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@MikeyB Just get a friggin' VAR that knows what they're doing <--- AHAHAHAHAHAHA - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh, you were serious?
Jan 29 at 18:53, by MikeyB
@MDMarra No, I got you and I'm happy with them saying that - as I've said before, our function as a VAR is to insulate IBM from the actual customer.
@MikeyB that's incorrect
your function as a VAR is to insulate the customer from IBM's incompetence
I've been on the inside - you can't lie to me like that :)
@MikeyB "our function" - yeah until Discourse gets big. Then it's going to be "their function" :)
@voretaq7 Yes - that's the intent of what I said :p
" If we can’t help you, then our help is free! "
@MikeyB - our VAR is actually pretty decent overall. But they simply use the IBM tools/redbooks and AVNet to get the right config based on my requirements
Hey, @MDMarra (or anyone else)... the best practice for demoting a tombstoned DC is to do a forceful removal and a metadata clean up, correct?
@mossy so... help like Clippy?
@HopelessN00b What's your Domain Functional Level?
If it's 2008+ you don't need to do a metadata cleanup with ntdsutil
@TheCleaner that's really what they're supposed to do
the ones that don't do that tend to fuck shit up
@MDMarra 2003
break out ntdsutil, friend
But yeah, do a /force or /forceremoval or whatever the hell it is on the tombstoned DC
Then fire up ntdsutil and clean that shit up
Also make sure you delete references to it out of Sites and Services (after the cleanup).
Yup. I think this will be the 4th metadata cleanup I've had to do since I started here, which is just... beyond ridiculous. <sigh>
@HopelessN00b Still dealing with that one at a remote site or did you find another?
@HopelessN00b You've had 4 tombstoned DCs?
@Tanner Actually, finally got the OK to deal with it. For some insane reason, they originally wanted to try to fix it.
@HopelessN00b Hahaha wow. Finally get tired of beating their heads against the wall trying to save a little pride?
@MDMarra 1 tombstone, 2 that had to have FSMO roles forcibly sized from them, and then I did a CA metadata cleanup of 3 dead internal CAs last week.
I'd love to see the output of dcdiag and repadmin (jk, don't show me)
@Tanner I'm not sure if they even bothered to try. Someone just said "we should try to fix it" in a meeting, so I left it a lone.
There is some black magic you can do to un-tombstone something
@MDMarra Actually, those outputs look decent... just, unsurprisingly, nothing works well or consistently.
but, I mean....it's black magic and involved animal sacrifice
@MDMarra Yeah, and why bother when it's so much easier and better to stand up a new one? (for 99% of cases anyway)
@HopelessN00b Have you fired up the AD Topology Mapper and made sure your replication topology makes sense?
@HopelessN00b agreed
@MDMarra Yeah. Honestly, though, I'm in "hold this shit together long enough to move to the new forest" mode, so I don't much care, as long as it limps along for another few (?) months.
sup fools
We're talking about getting rid of our child domains here
Going to a single-domain forest from a 9 domain forest
But, that's not until 2014 at the earliest
@MDMarra did I tell you my manager was totally into doing that?
I love single domain forests
They make me happy
He said he would certainly be interested in hearing more
and going to a W2K12 domain
I never knew how awesome clothes were. I love just being able to throw a shirt on
@MDMarra We're lucky, in that some dumbass named our domain with a fake TLD, so we have to move to a properly named forest before all our certs expire. Woohoo, they fucked it up so bad, it can't be fixed!
You can always fix it
Just uninstall exchange and reboot everything twice
I skipped a few steps, but that's the gist of it
@MDMarra Heh. Actually, funnily enough, the guy who installed our new Exchange 2010 server effed that up too, so... yeah, we would have to uninstall Exchange (as well) to fix the domain.
new forest, best forest
@MikeyB - so, your FTP link, downloaded updatexpress 9.21, installed, checked for updates, found 9.3 in the background, downloaded 9.3. clunky but worked.
@MDMarra I'm not really sure that works man..
What do you mean?
Well, we'll see. Designed by the same minds that created that awesome server build I posted on here a couple weeks back. And insists on R5. And disabling the BBWC we specifically order for the servers... and so on.
@pauska I mean, of course it's an oversimplification and you need to test other applications as well, but I've definitely used rendom.exe on a pretty large domain and it worked fine with enough planning.
exchange updates the schema with a fuckton of stuff when you install it.. I doubt that it clears all those attributes when you uninstall the last server
or is there some magic force toggle you use when you install exchange in the new renamed domain?
The schema is extended, sure. But the exchange-specific objects are removed
Huh. I had no idea.
The schema is the same for every forest, the domain-specific stuff is in the objects, which are removed
I guess I'll have to lab this one day
Of course, we didn't have Exchange in the domain that I renamed. It was in a separate resource forest at the time
But microsoft docs seem to say that an uninstall and reinstall will work
So, definitely don't take my word for it
This conversation sounds like an EE question I once saw that got boggled by the OP. "I need to rename my AD domain. Can I just export everything to a PST file?" The first 5 comments were "WTH does that even mean"
@TheCleaner Asking a question like that should really be a terminable offense.
"If you have to ask, you shouldn't be allowed to breathe. Please die."
I'd go the migration route either way.. gives you a nice new fresh ad, and you can always keep a trust up against the old domain while making sure everything works
The only window I had for this was 1 day
So domain migration was out of the question
went and got my haircut today, ahh so nice
It was either rename or be stuck with .local and the OS X problems it was causing
It was also much earlier in my career. I think now I'd be scared to do it, tbh
@HopelessN00b we're in the same boat here btw. Haven't had the time to figure out if there are any fixed date that certs will stop renewing..
@MDMarra Well, early in the career is the time to take stupid risks and learn from them. If you're still doing that after you've got a bunch of experience, that's a big problem.
Well, I took the risk and it worked and nothing blew up
@MDMarra the problem with either solution is when you have a shitload of different applications integrated with AD via LDAP and such, as every bind string needs to be rebuild (DC=bleh,DC=cock)
So I'm not sure I learned anything other than "fuck it, go for it"
@pauska Yeah. I planned this for well over 2 months
@HopelessN00b - the OP corrected himself quick. He wanted to know what the impact on Exchange would be after renaming the domain and if he should export the mailboxes to a PST first. But the original question was jacked...
Compiled lists and docs for changing all of that
The actual rename took about 10 minutes. The rest of the day was changing that kind of thing
@pauska There's a doc out there that sets the recommended guidelines for CAs to stop issuing those certs, and the latest date at which all such certs should expire, but I can't find it at the moment. I know it was linked in here a few times shortly after the news broke.
And running shutdown /r /t 0 /m \\%1 on every computer in the domain twice
So I've got a client that I just realized I did 8 hours of work for back in Oct 2011 and I never billed them. Forget it or bill them now?
@TheCleaner are they still an active client?
and when do you end your quarters?
@voretaq7 2011...
@MDMarra oh, 2011? If they're still an active client pad your bills out by 30 minutes until you're caught up
otherwise fuck it
getting someone to pay for work from last quarter (or even last year) is do-able, if a little difficult. 2 years ago? Probably not gonna happen.
New from the CV inbox: "This space intentionally left blank, just to see if you're actually reading it."
so... right in the middle of a change, one of my telecom guys decided to touch the fiber cables in the distribution pod.
@Basil uh oh
well now you must DESTROY HIM
@Cole He's union.
@Basil well. fuck.
@Basil Which is why you destroy him, seeing as how you can't fire him.
@Basil well now you must LEAVE NO EVIDENCE
@DennisKaarsemaker How do you feel about a generic "skills" section that lists hardware and software that you're familiar with, or skill matrices that list your level of competency?
@Basil I don't think there are any non-union telcos.
@MDMarra oooh good question
I got frantic calls from VMWare, AIX, and the mainframe about whether this is related to an ongoing call we have open for actual problems on the switches
I was thinking about that yesterday
Personally, I hate them, but more than one recruiter has insisted that I add them before they pass my resume along
I replied to each of them with his name.
It's now officially their problem.
@MDMarra they tend to suck. I ranted about that a few days ago (7 page list of tech names)
Right, but assume it's contained to like....4 lines
@DennisKaarsemaker Good for getting by those automated checks, though.
@MDMarra then what does it add?
@MichaelHampton He's in the signals and communications union here- their telecom work is minimal compared to the other stuff they do
@DennisKaarsemaker I think it's a waste of space that I could be using to discuss projects that show my competence
I have a product specialties section
@MDMarra Fully agreed
Products Specialties
Active Directory • Microsoft Windows Server • Linux • SonicWall  • VMware ESXi • VMware vSphere • vMotion • Hyper-V • NetApp • Equallogic • BackupExec • Lotus Domino • Microsoft Exchange • IBM BladeCenter • PowerShell
Mostly making sure the train tracks are pointing the right way and traffic is stopped on level crossings when a train passes
@DennisKaarsemaker Executive summary sort of thing? I've got one, and that's basically its intent.
@DennisKaarsemaker But, like I said, more than one recruiter has requested that I add one
but if it's wires, they apparently own it.
Mostly for keyword scanning, really.
@Cole that's unprofessional on the recruiter/hiring manager side.
a list of stuff you touched tells me nothing about you. So it's useless in a resume
@DennisKaarsemaker My thoughts exactly
@DennisKaarsemaker Sure is, but they're still pretty commonplace.
commonplace != good
windows is commonplace :)
@DennisKaarsemaker I don't think so... I think it tells you what kind of IT person you're looking at
Linkedin has a section like it
they even allow people who know you to tag you for skills
@Basil maybe in theory. In practice people overfill that section
@DennisKaarsemaker HEY!
@DennisKaarsemaker that's a different problem ;)
@DennisKaarsemaker I agree, but recruiters suck
The section has to exist, though, so you don't have to find their skillset in the small print of their last job
Cole's skills section is actually ok. I know that if I'm not looking for a vmware guy, he's out.
@Basil Yup, yup.
@Basil That's different. People can actually endorse you on LinkedIn so that people can see that other people think you're good at that too
@DennisKaarsemaker I didn't put everything I know, just the big stuff. So someone can say "well, he has this and this, but not that"
@MDMarra except that that is flawed. People endorse me for the craziest things
I don't have a very big LinkedIn presence.
@MDMarra We should form a voting block. Let's all go tag @MDMarra with the skill "disaster creation"
/looks at @MDMarra's linkedin like a creep
@Basil I'm down
@MDMarra No, I think Basil's right on this. The fact that I'm a Windows/Virtualization/Email heavy, networking medium and light on the rest is useful information on have summarized prominently on a resume.
I think I'll add "destructive fibre cable brushing" to my telecom guy :P
hmm... this one lists PDP-11 as one of the first things on his resume
unixbeard included I guess
@HopelessN00b Summarized is important, though. Now that I think of it, I've seen some blatant abuse of that section.
I have to get my sister to take another professional headshot for my LinkedIn, I think that's helpful too
@HopelessN00b Does it matter though? Rarely do people apply for jobs that they're qualified to do from day 1. Everyone wants a challenge, right?
Wouldn't people rather see a summary of projects that you've completed and their impact to gauge your ability to learn quickly?
@MDMarra Yes. That.
@MDMarra Not me. I'd be happy to do a job I'm qualified to do from day 1. My last few jobs have been that way. So long as the compensation is good, what do I care about the challenge? I have other ways to challenge myself that I find much more satisfying than the workplace.
I mean, I know when I look at resumes, that's what I'm looking for. Although, I'm not on a lot of hiring committees
@HopelessN00b Don't you get bored?
Only job I was qualified to do was wash dishes
@MDMarra Hmm, not sure. Also not sure how to summarize all the assorted projects I've done across all my jobs like that. Technologies I'm proficient with and have lots of experience with, on the other hand... that's easy.
I'm curious as to how my confidence will be in an interview post-op now
@Cole at least they won't be staring at your boobs :)
@HopelessN00b I don't list responsibilities with bullets on my resume. I list the responsibilities in a little blurb under the title and use the bullets for projects
@MDMarra Well, I've been bored as long as I can remember, so I know how to deal with it. I honestly don't think there's a job out there for me I wouldn't find boring.
@DennisKaarsemaker it's not even that you could tell I had boobs, I looked just really odd lol
@HopelessN00b I think you're ready for a new career in Linux system administration!
oh, looking odd is fine in the industry. Looking normal is odd.
i look odd too.
Since I wore a binder, it made me "flat" but not nearly as flat as I am post op. I've already noticed a HUGE boost in confidence
I just carry myself VERY differently now
@MDMarra Yeah, well I have the technology focus/proficiencies thing... in addition to that. Like I said executive summary of what kind of SA I am, and helpful in the keyword scan.
I just use those keywords in the projects list
I'm also a minimalist though
I like to have nothing on my desk at work. Nice clean lines and sections on my resume. I try and keep things to one line so they don't wrap, etc.
Although, lots of stuff ends up being two lines
@MichaelHampton Nah, that's not really exciting either. Like that saying about poker tournaments. Hours of boredom interrupted by moments of terror... that's IT too. Maybe something like Bell Labs (back in the day) would really interest me, but I suspect that the excitement would wear off real fast for me.
@MDMarra Ah, well I'm the opposite way. Not that I like having lots of shit on my desk... but I do. Not great with being concise either, so I guess that explains that.
It keeps me focused
Ah, I gotta do the opposite, or I'll get tunnel vision on something trivial, and spend 40 hours tweaking the formatting and look of a system doc, for example.
Egherre. The new hire is slow
@HopelessN00b I'd love to be involved in developing new systems, but it's so very few people these days. There's nothing like Bell Labs anymore. OpenSolaris under Sun's last days was as close as anything to that experience during the last decade.
@DennisKaarsemaker Would you mind taking a look at my resume when you have a spare minute? I'd like to get some feedback from someone that does a lot of hiring.
Now everyone is obsessed with either very small parts of a system, like FusionIO, until recently they pretty much only made the hardware. Or they're just trying to slap existing technologies together with a new Enterprisy terminology and sell it as a "solution" to managers who don't know better.
Yup, that's the other problem. Another reason I wish I'd been born a decade or two earlier.
I ask: When was the last time you stumbled over a new technology and were really excited by it?
@MDMarra sure. You can send it [email protected] if you want.
@DennisKaarsemaker Great, thanks!
@ChrisS Power 7
@voretaq7 Back to your hole
Um... I have 230 rep already today. Why am I still answering questions?
@ChrisS Probably 6 years ago when I started learning about SSSd. =)
@ChrisS ohhh I like that.
@MDMarra Fine, but I'm taking my AIX cluster with me!
@voretaq7 that should help us save power :)
Everyone's essentially on the same page... It's been years!
@DennisKaarsemaker you're going to have to buy heating oil now.
but I'll be warm, toasty, and cooking a turkey.
with waste heat to spare!
"New Xbox requires an always-on connection to block used games, says report"
Why would you want to block used games?
@ChrisS Storage virtualization
@ChrisS Because game companies "license" their software to you and don't recognize your right to resell it
They've been trying to stop the second-hand game market for years
OIC, not the end user blocking the games...
Which is OK with me, but they need to cut the price of games in half and make everything available as a digital download on launch day
I've got a PS3 anyway... Though I'm sure Sony would love to block second hand games as well
I also really only play games on my iPad nowadays anyway
iOS is definitely the best mobile gaming platform around
I really haven't been gaming all that much anymore.
I haven't sold a game in years anyway, but I definitely wouldn't want to support that practice.
@DennisKaarsemaker Sent it a minute ago. Thanks again
btw guys, heads up with outlook 2013.. extremely buggish GAL/OAB lookups.. contact cards are blank, thumbnails from AD missing and so on
stick with outlook 2010 for a while
I kill people almost every night. It's almost therapeutic.
@MDMarra that's one of the better resumes I've read in a while. The only feedback I have is that I'd do "start date-end date job description" instead of "job description start-date end-date". I dislike job hoppers, so often do a quick scan of what the average contract length of a person is.
@pauska I haven't had any such problems. What version of Exchange are you running?
@DennisKaarsemaker So keep the format but flip the date to the front of the line?
@MDMarra yeah
I had it like that before, but it made part of the job title for my current job jump to the second line
@MDMarra Once again I point to settled case law from the 1980s regarding software purchased in a retail transaction, and say to the gaming companies "Fuck you, this is why you're going broke!"
I should put my OCD about that aside, I suppose :)
@MDMarra or change fonts
@voretaq7 It's already size 8 arial black
Well, it's technically bolded, all caps, size 8 arial black in a light-ish blue
My job history section is

Job title
<small>Start - End</small>
That works too for scanning
@MDMarra people who use colors other than black for their resume make the baby jesus have a shit explosion
Just sayin' - you really want Mary to have to clean THAT up?
Position | Company | Year - Range
My format is

Headings (size 9, bolded, caps, arial, black)
sub-headings (size 8, bolded, caps, arial black, blue-ish)
text (size 9, arial, black)
@voretaq7 hmm I don't know. @MDMarra uses blue for the jobtitle lines. It actually reads well
I should change that format; it worked better when I had multiple positions I wanted to showcase.
@DennisKaarsemaker I could probably tolerate dark blue
The sub headings being a size smaller than the text itself but blueish works better than you'd expect
but I've seen people with sky blue, pink, etc. on their resumes
It separates them from the heading right above it and doesn't actually look smaller than the font below it because it's bolded
@voretaq7 Oh yeah that shit's crazy
@voretaq7 you object against pink? :)
and at that point I'm like "Seriously, all I want to do is scan this thing and determine in 10 seconds or less whether you get a phone screen"
My bullet points, dividers, and a small square of background are dark green; same color as my website
@DennisKaarsemaker I'm the world's worst faggot
<- straight guy that likes banging dudes :-P
oh c'mon THAT gets stars? You guys suck - I've said WAY funnier shit than that this week! :P
this one is funny because it's true
@voretaq7 Yeah, but we like when people use words that the rest of us can't.
Like that scene in Boondock Saints where Willem Dafoe is in bed with the asian guy
@MDMarra oh OK: Shit Piss Fuck Cunt Cocksucker Motherfucker Tits
that should be good for at least 7 stars just because it's Carlin!
I can say all of those in any neighborhood or company and be OK
@voretaq7 Im going to report you to the mods
@mossy does that mean I have to ban myself?
@DennisKaarsemaker thanks for the feedback, by the way
always good to see a good resume after emptying the trash that's my resume inbox. Restores a bit of faith in humanity :)
You wait, one day I'll have more than 100 rep
I can't find a transcript of the long version of that skit
and this community will respect me
@mossy you want to be respected by this lot?!
you have low standards man :)
Cool lizard
My lizard brings all the boys to the yard (and such)
weee time to Jailbreak my phone
@voretaq7 giggity
and here we go
I'm accepting applications for anyone that wants me to throw up on them.
@WesleyDavid that's hot.
@WesleyDavid be careful what you wish for
So's my temperature.
@WesleyDavid When was the last time you had a functioning immune system?
@WesleyDavid immerse cat in liquid helium.
I weather a bulldozer of a flu at new years, make it out of that, and now get a cold that has me vomiting as much as the flu just because of sinus drainage.
@ScottPack 1983?
@WesleyDavid You know what they say. Illness implies weakness of character.
Lol that reminds me. I don't normally watch that Tosh fellow on tv, but I watched this bit of him drinking a 2 liter of coke and then ate a few mentos.
@ScottPack If it took until last month's flu-fest to determine that I have a week character...
Seems like a really bad idea, but man it was funny.
@WesleyDavid %s/week/weak/
Could be fake. But i hope not.
@mossy looks like someone's fetish.
@mossy definitely fake
@ScottPack Yeah yeah
@MDMarra Like you could spot somebody faking anything.
fake as fuck...
I feel like your stomach would explode
@ScottPack :(
@MDMarra :)
@mossy disproven by Mythbusters!
Oh Mark. We need to get a beer some time. I think you'll be fun.
Sure, next time you're in Philly let me know. I'll try not to ignore you this time.
@MDMarra I would tell you what that reminds me of but it brings back too many other terrible memories of college.
@ScottPack you just want to get him drunk and leave him in an alley :P
@voretaq7 Oh that's not an alley!
@ScottPack shaftway?
@MDMarra Fo sizzle. Except for GenCon Indy I don't foresee any travel anytime soon.
@voretaq7 Last time I really went out and drank I woke up in my bed with all of my clothes on, my credit card was missing, there was a measuring cup of water on the floor next to my bed, and I thought there was a 50/50 chance that my leg was broken
@MDMarra Sounds like a Tuesday.
There was a 4 hour top-shelf open bar for some girl's birthday
I had the maker's mark
A lot of times
I ended up cancelling that credit card
Seems like a good plan.
It reminded me why I don't drink liquor any more.
@MDMarra stupid question: what's a "4 hour top-shelf open bar"?
@MDMarra Not even a Manhattan?
@fuero 4 hours of free high quality booze.
@fuero It means you can drink the good stuff for free for four hours.
Hold up.
thought as much, but wanted to make sure. thanks :D
Top shelf?
I have to say Mark. I am disappointed.
@ScottPack What would you have had?
The guy I went with got Appletinis all night long just to be obnoxious
@ScottPack Don't like Maker's Mark or just would've picked something else?
@MDMarra Rowan if they had any, or Blantons. Knobb otherwise.
Sorry to disappoint, Scotty
@Tanner I find Maker's a bit too rough. It's fine in a mixed drink, but I wouldn't want to drink it.
Hmm. It's actually a little to sweet to me.
Apparently I had to be carried back to my apartment, where I tried to convince my buddy to just let me sleep in the hallway because I couldn't figure out which key went to my door.
Although, they probably would have had some Hendricks up in there.
This was before I was engaged. My life has changed a bit in the last couple of years
@MDMarra you drink more now? :)
Yeah, it does. And it will again.
Long morning.
The last time I got that drunk I woke up on my couch with someone's panties in my pocket.
@MDMarra You guys already live together?
MacBook pro errors.
@ScottPack Yeah, for just over a year now
@MichaelHampton "someone's"
Last time I got that drunk I woke up naked in bed with 3 bracelets from clubs on
@ScottPack I never did figure out who they belonged to.
@MDMarra Yeah, life will change a bit. Certainly less since you've already been living together for so long.
@DennisKaarsemaker Haha, much less. Usually only a few beers with dinner now.
@mdmarra The Valley stuff is settling down. HP ILO's are the bomb and I'm surprised you guys have only been living together for a year.
Apparently I need to make a trip to NH to party with @MichaelHampton
@ScottPack Everyone at work is taking pools for how long until she gets pregnant. The wedding is April, people are taking August, Sept, etc. I'm holding out for 2018
@MDMarra No doubt.
@MDMarra It would seem you'd have some control over that...
@ewwhite I do like iLO, it's just dumb that you need a license even though they're usually pre-keyed. And it's probably closer to two years actually now that I think about it
"it was an accident"
@MDMarra We lasted 4 years. I still figured we had 3-4 more.
@ewwhite "you were an accident"
@Tanner I'm not sure I'd consider Maker's Mark top shelf... at least not at any place which has a top shelf worth visiting. :/
There's times I'm glad I can't get women pregnant
@MDMarra So we went to one of those pregnancy classes. In a room of about 15-20 other first time couples. I think 2 of them were planned.
Oh, you Bourbon snobs can suck it. Maker's might not be the #1 primo whiskey on the planet, but when you go somewhere with $3 well drinks and $8 top shelf, Maker's is never in the well category
@HopelessN00b Nor would I. Not a bad bourbon though.
@Cole Times? Wish I had that problem, all the time. Without having to pay some guy to play with sharp objects near my two best friends. :(
I mean, I'd like to have my "own" offspring
@MDMarra Well, there's your problem. $8 anything isn't top shelf, it should be the "normal" stuff. Nothing wrong with it, but it's not premium.
Why in the holy hell is it taking WDS a half hour to add an install image?
And speaking of drinking, I have two hours of meetings. Kill me now.
I need to get some more bourbon. I haven't had a good cocktail in a long time.

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