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@MarkBuffalo i'm trying! it spiders as step 1 and then scancs
I'm not a Vancouverian :(
whatever, it's all moose-snow land
@AustinHartzheim You haven't even answered, wanna wrestle?
I love my tall pants that I got at the big and tall person store
they go down to my calves... that's it...
oh, the person on the chat list
@MarkBuffalo that sounds unpleasent
oh wait, no. these are the costco pants
they go down to my calves and I look retarded
tall person store fkin lol
How's the weather up there you donut?
cloudy with a chance of meatballs?
It's cold. So cold. Actually, not all that bad. The weather is great here, and there is a great lake breeze.
It was -23 C this morning here.
That's an ouchy-wouchable.
Next week, it'll be at least +5 C almost every day.
Mother Nature, you bipolar fuck.
1.11c here
@Simon it's always windy at your mom's :D
tildol pls
what the fuck
The winds turned that house over. Not a tornado...
Aw, look at the bears next to each other in the user list.
@TildalWave nice
@TomLeek Guess what? Hashing is encryption!!!
you focking wot m8
I had a 1TB SSD you jelly
...this is 16 TB?
Not 1.6. Not 1. 16.
"Unfortunately, you won't be seeing this — or any similar SSD — in your next gaming machine anytime soon"
@Simon ...actually...
I wrote a game arcade catalog program
abandoned the project after I ran out of hard drive space for all the roms
actually it was finished. I stopped updating it
So for example, if I rip all of my ps1 and ps2 cds, the space requirements might be a few terabytes. then there's my steam collection
Why wont they make a new dinocrisis :( dinocrisis 2 was my favorite game
I think I played that for a few minutes
at an arcade or something
OK but you don't need that for "gaming", you need that for online storage... which doesn't really have to be at 1.2 GB/s 20k IOPS
@MarkBuffalo you havent truely lived
@TildalWave yes, I must access my games quickly
@MarkBuffalo why?
@TildalWave to feel good about having something nice?
@TildalWave However, a 16 TB storage space with very high IOPS is really nifty for heavy duty rainbow tables.
who cares if it isn't practical. It's all about the feelings
@ThomasPornin And this!!!
@MarkBuffalo What difference would it make if it was a normal HDD RAID? 16 TB isn't even all that big of a storage nowadays
@TildalWave O_O
@TildalWave the difference is how I feel about it. If there's a big, bulky HDD raid in my computer, I'm gonna feel pretty shitty, mate. "This is so dirty. I feel like a dinosaur from the 1950s"
Space saving is a good part of it
16TB SSD that's only 2.5" YES, please. YES. OH YES
Markus came.
@Simon Where?
@TildalWave The mating prospects for an average computer geek being what they are, a visible display of wealth can be welcome.
@MarkBuffalo you'd first have to see the price tho
@ThomasPornin This, too.
@TildalWave It's probably like $20k
That's okay too
I'll just have to eat ramen noodles for a year
dude you can have like petabytes on HDD RAIDs with redundancy, hotswaps,... for that money
@MarkBuffalo Maybe. When the big FusionIO PCI-e cards came out, they were over 100K.
@TildalWave I know, but the smaller, the better. It's not the size that matters, it's the face and bragging rights you can gain from having the nicer one.
that's definitely not what she said :)
All the women will be banging on my front door. "Mark Buffalo, let me see your SSD!", and I'll have to turn them away... with the most sorrowful look on my face
because I'm married, and my wife's last name is Bobbit
@MarkBuffalo rumours say samsung will release a 15TB 2.5" SSD soon
@MarkBuffalo yes
20 years from now, we're gonna look back and laugh at these puny 16 TB SSDs
@Ohnana there's like 8 TB HDD drives now, you only need two to get to 16 TB, three and you've got RAID 5 at the same size with parity
@MarkBuffalo apparently the 3.84TB version is priced at 3.3k USD though....
@MarkBuffalo I won't laugh at the SSD. I will laugh at you.
@ThomasPornin whoa there
@ThomasPornin Why?
@TildalWave there are 10TB HDDs...
@ThomasPornin Because hashing is encryption?
@TildalWave fair enough, but even 8 TB is insane to me
@SEJPM yeah... I trust you, I didn't check in a while
@MarkBuffalo The SSD is just an inert piece of hardware. You are the one who praises it.
@ThomasPornin So? It's still temporarily worthy
one day we will look back and laugh about those dualcore processors :D
@SEJPM Aren't we already doing that?
@Simon i'm running one right now
I won't laugh
@SEJPM Wow, you must live in a third world country like Germany.
wow, even I have a quad core
and my computer is like 5 years old
@Simon still better than the least developed country USA
it's older than both of my kids combined
@SEJPM Can't deny that.
@MarkBuffalo with 15W you can't fit an x64 Skylake quad core
@MarkBuffalo You have a desktop then. Or a desktop processor, at least.
@MarkBuffalo "Look at this. It’s worthless — ten dollars from a vendor in the street. But I take it, I bury it in the sand for a thousand years, it becomes priceless."
@Xander indeed
also, you can use laptop processors in desktops in some cases
@ThomasPornin the trick is having it last 1000 years
@ThomasPornin Isn't the sand the valuable bit sometimes...
(also plenty of artifacts are junk)
@MarkBuffalo Err, yes, and they'll still be dual-core.
@MarkBuffalo no
@MarkBuffalo my media PC is a dual core, but that's all it needs and it's quiet because of it
those aren't called desktops
@Ohnana Another trick is to try to not destroy the planet in the next 1k years.
@SEJPM yes, I bought a laptop processor for a steep discount, and put it in a desktop motherboard
@Xander I have a laptop with something that is marketed as "quad core" but that's a bit wrong; there are four integer cores but only two FP/SSE cores.
@TildalWave Yea, media pcs don't need too much
It is an AMD A8 something.
@ThomasPornin AMD D:
AMD is for people who are poor and can't afford an Intel chip
secretly hides his AMD chips
I wouldn't expect pornu to be poor.
@Simon He lives in Canada. No amount of money can make up for that :((((((((
@MarkBuffalo laptop processors can't be dismounted?
@SEJPM What do you mean?
@ThomasPornin I had some AMD laptops in the past. They were very good for heating things up, and having the loudest fans. For other things, not so much.
You need a warm room? Go and buy AMD.
@SEJPM This is the only reason I didn't freeze to death on the rez
I had an AMD computer next to me to keep me warm
@MarkBuffalo aren't they soldered onto the mainboard?
@Xander Mine got a lot cooler when I deactivated the GPU.
@SEJPM Depends... this was a while back
@ThomasPornin and used a proper nvidia GPU?
@MarkBuffalo worst it does is HEVC decoding and does that perfectly... maybe it won't be enough with something else than H.265 but should do for the foreseeable future
@MarkBuffalo ahhhhhh
@SEJPM I am running on the GPU integrated in the CPU. I deactivated the external GPU (Radeon) because it was generating too much heat.
pre Intel Core i
@MarkBuffalo No, that's wrong. Different sockets. You need a laptop motherboard for a laptop processor.
Depends on the socket
@Xander No. You are wrong. I am trying to show him that not all cpus are soldered to the motherboard.
@Xander I am talking about an older pentium
With the internal GPU, no heat, no fan, much longer battery autonomy.
I'm trying to find it though
@MarkBuffalo Which processor, specifically?
@MarkBuffalo K
You guys read about the plans for the new Opterons? If that materializes it's gonna whoop Intel's ass
@ThomasPornin I thought you deactivated the internal one to only use an external... nvm
This was years ago... I don't remember the socket type, but the CPU shared the same socket type with a regular desktop socket type
@TildalWave Skylake-EX
AMD won't have any chance in the server market
So I got the laptop processor at a deep discount. The retailer tried to talk me out of it, but I assured them it would work
@SEJPM dunno, I think they're doing just fine so far
@TildalWave no
AMD sells nearly no server processors
It's ARM, PowerPC and Intel
sure, it won't disrupt the market, but their server parts are pretty good for the asking price IMO
@TildalWave comnpanies care about the price?
dunno, but I do and I use servers :P
Ok so I want a new exhaust for my car but prefer to keep my money (1k Canadian monies) so I thought it'd be a good idea if the 22 of you in the chat would give me 45.45$.
@TildalWave so no 28-cores for you :D
I will start a gofundme campain.
@SEJPM no, I'll be just fine with 32 :P
@TildalWave 28 per processor....
up to 8x per board
@Xander AMD Athlon XP
@Simon Aren't 1000 Canadian moneys about 50p sterling?
I'm talking about single chip, 32 cores w/ SMT
still need to verify if this is the right chip. I think it was
Nowadays, we have different socket types
@Matthew oh jesus isn't the p equivalent to an american cent?
@SEJPM @TildalWave Then tend to care about TDP and efficiency more than initial purchase price. When your'e talking about data center scale, your big costs are power and cooling, not servers.
@Ohnana pound sterling would be the British "dollar", I think?
@MarkBuffalo oh
never mind
misread the p as pence and got really freaked out
@Ohnana I think a US cent is about 0.6p
I don't know what a Canadian cent is
@Matthew you're right!
@Xander yeah I know, but like I said, I'm thinking also for own use, not just enterprise one
@MarkBuffalo Ah! That was back in the day.
besides, AMD also sells ARM-based servers
current exchange puts 2 CAD at 1 GBX
@TildalWave Yeah, that's a totally different ballgame.
@Xander I swear this feels like 4-5 years ago... didn't realize it was way back then
I'm just saying they don't make bad servers, that's all... market share and all that, that's a different thing
@TildalWave so no high count processors for you anyway
@SEJPM I still dunno what you mean
Opterons have always scaled better than Intel processors on single boards
and if they're gonna have 32 full-fledged cores as opposed to 28 virtualized ones,...
@Matthew da fuks are p sterling son?
@TildalWave if you actually look at the price you won't buy those with more than 10 cores, aren't you?
Anyway, all of this is irrelevant, just give me the monies, lads.
@Simon no money in third world for canada :(
u suk
@SEJPM well, dunno... but it's so far clear that you get more cores for the same money if you go for AMD compared to Intel ... of course, core count is just as pointless metric as most others
@TildalWave I can even imagine that $ / core is in favor of AMD
Intel is nice, but they do seem a bit complacent and I don't see too much innovation there ... things are moving in different directions now ... I kinda miss the RISC years TBH
@Simon The kind of moneys that are worth something, as opposed to Cananaden moneys.
@Xander Anything you will say will be irrelevant until no one in your country votes for Trump.
@TildalWave back in the day when you soldered the mainboard yourself?
@SEJPM neah :) back when there were Alpha processors whooping Netburst's bottom
@Simon I can't hear you, I think you're speaking French again.
@TildalWave IIRC there will be FPGAs and some new fancy instruction sets (like SHA-Extensions or AVX512) in the Skylake server processors...
@TildalWave what is alpha? (except for a greek letter)
Alpha, originally known as Alpha AXP, is a 64-bit reduced instruction set computing (RISC) instruction set developed by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), designed to replace their 32-bit VAX complex instruction set computer (CISC) instruction set. Alpha was implemented in microprocessors originally developed and fabricated by DEC. These microprocessors were most prominently used in a variety of DEC workstations and servers, which eventually formed the basis for almost all of their mid-to-upper-scale lineup. Several third-party vendors also produced Alpha systems, including PC form factor...
@SEJPM Yeah, the integrated FPGAs are going to be stellar. I can't wait for that.
Have a good weekend you donuts.
@Simon You too!
@TildalWave RIP 1992 - 2007
yeah, it's a shame, those were some mean ass rigs
kinda last time I felt excited for any hardware
they were truly remarkable machines, but it took quite a bit different approach to programming for them
@TildalWave huh, me too :/
@Simon I think I'll pass on your earlier offers.
@TildalWave I had an Alpha as main desktop machine back in 1999-2001
I also had a few for home servers.
My last one was happily running FreeBSD, but the board died one day.
@ThomasPornin :(
I had this happen a few times with older machines
The CPU were really fine, but a lot of boards were not up to the task.
we used them for things like geospatial indexing, they were unimaginably fast with stuff like that if I'd invite some CISC fan over... people simply couldn't believe such complex shifting of data can be done so fast
The DEC engineers had spent years building up a tradition of nifty optimisations at the transistor level, which is why they could clock their CPU at 500 MHz when the competitors (Intel, IBM/Motorola...) were stalling at about 200 MHz.
The completely orthogonal instruction set was a boon for assembly optimization, too.
@RоryMcCune I bit the bullet and bought an iPad last night :x
No stack. No flag register.
iOS feels so much better than android in nearly every way
But I suspect this might be the initial novelty factor
@MarkBuffalo it's designed to be trivial to use
and Apple is really good at this
Yeah it seems that way
But I mainly like the quality and polish
What a sad story with Alpha, sold to Compaq, who set on Itanium (another total flop) and then sold to Intel to be burried :(
@MarkBuffalo I was told that modern iOS versions are really hard to break
@SEJPM What do you mean?
@MarkBuffalo safest way to communicate today: fully patched iOS + iPod + Signal
@MarkBuffalo and apparently iOS 0 days are much more expensive than android ones
@MarkBuffalo context?
@MarkBuffalo That's kind of harsh.
"termination" means "execution/kill/murder"
@Xander I guess the context is some sort of kindergarten or something
@SEJPM private school or daycare.
Yeah, it's a daycare. They're terminating the child's right to attend
But they word it like they're terminating him
@SEJPM Well, they tend to work more consistently - to test an Android one, you need to buy loads of devices
@Matthew depends on what part of android you're targeting?
@SEJPM Up to a point, but even if you target a core part, there are still devices running a massive range of versions. iOS has a much better rate of uptake for OS updates, since Apple runs it all
@ThomasPornin, would you mind answering the top unanswered question on crypto soon?
@SEJPM The Signal/Telegram one ?
@ThomasPornin yes
I am not sure I want to invest time digging through the documentations to try to unravel all the mistakes they made.
@ThomasPornin It's that bad?
@MarkBuffalo I didn't look at it. Generally, most systems are "that bad".
Maybe these ones are not, but that would be uncharacteristic.
@MarkBuffalo I could find three big issues after a short search, imagine what a bear could find
Sounds like it's "too broad" if it's unanswered, and you want to find all the mistakes..
@MarkBuffalo formally, I want a protocol comparison which may limit itself to the three points I mentioned in the question
informally, a judgement on Telegram's protocol and more aspects are desired
@MarkBuffalo there's even an anti-close comment below the question
zerodium makes me unhappy
@SEJPM I heard they don't pay out
Apparently @Adi got screwed by them?
VM escapes are worth $50k? luls
There are a million ways to escape a VM
> "* All payout amounts are chosen at the discretion of ZERODIUM and are subject to change or cancellation without notice."
@MarkBuffalo have fun farming money
aka fuck you asshole, did you expect us to have ethics? sucker.
ASLR bypass... $40k? LOL
anti-virus.... 40k?
@MarkBuffalo if only you'd have known earlier, you'd be rich by now?
except, well, I don't really care enough about money to compromise my principles
@MarkBuffalo Wow. Remote Jailbreak is their top-dollar stuff, for any OS.
RIP: Chat?
@Iszi Yeah, I think that wouldn't be too difficult to do
What I like to do is detect remote jail breaking
It's relatively simple
In China, I detected a RJB on my galaxy note in the form of a video text message. RE'd that, and figured out how to do it
@Iszi apparently :(

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