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Q: How many bloggers were on the team?

NickA bloggers' team needs to process two video files: one twice the size of the other. The volume of the larger video file is 6 GB. In the first half of the night, the whole team worked on the large video file, and at midnight half of this file was ready. Then, after midnight, they split in half: t...

5 hours later…
@Aranlyde imma take this opportunity to say that I loved your "Untitled, for Now" puzzle
3 hours later…
Q: What is the value of $32⊗34$?

MAKThe operator $⊗$ acts on two numbers to give the following outcomes $2⊗6 = 44$ $4 ⊗ 10 = 87$ $8 ⊗ 18 = 1613$ $16 ⊗ 22 = 2019$ What is the value of $32 ⊗ 34$? I am trying to look for a pattern. Any comments and suggestions on how to solve this problem will be much appreciated. Thank you! (C) 2019 ...

another supplement for fitness..
oh boy
tho mith said that spam usually dies quickly here
2 hours later…
Q: Pattern recognition problem having figures

SureshThe following pattern was given to me by one of my friend: If , and then, what is the value of My Thoughts: From the first figure we conclude each clock is represented by its equivalent hour value, so $$9+9+3=21$$ From second figure we conclude each calculator is represented by its sum on its ...

4 hours later…
Does anyone know if its possible to somehow insert a hyperlink in mathjax? As in clicking on a piece of mathjax will lead somewhere else?
(Sorry if thats poorly explained)
I've found its possible to hyperlink a piece of mathjax text, but is it possible to hyperlink a word thats within say a box
@hexomino, another CCCC hint?
@bobble Apologies, I've been so entranced by topological nim today that I've forgotten about this
CCCC Hint 2: "short and wide" is a single unit.
@hexomino i think it's ABLATE (remove material from) around SQUAT (short and wide) U (uniform), making ABSQUATULATE (leave abruptly)
Oh, boy! Is it ABSQUATULATE?
Dangit, @jafe!?! :-)
Just learning the word is reward enough :-)
@jafe This is correct!
Well done!
i was never getting that without the hint... had no idea "squat" has that meaning
double WAT
CCCC: Nice for Italians to get a bit of parmesan for topping their food? (5)
@JeremyDover Also, well done! Did you find the hint helpful too?
@jafe: I think it's PIZZA. Italians call Nice "Nizza", and we get a bit of (P)armesan for its topping.
@JeremyDover that's it! nice work
@hexomino: Got it exclusively from the hint. Contra jafe, "short and wide" gave me squat, and a regex search got me the word.
CCCC: Powder her bosom. The top two, right?
how many letters are we looking for? :)
CCCC: Power her bosom. The top two, right? (4)
CCCC: Powder her bosom. The top two, right? (4)
btw, non-native problems: i have no idea whether you'd actually say "for topping their food"... i know the way i put it sounds like they'd get the parmesan as a reward for topping their food (possibly with something else)
IMHO, topping is a great word for cryptic setters. It is a noun for "something on top", and also a verb which can mean both "putting on top" (e.g., topping up a drink) and "removing the top" (e.g. topping a tree). I had no difficulty understanding what you meant.
@jafe That sounds pretty natural to me.
yeah topping is pretty useful... i like indicators that can mean completely different things depending on the interpretation
like the "in possession of" i mentioned earlier... i was pretty amazed when i came across a clue where it meant "x in y" in the surface but "y in x" in the wordplay
Q: The trip of a lifetime... but to where?

kristinalustigYour best friend Alex is great, but she's a bit too into puzzles for your taste. Today, she sent you a package. It included a letter informing you that she’s planned the adventure of a lifetime for the two of you for next year… if you can figure out where the adventure will be, and the combinatio...

2 hours later…
rate the unorthodox clue:
Ubangi flowing here? (6)
answer's BANGUI* (city through which the ubangi river flows)
10 is "ech, fine with a question mark"
5 is "ugh, how dare you"
1 is "seems like you're trying to create a cryptic clue - these are generally separated into definition and wordplay parts, which..."
pretty close to 1 for me, but that's because I am strongly against semi-&lits
I don't see the "here" doing anything
Yes, hence the "semi".
It's a device sometimes used in more libertarian cryptics.
Not allowed by strictly Ximenian rules.
I see
i'm sure there's an actual &lit in there somewhere waiting to be written... closely related meanings and one word being easily transformable to the other is such a promising combination
1 hour later…
How about "Wherein Ubangi flows" as an &lit? Definition-part, we can interpret this as "in which location the Ubangi flows", but wordplay-part, "wherein" seems like it could be neutral in the "in this wordplay, Ubangi flows" sense. Makes sense to me, but interested in other opinions too.
I definitely like that better
ooh, just had an idea
Ubangi's routing! (6)
with 'routing' being "location something is guided through" in the def, and "scattering (as a defeated army)" in the wordplay
yeah that's better
1 hour later…
Can you use a word meaning "rightward" or "downward" as a no-op in a cryptic clue?

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