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@NickWilde: I was wondering how long before someone mentioned the grand old lady of php forums. ;p
^ Just sighted on SO
@Undo oh dear
I know D:
@JourneymanGeek yeah it was kinda predictable
how did it even get there? SO doesn't have community ads except for open source projects
@Undo: gaaargh! prepare to be boarded!
@Gilles The SE team can put ads for sites wherever they want.
They have one for Aviation floating around SO too.
great timing too - I'm going to be offline in about 1 1/2 hrs for the next 36 hrs
5 hours later…
But I realize that the title sounds bad... (sounds like a comparizon or something, somehow)
"Team communication tool combining the advantages of Slack and Co-Meeting"
Are such titles OK? Or should I do my best to explain requirements in the title rather than saying "advantages", which is subjective?
The problem is that the list of requirements is long and even taking 4 of them would not make for a title that represents the question well.
Any idea?
@NicolasRaoul: people can read the question - so if they know what is slack and co-meeting they'll check it it, so.. seems fine to me.
Hi all
@jackopen: Hi!
is it possibel to store data in 3D form?
excel can store data in 2D only i.e. rows & column
@JourneymanGeek: I guess almost nobody knows Co-meeting though... it is very powerful feature-wise but marketed only in Japan it seems. It has its share of inconvenients though, slowliness being one of them.
If its online only, and japan based, I can understand why
@jackopen: It could make a great question!
i am afraid to post a question hence added into chat
It might get closed because not enough requirements indeed...
Do you have a file format requirement? Do you know any such 3D data format, actually?
If not, say that any format is OK as long as it is XML-based for instance, or as long as it is an open documented format for instance.
Also say what OS it should run on.
And say what kind of data you want to insert (numbers? dates? images?)
Also important: What Excel-like features do you need? Just input? Or calculation/pivots/spellcheck/etc?
And say whay you want to achieve with the data once you have produced it.
Do you want to use the data with another program? Or just view/edit it only with the same program?
@jackopen: With all of these that would make a great question :-)
Q: does questions regarding software testing tools were allowed?

BlueBerry - vignesh4303Is it allowed for asking specified software testing tools in this site allowed,by specifying the requirment for testing ,will it be allowed to ask for testing tool recommendation in site?

@NicolasRaoul ok thanks
@jackopen In Java, Php, JavaScript, C, and many other I think it's possible to create an array of array of array. So it's a 3D array. You can also create 4D array, 5D, ... There is no limitations.
The problem isn't to store a 3D array, the problem is to show, to render it.
@Fractaliste thanks for highlighting that. yes my question to visualize & see the things in 3D. or filter out/sort out
are there any video software which can sense the scene?
To sense the scene? I don't understand (no native english speaker here...)
i mean if i have a video with two different scenes interlapped at many locations & i want to extract out one scene
is it possible?
@Fractaliste i have given an example of pdf document at this link. but my english is poor.
Q: Editing Ideas in a complex situation

jackopenI guess information can be stored either in form of document, media(audio,video etc..), graphical(charts,images etc..) ways. Let us say there is a document which is having different information together (Important & garbage), Putting simply If a 50 page PDF document has mixed information (Important

I ran out of votes before I ran out of flags today
@jackopen I don't really understand your problem... You want to extract information from videos or/and pdf but what is the problem? What is your input and what is the objectives?
there must be a disturbance in the force
@kalina: only cause you're tormenting us mods by saving on flags by using one for many questions ;p
@Fractaliste i want to automate the process of extracting garabage data from PDf/video file
Q: What if we don't know exactly what we want?

yshavitThe ground rules for softwarerecs give top billing to the idea of listing specific requirements in a question, and I totally get why that is. But what about those cases where a user may not actually know enough about the domain to ask a specific question? For instance, let's say I'm new to Java ...

@JourneymanGeek hardly, if mods network wide made up their mind on how stuff should best be handled we'd have a best practice on it - when it comes to a question with 10 comments on it where some obviously need removing, I'd much rather cast one flag and leave it to your judgement than cast 10 and have 5 of them rejected
but no, today I have 20+ flags left
and 1 vote
@kalina: I was kidding.
which I can't cast because it locks me out of a bunch of review queues
@JourneymanGeek and I don't hate you for saying it :P
@JourneymanGeek well downvotes = upvotes = votes in general for this particular discussion
I have cast ~39 votes, so one more vote = no more first/vlq reviews for today
@jackopen It should be possible if your clearly define what is a garbage data
I'm actually a bit answer heavy on my voting so I've only voted 36 times today
but I don't know if there is already a soft which did it
primarily because there are more high quality answers to vote on than high quality questions
@Fractaliste another scene which i want to remove/delete
is garbage data
@JourneymanGeek my flag count is already formidable on SR
yeah, it is
i dont think there are any software which can sense the scene & then filter it out!!
I'm actually only half way through as well :\
still got 7 pages of questions to go through, but I imagine the newer stuff will have been maintained by everybody else
@jackopen You have to translate what is a scene which make sense on IT language
maybe it's a scene where pixel don't change during 3 minutes
maybe it's a scene to dark
you have to apply basic image filter
let us say there are 2 movies mixed together i.e. Mission Impossible & Titanic
at many points throughut
computer only understand that kind of "sense"
You problem is that you need to make understand to your computer what is a garbage information. And the only tools I know for it about video is image computations tools (operation and calculation on pixels)
But it can be an interesting question to ask for other way
But it's not the SR scope
yeah & i dont sufficient reputation or english grammer knowledge to convert into proper question
I guess there must be somthing similar throught titanic movie from pixel point of view!! & similarly for MI
What is your native language?
ell.stackexchange.com can help you to formulate your question
really that would be great
do you know from your video editing software, is there any kind of similar feature/facitlity name available in such softwares?
or any keywords?
It's not a translation service, it doesn't exist on stackexchange, but I often use it when I need help with English use
To ask for alternative of image by image filtering?
have yuo used ffmpeg/winff?
what could be the best video converter
from vob/mkv/avi to dvd format(mpeg1/mpeg2)
if you know any readymade name
I ude freemake
can that software do above conversion?
Q: Is there a free, lightweight, all-in-one, audio and video format converter?

acheong87In short, something that just does what one would expect such a program to do. (Just convert it so it works on my mother's media player!) By "free" I mean free-as-in-beer. I'm okay with closed source as well as ad-supported programs. By "lightweight" I mean a program designed to convert, not a ...

freemake is at last; why do you use that? i mean any special feature atracting you?
thanks for that link
Because somebody recommend it to me on Software Recommendation !
For the moment I'm plenty satisfied with it
I havn't test other tools recommended
Oh, I tested Handbrake but I don't succeed to make good quality video
But it's the only which allow conversion from .iso, so I keep it installed
how much approximate time it take to convert mkv to mpg ?
1GB movei file
Too much ;)
>1 hour?
I don't know, my laptop make by conversion when I'm sleeping
wise thing to do.
if this image is inside a video file
& somewant to change background
is it possible in a video/
background boxes & others stuffs
Someone's kidding me. Every morning I'm greeted with a "Serial upvoting reversed" :(
@Izzy: again?
@JourneymanGeek Yupp. See my profile for details. 7 upvotes yesterday at 15:32
@Izzy: yeah, I'm looking at it. I don't see anything specifically wierd from yesterday
I see one from two days ago
Right, yesterday there wasn't this. Maybe it's too much to ask who did it, but as you can see this: do you think it was someone unaware of the results?
eh, If there's anything wierd going on, I'll drop them a message.
(I have no idea how much I can say about moderation things >_>)
Or rather somebody who should know, and is just playing games with me?
@JourneymanGeek you can't
If I think so though, I'll yell at them for you
In the first case, you might drop the one a note to tell him what "serial upvote" is. Especially if it was the same person both times.
@Izzy either somebody really likes you and doesn't know the rules, or they do understand and they're trolling you
you've got a lot of content on here, any new users might legitimately be trying to upvote you 5+ times
@kalina: or yanno, new site enthusiasticness.
yeah that
@Izzy Now the serial upvoter should be on the voter top :o
@Fractaliste hardly, I'm top
by miles
and I haven't serial upvoted once
Does this votes also removed for the serial ?
@JourneymanGeek i have some issues with winff if you can help me out
downvoting, on the other hand
@kalina Exactly that was my question. I don't expect to get the name revealed; but if it was done unknowingly, the one should be made aware of the rules. If not, the one should be ignored (for now; on too many repetitions, he maybe should get a warning ;)
@jackopen: I haven't done video conversion in a while, but shoot and if I remember I'll let you know
it is about winff GUI
@Izzy well you've done the only thing you can do already: mentioned it
i am getting error of
@Fractaliste Eh... Yeah, that could be. If he didn't just do that on my question, but felt for a general run :)
1) "ffmpeg.exe isnot a valid win32 application".
& 2)
thats... not right
@kalina That was my purpose, yes. Will see what happens next day :)
it means something is wrong with the version of winff you downloaded.
@Izzy more downvotes
2) Failed to Eexecute:193. (when i click play button)
Oh, got calles away. BBL...
it is 1.5.3
i guess it is latest
whenever I complain about serial upvotes, I get serial downvoted
go figure
yeah, looks like the copy of ffmpeg its supposed to have is borkded.
i am using portable winff
darn it google.
It keeps reminding me of flight AM200
when I was looking up a mall called AM200
3 hours later…
Q: Would this question be on-topic?

mikeTheLiarSo, a user who is apparently question banned on Software Recs instead asked his question on Stack Overflow (naughty, naughty *finger waggle*). He asked me to ask his question for him here (CW, obviously). I have no problem asking the question for him... IFF the question is a good fit for the comm...

Q: How should we deal with question asking for a "project-like"(full system) software

MichelQuestion asking for a software with such specific elements and business rules, like the one asked by @Chris where he ask for tours booking portal. That is one Portal (as himself states), with specific rules and requirements. in my opinion this is as @James said in his comment: Yeah I have t...

I was just thinking... Blaze is a little tool made by the Charcoal team, and I use it a lot to track down low quality answers. Use it as much as you want, there's no load on my server from multiple queries. Put softwarerecs into the first box to check our site, then sorting answers by shortest usually grabs some low quality ones. Have fun!
I don't know why I didn't share this thing sooner :P
And the source is on GitHub.
Hi guys
I'm Sam. I've been improving this question opened in Stack Overflow to see if it can be useful for this section
Q: Software to analyze .NET code

ReviousI'm looking for any software which can: - analyze .NET source code (c# or vb.net) - build some repository which can be queried (NDepend and Resharper do something similar) - allow to query this repository looking for classes, methods, calling methods, and so on (like Resharper or NDpend) - access...

Looking at the revision you can see that we put a big effort in trying to improve the question
Maybe it can be used as an example of improvement for helping other users to understand how they can improve their questions
Also very important I didn't understand, at the beginning, what was wrong with my question
And I've really appreciated the effort of the user to help me
he said: "I think that if you expanded on what you actually want the software to do, it would be acceptable.
For example:
"I need a software / framework which can analyze .NET code" - what language? Which version/framework? Are you looking for a plugin for Visual Studios? What version of VS?
"allow to query the methods accessing to method's name, local variables, method text " again, flesh this out. Are the native debugging tools not sufficient? How are they lacking? What specifically do you want to accomplish that you currently can't?
and also: "Another thing I would add - you mention NDepend and Resharper twice. What are those specific softwares specifically lacking? If we had that information as well, I think we'd be in a much better place. For example: NDepend does [this thing], but I also need it to do [other thing]. Resharper does [third thing] really well, but it doesn't do [other thing I want]."
@Revious: erm. In general, asking a off topic question on another site and getting it migrated isn't really accepted practice when you're suspended.
I think the 'ideal' solution would be to have it moved after your suspension is finished. Its not a bad question as I see it.
taking into account all the related meta stuff, of course. I need to catch up on that.
(almost bedtime for me ;p)
@JourneymanGeek yes, ok.. I don't know. I can only try to explain my point of view.
I think it's not really important if the question is opened from me or by everyone else.
I was suspended here for my polemic behaviour on meta.. But since the suspension I cannot open questions at all.

But my perception of this community is that the reason for its existence is to spread knowledge in a Q&A way
as far as I know this is the declared intent written in the guidelines
@Revious: you had quite a lot of warnings, and the suspension was for you to cool down.
If you're going to try to get around it, no one's really going to be too sympathetic.
I'm not trying to get around it
try to compare different point of views
if you like
if you want I can explain what I mean
otherwise, no problem
@Revious So how do you call that: first asking someone else to post your question here, then trying to get it migrated – and all that just because you cannot post it yourself, since you're suspended?
@Revious: you've asked a question on SO. Its off topic. Folk want to punt it here. One of three things happens - it gets rejected, cause you're suspended, and someone might see it as a way to get around a suspension. It gets sent over, and you can't do anything cause your suspended, or it dosen't get sent over at all.
@Izzy if you wnat I can explain
but promise me you will reflect on what I'm saying
you will see how the reality can change a lot from different point of views
@Revious I don't think it's a good idea to force your way in where you're suspended from.
Would you like to try?
No problem..
if you would like to listen other people, do it
otherwise, no problem
would you like to listen my point of view or you are not interested?
don't worry, no problem for me in any case
I'm not sure you can convince me otherwise; but if you can keep it short (I'm quite busy at the moment), I'll give it a try.
Let consider the fact. I've asked a question on Stack Overflow since it's the biggest community. I think it's in topic there and that no one will solve the problem in a short time here. It's of not so useful, in my opinion, to open it here.. not for me at all.

But let's take a step back.

I've tried to google that question for **some hours**. It's really hard to find that kind of software.

So, leaving the question opened for some days on SO, or some months here, could really be very **useful**.
You can read it here:
Confirmation bias (also called confirmatory bias or myside bias) is the tendency of people to favor information that confirms their beliefs or hypotheses. People display this bias when they gather or remember information selectively, or when they interpret it in a biased way. The effect is stronger for emotionally charged issues and for deeply entrenched beliefs. People also tend to interpret ambiguous evidence as supporting their existing position. Biased search, interpretation and memory have been invoked to explain attitude polarization (when a disagreement becomes more extreme even thou...
Social psychologists have identified two tendencies in the way people seek or interpret information about themselves. Self-verification is the drive to reinforce the existing self-image and self-enhancement is the drive to seek positive feedback. Both are served by confirmation biases.[137] In experiments where people are given feedback that conflicts with their self-image, they are less likely to attend to it or remember it than when given self-verifying feedback
@Revious Stop it.
I've finished
We're back at where you left.
Izzy, if you like read it
or no
try to be humble sometime
Check the help center at SO: Questions asking us to recommend or find a tool, library or favorite off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow
"I'm not sure you can convince me otherwise; but if you can keep it short (I'm quite busy at the moment), I'll give it a try."
you didn't give any try
So if your question would have been on-topic here, it was off-topic there. I won't explain to you what rules are for.
I'm saying that I never thought how to avoid posting here the question as I was banned
@Revious I did. I've read your explanations. I sent the "stop" signal when you started over with that Wikipedia post, as it was quite clear then we're still at the same place. Sorry.
it was your interpretation.
that guy sayd: open the question here
I told him: i cannot if you want you can do it
It would have been useful
but maybe some very rule addicted guys won't allow you to do
finish :-)
That's your bias, sorry :)
Se is not mine, don't allow him to open the question here :-)
this section will become better since that :D
and, if you want an advice,
try to ask yourself why your interpretation of my action was involving rules..
try to ask an advice on cognitive science.SE
What the fuck is up with the mods on this site.
High quality this, high quality that? Should I write a book on a chrome extension?
And instead of converting the answer to a comment, you just downright remove it?
@Revious Stop bothering people. NOW. This is your last warning.
I'm disappointed
drama occurred and I wasn't pinged
@iKlsR doing our job
@Undo @Gilles If an answer is useful, at least convert it to a comment.
@iKlsR we don't do answers as comments (and neither should you)
@Gilles Gilles. I wasn't bothering any one. I asked Izzy if he wanted to listen me and he asnwered yes.
Q: Is it OK to recommend in comments?

juergen dWe should only recommend software we actually used ourselfs to make sure we know what we are talking about. It is ok to recommend a tool we did not use in a comment like here or even recommend a specific google search term to find possible suitable software?

@Gilles It's not an answer if it's a comment.
question closed for me
@iKlsR as one of the people involved in all the quality posts on meta, this isn't really about our mods making choices, they're just doing what the community wanted them to do
There isn't enough information to supplement a full answer so just leave it as a comment.
if a comment isn't something extremely useful, it has no reason to exist
@iKlsR Yes, we have quality guidelines. They're linked from our /tour and everything, and when we delete an answer, we link to them.
therefore, if an answer isn't extremely useful, it has no reason to exist
@Gilles also please, can you specify what will be if you interpret my behaviour as "bothering" people?
the only way content that gets posted on this site remains on this site is if it is high quality
@Revious I would strongly suggest not poking Gilles about this further after he asked you to stop
So, if I find a tool that does exactly what op asks, but don't have enough information I shouldn't post it?
@iKlsR find more information
@Revious Not dropping an issue when told to do so. Which evidently you don't understand, so goodbye.
if you're going to post a one line answer, it will get VLQ'd into deletion
Another holy site.
Bad autocorrect.
@iKlsR it's not really, we're taking a concept that will result in large quantities of spam and making it work with the tools we've got
Hopefully it doesn't water down like pets.
if you don't brickwall lower quality stuff, that's all you'll have
we would much rather have 10k awesome questions than 100k average questions
so yes, as far as Stack Exchange sites go, we're very strict
...because we're this site is an experiment.
well, speak for yourself
I graduated from my experiment status last month
better? :P
Oh, Revious == Sam? sigh.
@Undo acceptable :p
I'll just leave the one liners in the comments then. I hardly think a 12 line answer on a chrome extension that does exactly what op asks is worth the time.
@iKlsR recommendations in comments get deleted too
@iKlsR if you feel your recommendation is a perfect match, post it anyway, with as much information as you have + links + screenshots if required, etc
and let the community decide
@Seth Yupp.
@iKlsR I don't think an answer that's not worth the time is worth to be posted.
ah he got suspended again
I did say it wasn't a good idea carrying it on
Some people never learn.
2 hours later…
I really don't see any value-added on self-answered question on SR :
Q: What program can stabilize video?

user1306322I like to make some OC occasionally, particularly create fun GIFs. I have the whole pack of Adobe programs at my disposal, and I'm not sure which would be easier to use or produce better results. I see people recommend to use both After Effects and Premier Pro for video stabilization, and I'd lik...

It hurts me the way it's asked
Q: Tag Synonym Request: pictures -> images

Sly RaskalI was in the process of creating a question on SR and was about to add the tag 'pictures' when I thought, let me check if there is a tag for images, which sure enough there was. So then it got me thinking that most people that don't work with raw graphical data, which is what I consider to be an...

Q: Iphone App Velocity

yankeefan11Sorry if this is the wrong place, but I was wondering if anyone could tell me if I can read books/pdfs with this app? It looks really interesting, but I don't want to only be able to read news stories. Thanks

^ I just put this on hold, was I right?
I just noticed it was you, you finally got a mod spot.. lulz.
And undeleted
thanks for the edit ;)
@Undo Thanks, mebbe purge the comments
oh, yeah
always forget about that step
And looky! I got a whole rep point back!
@Undo Seems I was on drugs earlier, the one liners are really bad. As someone who insists on quality answers and writes paragraphs on my parent site, it was really bad of me.
So sorry again. I know how crucial quality answers are especially this early.
no problem :)

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