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CCCC: Snob races about clutching diamonds? (6)
4 hours later…
Q: 499 and the Gamma Function

Bernardo Recamán SantosFolks elsewhere in this very same sight have been working hard to express positive integers in the binary system using merely two ones and two zeros. They have been allowed to use the four basic arithmetic operations, exponentiation, concatenation, brackets, fractions, factorials (including doubl...

3 hours later…
How did I not spot this sooner? @Stiv this is just CARBON (which is what diamonds structurally are) which is clutched by s(NOB RAC)es backwards (about)
Well I think it's because I got misled - my instinct was to interpret "clutching diamonds" as D being clutched by the rest of the wordplay
2 hours later…
@oAlt Haha, yep :) That's right!
2 hours later…
Moderators, please don't be annoyed by me.
I play to lope along, not to trip.
Key words, "play along."
2 hours later…
@oAlt yeah especially with "about" (valid anagrind) there and "races" being the right number of letters
1 hour later…
Q: Find the next pattern in the sequence of patterns!

QuarkoniumThe following are 2 sequences from an IQ test. The task is to find the next logical pattern in the sequence. Please help me find the solution. Sequence 1: Sequence 2:

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