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I should really edit that post sometime to go into more detail about definitions.
aren't you supposed to be at class? hehe
I am. It starts in a few minutes. :P
@Deusovi Good to know you're paying attention :P
Alright, the A1Z26 sum is 121 and I'm off for now
Bye all :)
@ChrisCudmore Yokai is Japanese ( as I'm sure you saw when you looked it up), so if you're not into that culture you probably wouldn't know the word.
@dcfyj U jbiw Taoiu
Rot13ed text.
Or not.
Ah, I see.
@Rubio maybe some hints in the Puzzling Times?
(I think.)
Yeah, I checked that, from 1-25 and 47
If you assume TBA's right hand was one key over, it says "I know Tapoi", which... almost makes sense.
@Sid There's already a very pretty one ;)
It took a looong time to figure out how to make that scratch-off look the way I wanted. People better appreciate it lol
But yeah, I have to figure out what I can hint without giving the whole game away
@dcfyj Whoops, what happened there?
Was supposed to be "I know Yokai"
I don't have any hints planned for it beyond the ones already in it - will have to come up with something
@Rubio I was tempted to put the Code puzzle-What(not) to do? But, then you have already provided the photo journalist(Whatever that is) and some years..
@TrojanByAccident I don't know how you got Taoiu from Yokai.
Very carefully :P
@Deusovi :P
My hand was off-center
Why was 'I Know Yokai' in rot 13 anyway?
That explains the other two words, but not "Yokai".
It wasn't rot13ed.
It was typoed horribly.
I know, my typing skills suck
@Sid There are clues in it. It's not just a blob of cipher text.
I just happen to type in rot13 from time to time :P
(I bothered making it that format for a reason. If you can figure out why, it may help.)
Yeah, I saw that only after marvelling at thte visual presentation of it
...Are you okay?
I really hope that puzzle gets into HNQ
that looks better
@Deusovi Who even knows anymore?
Because of the growing faction attempting to prevent me from writing CCCC's I've been inspired to write a very easy one for next time **shifty eyes**
@Will Oh no.
@Sid Even I am lurking into PT
(That "ban Will from CCCC" thing was a joke, by the way. I didn't expect it to keep going that far.)
@Will 'next time'? what is this "next time" you speak of?
I tried taking a screenshot of that and then mirroring it :p
I never voted. I'd vote no in any case. :)
Didn't work
But I feel some letters need to be rotated. That's one of my usual wild guess
Also, with knowledge tag in place I feel this is relevant
Unfortunately I have never been a fan of apple phones so lack of knowledge there
Would anyone be terribly appalled if I re-mapped my keyboard to rot13?
@Will Did you get a chance to look at @Rubio's paper?
I think will solved the cryptics in a few seconds.
Not actually sure which word is more appropriate.
@Deusovi bxnl svar :/
Yeah. Those were solved by some but were not relevant.
I hope they weren't :D
Will should recognize the graphic ;)
I tried a search for the keyword, but found just one :p
I sure do.
Yeah. That one I do as well ;)
But I am assuming only the box part is relevant :-/
It's possible (just barely) to solve the riddle per se without solving the puzzle, but that wouldn't be much fun would it.
home! why did the weather have to choose to start snowing just as I got off the bus to walk home?
Susan Kare was Apples graphic designer from 1982-1985 :D
I thought of her too
But I don't think there is a key for that cipher text. Some of those just sound like actual words.. Some operations are needed to be done I guess
There isn't a key. You got the hint, right?
You found the hint, right?
But how come we know if we have solved it?
@BeastlyGerbil that's probably better than having started while you were on the bus, so that is was having difficulties as well
also, you don't like walking in falling snow?
well it turned to water straight away as it was raining before hnd
not when its cold and I have forgotten a coat
Ahh, still, I'd rather have it snowing on me than raining on me
first snow for me here anyway
But I don't have to shovel rain.
It never snows here
If you haven't seen my last comment on the puzzle, which will eventually be the first hint, you probably should read it
we got some snow last weekend where I am, it's still hanging around a bit in places, even though it's up to about 20 now
I'm just cold
I couldn't live anywhere it doesn't snow
I haven't seen snow in my entire life so far. I have seen hailstones but not snow.
that sounds sad
It's not sad
You're lucky
Snow is bad. It's cold.
No?????? Snow is awesome.
Anything cold is evil except for ice cream
Arg, I'm trying a new tactic
solving my puzzle from the outside in
There's nothing like walking in a snowy forest at night. Just wonderful
@Mithrandir Refrigerator?
Yesssss Chris knows what's up
Rime is like the prettiest thing... but that's not exactly snow
@Will The sky
I still remember when it snowed before christmas even came. Now its more likely to snow at easter than christmas. Damn global warming
That's one of the reasons I joined Scouts as a scouter. I love showing that stuff to the kids for the first time. A 1km hike at night, to a campfire that's already going. It's magical.
And you get to show them really cool stuff that no one else will.
@BeastlyGerbil That reminds me of this: xkcd.com/1321
Gerbil: Where are you approximately?
@ChrisCudmore Are there kettles of cocoa?
@ChrisCudmore england
Yup. Always.
Although, we don't let the cubs (8-11) sleep in tents in the winter. They're too small to handle the cold.
So we go to a scout camp with a heated cabin.
But from April to November, I make them rough it.
This June, we're not giving them tents. They're going to have to improvise.
Been teaching lashing all fall to prep them for it.
Sounds interesting in theory. Cold irl.
Nah, June is when it starts to get hot here. We generally go from too cold to too hot in a week in mid may.
We generally go from too cold to too hot on a pyre in town square
Burning witches?
more or less
it's not the witches that are burning, but the witches that are burning.
the witches burn
I was in France a few years ago on St. Jean-Baptiste day. Biggest fire I've ever seen.
@BeastlyGerbil Global Warming is a chinese hoax. :P
(Sorry,couldn't resist.)
Here's my current weather:
Where are you?
Well, enjoy your mosquito free weather.
Thanks. Should last a couple more months... :P
No mosquitoes here either and it's 65F right now
3C and raining in Toronto
A couple? hehe
@GentlePurpleRain It says -19 degrees to be sunny. Lol
@Sid We get a lot of sunshine in the wintertime. It can be cold and sunny.
VERY cold and sunny.
Well, I have the same temperature here without the minus sign. :P
Enjoy it.
For some reason, it's 70 degrees Fahrenheit here.
Global Warming.
Oh wait, that's a chinese hoax. :P
I have just discovered that it is impossible to add an image on mobile.
@Mithrandir Can't you bring up the full site on mobile, and do it that way?
@Mithrandir no its not, its just very difficult
I'm using full view
The button is off the screen and no matter what I do it won't let me click it
try rotating the device?
Doesn't work
oh. unlucky.
@Mithrandir Add an image where?
@Deusovi Yeah it's 65F here, it really shouldn't be in January
Arts and crafts se
I've added images via mobile before, Also I just noticed (since I haven't looked at that question in a while) but @GentlePurpleRain why did you remove the logic-deduction tag?
@dcfyj : A puzzle that needs formal logical deduction to arrive at a solution. [emphasis added]. To me, that implies that the puzzle can be rewritten as a number of statement of formal logic, which is not the case with the tree puzzle.
As it turns out, would be a good tag to use now ;)
Q: Magic Time-travelling Baktun Wheel

MarchhillI have an ancient mayan friend who emailed me the other day: From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: Hey! Hey how are you! I was wondering if you were feeling a little bored, living in 2017, and wanted a little change. If you do, try out my magi...

found 80 points for that ^
@Rubio orry ninja'd you there!
Yours is decimocuatro
oh so we have the same?
(points that is)
More importantly, shouldn't that be closed?
should it?
OP says in the comments that they're looking for "imaginative answers".
aka too broad?
It's puzzle-golf
don't we allow that?
That's what I think, at least. If you disagree, then don't VTC.
Only in extremely well-defined puzzles.
I quite like it.
The answer is the largest score
which is well defined
so I'd allow it
it's for sure
But what's allowed as a potential answer is not.
It says "word"
So that's too broad, is it not? German can make arbitrarily long compound words.
so (presumably) "one thousand nine hundred ninety nine mod one thousand nine hundred eighty" is verboten but meh
Well. True, but while arbitrarily long, will they still be a proper word that resolves to a numeric value?
I doubt well be allowed mod in the answer
I'm sure there's a reasonably finite limit to what shenanigans you can get up to even in German
Sure, why wouldn't they be?
If not, barring German from the question probably salvages it in any case
@Deusovi If I remeber right, Japanese can too
No, I don't think it can. Japanese doesn't have spaces between words, but they are still different.
I've seen some rather long words, although they were in Romaji
Also @Rubio:
"I'm not looking specifically for the highest possible answer, just imaginative answers with the highest points score you can find"
from the OP in the comments
You missed the emphasis on the highest answer
I think it's relevant. :)
@BeastlyGerbil btw it says 'the name of the baktun eg. "thirteen" ' - I think that precludes decimocuarto, which is "fourteenth".
I don't see how.
I think ordinal is fine
All the examples given are the cardinal numbers.
It's like he fourteenth century
or, other words for "zero"
again, cardinal
ooh I like the new answer
I've asked for rules clarity. :)
yeah didn't know slang was allowed
i was gonna break out Triskaidekaphobia for 112
as a joke
and then people started in with the bakers' dozens
@Rubio A "baker's dozen" clearly defines the number 13. Triskaidekaphobia doesn't define the number; it defines a fear of the number. I would be inclined to accept the former, but not the latter.
(I said as a joke hehe)
I'm disappointed Finnish teen numbers aren't longer. This kind of thing is right up Finnish's alley.
Apparently anything goes.
Cardinal or ordinal, actual number or just something that identifies one, and as many words as you want.
I have a super long one, but sadly it hits all the low numbers
@Rubio Yyyyyeah...
Wanna re-evaluate your idea of whether it's too broad or not?
@BeastlyGerbil I was talking about the weird colours
Yeah, now it's too broad. :)
@Rubio Hold on. Let it get into HNQ, milk it for some more upvotes and then, vtc. :P
This one is rather vowel heavy but sadly I could only get 19 through 9
@Sid hehe
@GentlePurpleRain Was already doing that ;)
@Deusovi so when are you posting your witless answer? :P
@dcfyj When I solve it. :P
You should keep trying to solve it!
I would catch up to you (and pass you :P) if I knew what the heck I was doing
That gives me less incentive to post it
Apparently I got set 1 correctly, but the logic I used to get that answers isn't correct for set 2. So, I have no idea...
@Deusovi I am still stuck in 4th Set.(Because I have already given up!) Mind telling me how on earth are we supposed to solve that? Or do we learn a new rule?
It's not about unique symbols.
@Sid I'm not telling you the solution. I am telling you one thing: You're making an assumption you shouldn't be.
I got that much, but I feel like I almost know what I should be looking for but not quite...
10 hours ago, by Deusovi
oh no, counting - my only weakness
I thought something in that sense but I must be missing part of the rule because I'm getting a non unique solution in set 2
Huh, really? Which one?
What are the solutions you got?
(you should probably rot13 or rot47 your descriptions of them)
YES! I am making an assumption that I don't even know what it is. Now for the love of GOD, PLEASE TELL ME. I can't sleep otherwise tonight.
WE@A=67E 3@EE@>=67E 3@EE@>X WE@AC:89EX 47
and the like (I have a third solution too)
No, that's not the solution.
@Deusovi why is rot13 and 47 so popular? Why not say rot17?
Well, I figure that. Like I said, I feel like I'm missing part of the rule
@incesterror21 Because they work the same both ways
@incesterror21 They're both self-inverses
same with rot47
Very nice, thanks.
I'm using 47 now because it's pretty much impossible to read unless you flip it
and I recall someone saying they could read 13 as plain
Right - rot13 only changes the letters, so it gives you an idea of the word lengths
and sometimes more of the common letters too
Q: My First Add-A-Gram

Ertai87Well, I've looked at a bunch of puzzles here but I'm not good at making long involved ones, so I'll make a short one: A bad word inside a suffix of a Chinese martial art inside an alien spaceship inside one tenth of a Biblical flood inside a gathering place.

47 doesn't modify the length either, but it does modify the punctuation
Does it not modify spaces?
(which of course makes it look like it changes the length)
Huh, didn't realize that
At least, I don't think it does. Time to go testing
You're right
Definitely not
Also, it turns is into :D, so it's instantly the best cipher ever
(I just put a bunch of spaces in the thing I wrote earlier) :P
@Deusovi Did you forget about the etiquette room's cipher? :P
@dcfyj, do you want a bigger hint?
(Also, fair enough :P )
Um, hey Mathy guys.. (@Deusovi I believe you are one), help me with this, please: An eight digit number divisible by 99 is to be formed using digits from 00 to 99 without repeating the digits. The number of ways in which this can be done is :
@incesterror21: Did you even try the puzzle yet?
No, I just thought "HINT" is bigger than "hint"
@Sid Digits from 00 to 99?
oh :P
Um, that's 0 to 9
@dcfyj: *@F >256 Q6BF2=Q C68:@?D[ :? 2 D6?D6]
Everything got doubled on copy paste due to some reason..
Ah ok, lemme try this thought, see if it works
Anyway, is this homework? :P
Nope, just a practice problem from last year. I have sort of forgotten combinatorics on messing with calculus this year. :P
Hey, all! :)
Ah, alright. So how many options do you have for removing digits? (Hint: Remember the divisibility test for 9.)
@Deusovi By the way, this makes me think of Magicka: "AHHH! Loss of blood, my only weakness"
The sum of all digits should be divisible by 9
Say I removed 7. What else could I remove? (Remember, we're removing two digits from the set of 10.)
You could remove 2..
Could you remove anything else?
Ok, Got it!
No problem!
Ok, I think I have the rule now
Have you solved set 2?
What puzzle are you solving?
My rule for it works for sets 1, 2, and I started on 3
@TheGreatEscaper's new puzzle, "The Witless"
Q: WITLESS - A Puzzling Journey

TheGreatEscaperIMPORTANT! READ ME: The only 'puzzle' parts of this are the links, titled 'Set X', 'Inscription X', or 'Constellation X'. Everything else is flavortext, apart from this readme section, although the flavortext does tell you that the meaning of the inscriptions is not supposed to be deduced until...

Granted, I have to actually draw my answer rather than just doing it mentally
@dcfyj Yep. Paint programs are helpful.
image save as, right click edit :P
Oops, accidentally skipped 3 lol
Set 3? Well, that's an issue
Not really, the rule stays the same
Well of course. The rules always stay the same.
You should still solve them in order.
I had done part of 3 in order before I accidentally solved 4
Not sure how that happened, 3 mentally before*

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