally not worth the effort
I just couldn't leave a comment without logging in
I did want to leave just "no."
@kalina many a mickle mak's a muckle
but it's too short
just like @Simon
I'm bored again now
What do you think about Nest
ok so nobody cares about Nest
That surprises me in this place
I would have expected you to all have strong opinions on a device that reports when you leave your house to Google
Next Google will have black ops teams that steal the contents of houses when their owners are out
unlocked using a Nest compatible door lock or garage door arm
just wander in
steal all the stuff
can you imagine, "I've been hacked!" "What happened?" "Everything in my house got nicked!"
also, since it's all controlled from phones, phones would get stolen more
which is probably why they're all adding kill switches that brick t he devices
Nest compatible street lighting
@kalina I think it's because the people who like to have random arguments (me) is busy with other stuff.
saving electricity when the street is not in use
suddenly the street knows when nobody is home!
suddenly your computer tells your heating that it is getting too warm
heating freezes the house, computer is nice and cool, all human occupants died in their sleep
@kalina I don't trust that it's secure.
well it's like everything isn't it
it's secure until it's no longer secure due to somebody finding out it hasn't been secure all along
suddenly your neighbour has control over your heating, turns it up full, gets you to leave the house so they can spend the night partying
@kalina I think you expect a response too quickly. Sometimes I respond to a point in here the next day...
@RoryAlsop Just a blink of an eye to you though.
Personally I really really against it - especially after having a guy from IOActive over presenting a wonderful hack on these sorts of things. Effectively self propagating compromise :-)
@RoryAlsop well I'm sorry that ADD prevents me from maintaining focus on a subject for long enough for you to respond
@kalina I know. I wasn't being picky - just explaining why sometimes you seem to think no-one wants to respond - it could just be they haven't come back into this tab yet. Or are busy.
@kalina I'm also not 100% sure exactly how manageable it would be for me, given that I have separate thermostats/air conditions/furnaces for each floor of my house. I haven't seen anything in the documentation about how it works when you need more than one of them.
@Xander Nest supports zones
@RoryAlsop that's not my fault! I can talk to myself
perfectly happy talking to myself, but the arguments get a bit wild
oh, I actually lost a friend yesterday
a real friend, that I know in real life
well, knew
and by lost, I obviously mean disassociated myself with
@kalina So it does. Then, what @RoryAlsop said about the hacking.
@kalina not set fire to
@kalina That's too bad, but I'll assume it was for the best.
I arrived at his house, he was in a terrible mood, decided to take it out on me, I tried to help, he compared me to his ex and then made a super insulting statement about my gender as a whole so I left
he has tried to phone me up, I've removed his number from my phone and don't accept calls from numbers that don't have a picture against them
it was actually quite liberating
I didn't even lose my temper or argue with him or anything
I certainly didn't break anything of his
like his face
no breaking involved at all
or fire
I was only in his house for about 10 minutes as well, he started whining the moment I arrived
now I am merely living and waiting to see if he's going to make me regret leaving him alive
@kalina SOunds like you did the right thing then
oh I'm not doubting I did the right thing
I'm just proud that I did it without inflicting unmentionable emotional and physical damage on the immediate area
@Adnan it depends on how much work I have, often if I need to wait I start answering on SE or during the weekend.
@kalina For you, that is quite impressive.
I wanted to use the word shitty, instead I used bad
Is it accepted to use the word shitty in answers?
@LucasKauffman "poor"
@LucasKauffman "terrible"
@LucasKauffman "atrocious"
@LucasKauffman I agree with @Kalina. The best choice would have been "poor." That said, I'm not sure that's actually what he means. I don't know that he's necessarily talking about being able to set passwords and hashes from the client, just that he might have access to databases for multiple instances of the application. I'll have to re-read the question.
@Lucas ^ these are better alternatives. We'll know what you mean
@Xander it's a bit unclear
I like being agreed with
it makes me feel special
it's the simple things that matter
the guy that answered the question about the client side applications works at Google
oooh, Google glass is available in the UK for only £1000!
Very reasonable *purchases*
To make you all feel old
(and I'm looking at you @Rory @Rory and @Rory)
GMail is 10 years old
@kalina wow. I had sooo many different mail solutions before that time
I still miss penet.fi
and the zmail client on my sgi Personal Iris
@kalina if only they could make it look nice
@kalina Huh. 10 whole years, and it's still sucky.
@RoryAlsop Back in the day when you were visiting your email through telnet and Mosaic
I've only ever used telnet to connect to IRC
and Mosiac is... the first GUI browser right?
@kalina so , you - 40 :op
@RоryMcCune psh
I don't remember if there were any webmail interfaces in the days of Mosaic. I'm sure there must have been.
I am barely twice Gmail's age
I was still using pine then.
my first email was yahoo, then hotmail
back in the day
@Xander I never used a webmail interface back then
pine was where it was at, for a while
@RоryMcCune afternoon - how goes day 2?
@RoryAlsop I had a shell account at the University of Washington (where my father was a professor, at the time) which was where pine was developed.
@Xander nice
@RoryAlsop Yeah, I think the first one I used was Hotmail, back in the pre-Microsoft days.
@Xander Remember when Microsoft was so cool friends would come round to your house to see your MS DOS disks
I was super early Juno
like, first 10 or 20k. When they started offering paid internet access, I got it for free as an early member
@RoryAlsop LOL! Yes. And laptops had two floppy disk drives, because you needed the DOS disk in one, (no hard drive) and and the second was for the disk you saved your files on.
Ah, the days when an entire operating system fit on a 1.44MB double-density disk.
my first email account was a hotmail account
once upon a time
@AJHenderson My mother used Juno for many many years.
@Xander don't forget the green on green screen
Remember Squirelmail?
@Xander was that where laptop also meant, desktop with a handle to carry it around?
@LucasKauffman No, that was really post-luggable. The real luggables were before my time.
Like my Osborne 1
2 5.25" drives
one tiny green CRT screen
and it is bloody heavy
@LucasKauffman More like this:
Like this:
how long does it take to boot? ?
@Xander I had one of them!
@RoryAlsop Yeah, those were beasts.
@LucasKauffman really pretty quick - there wasn't much to it

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