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what are whitespace-only edits? I don't understand the debate here. Does this mean editing a question just to add lots of paragraph breaks?
@d'alar'cop Hi! :-)
hi rand :D
long time no see...
(I can't get the other damn site to work)
yes, they spotted some white-space only edits and "asked" me to stop
they made some major updates recently
try going there... and go CTRL+F5
what kind of updates?
to the chat and other things
it's better and better
oh ... I thought you meant negative changes :-p
(I'm used to 'updates' of phones or software or whatever always meaning making it worse)
so you wanna to join the mystery of the white-space only edits?
lol.. indeed
@d'alar'cop "some"? I'm honestly confused as to why half of your revisions page is "added 2 characters in body," not changing the post at all.
Ctrl+F5 has no effect for me at the other site
what browser do you use?
interesting, what is this strange mystery...
any ideas rand?
in Opera, I get an 'update your browser' message when I try to log in; in Internet Explorer, I just get 'cannot display webpage'
have you tried chrome?
haven't got it
just tried Firefox and got 'problem loading page'
you just tried it just now?
@Doorknob冰 I just checked my revisions page... it is in no way half
and not chrome?
re. whitespace edit mystery, I have some ideas which I feel I shouldn't air here...
no, haven't got chrome
lol... these guys also feared the worst it seems
well you shouldn't need to download chrome just for something like that
firefox really should work
@d'alar'cop - split infinitive alert! puzzling.stackexchange.com/questions/5190/… :-)
@d'alar'cop Yes, "half" is an exaggeration, but why so many edits that have no purpose? Note that every edit bumps the post back to the front page; please avoid making very minor edits for this reason.
I was once asked how I feel about them
it worked for Star Trek :p
is this the reason for your edits - because it bumps the post back to the front page?
oh I see...
that's a good theory
but even that... which does make sense... is not the reason
you sound like avi now
(I will stop.. since it seems like a problem... but I just want to sort this out)
@d'alar'cop So what is the reason?
@d'alar'cop Be careful with that; if they think it's subversive, they might suspend your account
take it from one who knows :-p
let's call the edits... "a minimal edit that does not modify the content or display of the post"... so why would one do this, which seems a token edit, when it's not just to bump the post?
well we're just having a conversation.. I don't see the issue
heavy-handedness is the word of day again :O
@randal'thor I'll raise a ticket about your browser issues
@d'alar'cop - You're not ... ahem ... putting in hidden content in your edits, are you? Far be it from me to suggest anything ... ahem ... naughty - you know that sort of thing can get people ... ahem ... told off.
nope, not possible if it's literally 1 or 2 chats
thanks for raising a ticket :-)
I might be OK on Monday, since my work computer will probably have newer browsers
no worries.. done
hey rand, your "Murder on SE" is going to be the 4th most viewed question on P.SE :D
and 2 of the 3 above would be "Closed" :p
so, 2nd most viewed legitimate question
I knew that would get lots of attention
seems like no one.. even these SE experts can't figure out this white-space thing
* face palm *
I wonder if the reasonable and friendly Jon Ericson could figure it out...
the new de facto mod around here
or let's say at least.. "the mature and even-headed enough"
BY THE WAY, I will actually not stop doing it.. (contrary to what I just said).. because I just found a META.SE post supporting me
I feel bad that I ruined the fun of playing the villain against the trigger-happy amongst us
@Emrakul @Kevin <opinion request>
I guess since I've ruined the fun already (of being presumed guilty in such a rude manner in a hilariously heavy-handed way): meta.stackexchange.com/questions/24544/…
I don't think I understand what's going on here
well I was feeling quite accused about the white-space thing... it came up not as a question..
it came up as a "you are doing something weird and we command you to stop"
i.e. not from a place of respect and trust.. as though amongst friends and community members
well, that's what they're like, right?
well I always hope for the best you know
ever the optimist :-)
the last two emails from avi were hilarious!
it becomes clear and clearer to me that I'm not amongst equals and friends..
yes, he's great.. I sent one too
oh wait.. different thread.. avi was at it in both threads
you will be amongst equals and friends in the new place :-)
anyway, since they aren't interested enough in the community to sort this out.. I'll be off I suppose
have you seen my last email (just now)?
use my other email address
hang on a sec
yep, just by luck - I check that one rarely
funny thing with this whitespace mystery
so what are the most viewed qns on P.SE? I've lost all my privileges, and I'm not sure if I can see those stats any more
what does that have to do with the white-space thing? :p
Q: A man pushes his car

Mathias711A man pushes his car. When he arrives at a hotel, he knows he is bankrupt. What happened? There is one answer I am looking for (hence the brainteaser) (and in an unconventional way, hence the lateral-thinking). Please put your answers in spoilers.

Q: Mysterious Murder Mystery

DemonicBirdFluLast year, December 21, 2013, you were awarded the "#1 Detective in the World" for solving more than 50 murders. Your boss gave you a promotion, contingent upon your moving to Chicago. You agreed and took your new position. Your boss told you that you would be taking a plane to Chicago, the ticke...

nothing, I just scrolled up and remembered you'd mentioned it
Q: Nobody knows me. Nobody wants me

Mark HYou are going through the belongings of your recently deceased uncle and come upon a small wooden box with the following inscription, presumably describing its contents. Those who take me, won't know me. Those who know me, won't want me. Those who want me, will make me. Those who make me, will g...

Q: How to get to an island with a tree in the middle if all you have is rope?

ZarThere is a small island in the center of a lake. The island has a tree on it. You have an unlimited length of rope. You can't swim or touch the water but you have to go to this island. How will you get there? This was a Google interview question a while ago. I answered that I'd tie the rope to s...

I spoiled the mystery already.. did you see the meta link?
Something along the lines of this: meta.stackexchange.com/questions/24544/…
are you doing whitespace edits on your own posts or other people's?
other people's mostly
I have yet another reason for editing my own like that... which I can stop (not a naughty or selfish reason)
@Doorknob冰 - He's not being naughty or selfish, you don't have to worry!
so you're editing people's posts ... so that other people (or you?) can undo upvotes/downvotes?
I didn't realise there was a time limit on undoing votes
this little charade was to illustrate the the time-limit is a stupid aspect of it
because if you have over 2000 rep it's nullified
and it adds the ridiculous sideeffect that it must be edited somehow
so this would merit a main meta psot
ah right, I've just read random's answer to that meta qn
but I'm not going to do that :p
no, life's too short
we have better things to do
we have better things to do
ah :D
GMTA? :-)
I guess I'll just tell you why I edit a few of my own like that..
(me and the lurking mods)
go on
for a period recently.. certain people.. were complaining about how everything is crap..
especially on the front page
I noticed :-p
so, I selected a few questions which were technical precise and good.. and bumped them
the ones of was most familiar with were a few of my own (for obvious reasons)
dear halo?
hmm.. not sure
because the complainer was involved in CS.. I pushed more algorithmic ones
I put the dear halo riddle on that new page in Area 51 :-)
I noticed :0
and at least two of avi's, I think
I haven't used up my 5 yet
you're awesome
I really liked Victor's strategic plan
maybe he's a general IRL? :-p
I haven't put any yet... but I've used all my votes
he's South American... severe strategies like that are a first resort
Chavez was some sort of military genius
@d'alar'cop Please keep edits substantial. Thank you!
hey @Emrakul , would you like to ask that question on meta on our behalf?
main.meta.. since you are involved there
sure mate.. I hope you read all my reasons for doing so
it's a stupid charade I know... but it's due to shortcoming in the system I'm sure you understand
@Emrakul - It would be nice if you addressed the issues that led to d'alar'cop making whitespace edits, instead of just issuing a decree
@randal'thor what a wise comment. PS: I'm sure Emrak is already in the process of thinking about that
wisdom and fairness has most always been his calling card after all
and he's even been known to have a laugh with some riddlers!
he even indulged in a laugh at the fiasco the other day :D what a champ - doesn't take himself so seriously
@d'alar'cop No, I'm not going to ask about keeping edits substantial. The system is designed this way for a reason. However, if you have a question about why the system works the way it does, you are wholly free to ask it on the main Meta or on the Puzzling meta, or alternately would like to ask about a way to do what you're trying to do, you can absolutely ask that.
I think maybe you misunderstood..
it's not about substantial edits.. it's about vote reversal
especially when you have more than a certain rep
meta.stackexchange.com/questions/24544/… - see the last answers (from a high rep user)
@randal'thor still, the trust and respect situation alone is enough to leave really
yeah, the environment is really bad here
that was always the worst thing about SE for me
yes, I've walked away many times for the same kind of reason
3 I think...
when I come back I tend to come back to a totally different SE
same result in the end though
yeah, the same s**t always happens in the end
I came to P.SE and really enjoyed myself here for a while (which is why I got over 2000 rep vs. about 300 elsewhere), but all good things must come to an end
yes, similar story for me I'm afraid
sad because, according to them, you should really be the kind of person they would want around here
a professional.. an expert etc
maybe we should keep an eye out for new SE's and just join while they're young and healthy
that's what I though I had done here..
before the [...]s take over
I got here when there were only a couple of hundred questions.. and few active users
and you're still the top user? :-)
after only 3 or 4 months in beta
so I thought... oh great.. I got in early for once..
I think I can summarise the issues with SE in one word: "heavy-handedness"
it's a common complaint really
if things had turned out slightly differently, you might've been a mod! :-o
lol :)
I actually wanted it briefly.. I thought it might be good for us..
but forget it
it's over I think
plus I have other stuff to do :p
I have some questions about mods that shouldn't be said here
we have an issue in an SE like this... something like.. who will police the police
we have no fair channels for talking about the middle management...
as is the norm in most things really
nice.. I'd never heard that one
what if a user in a position like yours were a respected academic... an expert let's say... the system failed completely.. and there's no accountability... and you are treated with disrespect by, let's face it.. a kid
a kid put in charge by god knows who
seems that fiasco on Wednesday only failed because of police police in the form of Robert Cartaino ... what happens if Robert's off sick next time the P.SE mods get trigger-happy?
star that, will you? :-)
indeed.. the police police loool :D
thanks :-)
looks like you and I are the only ones who care really..
since no one else is here :p
and we're precisely the ones who are leaving for good it seems
yeah, but people might come later on
or might be lurking
you get the point anyway; I just said that for the benefit of others who might not
if the mods are actually benevolent and care about the community, that might help them to realise where our concerns lie and try to address them fairly
if not, they'll probably just delete our whole conversation about it
yes, and we only say it because we care
lol... indeed
it's a test :-)
censorship is the name of a certain game I can remember
we'll see
a lot of comments on The Mods' Big Meta Post, and on Robert's answer to it, got deleted without explanation
why do they want to cover up what happened?
what are they so afraid of???
all the comments on my large-comment were redacted too
do they really think we're so powerful? (Bertolt Brecht, I believe)
yes, what is the reason.. .or the fear?
pity our other chat system is down... maybe its fate
and nobody can fairly say I've been offensive in my last few chat posts here
nor mine (I don't think)
TAKE HEED ALL! If they get deleted, think on why!
(of any of them ever really actually)
(well, avi told us about some deleted posts where he actually was getting rude)
did he? I missed that
he's direct and honest..
he was quarrelling with AeJey, I think
apparently that means "rude"...
to the censors
oh yeah.. right.. :p
that was pretty brutal
avi was hurt
I can't remember what his grievance was ... did AeJey VTC one of his qns?
and I respect it when people just deal with things
yes he did... after avi had suggested we invite him :(
and the VTC was totally illegitimate
well I guess we vote with our feet then
6 hours later…
Yes. I did VTC one of his posts. And I think it was the one which was confusing. I am not justifying what I did, because I don't think I did anything wrong. It was not clear and also he claimed that that will be his last post or something like that. So I VTC as not clear. Still I didn't down vote the post to affect his reputation.
It was truly unclear in its first format (unedited version). Later after edits, the question seems legitimate to me too.
5 hours later…
@randal'thor hello! time-zones, remember. :)

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