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Hyvää huomenta!
Also, @LucasKauffman, congratulations, that is fantastic news! I hope you are super proud of yourself! :)
@ManishEarth I wouldn't mind one. :) [email protected]
@Kisunminttu Oh I bet he is. We're all super proud of him.
@Adnan :)))
@Kisu Feeling better after last night, love?
@Adnan I'm also super proud of you :*
@Adnan Oh yes, definitely, thank you. I think some of it might be due to brownies...
@Kisunminttu thanks ^^
brownies mmmm
@LucasKauffman Yeap. We've already agreed to send you brownies with the beer.
@RоryMcCune for the regional conference? not yet, we're trying now to find a date - between the holidays, beginning of semester, end of summer vacation, and of course AppSecUS, its a bit tricky....
@Xander oo thanks, havent seen any hawaiian yet - didnt even know they make coffee there!
anyway just got a fresh package late last night, Imma bust it open soon and brew that sumbitch. It has a beautiful scent.
still need to order that tool
@AviD What did you get?
@LucasKauffman why is the internet congratulating you? Havent read the transcript yet...
yesterday, by AviD
> Ethiopia Harrar Longberry
Bold and edgy, with an unmistakable wild berry, and deep dark chocolatey undertone. Our Harrar coffee has a very interesting dry edge to it and a surprisingly pleasant, slightly fermented lingering finish.
@LucasKauffman ah, you passed? Congrats!
@AviD thanks :D
@AviD Hmm. For the first time in my life I cannot bring a mental image of what something might taste like.
Why'd you decide to go with this one?
@Kisunminttu one of the few I hadnt had yet, and I liked a different Ethiopian I'd had.
Ethiopian Yirgacheffe
I dont expect it to be my favorite, but I like the variety.
With coffee.
The Yirgacheffe is probably close to my top 5, though.
btw @Kisu if this helps your mental image
> Ethiopian Harrar coffee is known for its winey and fruity, floral-toned acidity, rich and pungent heady aroma that is wonderfully reminiscent of blackberries. In the cup, a hint of red wine and dark chocolate.
@AviD Definitely sounds like something I want to try.
But I need a grinder and a decent pot...
oh no, I've moved past pots. I'm all about the AeroPress now.
simply brilliant, if you can get it, I strongly recommend you do.
@AviD Thanks, I'll take a peek!
on the other hand, I am sad to say I dont grind myself. I get it freshly pre-ground, though it mostly stays fresh-ish for the couple of weeks.
@AviD what coffee would you recommend for someone who likes a strong taste (ristretto like)
@LucasKauffman I think maybe Columbian. I actually didnt like that one too much, too "dark", earthy. But very strong, might be what you're looking for.
@Kisu do you concur?
@RоryMcCune didja see that the Checkmarx now has support for node.js?
urggh, dammit - node.js is now mainstream.
@AviD do you grind yourself?
@LucasKauffman hehe, this can be misconstrued. In this room, it probably will be.
I think the word you are looking for is "frottaging".
do you grind YOUR BEANS yourself?
@LucasKauffman hehe
18 mins ago, by AviD
on the other hand, I am sad to say I dont grind myself. I get it freshly pre-ground, though it mostly stays fresh-ish for the couple of weeks.
@LucasKauffman How is that any better?
@TerryChia @LucasKauffman ^^ see?
its raining <3
@AviD I can't really say without having tasted it, but from your description it sounds like it might have too sharp of a bite for him? Maybe something from Ethiopia..?
@Kisunminttu well its hard to say, without knowing what he means by "strong" :-)
I dunno, I dont think Ethiopian is really a "strong" flavor.
It has great flavor, mind you, just not aggressive.
^ strong
i tasted coffee once, not my thing
i'll keep with my tea, gives me peace instead of stress at work
@AviD Hmmm, true.
I dont think any of the fresh coffees I had I would consider "not strong", as far as flavor goes. maybe a couple were only mildly strong, but good coffee always has a distinct flavor.
@Lighty Taste-wise, I prefer tea over coffee... But I really enjoy good coffee.
assuming you use enough, of course - I ran out early and had only enough for half a cup the other day :-(
that was a bit... watery.
@AviD I'm crying a bit on the inside because I haven't had good coffee in ages.
hehe, I will refrain from making the obvious comment ;-)
but you are welcome to visit here, I'll make you a good strong cup.
@AviD right, I can order the same coffee in three forms, "For filter, Caffetiere or beans"
cant get good coffee in Finland?
@Kisunminttu Is that a euphemism? ;)
@AviD Which makes this followup comment very appropriate. ;)
hahaha, nooo.... Inappropriate! @Adnan's your bro!
@TerryChia Not at all :)
@Kisunminttu It's the DMZ. Everything is a euphemism.
even the word "euphemism".
@AviD You can, absolutely, but I don't have the right tools for making good coffee and I haven't been able to afford a "hobby" like that, being a student 'n' all :)
@TerryChia Yeah, I think I figured that out during my first hour on the DMZ...
ah, fair enough...
I'm planning on acquiring some decent equipment after the summer and just a few bags of my favorite beans, but I won't go to the "enthusiast" level.
We will see.
@Kisunminttu yeah, I'm not a real "enthusiast". I just enjoy a good cup, and my local boutique (run by a friend of mine) makes it real easy. he keeps tryign to get me to up my enthusiastism level...
he has a 5000$ machine at home...
well, he brought it in as a sample to try and resell to cafes, but there wasnt enough interest so he just kept it in his kitchen.
@AviD Jesus!
That's kind of sad :(
this is guy who can tell by taste that he used the wrong setting for this bean - water too hot, steeped too long, too much pressure... he has settings for each bean.
@AviD That sounds... dangerous.
coffee, not even once
heh. Now that is an enthusiast.
It's like a drug, @AviD .
@AviD That's more like obsessed
he started the bean import business because he couldnt find good quality beans here. so at least his hobby is lucrative...
never thought beans were so....interesting
there is only one interesting bean in this world though
@Lighty it is really surprising what a difference there is between the different types. its not far different from the differences of the types of grapes that go into wine.
well, thats true, but im not really the guy that sees a million flavours, but only wet and not wet
if it aint wet, it needs to be wet
else i need more drinks
i just noticed how wrong that sounds
@Lighty But I thought you said that wet is right for you
wet is good for you
Don't think about what other people think! Embrace the love of the wet, @Lighty !
thats what my dad says too! :D
@Lighty ... I just imagined the weirdest father-son discussion ever.
just imagine, that my dad is also pretty awesome for a dad
@AviD I hadn't... actually installed node.js for the first time last night. keybase.io uses it for their command line tools (why, I have absolutely no idea!)
@RоryMcCune I heard they are working on a more general REST interface.
And yes, node.js for command line tools is just all kinds of retarded.
@TerryChia yeah it looks like they have some proper language clients (i.e. ruby) in the works
but the idea that you'll give them your secret key is insane! I've no problem with using it as a directory of public keys tied to other sites
but the other bit looks well dodgy
@RоryMcCune Yeah, it's a interesting concept, but I wouldn't use it with my primary GPG key (if I even had one, who even uses it man! :P)
@TerryChia Asshole!
I make sure that @Kisu gets the best coffee on daily basis.
@Adnan That's not what she's saying. You might have some delusions there.
@Kisu :O
I have no idea what's going on here
@Kisunminttu @Adnan is upset you don't like his coffee
It's DMZ, no-one has an idea whats going on
@Kisu You said you haven't had good coffee in ages. Being the pervert he is, @Terry said "Is it a euphemism?", implying that you meant you haven't had good sex in ages. Thus, he was taking a hit on me.
somtimes @Adnan, its better not to use your brain, be more like me and never use it, it makes you smile more :3
@Adnan It was a poor euphemism, IMHO...
@Kisunminttu So it was a euphemism?!
@Adnan And I don't know if rectifying that misconception would be a bit too much for the chat, hehehe...
@Adnan pervy look
@Kisunminttu Yeah, let's not rectify anything.
@Kisunminttu Is "too much for the chat" even a thing?
@Adnan Not my euphemism!
@TerryChia Trust me, it is.
hehe, rectify.... sounds like rectal
Hey, @TerryChia , @Adnan is right: Asshole!
@Kisunminttu NO NO NO!
Even if you were on my side, you don't get to call @Terry an asshole yet.
@Adnan It's true though. ;)
wait, if i punch Terry... does that counts as punching, or fisting?
@Adnan Bad Kisu! BAD!
@Adnan wait, there's a time limit on that?
@Kisunminttu You were very bad today. We'll do something about it tonight
and here we begin the journey to TMI's ville
stopping at flag city along the way :op
@RоryMcCune Alright. This means I should provide flag-worthy material.
Let's see how far I can push it
grabs popcorn
@Adnan you're probably out of luck with the current people in the room, if you want drama you'll need to summon she who should not be pinged ..
my mom? D:
@RоryMcCune @Iszi?
@TerryChia nope, starts with a k is commonly in room when there are flags
@Adnan Yes, master.
on a totally unrelated note anyone heard much about this iPhone in Australia thing
want a good punishment tip?
lots of peoples phones getting randomly locked with an extortion message
tie her up, place some chocolate on her belly, and make sure she cant reach it.... and leave her there >:3
thats real torture
I think lunch would be a good idea right about now...
huh Finland is two hours ahead of the UK, who knew
means its around 11 there, right?
@Lighty correct
yay, im right for once :3
@TerryChia sent :)
oehh... scientist :3
scrolls up
Hm, @Kisu has really made the DMZ more ... DMZ-y
it's much weirder than it used to be. As it should.
@ManishEarth Cheers!
is it me, or is 99.999999% of everything that comes on the radio these days, absolute SHIT?
sounds like a tracklist of 30 tracks on repeat
@Lighty Sturgeon's law.
Gaah today has been the worst day in 2 years... and its still morning
Sturgeon's revelation, commonly referred to as Sturgeon's law, is an adage commonly cited as "ninety percent of everything is crap." It is derived from quotations by Theodore Sturgeon, an American science fiction author and critic: while Sturgeon coined another adage that he termed "Sturgeon's law", it is his "revelation" that is usually referred to by that term. The phrase was derived from Sturgeon's observation that while science fiction was often derided for its low quality by critics, it could be noted that the majority of examples of works in other fields could equally be seen to be o...
btw @Kisunminttu and @Xander, the Ethiopian Harrar is real nice. Strong, good medium-dark flavor, with just a bit of bounce. has some nice undertones, too.
Not going to be my top 3, but definitely a very solid 2nd round.
interesting @AviD
i prefer Adam's law
everything must explode
The corollary of Murphy's law....?
Explode must everything?
but since when are explosions always wrong? D:
> Adams' Law: If something can't possibly go wrong, it will. The difference between something that might go wrong and something that can't go wrong is that, when something that can't go wrong goes wrong, it's impossible to find or to fix.
i was talking about Adam from Mythbusters
as in, everything burns, everything blends, everything melts, EVERYTHING EXPLODES
and jamie is a walrus
dont forget that one
@ManishEarth An honor :3
@AviD Thank you for the tip
i need a buisness card
@Kisunminttu Heeeeeeeeeeeeey!
@AviD I was searching for places that sell that in Finland and found a small company that focuses on providing nice coffee for people and also selling beans. What's so nice about it is their website. I don't think I've ever stumbled upon a Finnish website that is so aesthetically pleasing and functional as this one... kaffeobs.fi
But this is only my viewpoint as a customer, I don't know anything about websites like some of you guys
i know EVERYTHING about websites :3
@Kisunminttu that site is broken, all the words are in gibberish ;-)
that one, in example, is made in HTML! :D
@Adnan What, my dearest? :*
@Kisu Went to housing company, asked them to fix the glass and send me a bill
okay, I actually recognize some of those. The prices are not TOO bad, either - slightly less than here (but here its because of the VAT...)
@Adnan Any estimate on the €€?
Why is javascript so cruel? ;~;
@Kisunminttu Nope. However, the lady applauded my "honesty" and high sense of morality :D
@Adnan I want to kiss you so badly right now. :*
kiss, and suck out his SOUL
@Lighty Expecting Javascript to be anything but cruel, is like having a sh*t-throwing contest with a monkey
@AviD and that means? :P
@Nick "having a sh*t-throwing contest with a monkey"
@AviD no the last message xD
I'm just trying out some of these lines toplessrobot.com/2010/11/…. You motherless goat of all motherless goats.
@Nick thats what it means, in Chinese.
@AviD ah xD
well, Mandarin.
我的媽和她的瘋狂的外甥都 ・ Wuh duh ma huh tah duh fong kwong duh wai shung
i love languages
@AviD No distinction when it's written.
@TerryChia yes, but it was spoken.
Of course! @Adnan , we forgot to include a message in Chinese yesterday!
@Kisunminttu Oh oh, I also left a message to the dude with the broken window.
@Adnan What'd it say?
First class ASP.NET support on Linux and OS X.
i dont like ASP(.NET)....
bad memories
> Hi! Yesterday I broke your window while moving furniture. I already went to the housing company and discussed fixing it and paying for it. If you there's anything, please give me a call (MY_PHONE_NUMBER). - The asshole who broke your window.
@Adnan Haha, did you sign it with that?
@Kisunminttu Yes
@Adnan That is awesome :D
@Lighty youre too young to have memories. And ASP.NET is simply awesome.
@Lighty ASP is a completely differently beast than ASP.NET.
@Adnan I too applaud your "honesty" and high sense of morality.
No interest in kissing you, though.
@TerryChia Ummm..
can i do that for you @AviD? :3
@Lighty Ummm....
@Lighty Sure. Kiss kiss
and i may be a student and a young moron, but i just dont like the whole idea of ASP... its so unlogical for me D:
@Adnan ohmai :3
@Lighty wait wait, are you talking about ASP or ASP.NET? Huuuuge difference.
Kissing 3 times on the cheeck is a way of GREETING poeple here in the netherlands
asp.net now
i always thought they were the same... guess im wrong, as usual
@Lighty Also in Syria
@Adnan , can I have a kiss, too? :)
@Lighty ah okay. So if it's unlogical its probably either because you don't know how it works, or you are clueless about proper software engineering.
wait, if im Kisu's sockpuppet, and Kisu's adnans sockpuppet, isnt he just kissing himself?
sure, it doesnt line up with PHP logic, but.... I said "PHP logic", hahaha
and yes @AviD, im pretty much clueless, but have a good idea what language fits what, and i worked with ASP.NET, and had to do a test for it
my exams for ASP.NET finished with a score of 1
and my PHP exam was finished with a 8.2 i think
ah see, if you can make sense of PHP, then you won't be able to make sense of ASP.NET. The logic is too different.
But then, if you can make sense of PHP, the problem is probably with you ;-)
yet my teeacher claims ASP.NET is microsofts "version" of PHP
but he also gets wet when seeing websites build up in Tables, and embraces Internet Explorer
@Lighty 3 very different things....
@Lighty Kissception!
my teacher isnt the most up-to-date person,,,,
i've learned mroe in these few weeks at my new job, then the whole year at school
that says alot
ASP.NET as version of PHP == clueless
web pages in tables == horribly out of date
loving Internet Explorer == either out of date and clueless, horribly out of date, or forward thinking :-)
@Lighty sure, same was for me.
i dont like IE because the devs think they are better by not complying to the web standards, so it becomes a bitch to make your fiddles work on IE sometimes >:
huh?? Again, you are out of date.
or something that looks like that
the things i get teached are out of date
current versions of IE have better compliance than other browsers.
my teacher is horribly out of date
and back when they didnt comply, it wasnt about being "better", it was mostly about being too slow. And a little bit about lock-in....
most things my teacher teached me make either no sense, are out of date, or just wrong .-.
@Lighty ah, but it's worse than that - your teacher is at least TWO cycles out of date, so by thinking he is out of date, you yourself are out of date.
it is sad though, most teachers really have no clue.
if you are teached to be out of date, you'll always be out of date
what is it they say? "Those who can't do, teach."
I remember when I was in Uni, there was one teacher who was "special", because he actually worked in the field.
i just wanna bet he knew more about it then anyone else
He was a damn good teacher, had more clue than most, but for some reason he insisted that Prolog was practical.
@AviD that's one way of putting it. "Bill gates wanted to bury the Internet so purposefully avoided updating IE for years" is another
a few months ago I was helping one of the teenage kids in the neighborhood with his computer class, I couldnt figure out what he was saying - until he brought up some of his code and I realized it was VB6.
@Adnan ? Am I wrong?
I was shocked and appalled. Apparently this teach thought that (a) VB6 is still in popular use, in 2013, and (b) Visual Basic is a good tool for teaching programming.
@RоryMcCune oh sure, but that was 3 or 4 cycles earlier.
i liked HTML as "beginning language"
@AviD it was when IE got the terrible rep that it still has with web devs...
its also questionable if he wanted to bury it, or just didnt believe in it. Malice vs Shortsightedness...
@Lighty I'm not sure if you got the memo, but HTML isn't exactly a programming language.
@RоryMcCune hmm, no I think that was more recent.
The "bury the internet" was circa IE v. 3-4. Most devs hate on it from 5-6.
i didnt say it was a programming language, but a language
@Lighty its not that either.
the "L" notwithstanding.
@AviD ah see I see bury the Internet as IE6 and on 'cause that's when they disbanded the IE team and stopped updating it
until they realised that it wasn't going away and firefox was going to eat their lunch
@RоryMcCune ahh, hmm.
at which point it was started back up again
@TerryChia No no, you're absolutely correct. But I personally don't like that they're considered "completely different".
they didnt actually disband the team, did they?
I'm pretty sure they just minimized staff and resources....
Basically, they're just like C and C++ (if C++ got a new compiler)
@Adnan Maybe I was being too dramatic. They are different enough that experience in one doesn't translate to the other.
@Adnan no, bigger difference.
@AviD Worked with both, and I can say no not really.
@TerryChia 100% right
The only thing in common is syntax, and even that just barely.
@Adnan Heh, have you seen the newer C++ standards?
the whole pipeline is different, activation models are different, the core language is different...
@TerryChia I should take a look
its like the difference between javascript and JEE.
Idiomatic C is crap C++ code.
or maybe node.js and JEE.
@Adnan I certainly would never tell you about such a thing
can you imagine if I sat here telling you all how incredibly intelligent I am
@RоryMcCune Funny how things change in a couple of years eh? IMO IE is far superior to FF now.
psh, the internet couldn't accept an intelligent woman being a thing that actually exists
much easier to hide my phd in neuroscience and just claim to be a hyperactive gamer
@AviD yeah I'm sure there were still some people there, but they stopped active development for quite a while
@kalina Yes, I can actually imagine. We'd all be laughing so hard
@kalina I have several examples that beg to differ.
@AviD I can comfortably say @Kisu
@Adnan and this is why I don't reveal my awesomeness to you
@RоryMcCune true. but to be fair, it could very well be that they couldnt imagine what other features they would need. Browser development is complete.
it's not my fault I'm surrounded by cretins with IQs below 150
@kalina Of course it's much easier to hide your phd in neuroscience. It's always easier to hide things that don't exist.
@AviD hmm in Bill G's eyes perhaps it was but I can safely say the web's moved on a little since 2001'ish
That's why god is the best at hide-and-seek
@AviD "640 kB ought to be enough for anybody"
@RоryMcCune hah, of course, I'm saying it may have been shortsightedness over pure malice.
(some malice did exist there of course, but not the only thing)
@kalina you mean @Simon?
@AviD Nah, she means her other 9 personalities
I'm going to roll over now and get back to sleeping
@TerryChia hehe. Though BillG never did actually say that....
interacting with @adnan while I'm in bed makes me feel dirty
@AviD sure things are never one dimensional but trying to stop people developing on an open platform was an "old school" MS thing
@kalina Oh please. Don't say such thing. I've just had my meal
@AviD The truth doesn't matter when it comes to funny quotes. :)
@kalina funny, @Kisunminttu was just saying that this morning. ;-)
did I tell you that I perforated my ear drum on the right side and have a massive ear infection?
you should be nice to me while I'm so ill
go change her blankets or something @Adnan
@kalina Wrong hole, dammit! WRONG HOLE!!
the images
To be clear, I was talking about ear piercing.
I'm... Just going to get back to binge watching dexter
@AviD.... you're really that special, aren't you?
Oh @adnan on a serious note
Your voice recordings
Lots of background noise
I will dehiss and declick when I can hear the hissing and clicking properly
@kalina That was the only problem? Wow, you really cannot hear that well.
I was going to distort and stretch/retrigger anyway
@kalina Alrightie. Let us know how it goes. I'm sure you'll produce something nice.
Well... As subjective as nice can be
Also, no royalties.
damnit, i have such an headache, but i have no idea where it comes from
i drink enough i think, i eat enough, its a reasonable temperature :S
I love my job
as should everyone.
giving people headaches?
yet its still rare enough.... so good for you!
My boss just said "hey, coffee break! I made us some rhubarb pie, there's ice cream that you can put on it, too :)"
awesome :-)
I'm not sure that's a reason to love your job
(and I actually like what I do, as well. but not love.)
though I cant say I would enjoy rhubarb pie. Dunno, it just sounds.... wrong.
@kalina This isn't my future career, no :)
@AviD Dude! You've never had rhubarb pie?!
uh oh. @Adnan come quick! Catfight about to happen!
2 kittes pawing and rolling over each other? :3
@Kisunminttu heh, no. I do love me some pie, I love eating all kinds of pie, but never had rhubarb. Isn't it bitter?
what's wrong with bitter foods?
nothing, its just not pie.
I bet you dont like pumpkin pie, if youve ever had...
i had cherry Pie
well, over here, we call it " Vlaai"
@Lighty hehe, cruuude.

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