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A: QuizUp alternative for Android?

Journeyman GeekQuizup now has an official android port Features is actually quizup Apparently it will crash horribly if you're running the ART runtime, but its in english, and should have the same features as the IOS version.

I think I'm going to get yelled for this in comments ;p
@JourneymanGeek Well I might yell at you for saying "IOS" :)
@Undo Who should become the next mod pro tempore?
I wonder when questions are tweeted...
Nominate temporary moderators for this site here http://meta.softwarerecs.stackexchange.com/q/67?atw=1
do we need more mods?
@Braiam Why do you think that?
@Seth read up ^
@gparyani What are you talking about? Are they getting another one?
@gparyani I honestly don't think we need any more right now.
We have an insanely low flag handling time, and we can fairly easily keep up with the flow.
I can't speak for the others, but I don't think we need any more.
I don't think so either. In fact, if we become big enough to have more mods, I feel they ought to be elected properly
@Seth purged the first one
@Undo: so did I
the second one, I'd leave for now I think
I closed the second one
is possible to burn 3 isos in a DVD? I think you should uncompress them then burin it...
hm. I have a rough idea on how to do it. If I could remember the name of the boot manager in question
naw, this had a wierd retro-sci-fi look
We'll need quite a bit more explanation to provide a solid recommendation - where are the ISOs coming from? What OS do you want the software to run on? What other features would be nice to have? How big are the ISOs? — Undo 40 secs ago
^ At the very least we need an OS
yeah, burning 3 4.0GB isos in a single DVD is not possible...
only BD
and it's raining, and then stopped raining, then started raining... sighs
more like, say 2-3 ~700mb isos
@JourneymanGeek You know that post we both just purged? I got one of the comments and you got the other two :D
That's, like... you couldn't do that again if you tried.
7 hours later…
2 hours later…
@JourneymanGeek :(
don't delete the gaming posts yet
@kalina: I'm basically deleting the really bad ones
I see some value in leaving some around, like heads on a pike.
that gaming one wasn't really "really" bad
I'm going to flag most of the gaming stuff for deletion after 2 months have passed anyway
naw, the ones I deleted were really bad
you don't mind if I use question flags for stuff with a bunch of comments that need deleting, do you?
SQL on a customer's live system while this unmotivated to work is a bad idea
naw, its devops
damn, still 6 short
@3ventic you REALLY are everywhere O.O" are you omnipresent?
Quick question: Is it wrong to be rushing to Electorate badge? Voted on 600 questions and 25% or more of total votes are on questions
not really
I need to vote more
I want to be the first one to get this one :P (Also rushing for Fanatic, but... I'm not sure if I can say "Rush" is appropriated ...)
I usually spend all my votes in the morning... So I don't forget to vote :P
it would be nice if there was a badge like the legendary, but for spend all your votes
I think there isn't one person with more than 800 rep that I didn't voted for their questions and some answer :P
@Michel you won't beat me to electorate
I can't hold myself when I see a "9" question or answer ?:P
@kalina I'll !
@Michel: not saying that its happened, but don't forget the risk of accidentally setting off the bulk upvoteing script ;p
@JourneymanGeek can you tell me what feed GTFO is reading from in the bridge?
@kalina fuuu I'll not T_T
For some reason I don't see GTFO in the feeds list
@Michel I'm already more than half way there...
@kalina I got votes back yesterday =(
@Michel awww
@kalina you broke my "heart" now Q_Q
I don't see it either
sniff sniff >_<
@JourneymanGeek interesting
does the "Feeds" tab say 8 for you as well, with 6 items in the list below it?
MSO time?
who knows
GTFO is definitely a feed
I've seen it before
I just wanted to get to the page it feeds from because iirc it had options to customise what was shown in the feed and somebody is asking about a custom feed for codereview
Software Recommendationssoftwarerecs.stackexchange.com

Beta Q&A site for people seeking specific software recommendations.

Currently in public beta.

The statistics are ugly >.<
That's a lot o.o
22% behind >.<
big issue is really number of users.
avid users
total users
You mean, Avid users or total users
total users will get us avid users.
unanswered questions, some are a bit niche. I like going through them for easier rep ;p
That moment when your gf says "6 month" and you ask what she mean, because the only thing in 6 months is our 1 yr anniversary ... I forget the 6 month one :P
there is a way to do math calculation in html ?
without programming language
just value minus value
I doubt it, you'd need JS at the least
I think only with js
~so lazy to do anything today ...
HTML5 forms do simple calculations
nvm, it still requires some JS
@JourneymanGeek can you please take care for this silly guy, and delete that answer? Have a nice woosh animation :)
Otherwise I'll have to fillup your flag queue #D (← black-mailing a mod, LOL)
@Izzy You are mean ... I like you :D
@Michel If it helps :) But it looks like our 4-legged friend is on a walk. And yeah, I was about reminding that fish as a long-time SO user he should also know about flags... Good point :)
@kalina Hiho, hiho!
Not enough drama to ping you, but welcome :)
@Izzy he's immune to any flag filling attempt you could throw at him
@kalina Hm. You mean, I should try Undo or Gilles? ;)
no I mean that the moderators on SR are used to seeing the flag counter reach 50+
/me goes flagging... #D
@kalina ROFL!
@Izzy ROFL²
@Izzy I challenge you
and this is a time limited challenge
@Izzy I double dare you!
how many flags have you got?
@kalina On flag-numbers?
how many flags can you cast and how many flags have you already had approved
I don't count them, I rise them.
And process them in the review queue, of course.
the reason I ask, is I have 477 flags approved and more than 23 left to cast today
so I challenge you to get to deputy before I get to marshall
visibility:visible !important; font-weight:bold !important; height:very-high !important; ooops !important?
!important !important
@kalina Unfortunately I lack the time. I try my best to stick around and help here, but I have some time-critical tasks up...
colour: white !please;
me too!
my time critical task is to ensure I stay up until after midnight so I can cast more flags!
Holy cow @kalina ! you really are into SR SE
@Michel no, I do this on any site I use
Mine is a little different, but not yet to be disclosed. In the end, it might prove helpful to at least 2 SE sites :)
@Izzy Android.SE and SoftRecs.SE?
@Michel and even some sites I don't use
@kalina I don't remember, but you work with IT, support?
well, kinda
but no
I was going to put a DALEK saying "EXPLAIN..." but then I took an arrow in the knee and remember that you hate DW ... so, just one simple "Explain this sentence please" will do
oh right
basically my role is to investigate issues that our support team can't do because they're dumb phone answering pizza munching call center monkeys
and that development don't want to because they're busy coding and sitting around playing FIFA and whatever
@kalina Almost sure you're from London or other place in europe...
[ ] right [ ]wrong [ ] almost
I'm from Earth
no specific region
Place of work (more specific)
a building with walls, windows and doors
I made a mistake in my sentence ... damn >.<
roof ?
it has a roof, yes
Well you are safe from snow and rain and direct sun light (since you have windows, you are not a vampire (shame on you))
no I'm not a vampire, I'm an angel
Any chance someone could roll back Fischer's edit?
@kalina Good guess :)
@kalina dumb phone answering pizza munching call center monkeys Mega-LOL!
@kalina hard to believe ... unless is like the angels from Supernatural
@DanteTheEgregore not enough rep here, sorry
I dropped a comment. He made a really bad edit and changed the entire meaning of the question. Someone else approved it. =.=
@DanteTheEgregore Ooops.
Someone else here #/
But I don't see where the meaning was changed; basically, that edit is just a few spelling corrections and removing parts of the intro.
Oh noes. D:
Well the one answer it dragged in is about website building.
Pika offers website and dekstop app building services.
He changed the link name from software builder to website buider.
OP wants to build desktop apps, not a website.
Gosh, I should remember switching to markup mode when checking edits #/
Though the one answer on it is also by Fischer. >.>
Read it. He blames someone having edited the question so his answer got invalidated.
=> Troll?
Shall we sumup a mod to get done with that answer at least? As @JourneymanGeek didn't turn up: looks like @Gilles is logged in as well.
Or one terribly confused individual.
@DanteTheEgregore I don't actually see anything wrong with his edit
Either way, Pika does offer a software building service
Awesome. :O
I replaced the "website builder" with "software builder" again (as it originally was), and also added back parts of the original user-story.
Luckily my 2k+ made the edit immediate :)
Now we still need a mod to get rid of that Q. @kalina + @DanteTheEgregore have you flagged it NAA?
@Michel ^^
Enough flags should make the "delete" button turn up.
I could hit that then :)
Oh, @Braiam, going to help us?
Call to arms, call to cleanup & purge this with fire by first flagging it NAA, and then hit the "Delete" button as soon as it turns up?
All together now... :)
@Izzy VLQ flag push it to the queue where users can delete it...
@Izzy there aren't enough "10k+" class users to delete vote in this manner
on beta, it only needs 2k+
Oh. So it's only me...
you need 3 users
on beta it's "easier"
you haven't negated what I just said
with VLQ flag you need more users but less rep
@kalina who is "you"?
I also flagged it a while ago (when you first posted the link @Izzy )
@Izzy you
what do you mean we don't have a moderator available in the middle of the day?
@kalina OK, you're wrong. What didn't I never not negate?
@Izzy whawhere?
2 mins ago, by kalina
@Izzy there aren't enough "10k+" class users to delete vote in this manner
1 min ago, by Izzy
on beta, it only needs 2k+
Hi! We need a Wooosh!
@JourneymanGeek Can you please purge this with a bit Wooooosh?
@kalina Browsers.
All the comments?
or just the flagged ones?
@kalina Ah. So you play on the "class". OK, nevermind – everybody did know what it was about :)
@JourneymanGeek on the thing izzy just linked, he wants the ANSWER deleting
@JourneymanGeek The so-called "answer". See flag-queue :)
I told you @JourneymanGeek was getting bored of deleting comments
Is so sad that only @kalina is present in the star wall... SAY SOMETHING INTERESTING PEOPLE!
@JourneymanGeek we lack a few more "10k+ class" users :)
@Izzy: can't help there ;p
@Braiam I'm sorry that I am so awesome
deleted the answer though
@JourneymanGeek Yay!
@JourneymanGeek you could stop deleting my highly voted content and give me some more upvotes
that would get another 2k+ user :p
I sorta think the question is quite horrid.
the question isn't great
It isn't. .-.
but the question doesn't go "I don't care, deal with it"
At least the answer's gone. :D
@JourneymanGeek Nah. Maybe that "serial guy" (or girl) was about that, but hit the wrong track completely :)
And most of the comments with that.
I don't mind comment flags, just... whoa...
@kalina Well, but much better than that answer was!
I think the idea of drag and drop software development hurts me somewhere deep inside. Or maybe it's just the typos on the main page of their website. e.e
@DanteTheEgregore: there's a few cases where people do it well
granted, I'm thinking of MIT
No coding requied
@JourneymanGeek sorry
after today I will stick to flagging comments with comment flags
but today I'm so close
I can almost taste it
I'm not flagging more until my current ones are cleared though otherwise they'll just cause a backlog
@kalina: the point of flags isn't badges ;p
@JourneymanGeek no but the flags are all valid, so... dual purpose
I don't mind clearing up the flags but as a prudent mod, I need to read through all the comments and make a decision
@JourneymanGeek hence why I use question flags much much slower
so, they will be cleared, but I have something like 100 comments to go through just from you
@JourneymanGeek But badges are our lifeblood.
since all my comment flags tell you why I believe they should be removed
and I cater for that fact when flagging questions
I could have easily flagged 40 questions with "this has obsolete comments on it"
but that would have been a bit harsh imo
@DanteTheEgregore: I have a few hundred badges on SU ;p
and I didn't actively try to get any of them
other than maybe the fanatic one
you see, this is an important thing
people assume I'm actively trying to get them all the time
while in this particular situation I am kinda actively trying to get marshall
if I was "actively" trying to get copy editor and electorate my output would be significantly higher
the deal with flags is we're actually getting questions faster than I'm flagging the comments on them
I get enthusiast tomorrow
and If I'm like "meh, I don't know which ones to delete" but it has merit, I'll leave it for another mod
@JourneymanGeek yeah totally
there are some that I flag (questions/answers this is, rather than comments) where I'm 99% sure you guys would want them deleting but I'm just not sure
Question flags/answer flags are easier.
easier than comment flags?
Easier than multi-comment flags
oh right, so 1 flag on the question saying "delete all these comments" is easier than 6 flags on the comments?
In some ways. In some ways not.
no. The other way around is easier.
I generally end up expanding the whole thread anyway, so a post flag tends to be easier for me.
I wonder why certain sites reject comment flags then
@JourneymanGeek I got to 94 days on SU and then it reset because my power was out all day. :c
different sites have different policies.
@Undo well good news! I have outstanding post flags because I ran out of comment flags!
@DanteTheEgregore: I think I got up to something like 300 days ;p
@JourneymanGeek different sites smell, it's not fair to drag you into this discussion so lets move on
@JourneymanGeek I had 499 consecutive days on my arqade account on the day I deleted it
@kalina: we're mostly ok with comment cleanups.
But we have different levels of enthusiasm about it
@JourneymanGeek "we" = SR, SE, or some other particular site you're thinking of
the mods in general
on SU I rarely flag obsolete comments
a good chunk of my flags are NAA, suspecious users and spam
it all comes down to: do you want a nice clean site or not?
@JourneymanGeek the bulk of my flags on other sites are NAA, on here, we're a bit too young to have a bunch of NAAs though
so my ratio is like 1:10 with the 10 being comments
course, I'm a mod here
so no flags for me
there are way more comments to clear up around here
in order to meet the requirements that everybody agreed to
yup ;)
would you say stuff like this is worth keeping?
real sysadmins use cat (sorry. I couldn't resist.) — MadTux Feb 19 at 18:45
normally I flag things like that and they get declined
Personally yes
I need to cast 8 more flags
I do wonder what happens if I flag an SR comment...
delete this comment, I feel dirty flagging a post for a single comment
Has there been any more conversation on which, if any, web hosting/web services/web apps are on topic in the past few days?
Q: Are hosting recommendation requests on-topic?

UndoI just saw this question: Looking for hosting for Laravel It's asking for a hosting recommendation. Are these on topic here?

Because I feel like this never really got a definite answer from the community.
most of the top answers say no
@DanteTheEgregore @Izzy's answer
basically: questions about the hardware infrastructure are off topic, questions about the software are on topic
so... asking for a provider to do X is off topic, asking for software that can do X is on topic
True. It'd be nice to have a close reason for these types of questions already.
they'll happen
in time
there is a meta post where you can suggest a reason
work it make it do it makes us harder better faster stronger more than hour our never ever after work is over
Any news about Meta Stack Exchange lately? :o
two weeks™
Still 6 to 8
@FEichinger Two if we're counting weeks on Venus. :p
I find the term "week" horribly wrong on a planet with no satellite.
ponders what @FEichinger would not find horribly wrong
@Braiam his own face
which is ironic
since his face is horribly wrong as well
Love you too, sweetheart.
my heart is not sweet, it's black as coal and would burn through your entire existence if you touched it
That does sound about right, yes.
I'm still an angel
Of course you are.
I would never disagree with that.
33 minutes
29 minutes
20 minutes
Q: "End user friendly" database tool (e.g., for curating a personal collection)

unorI’m looking for a graphical tool that allows me to create, populate and browse/search databases. Primary use case: Curate a personal collection (e.g., for movies, postage stamps, quotes, …). There are often specialized databases (e.g., Griffith for media) for such cases, but I’m looking for a g...

He keeps using the dental aid acronym. xP
dental aid acronym?
I don't like FLOSS. It's silly.
If I read that as German, it's a "raft". So it probably goes down the river.
@DanteTheEgregore OK. Let's rename that to "flossu" (floss-unor) #D
Q: virtual reality applications

SmithI need to develop an interactive 3d online shopping mall, where customers visiting the store will choose a character, walk around from section to section in the store, picking products in shelves. A software that can do such should be a simulation software, I thought of unity3d and blender, but ...

I think someone needs to tell this guy that what he's looking for isn't really what he's looking for.
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