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How often do you guys as sysadmin go outside? <-- help Jacob understand why an extra little bit of Vitamin D during the week is a good thing ;)
8 hours later…
@drachenstern Here IT is split up between two buildings, about half a mile apart. Usually works out that I have a meeting in the other building a couple of times a week. Then there's the walk to/from the car in the morning, at lunch, and in the afternoon.
In the warmer months I usually spend at least most of one day per week doing outside chores, not to mention the hikes that should hopefully be happening more frequently now that the little one's a little older. Though those aren't related to my professional life.
@chopper3 iterence ? or instance ?
@drachenstern: Sunlight makes me sparkle.
@Iain happy with either
never seen iterence used before
@Iain Neither have I, but anybody familiar with the word 'reiterate' should be able to parse it fine.
I like that word, though, "iterance". Say it a few times, it has a nice mouth-feel.
1 hour later…
Our code drops are called "Iterations", plus when we commit new versions of our VM classes we clone them out as "Iterences" or "Iterations" for however many we need. I wasn't aware it wasn't such a well known word.
oh god
what a hangover
hello guys
@coredump I feel like I have one... but its from allergies :(
@coredump My favorite is when you're driving home after lunch and then the hangover kicks in.
@packs to be honest I am not sure if it is a hangover or if it is the end of the drunkness
@coredump I tend to work under the assumption that if my hangover kicks in 4-5 hours after waking up, then I was probably still drunk.
Luckily, that hasn't happened since I became an old man.
@packs it was the marriage of a good friend, so I think I kinda exaggerated :P
Those will do it. My last time was my bachelor party.
2 hours later…
anyone about ?
I am for a bit
I'm off to do the pub quiz in a bit with some friends :P
I have been 'fixing' a userscript for greasemonky, can you do me a quick favour vote up a random question of mine - you can take it back off again in a couple of minutes
You mean an answer... right? :P
OK, I'll do this one
A: Block facebook even in the case users get their hands on tor, freegate and similar applications

IainWhat you have isn't really a technical problem, it's a management problem, don't try to make it a technical problem. You need to have an acceptable use policy that clearly defines what users can and can't do with the resources provided by your organisation. This should also detail what steps may ...

ok take it away again - it works
Meh it's a good answer, I'll leave it
Just don't tell!
Gah, blast the non-delete-after-2-minutes
I can edit and you can removbe then
I mean that chat message
I'm happy for the upvote to stay
anyway I fixed the SO Live script which makes me happy too
Hmm I wonder if GreaseMonkey works on FF4 yet
not sure I'm still on 3
Last time I checked it was b0rked, I'm just having another look
I have a bunch of scripts that make SE just a little bit better
the best being the one that swaps the preview and edit boxes
Ooh it seems to have worked. That was... well.... unexpected lol
ooh then an upgrade to FF4 may be in order
Ooh it seems to have worked. That was... well.... unexpected lol
It's still RC2, but it works alright for me
So is the one on StackApps busted?
Q: SO Live! -- live updates to your reputation score.

badp Screenshot About This userscript, based on SOApi.js, injects itself in all SE pages and polls the API for reputation changes every 60 seconds. When your reputation changes, this is quietly announced at the top of the page and the top reputation counter is joyfully updated. The notifica...

yep but it's easilly fixed now
use the greasemonky to edit it and change the linkify() function to
function linkify(change){
var url= "http://" + site + "/questions/" + change.post_id + "/-1";
return ("<a href="+url+">"+change.title+"</a>");
Cool, thanks
Hmm I think SO Live is broken for me
Never mind... pub time!
1 hour later…
@BenPilbrow the author has (I think) fixed it
function linkify(change){
// see chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/479425#479425
dummy = $("<hack/>")
what_I_want = $("<a/>").text(change.title)
.attr("href", "http://" + so_live_site + "/q/" + change.post_id + "/-1")
return dummy[0].innerHTML
@pauska it seems that the problem I was seeing had something to do with a USB driver conflict (where one of the conflicting drivers was uss720); fortunately it appears to be resolved now, without needing to revert to an earlier kernel.

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