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3:01 PM
WHY ARE YOU SSHed INTO ME? This is really awkward. — MDMarra Nov 8 '12 at 17:31
Good times.
@ScottPack it's just to skew Google results for "mdmarra"
@ewwhite I'm cool with that.
@DennisKaarsemaker You can now remove that IPtables redirect from the other week :)
@TomO'Connor k
3:08 PM
@ewwhite BTW, I suspect your Supermicros with weak batteries are broken - possibly the battery packs are overheating. I have seen a couple of Dell and Fujitsu systems with LSI controllers, none of them needed yearly battpack replacement (except you screwed the pack up by deep-discharge). Also, the HP controllers are LSI gear too, they just have slightly differing firmware.
@TomO'Connor !!!
@Cole Cole!
@ewwhite that dicksplash is pissing me off
lol dicksplash
3:11 PM
@syneticon-dj You're probably right about the environmental conditions. The Supermicros have poor cooling in our implementation. I checked with one of my old jobs with a lot of Dell hardware, and they're getting 3-5 years on batteries. HP Smart Array RAID controllers are HP design/firmware, using PMC Sierra chips, though. Only rebranded LSI for HBAs.
@ewwhite needs more mdmarra.local
@Chopper3 RAID 16. Huh.
@TomO'Connor that would be RAID 61.
Why would someone need that...
@syneticon-dj A RAID 1 of RAID 6s would be 16.
3:13 PM
1+0 and be done with it
@NathanC ex-actly - the guy's got his head up his arse, feel free to leap in with a comment, it's not like he's listening.
A RAID 6 of RAID 1s would be 61.
I must try RAID 666 at some point.
I'm going in for RAID69
@TomO'Connor 64 disks
@Chopper3 I thought 64 disks was Raid 66.
3:15 PM
RAID 6+1, but it's crazy for him to be searching for solution to something that's not a problem.
and 666 was 256.
@Dan RAPE - Redundant Array of Penis Extensions
I'm wondering why you need this RAID setup. The chances of triple drive failure are in the realms of winning the lottery twice in one day then being struck by lightning twice. Have a couple cold-spares handy and decent monitoring. — Nathan C 44 secs ago
@TomO'Connor erm...let's see...4 disks for a R6, so 16 for 4 lots of 4, so 64 for 4 lots of 4 lots of 4 - have I got that right?
3:16 PM
@Chopper3 Uh, yeah, I think I'll leave that
@syneticon-dj add an answer!
But, but, i have raid*z*
I have raid dp
and no, filthy minds, that has nothing to do with penetration tests.
@DennisKaarsemaker You have I'm just confused.
How many nested RAID levels can you do, I wonder
3:17 PM
@Dan It's RAID all the way down!
it's raid 3 with 2 dedicated parity disks, a netapp special
@Dan we have to go deeper!
@DennisKaarsemaker Everytime we said raid dp at the Appliance of Net, we'd all giggle.
@Chopper3 In college a few of us built RAIP -- Redundant Array of Inexpensive Printers. We had 5 LED OkiDatas and a shell script wrapper for lpr.
@Chopper3 Using 3TB disks, does that mean you've got 96TB of storage? Or am i miles out again..
3:19 PM
@Cole well, the netapps we have are being assraped all the time by apps bringing them to their knees, so it may be appropriate :)
@DennisKaarsemaker what models do you have?
@Dan you know those coke cans with names on them?I bought a bunch with 'Dan' written on them and left them in the fridge lined up
@Dan If you're using mdraid, I suspect there's no limit, but it'll get slow.
@ScottPack impressed
@Chopper3 Aw, thanks - I'll pop round
3:19 PM
@TomO'Connor erm...
@Chopper3 Yeah, it chunked out the print job into 5 jobs so you could just stack the output in order. First print test sucked. They were all on the same circuit.
@Cole good question. Not at the office/on the vpn, so I can't check
@Chopper3 The first one gives you 6TB usable, the 2nd one gives you 12T, the third one gives you 24TB, so I'm wrong.
@DennisKaarsemaker just curious. We has a FAS2040 which is a piece of shit.
6080's are pretty sweet though.
NTAP has fallen way too far behind with not going after flash as fast as other vendors. I have a feeling they'll be bought soon.
fires up a VM for some RAID play.
3:24 PM
@TomO'Connor I love when you get kinky.
Makes me sad to see a huge grocery store chain in the US running on RAID 6 and an HP P2000.
@Cole fapfapfap
@TomO'Connor hahaha
fap-fap is my favorite meme
@TomO'Connor turning those floppy disks into hard drives?
3:25 PM
@NathanC @TomO'Connor only flashes...
Ooh, so firmware then.
Time to go do horsey stuff. See you!
@TomO'Connor yes, that's right, afaik anway
@Chopper3 I'm about to try it.
@TomO'Connor :)
3:30 PM
24 TB across 64 drives...
Last post...
@ewwhite, nothing personal. The "information" about RAID 10 vs RAID 6 was irrelevant. The points about stress on the system you made were also irrelevant, given that the type of stress is different (reads for svMotion vs reads+writes+parity calcs for reconstruction of RAID 6). The point about the hot-spare ignored the fact that I said reconstruction makes the system performance suffer dramatically. Do you honestly believe your answer deserves to be accepted? You ignored the environmental constraints of the OP and dove straight into fantasy. Real environments aren't a perfect world. — Lucretius 3 mins ago
Someone is listening to Insane in the Membrane
seems a little inefficienct, eh?
@syneticon-dj Thank you. I think you're right. I'm going to run some tests and try to gauge battery pack temperature.
@ewwhite rude, ungrateful bastard
3:33 PM
This is kind of cool, waterproofed mobo
I know it sounds stupid, but it's harder than you think to short a motherboard
Not that I've ever dunked one
@Dan I bet dunking one would have rather...*shocking*...results.
@Dan It's REALLY EASY to short a motherboard, just use the wrong style plastic supports :-)
At our high school someone brought in computer that was submerged in transformer oil ...for its cooling. Everything except the hard drive was submerged in a plastic (?) casing
of course, the hard drive was mounted externally to the case and was prone to overheating on its own lol
3:36 PM
If they were really clever, they'd use distilled water in that vid :D
@NathanC If you're using transformer oil (or really any non-organic oil) you really don't need to wrap it
:963642 Are you saying they'd rig the demo? :-)
well, the case was to hold the oil and everything :P
I think puget systems had a mineral oil cooled rig
they had to cart it in because it was literally like half a ton
@voretaq7 I'd never suggest a YouTube video shouldn't be taken at face value :D
3:38 PM
Oh boy here we go
I like this one
Arguing with racists on Facebook, wonder if I'll get defriended some more
because the guy is fiddling around inside a server that was dunked in oil while wearing dress clothes
clearly there's a substantial uniform allowance at his job :-)
3:40 PM
@Dan I wouldn't want to be friends with anyone who would have an issue with me arguing with racists
fish tank computer, only with less fish
@Chopper3 Indeed
@NathanC we can install fish.
mechanical fish.
oh yeah our election ends today - make sure all your socks vote :P
@NathanC I'm about to build my first every gaming rig (somehow I've never done this in all the years!) - so have started looking around at people's overclocking setups and some have MENTAL water and LN2 systems, mental
Wrong to laugh?
3:45 PM
Meh, mine's air cooled and has been running great.
@Chopper3 don't know anyone using LN2 but I do know one guy who used a vapor-phase cooling kit.
why anyone would want a fucking air conditioner compressor running next to them while they game is beyond me -- I HATE that noise.
I just purchased an XBox
Far easier and I get a huge ass monitor
@Dan but you have to play xbox games
I don't play many games regardless to be honest
I looked forward to, and purchased Sim City and I've barely touched it
3:51 PM
I heard it S'ed the D @Dan
@Cole Do what now?
@Chopper3 Zalman Reserator - quietest PC I've built.
@Dan sucked dick
Thank you @ChrisS
@ewwhite Who what?
3:53 PM
@Dan I looked forward to, but wound up not purchasing Sim City
@ChrisS For locking that.
I can do without it until they get rid of that idiotic DRM scheme.
@voretaq7 this new GPU I've got coming using a vapour chamber, not 100% sure I know what it is but there you go
Oh - NP
@ChrisS are they the ones that look like a bong?
3:54 PM
@Chopper3 I suppose so
@Dan on and me too wrt sim city, played it for maybe an hour max
@Chopper3 those are pretty cool - and they have the advantage of being silent unlike the compressor-based ones
@ChrisS ah, not what I was thinking but still, fricking amazin
@Cole It was fun, but the region thing doesn't really work for me and the no-offline access sucks as much as I expected
3:55 PM
@ChrisS ...if the computer needs life support gear it's not well suited for my home :P
@voretaq7 lol'd
@Dan No offline access is a deal killer for me
it's a fucking one player game
@voretaq7 It was for me until I caved
@voretaq7 That's the thing, it's kind of not really anymore
I haven't gamed in so long
But the multiplayer aspect kind of sucks, or at least it did - I imagine it's well updated since
3:56 PM
@voretaq7 Well the PC can generate up to 200W, and is only 64mm wide, so it needed somewhere to go with all that heat, and installing a jet engine to cool the thing wasn't going to happen.
@Dan it's not a goddamned MMO! You're building a city inside a sandbox simulator!
@voretaq7 The region concept is pretty heavily ingrained
It's very difficult to play by yourself
@ChrisS so it grows a cooling tower like fucking three mile island? Bah!
3:57 PM
I now have Solarwinds emailing our group when an account locks out with the relevant information.
@Dan then "Fuck that game"
@Dan No context needed for that statement...
@voretaq7 Yes. The cooling tower is several times bigger than the PC itself. =]
(seriously - Sim City is one of those games I should be able to be antisocial about)
just turn the air conditioning up a few notches.
The cooling tower is also hidden behind the desk, so you can't see it unless you look.
3:58 PM
@NathanC what frontend are you using for Nagios?
@NathanC thx sir
you're just running Core right?
@ChrisS I saw this HUGE case the other day
@Chopper3 Ah the good old days when computers doubled as desks
4:00 PM
@Chopper3 . . . is that a computer or a goddamn guitar cabinet?
Holy hell that's huge
I think I'm gaining acceptance here, as measured in terms of how much shit I get to do
@JoelESalas Never show competence!
@voretaq7 it's properly heavy-duty actually, which is fair enough if you want that, I want the power and flexibility of that machine but in a tiny box - hence why I'm going mATX instead
4:03 PM
@JoelESalas Imagine what you could be doing here...
@Chopper3 My amp is properly heavy duty too...
Who knew. You can't connect 64 virtual disks to Virtual Box.
I'm going with Raid 555
which should be like the 555 timer. Astable.
Ahhh government regulations. Thousands of pages of vague requirements with no real world examples, based on technologies from the 90s, with various "soon to be updated" sprinkled throughout for the past 15 years. Grrr....
@TomO'Connor ...I so wish you had posted that as one message so I could star the whole thing.
Virtualbox just ate it on me
4:09 PM
@TomO'Connor god I remember those!
Holy Hell, we've had 40 account lockouts in 20 minutes.
all different users.
@Cole this is when you use the phone system page function
@voretaq7 haha
@ewwhite Would it be puppet and building new things?
"Ladies and Gentlemen - If you can't remember your fucking passwords, stop and call the help desk. If it was wrong the first time what the hell makes you think it's going to be right the next 50 times you try it?!"
4:13 PM
Disable account lockouts...tell them they have to keep trying for 24 hours with 500 different combinations before IT will assist.
@JoelESalas That or cleaning out the toilets...
@TheCleaner lol.
We have 5500+ users
@ewwhite As long as I get paid
even better. Actually when I was at a company with 12k users we had it set to auto-unlock after 30 minutes. Usually the employee remembered their password by the time helpdesk got around to them.
Passwords just need to go away TBH...biometrics and other means should just be required by 2015. People shouldn't have to remember complex passwords, change them every 90 days, etc.
Although I did like an employee here ask me "if I use my fingerprint for login when it requires a password change will I need to just use a different finger"...
@TheCleaner At this point you pull a belt sander out of your bag, set it on your desk and stare at him wordlessly.
4:21 PM
:) "You get 10 different finger passwords...after that we switch to toes...after that you are fired and replaced with someone else. It's all in the IT Security policy. Sorry."
@JoelESalas that's the spirit!
@ewwhite Is there any way to make a xen guest rescan its SCSI bus? I don't see anything in /sys/class/scsi_host/
@JoelESalas rescan-scsi-bus.sh -i (assuming xen guest == linux)
holy living fuck that is the jankiest thing I've ever seen
@JoelESalas yes...
4:24 PM
@ewwhite XenCenter did it magically, I see the disk now.
Jan 1 at 19:24, by ewwhite
zpool set autoexpand=on vol1
echo 1 > /sys/class/scsi_disk/2\:0\:0\:1/device/rescan
zpool online -e vol1 /dev/sdb
Awww... so close.
@JoelESalas That's doing an offline resize… you can do it online. Especially if you're willing to do math and manipulate the dm table directly. Don't fuck up.
what the actual fuck - serverfault.com/q/511441/1435
@Cole How many attempts until lockout?
wtf he even tagged it powershell
@Chopper3 That is the best screenshot ever.
4:29 PM
@MikeyB could this be the worst question ever asked on SF?
@Chopper3 We need to start a meta thread/poll for that.
@MikeyB one second....
@Chopper3 Nah, that was the 40 network ports machine.
Wait, that was SU. Carry on.
@MikeyB I just used the clicky-click GUI and I got another disk in fdisk -l
@tombull89 I think worst SU might have to go to the guy who was hired by spammers for $20.
It was migrated from SF though, so it might just win both.
4:31 PM
@MikeyB turns out I already DID ask this on meta nearly 3 years ago!!! meta.serverfault.com/q/999/1435
@Chopper3 Dammit! The screenshot he posted has no exif info. :(
@MikeyB ha
@ewwhite Nope
@MichaelHampton well, now you ARE!
@JoelESalas C'mon man, that's my favourite answer. "How do I rescan the scsi bus?" "rescan-scsi-bus.sh".
4:34 PM
@Tanner Nah, that had to be the "former NSA consultant"
@MichaelHampton Can you braindump Red Hat's subscription manager on me?
(not my screenshot)
hah, so much win
Top Class Expert
Yo, SF and SU, I'mma very happy for you, but MSO has the worst questions of all time.
@ewwhite It didn't do anything useful until 6.3, so no, you can't version lock to 6.2 with it.
4:38 PM
@MichaelHampton right, but now that I'm forcing 6.4 on people, is there anything cool I can do with it?
@tombull89 sudo yo mama
@dennis-kaarsemaker thanks for kicking the follow-up through.
@ewwhite Um, I dunno... It's mostly there to register a system or to check its expiration date. If you bought RHEL bundled with your HP system, then it can find the subscription details automatically without you having to enter them. It's just a simple tool... access.redhat.com/site/documentation/en-US/…
sup losers
@MDMarra you missed all of the hubbub...
4:42 PM
about what
@MDMarra hey idiot
@MDMarra ohai
So what hubub did i miss?
all of it, apparently
4:45 PM
makes sense
@MDMarra Dunno. I spent all weekend with terrible internet access and no cellular reception.
@MDMarra oh, um...
@ewwhite, Storage vMotion doesn't place the same type of stress on the array as a raid reconstruction. It's much less of an impact. Storage vMotion will simply read from the affected array and write to the unaffected array, while a reconstruction of a RAID6 volume involves a lot of distributed writes and parity calculations. I would have accepted your answer, but you added on a lot of unecessary lecturing and bad information. — Lucretius 3 hours ago
@ewwhite, nothing personal. The "information" about RAID 10 vs RAID 6 was irrelevant. The points about stress on the system you made were also irrelevant, given that the type of stress is different (reads for svMotion vs reads+writes+parity calcs for reconstruction of RAID 6). The point about the hot-spare ignored the fact that I said reconstruction makes the system performance suffer dramatically. Do you honestly believe your answer deserves to be accepted? You ignored the environmental constraints of the OP and dove straight into fantasy. Real environments aren't a perfect world. — Lucretius 1 hour ago
@ewwhite Unnecessary lecturing, rofl
He's got your number Ed
Me and my ideal environments, you mean?
It's the same amount of stress
4:47 PM
My clients are clients of HIS company...
all reads trigger parity calcs when degraded, which cause a second set of reads
it's literally the same number of read IOPS as a rebuild if the only stuff on the arrray are things that you're svMotioning
oh well
@MDMarra You wouldn't vmotion data off of an array with a failed disk, would you?
@ewwhite yeah, you only work with clean, modern, well-documented setups, right?
@DennisKaarsemaker My server RAID batteries are on fire!!
@ewwhite hpasmcli --extinguisher
4:50 PM
@DennisKaarsemaker god damn lol'd at this
@JoelESalas you're too easily pleased :)
@DennisKaarsemaker Nah... this is the Supermicro BS.
@DennisKaarsemaker it said "command not found"!!
oh well, rm -r -f / # take that easteregg!
@ewwhite In that case it's ipmitool fire extinguisher and hope it's implemented
4:52 PM
your argument about hp is nonsesne. Our hp raid batteries fail all the fucking time too...
@ewwhite depends on the circumstance
If the array was going away anyway, yeah.
@DennisKaarsemaker I got 3+ years on most systems.
Q: Should you be allowed to run in a mod election if you've been banned for bad behavior?

MDMarraThere is a candidate in the Server Fault election (which is ending shortly) that has been suspended from the main site for behavioral reasons more than once. He's also been kicked from chat, and banned on at least three other SE sites. He even had his original nomination deleted by Shog9, because...

And HP's own docs say 3-5 years based on charge/discharge cycle, temperature and use.
@DennisKaarsemaker but since 2009, it's been all about the flash-backed cache modules.
In one trading firm with ~250 servers, I had a since BBWC module fail after an air-conditioning failure in the data center.
@DennisKaarsemaker stop buying BBWC!
Flash for the win!
@DennisKaarsemaker but your input could help here. How often do they fail?
I'm trying to get some data points.
@MDMarra who are you talking about - sorry to be dim
@ewwhite too lazy to dig through logs now.
it's scotch-o-clock here :)
@DennisKaarsemaker not yearly, I hope.
@toppledwagon Once you get to that point, you need a sysadmin. Or at least a Sysadmin-as-a-Service. — Michael Hampton 6 secs ago

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