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@Tanner Do you have other images?
beer is the best
Stella? what? no.
i liked it
@MDMarra Have one XP image. Adding a Windows 7 one...
what urs
@Tanner Ah, I don't know about XP and 7 combos, but if you have multiple 7 images, it has to create a res.wim (or something like this)
It basically contains the overlapping files between all of the images in an image group
So that having 50 images with mostly the same config doesn't take up (size * 50)
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, DogFishHead 90 Minute IPA, Clown Shoes Black IPA to name a few.
@gforce89 very very obscure: Hofstettner's Granitbier
Well at this point I'd rather it just ate up the space. :|
@fuero is my new favorite person.
You missed our beer snob chatter yesterday afternoon, @gforce89.
@ScottPack do you smoke tobacco pipes? I can't recall.
@Cole I have one, but I haven't smoked it in many years. Just the other night I was considering finding some nice tobacco for it.
@Cole because I drew an obscure beer brand from my hat? :D
@ScottPack Easy, Gandalf
@Cole Pipe und a crepe?
@fuero yes
@MDMarra I'm not that grey. :(
@ScottPack Bong und a blintz?
Oh, Sir Walter Raleigh. That's what I used to get when I was rolling my cigs.
@ScottPack let me find the one that I've really been enjoying.
@ScottPack Scotty's Blend - Butternut Burley - so good.
Are you fucking with me? ಠ_ಠ
@ScottPack bought this sampler: pipesandcigars.com/vilapsa.html#.URKpkKVEHnE
/me grins at taking stuff out of context:
German invasions aren't necessarily a bad thing, but somehow if you bring that up in nyc, a significant part of the populace is very offended.
Previous sentences: Beer-wise NYC is awesome. Mostly thanks to all the Germans invading the nearby states.
yes Nvidia ?
why arent they neccesarily a bad thing
Assuming the name referred to that
@Cole What makes me nervous is that I quite well remember finishing my pipe, then brushing, flossing, and mouth washing several times and still having that taste back there. I'm hoping it was poor quality tobacco and not the smoke.
@Cole Oh, that was a very long time ago.
@ScottPack I don't get that with this tobacco.
Very clean
You know what makes your mouth the cleanest?

Not smoking.
@Cole That's good. I can't help but remember the years I spent smoking 2 pack/day of Pall Malls and the thought of the lingering taste gives me the shivers.
@MDMarra you know what makes your mouth the cleanest? SHUT THE FUCK UP
Just kidding <3
@ScottPack yeah I don't like the lingering taste
@ScottPack Ok, Vonnegut
Ugh just ate a Shart Pocket, going to regret that soon.
I switched to e-cigarettes some time ago, and now even smelling someone else's cigarette annoys the shit out of me.
I was quite happy when Ohio went smoke free. It meant I could actually go out and enjoy myself in bars.
@MichaelHampton goes around slapping cigarettes out of people's mouths. YOU'RE ANNOYING AND YOU SMELL
@Cole No, I don't do that sort of thing.
@MichaelHampton but you should.
I'll smoke a cigarette if I'm drunk, or 17 of them.
@Cole No, I really should not.
Both my parents are smokers, glad I'm not a "smoker". I don't crave cigarettes, ever.
anyone tried hookah. relatively safer. takes the tar out...
I smoke hookah too.
I do lots of things I'm not proud of, this is the least of it.
I went to a hookah bar up in Keene once. It was all right.
Oh, Keene.
@Cole dude be proud. u live to the fullest
@ScottPack The down side to no smoking bars is now some of my favorite dives smell like vomit and ass.
We used to have a few hookah bars in town, but the aforementioned smoking ban kind of killed them.
So many hookah bars in Providence.
@jscott Like. They. Should.
There was an awesome dive in CT when I lived down there, I miss it :(
The one in town, is appropriately named: Cole's Tavern
@ScottPack I'd be alright with the "normal" swill and urinal cake scents, but geez, how about a mop and some spic-n-span?
ugh, urinal cake smell.
urinal cakes...... i miss em.
lol, where do u get these gifs
@gforce89 The Internet.
@gforce89 from the internet's abyss
what did u search??? shut the fuck up?
@Zypher Nazi.
Didn't pausa get banned for that one?
@WesleyDavid yes ... point?
@Zypher We should party. Party hard!
Aw that was a good one.
someone's begging for a clobbering...
Would somebody take the cat out before he shits all over the room again? :P
I'm hoping someday Gmail will support in-line chat images. I can't wait to really show my coworkers how annoying chat can be.
@Zypher Hi George. I hear your firewall rules gave Bart a headache yesterday
@MDMarra no idea been out sick for two days
Q: Repadmin gives operational error 58

Bart SilverstrimWhile testing some remote DC's, "repadmin /replsummary" ended with an error of Experienced the following operational errors trying to retrieve replication information: 58 - mydc1.mydomain.com 58 - mydc2.mydomain.com Information for "Source DSA" for mydc1 and mydc2 both show u...

@Zypher How many gallons does it take to get you hung over?
@ScottPack quite a few ... but this was as crappy sinus infections ... legitamly sick
@Zypher With you gone, it took TWO sysadmins to say "nope, definitely not tombstoned"
@Zypher Bugger. Feeling any better?
I've got a sinus infection going right now... Leftovers from "What happens in Mexico, stays in Mexico". =]
@ChrisS Clearly something didn't stay in Mexico like it should have.
@ChrisS You were snorting blow off of a....nevermind
@ScottPack yea, almost 100% back now ... at the very least it doesn't feel like a knife is jabbing my repeated in my sinuses
who else loved the rap BGM in Django Unchained ?
@Zypher That's good at least.
@MichaelHampton Lost in translation apparently
Note to self: Can't get away with cheap razors anymore
@ChrisS might as well take a cheesegrater to the face
@ChrisS That looks FANTASTIC! Imagine how close a shave I can get with it!
I use a Schick Hydro 5. You can have it when you pry it from my cold dead fingers.
I used a Walgreens special today
holy fuck nope
I actually have facial hair worth shaving now, and ouch my face.
I started on Bic disposable bi-blades. Then moved to 3, then 4, and now 5 blades.... There's not much difference between 4 and 5 IMHO. But they're worlds better than 2 and 3 blades.
Meh. Get your face hot enough and it doesn't matter how many blades. One is plenty.
my beard is starting to come in but its super patchy
The best thing I've done for shaving is using a shave oil and doing it in the shower.
so I shaved everything but my goatee
@jscott That's pretty great.
The best thing I've done for shaving is stopped.
Except my facial hair is a travesty. I'm a shame to cat-kind.
@WesleyDavid I was looking ROUGH
@Tanner Yeah, but 4 or 5 and you don't even have to be careful... i don't think I could cut myself if I tried
My sideburns looked nasty lol
I grew a beard for Mowember and stuck to it. I'm trimming it twice a month.
I get a skin to 1" fade so it looks better sans sideburns anyways
@ChrisS I tried a five blade razor once and it left patches all over. Felt like I was shaving with a license plate. Forget any find corners around the nose.
Position for a Systems Administrator for Ebay, I think nope.
@WesleyDavid I've solved that problem by growing a beard. Hell, it's been almost 20 years since I've shaved my moustache or goatee.
@WesleyDavid Hrm... I've not had that problem.. But I have a normal human face... I don't think they were designed for cats.
@Cole Didn't they just axe a couple thousand people?!
@Cole You just KNOW someone's going to come to them with a better offer in the last second.
@ScottPack TWENTY?
@MikeyB andddd Gatorade almost out my nose.
Your profile says you're 32
@ChrisS probably, lol.
@MDMarra 1994
I was going to keep my mustache but meh
I haven't shaved my goatee in over a year
@MDMarra He's Scottish. They're born with beard I think.
@WesleyDavid You should see my ears. They're due for a trimming too.
@ScottPack Easy, Alf
@Cole online.wsj.com/article/… Only a few hundred
@ChrisS looks like it's a 5+ month contract.
I'm not looking for in MA anyways, I'll only make a jump for a job in Atlanta.
and my lease isn't up to June, so I have time.
I'll have my VCP5 before then too, so that'll help.
@MDMarra That implies that I have a particular love of eating cat. Let it be known that I don't particularly love cat, I just like things that taste good. Is it really cat in the chicken lo mein? I don't care because it tastes good.
I second that
@ScottPack Yeah, I've got one big blond hair out of each ear. Hurts like a hurty thing to pull, but I really have no choice.
@ScottPack For the unawares, this is not a food source: >^_^<
@WesleyDavid I've found it's just easier to pull the guide off the trimmer and whack it all off when I do my beard.
@ScottPack What a man does while trimming a beard is his own business, let's just keep the bathroom door closed.
cat meat will be soft like a rabbits....
It just got a little weird
@MDMarra Just?
Speaking of cats, mine dutch ovened me yesterday
@WesleyDavid I was about to say the same thing. Now I feel skeezy about the implications.
He sleeps under the blanket of the bed during the day. I was working from home and lifted the blanket to see what he was up to and stuck my head under.

Cat farts.
Cat farts everywhere
Okay body, puke or stop churning.
Did you have to resuscitate?
Anyone have any ipecac?
This is my 1st and you already downvoted me, cruel... Cruelness aside, it's a windows 2000 server and by "menu", I mean, a Visual Basic application that just lists the applications depending on who logs in. — Alex 11 mins ago
@ScottPack ?
Starting to watch BSG right meow.
@MDMarra I just find it hard to believe your cat could be hanging out under the blankets with all that methane.
cat and dog farts are lethal
they kill
@ScottPack He does all the time
8-10 hours a day
It's where he sleeps during the day when no one is home. We set up a cat cam to see if he moves anywhere else
He doesn't
He gets between the sheets so that he's just under the comforter
and u use it during the night........
@MDMarra That's probably the laziest cat I've ever heard of it.
Or he hates you.
he may be active during the night. day time is his sleepy time
@gforce89 yeah he keeps it warm
@ScottPack He makes all kinds of fucking noise all night long
@MDMarra So he does hate you.
My cat is obsessed with me
oh this is good.
Cats are, umm, I forget the word. But basically they're mostly active at dawn and dusk
did u pick him up from the other side of the globe
@MDMarra nocturnal
@Cole Nah that implies that they're active all night
So the new guy was given the job of setting up and designing a youtube channel for a client. he set the birthday to the date of the year the company was founded.
@MDMarra well mine is nocturnal then lol
gmail banned youtube, gmail, and analytics
A lot of them sleep just as much at night as they do during the day. Generally they're most active from like 5a-7a and then like 5p-8p
@mossy oh shit
The rest of that shit is sleep. Must be a nice life
its a cool life. house cat. eat and fart all day
@mossy bahahahaha
sleep too
@MDMarra why do you think @WesleyDavid is so happy? :)
shit i feel like i should help him, but... but.. Google support..
What Google support?
starts late
Did someone say carrot?
                 \     /
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@WesleyDavid No.
and they ate the carrot
the rabbit was a bit late
@WesleyDavid I need that gif you linked earlier. The guy riding a horse with a firework in its butt
@mossy No. Absolutely no.
@WesleyDavid That looks phenomenal on the star wall
@MDMarra It looks like a pcre.
@ScottPack it sure does
this does look phenomenal
voodoo nonsense
I finally learned how to write RegExs in a class I took just about a year ago

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