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This is so dumb
These "recruiters" keep trying to add me and send attachments
@MarkBuffalo s/attachments/malware
It's always a chick with cleaveage
I'm gonna download it anyway
@diagprov In practice I see more problems due to the confusion between cryptographic hashes (unkeyed, fast, collision resistant), MACs (keyed, fast) and password hashes (slow, salted).
@MarkBuffalo I used to say, on OKcupid, I message hot girls and they generally ignore my message. On LinkedIn, hot girls message me and I generally ignore them.
anyone know any good chill EDM tracks?
@HerringboneCat Because they're actually Chinese secret agents
@l1thal what flavor of EDM?
@l1thal i've been listening to a lot of gramatik and parov stelar lately, but for more chill there's a lot of desert dwellers that's good, for more ambient try aes dana
@MickLH Chillstep/House..ish
@HerringboneCat I'll check them out. thanks!
!l1thal kalya scintilla and kaminanda may also be things you like if you're into the "step"
@l1thal unless you dislike female vocals, Galantis is supar chill
Jesus you guys are lame this shit is way too emotional
@MickLH ಠ_ಠ
@DavidFreitag IDM them, thanks!!
You come into our house and call us lame? I'm going to come to your house and kick your dog.
You guys need Datsik therapy
And if you don't have a dog I'm going to buy you one just to punt it
datsik is good
That gangster shit will wash the gay right off
@MarkBuffalo DoD wants to get you away from NSA?
Welp there's @Ohnana triggered, rip
@l1thal ^5 Dat's what's up
@MickLH Seriously, don't use "gay" as a derogatory term, It's not appropriate.
@HerringboneCat This a billion times.
@DavidFreitag what?
oh is mick being silly
mick stop being silly
@HerringboneCat Seriously, I'm not. It's honestly slightly offensive that you would take my character as such but I guess you guys don't know me in real life at all even slightly whatsoever.
let me know if starts hounding on me, i have him ignored
@MickLH That's fine, none of us knows you like that and you're in an onilne chat room. If you use "gay" as a synonym for "bad" or "something I don't like," then you're gay bashing. It's not politically correct nor appropriate, just pointing it out before you even further offend people.
I just put 2 and 2 together... sorry gay people of this room
You better be sorry..
Sorry, that was in poor taste
@BradBouchard you're the fed here. you tell them I don't work for the gubmint, or the NSA
I can, in fact, verify he doesn't work for the gubmit
the Government is a different story ;)
@l1thal You heard Flux Pavilion - International Anthem ?
@MickLH I have indeed. I'm a fan of FP
by the way, @MarkBuffalo the NSA supervisor that you and I work for said you can't take Friday off, he needs you for some surveillance ops... not sure what he's referring to
Anyone who knows Python and VB or C here wanna work on a project w/ me?
Where do the parenthesis go in that logical block?
People still code in VB? :)
or C
"(Python and VB) or C" or "Python and (VB or C)"
C makes you do your own memory management! I mean, it's the old standard, but jeez.
Python and (VB or C)
C# is vogue these days
Python + C# might get you more fishes ;)
@HerringboneCat I'm gunna C your # boi..
@HerringboneCat I do the python, C#, java, php thing
I read "fetishes" at first
@MarkBuffalo yeah because modern stacks use those ;)
@MickLH still not incorrect
C# would prolly work
I actually learned to code in C++, but that was making MUDs in like 1996. I contributed so much tot he CircleMUD codebase
code that would later be appropriated by EverQuest/World of WarCraft to make TONS of money
Yup, I helped create SkyNet. Woe is me. :-P
Omg everquest..
EverQuest was basically a graphical frontend to our backend CircleMUD code.
This one isn't super amazing but it's a good rinse so we can forget about that shit earlier and get to some actual good music
hell yeah
Pusha T
not dubstep
Oooh Atreyu
ahhh hacking music
They're in my current playlist
noooooooo the song I wanted to share is not released, Excision played it at a show but it was never released on any album or website :/
the one i wanted to share was composed inside this dudes head, and he never performed it
@MickLH What's the song called?
They didn't even give it a name
sicker than hell
gonna vomit myself to sleep
It's Excision and The Frim collab, it's the thing he played at last Shambhala with the vocal on loop going "EARTHQUAKE EARTHQUAKE ..." and the really rough bass being played as a drum
People say all dubstep sounds the same, but they are objectively wrong. It is highly modulated and permeates deeper into frequency space on both sides than any given acoustic instrument with effects.
@DavidFreitag This, actually sounds the same. Skip to any part... guitar going "JUN JUN JUN JUN" and guy going "GOOUURRWWAAHHH"
@MickLH Yeah but it doesn't mean I don't enjoy it. The same thing can be said of any song
@l1thal Yeah buddy! This is the the one, the guy clipped it right out of the show lol
It even has the trace of the song before it fading through the intro
wow lol. gg
It really needs to be a song. Looping it doesn't count lol
@RоryMcCune I love that. My girls are in awe!
@l1thal This style is so... I love the fuck out of the drop but it's usually not worth it to get there
I could give you a pile of songs like this where if you cut out only the drops you could have a seizure from the awesome, but as is they are lumps of shit on average
@MickLH I listen to this with my subs in my car
Don't watch the video.. It's.. disturbing.
Musicians are disturbing, disturbed people
2 tru
You weren't lying when you said you like Chillstep -_-
da fuk is dis
Yeah - I can't get any of what is happening in those...
Mich brought his little peasants with him?!?
We're talking about the security of these dubstep songs
Couldn't listen to those for more than a few seconds
Really? Try closing it and re-opening?
I did try each one
If it's any consolation, I'm the same way with death metal
The time it takes me to listen to a death metal song is logarithmic in the length of the song
Because I cut forward twice as far each time it annoys me, which happens in negligibly small constant time upon letting it play
Then this song is for you!
I can't even decide on the genre of this song
It's like.. screamo/rock/edm
LOL see my algorithm was executing but then I got to about the halfway point and it was no longer screamobitching and turned into gaybar techno
"gaybar techno"
Burn in hell.
Maybe I will.
That one was actually good until the "gaybar techno"
Claire and I were enjoying it until it broke
Ok this one is fully electronic but, I've found is compatible with old people @RoryAlsop
relatively old people, anyways
I have no idea why, I think it's something about the way the melodics flow
There's literally no way he's gonna like any Excision track.
No. Most definitely not. After the first two seconds I started using your algorithm. That track doesn't fit into any of the categories I have labeled as music
Why don't you show him Robo Kitty while you're at it?
Good idea
ok robo kitty in up to 4 minutes
@CodesInChaos I agree, I just needed something you could get mauled for and this was the first thing I thought up.
Too l8 I'm already listening to it.
@MickLH do you like this: youtu.be/ACc6jqSxHxY
And then if you guys like HipHop; that's like ALL I ever listen to. HMU if you want some songs
Str8 from the hood
@RoryAlsop Well so far I'm at least using my listening algorithm that's linear in the time of the song
That Zed's Dead one starts off quite nice
Those dudes are Canadians.
I like all of it
@RoryAlsop Simon suggested I show you this one, so here we are
Still listening
Excision is Canadian too.
o pls I was super sarcastic
Yeah don't click, it's a hacked link
Super cool XSS for YouTube, you wouldn't want to see
I want to see it.
tee hee
inb4 I get dox'd and dropped
I dox all your moms.
I dox'd your mom before she was your mom.
Hahahahaha - my 9 year old daughter loves it. Was dancing to it
Lol which one? Robo kitty always makes me dance
I mean literally right now in my chair I just checked and I'm bouncing on the beats
Oh wait, be careful exposing children to that... It's basically a gateway drug. It leads directly to MDMA & sex parties.
seems legit.
Dubstep is a gateway drug to becoming a cool kid.
On that note, I will share one more song for now, you gotta listen to the whole thing though! Don't hate on the intro, it was actually really hilarious in context.
@HerringboneCat Get some C++11 and smart pointers and you're set :)
But really the question should always be "do I need to use C", possibly followed by "why is it so hard to interface between programming languages... no Microsoft, BAD COM!"
@MickLH did they sample every sound in the Transformers movie?
@diagprov Yeah, often C is used for purposes of tradition. Then again, so is Python, as it's the new tradition..but sometimes a scripting language like python isn't suited for doing what it's asked to do.
@RoryAlsop I think their sound designers and the producers featured in this mix overlap :P
I just realized, most people aren't using their production studio machine to listen. Most of the music I've shared sucks without a good quality subwoofer or studio can headphones
@HerringboneCat There are two additional problems though. To interface with C++ at a binary (i.e. precompiled) level you need to name mangle the same way. Since there's no standard... good luck. You can interface with Java, Python, Ruby etc through a C interface but it isn't seamless - you're going from "safe" to "unsafe".
@diagprov i actually for the most part gave up programming and leaned towards systems and security early in my career. I do a lot of DevOps script-based coding, but basically in the last decade, absolutely nothing that needs to be compiled. So, meh, I'll let the devs fight that one out ;)
I can't play those ones through my studio system - kids are in bed :-)
@HerringboneCat Yep. There's a nice thought process and it goes like this: object orientated is great! I need reusable code! DLLs are great! I'll export my class from a DLL...
@diagprov DLLs are Windowsy! Aaaagh!
(Yes I understand a dynamic linked library exists in posix OSes, but the .dll extension really makes it remind me of windows!)
It can be done, with varying caveats. Then someone says "hey, metaprogramming is like the best thing evaahhh let's add templates".
well crap.
I answered a question.. and then I realized.. I answered the wrong question.
So I tried to amend it to answer the ACTUAL question.. We'll see how this goes. xD
@RoryAlsop why migrate that question... besides your comment which I can obviously see, I intended my question for Meta Sec.SE only
@HerringboneCat Things are easier on Linux luckily :) For a start everyone mostly uses the same compiler and everything is exported from a .so by default, so stuff just works.
@Simon Dubstep is so mainstream now though, how can it make you cool?
@diagprov The same way you can make money on the stock market whether it's going up or down
@BradBouchard because it is not a question for Sec.SE only
It is a question regarding every site on Stack Exchange
@diagprov As someone who spent his adolescence trying to fix makefiles and get .so's to compile on varying Linux systems, I can say, everything does not in fact just work. ;)
@diagprov but it has gotten better over the years..I mean, in those days, you might have to make a.out and ELF binaries.
@RoryAlsop but that's not my intended audience, and where it was migrated did in fact have another question that already addressed it so it was a duplicate, but in the context of where I asked it at (Meta Sec.SE) it wasn't a duplicate... I had no clue it would be on the main Meta or else I wouldn't have even bothered...
I looked for a long time on the Meta Sec.SE for it to do my "homework"
Talk about nostalgia
cc:\ @Simon ^^
@HerringboneCat ok well, relative to DLLs then :)
@Brad - but we will put questions to the best place for all future visitors. Meta Stack Exchange covers all sites. Meta Sec.SE covers this site.
Ey boys, anyone here good in Crypto?
@l1thal Only if you are ok conversing with our ravenous ursine overlord.
@l1thal gilles, codes and me and of course our bear (who's not here right now)
aka @ThomasPornin
I'm looking to get into crypto. Where do you guys recommend I start?
Someone's asking for a mauling.
@l1thal By reading.
@DavidFreitag anything specific? What did you read?
@l1thal Green eggs and ham
Oh, you mean crypto books
xD yeh.
I have no idea, ask @ThomasPornin what to read when getting started with crypto.
I've ready green eggs and ham prolly 100x more than you could ever dream of.
I learned mostly from wikipedia, stackexchange and djb's papers.
@Xander recommended that one
@SEJPM this. it's going on now
@MarkBuffalo If it's already started can I still jump in and get caught up?
it started yesterday...
@l1thal yes. jump in now
I'md oing it. well, I will be when I have time.
@MarkBuffalo will do. Thanks
and it's not looking good
What do you mean?
It's not looking like I'll have enough time to work on this
@l1thal All the fluids currently firing from him
@MarkBuffalo crypto is hard
@SEJPM the issue is time. work, family...
@MarkBuffalo that was a joke. This course shouldn't contain the hard crypto
@l1thal how good is your math?
@SEJPM Eww who wants to study flaccid crypto?
@SEJPM I'm a Senior in HS and about to comlete Calculus 1
@SEJPM I've an A in there. So. I think I'm well off
@l1thal so you know`(conditional) probabilities very well?
@SEJPM Pretty well.
@DavidFreitag the basics are always simple, the really modern stuff is hard
@SEJPM I know, I was trying to make a penis joke. Man, rough crowd tonight.
@SEJPM What do probabilities and calculus have to do with each other? I've taken everything but stats and I haven't learned any probabilities
@SEJPM Thanks. I'll look into getting the EText version
Well, everything up through proofs that is
@DavidFreitag I guessed probabilites are a topic in HS
@l1thal this will be very formal (many security proofs) and will get you solid formal education in crypto
@SEJPM That's a poor guess, I didn't have any in HS either. I had Algebra, Geometry, Precalc, and Calculus in HS
And nowhere in those four classes did we learn probabilities
@SEJPM And the only real prerequisite you suggest is being well off in conditional probability?
@DavidFreitag probabilites are mandatory in germany...
@SEJPM LOL explains why the US is so far behind every other country
@DavidFreitag probability density functions. These can be integrated over their support to an integral that must equal one (since if you sum up every case, you must get 1). Further, the integral $_{lower bound}^x f(x)$ gives you the cumulative distribution function.
@diagprov Sure you can apply calculus to probabilities
But that doesn't count
@l1thal yes, the proofs are 90% logical reductions mixed with some fancy conditional probabilities
sweet, my internet connection is back
and being routed through the NSA vpn
@MarkBuffalo Oh I thought you were projectile vomiting
the remainder is just self-explanatory
@DavidFreitag I already summoned Trump int he parking lot
Alright, thanks.
@DavidFreitag really, another penis joke?
If any of you nerds are interested, I made a MathJax extension for SE chat on Chrome.
@MarkBuffalo for that extra speed
@DavidFreitag oh but it does, for a huge list of reasons. You've heard of random variables? That come from gaussian/exponential/... distributions?
Just install it and it renders Tex in chat.
@diagprov I knew I shouldn't have started an argument with a room full of nerds
I just knew it
@l1thal and for the more general reference there is always the HAC
which is very useful although a bit dated (especially for key management, protocols and stuff about which the other books talks less)
@DavidFreitag I'm on Firefox... :(
@SEJPM I'll read through them both
@DavidFreitag Also Bayes. Bayes theorem + PDFs + prior to posterior analysis gives you interesting statistical tools.
@SEJPM Well let me know if you decide to use a real browser
The more knowledge the better!
@diagprov brb gonna go shoot myself
@DavidFreitag gl hf
@DavidFreitag Sorry :) Don't do that :) When I am less asleep I might be able to actually explain it all better if needs be.
@SEJPM Luck? I don't need luck to shoot myself.
@DavidFreitag with US education, you do need luck for shooting yourself...
@SEJPM pls, we're 'mericanos, guns are ingrained in our DNA
U.S. education is really good... if you've got the money.
@l1thal It's fast paced, so I wouldn't recommend it, but they offer it ever few months, so if you put it on your coursera watch list, it'll come up on offer again soon.
@MarkBuffalo Oh you mean private schools
I went to private school
If you can afford to buy a nice house in a nice area... your kids will be set. If not... they're screwed.
Most of the kids were on drugs
Or at least, they'll have to work much harder
Did I hear guns? MERUCA FECK YEHA
We played an assassins game where we would pelt a person with water balloons or a super soaker
@Xander I've already enrolled in it. I barely ever sleep so I can catch up over night. Thanks, though. =)
@l1thal Also, the Handbook of Applied Cryptography. You can find the PDFs online for free. It's an oldie, so it doesn't cover the advances of the last 20 years or so, but as a fundamental primer, its fantastic.
5 mins ago, by SEJPM
@l1thal and for the more general reference there is always the HAC
@Xander Thanks again, I'll be checking it out. Hope you don't mind me poking you now and then for help, haha. You too @SEJPM
@SEJPM Ha, ninja'd. :-)
@l1thal k, I'm usually here for some time (except for when I don't want to have that 100+ unread messages tab), but don't expect responses the next few days, I won't have internet then (german rural area)
and if the question is good there's always:
I have an account on there, but I'm scared of asking a stupid question. lol. Guess you'll never know until ya find out
I'll read through those books before I ask any questions.

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