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She's one of those girls with Eternal Youth Syndrome. I only knew one before.
My wife just looked and thought that she looked 20 or 25.
"A little like Tara Reid."
@BartSilverstrim Oh yeah, totally 20. Yup, no question.
@BartSilverstrim Drunk and stoned with big knockers?
@Packs: Not the rapper.
The blond.
Apparently there's no one produced by Ark Music Factory that can sing without autotune
Right, I'm talking about Tara Reid.
Or a rapper.
I think Puff Diddy might take exception to that description :)
I just had a long back and forth on Reddit regarding people being judged for their looks. SF Chat just made me realize how important snap judgments are for evaluating whether you should comment on a woman before figuring out her legality.
Hey, @coredump. Edit your comment. It looks grotesque.
what one
@BartSilverstrim You know, it's funny. Age judging is a hard thing.
@coredump To my rsync answer.
Heck yeah it is.
@Packs: When I was in college there was this cute girl in one of my classes. Chatted her up a bit. It was a college class!
@BartSilverstrim In Ohio you'll almost never see a child porn charge because of the inherent difficulties in determining true age.
Guess who was an extremely smart high schooler taking college courses in exchange with her school and looked older than she was?
@packs deleted the comment
@BartSilverstrim rebecca black?
Whats your Xbox tag?
Now days they go after you for "violating community standards" because even if the people are of age it is intended to portray them as under age.
@Jacob coredump777
@Packs: Isn't that ark factory's business model?
@BartSilverstrim Violating community standards?
@BartSilverstrim No this is bohemian.com/citysound/?p=7181
@coredump Um...no.
@coredump You want me to just add the netcat bit to the answer?
@packs: Exploiting underagers for an audience...so I guess yeah, violating community standards. Many of these videos remind me of that TV show where parents parade their 8 year olds on stage for competition. Toddlers and tiaras? Whatever it's called.
@BartSilverstrim I started taking college classes at 14. I was on the other end of that scale. I always thought it funny that people assumed I was 18+.
I don't much care for shows like that. They tend to make me feel even worse about our culture.
@BartSilverstrim child pageants?
@packs meh
@coredump yep
They are prohibited in brazil
You know it's bad if Brazil doesn't allow it.
Oh, and @coredump, I didn't mean that I don't like your use of netcat. I use it frequently (usually for imaging systems with weird disk hardware). I was referring to the "YOu" at the start :)
@Packs: they assume you're 18 plus because it's a college in america. Most kids there shouldn't be there when they're 18, let alone high school age. But it's like going into a bar...usually you should be able to assume the girl (or guy) you're chatting up is legal because it's a bar.
Well, I assume universities or the equivalent in the UK are like that too...certain ages are expected as the norm.
@BartSilverstrim Packs lives in ohio...
/grumbles people always complain of my netcat solutions /grumbles
Speaking of living in Ohio....I noticed that meetup.com/stackoverflow actually has a meetup location in my town. Anyone know how those were decided?
@coredump You print it our, and I'll edit it in.
I am in lust with netcat.
^^ maybe 15-16...
I don't remember girls looking like that when I was 16
Wait, the meetups are on a Wednesday? Really? Damn, that's my gaming night.
I'm out to go play xbox
There's a meetup in Tunkhannock?
@BartSilverstrim in Brazil there are some cases of guys that had intimate relations with 13 year olds and were absolved by the judge because there was no way to them to tell the real age. (The girls were in an adult only place, dressed like adults and never told their real ages)
@BartSilverstrim Bless you
Must be the meetup code looks at your IP to try to determine where you are.
@BartSilverstrim Well, it'll be accurate for me as my IPs are SWIP'ed to my address
@coredump That's like half the plot of Animal House
@BartSilverstrim So does it "schedule" a meetup when you go to the site?
@coredump prostitution or were they just there?
Doesn't look like it.
looks like it offers to have you start a community.
Kara still looks way underage even here. youtube.com/watch?v=9h8F4Fl1F6I
@Jacob The only underage prostitution in Brazil are little boys. Or so I've heard.
@BartSilverstrim That's weird, because when I went to the page I immediately saw one in Athens and one in Westerville, neither of them had anybody attached though.
The wife deals with students more than I do so she knows age judgments better than I by quite a bit. But I still don't see where she gets the 20 year old estimate.
aaaand there's the autotuned rapper again.
he's getting creepy.
@Jacob just there.
@BartSilverstrim His name sounds like plato...
atleast thats what they say at the start of the video
@packs there's underage prostitution here everywhere, boys, girls, dogs, little animals...
When your country has a waxing style named after you, what did you expect?
@coredump See thats not how it's done here, you have sex with someone your age at one of your houses while your parents are at work... :P
@packs a friend of mine had a girl proposing to him that was no over 15, on the street. She was selling fruits and when she denied the fruits she offered herself. Luckily (or unfortunately) for her, he likes the other fruit.
skip to 1:45 in this video
cause we all know it works like that....
BUT, it's only one facet of my country, we have a lot of cool stuff :)
@coredump So they have to make a living or they have to get someone else to do it becaiuse parents can't/won't/died?
@coredump Jungles full of revolutionaries....
@packs that's the other country :|
@coredump So they marry a dude for a living?
@Jacob not... marry...
damn forgot that @jacob is 15 again
@coredump There's more than one country down there? Damn you US public education system!
@coredump well you said not prostitution..
@packs O_O
FUCK! I wanted to read those >.<
@Jacob ah, that specific case was a party on a bar
@Jacob Prostitution is such a...harsh word.
@coredump ಠ_ಠ
@coredump We might have a big ass deficit but your country has some issues honestly....
@Jacob erm... I never said anything about your country... I just said that Brazil is more than drugs, forests, soccer, waxing style and underage solicitation.
I met people that were amazed that we had internet here :\
@coredump It was more of a we're not perfect but I'm glade I live in teh states
@coredump They think colombia and apply it to you...
@Jacob it could be worse right? You could live in brazil
time to shave
@coredump I don't envy you having to deal with those issues. In college I was dating a Puerto Rican girl. She had a college admissions person actually be surprised they had real clothes and buildings, not just wraps and huts.
cya all
what the hell is with all this teeny bopper crap?
@coredump No! Keep your beard, dammit. @WesleyDavid already pussed out and got rid of his.
@packs I hate hair on my face, I don't see how people deal with it...
@Zypher We were commenting on how muck it sucks don't worry
Evening, @Zypher
@packs I just trim it, I never remove a beard.
@coredump Good man
@Jacob I honestly couldn't imagine being with out. I've had facial hair of one kind or another since I was your age.
I swear if my "company" takes off the first thing I'm doing is turning my room into my NOC
With atleast 2 monitors
@packs Ughh Yeah I'll pass honestly
@packs It looks strange for me to be the only one well maybe 2 others that have a mustache...
Wait...when did Brazil get Internet access?
@BartSilverstrim yesterday
@BartSilverstrim Truth be told, he could be in Brazil, KY.
He's always been a bit hedgy about the actual location.
@packs I think theres a Brazil VA too
Wait, when did Kentucky get Internet access?
@BartSilverstrim Chatonnoga has gig FTTP
@BartSilverstrim ಠ_ಠ
Society will take a nosedive once teens get cellphones with built-in autotuners.
/me shudders
in case any of you use facebook, i have a little question. i have friend1 and friend2. i blocked f2 to see my status updates. i post an update. f1 comments in it.. my question is, can f2 see in his updates that f1 commented on my status given that both f1 and f2 are my friends?
@fmysky with facebook assume anyone + thier adverisers can see anything
@Zypher hey I just noticed something. When I go to "show all $starredComments" it's supposed to be a chronological listing. And it's not.
It's slightly out of order
interesting ...
something to mull on
yes... or to punt to the devs :)
heh. Fix my chat!!!!
Anyhoo, I'm off to bed.
yep ype
still commuting home
@Zypher Haven't you moved yet?
nah looking for a place now
prob in the next 2-3 weeks
How is the search going so far? Does the local market seem to be good enough?
yea ... just 1) need to adjust my idea of what is normal and 2) find time to look when not tired and a cardboard box sounds good enough
but yea it's going good
my sis is actually doing alot of hte leg work for me :)
2 is hard. When moving here the wife and I ended up spending several weeks driving up on a Saturday morning, looking around, and going back home that afternoon.
That's incredibly helpful!
yea ... i though it would be better when i was working in nyc
but after a long day of sysadmining my mind is a little shot
Oh, so are you actually taking the train up to the City every day?
NJTransit from hamilton nj
bout an hour
when there are expresses running
but like now ... 90 mins or so with the normal local
and almost 2 hours with the super local
I suppose 60-90 minute commute isn't bad, but still really sucks.
thank god i don't work for an uptight 8-4 work hours only company
I drove a 65 mile commute for a while and learned to hate it.
No kidding. And at least it was a known short term deal.
uhg ... driving i couldn' tdo more than 20 miles with getting violent
Neither can I, now.
it's ~18 from from my house to hamilton
So you're doing a 20 mile drive to the station followed by a 60-90 minute ride? Jeebus.
Good ${TIME_OF_DAY}, @okGood
actually the train isn't bad
just chill out
Well, just a few more weeks.
Then you get to MOVE! Rock!
jump on the lappy and spin up the intertubes
hells to htey yea :)
If I had to actually commute, train would without question be my preferred.
give anyone who looks like they are going to sit next to me the EVIL EYE
yea .. big fan of the train
Feel free to use mine.
Hell, within the university IT it's become known as the 'All Seeing Eye of Security'. I rather enjoy that one.
although the problem is when you forget to turn it off when the hot chick walks by
Although, now that I remember the picture they posted when you got hired, yours is probably better :)
more effective with the gun
but they frown on traveling interstate with firearms when you canr't permited all the way through
What's the worst that could happen?
uhhh fedrel felony charges and 10-20 in a state slammer?
But imagine how funny the ensuing press could be!
Well, funny for me. They probably don't allow papers in PMITA prisons :)
no they do allow papers you gotta have something to use on the toilet
mmm....dorm TP. That brings back memories.
I haven't even read it and already I'm feeling like something horrible is happening.
yea ... hope you don't use secureID
Oh FFS. Did they really just use APT? That's like the 'cloud' of the IA realm
I POCed it
And decided it was designed too well for a corporate environment and would have serious problems working well in an educational environment.
oh man ... we used it for everything at my last job
I did like it, but what really turned me off was the all or nothing approach.
well you can do it not all or nothing
Perfect example of what I wanted. SysAdmins using sudo must use the token.
Normal users on the same system using sudo may or may not need it.
Depending on what they were allowed to do
yea ... we ended up just segregating by network and forcing you to vpn into certain segments to do things
That distinction largely came down to management effort
even if you where internal
but ah well
i relaly should point that article out to my friend who works in security there
If an application admin can use sudo to restart a service and that's it, then I don't want to have to force the fob on them, nor have to manage it. The action gets logged to the SIEM so we have the record of the event.
Yeah, you probably should.
We do use an RSA product, so I know in the morning I'll be pointing it out to the guy that manages it. The article seem to imply that other product information may have gotten out as well.
yea ... just sent
hmm i guess i won't be seeing her for a few months now
Because she'll be fighting with RSA support?
Good times.
then fighting with internal Systems and Networking to get them replaced/upgraded
So they're running their own servers instead of the appliances?
Or are you thinking the fob management issue?
fob management
and some places run servers
som run appliances
When I was running the POC I found the key management issue rather annoying, even with only a handful of users.
alrighty! my stop is next finallly i shall ttyl
and yes i agree
Have a lovely evening!
It's no fun if you delete the message before I can read it.
@packs was just commenting on the amount of my alcohol intake
@packs that was not what I meant at all :P
I'm not sure I wanted that index either.
Anyway, I'm going to bed. It's well past my bedtime. Remember, plenty of water and a few aspirin before lights out!
3 hours later…
@packs I did not shave my beard, you filthy rumor monger!! And with that, I depart. Tip your waitresses.
2 hours later…
Early early early
isn't it just
fun fun fun
I have a feeling today is going to be silly in the office, being Comic Relief and all
not in the office thank goodness
We have some very outrageous things go on here. One year there was a wooden cow with udders and everything. Whoever milked it dry the fastest won a prize
how odd
Yes it was, but quite amusing though
3 hours later…
G'day Gents.
And ladies, I suppose.
Good morning (or afternoon, depending).
Hello everyone
@Chopper3: Phil
now... back seat or front seat. Taht's the horrible choice you have to face when its friday
I know tomorrow is Saturday, but I seem to have forgotten what comes afterwards. Can anyone point me toward an authoritative source?
3/4 way down the page
You're welcome.
the songs on that page, as good as they are, are not FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN
gotta be fresh gotta go downstairs
Oh shit should I kick it in the front seat or kick it in the back seat?! :-o
hi, was on the phone
Gotta make up my mind which seat I can take.
Would you believe the blond is also with Ark Factory? She might actually have a NON AUTOTUNED talent. youtube.com/watch?v=HKDeGB-QKvU&feature=related
Rebecca Black has redefined Black Friday.
Sometimes I hate the Dell Perc controllers
I have a RAID10 array w/ 6 disks, allegedly 1 drive is offline in the array, yet the array is failed.
That's strange.
i restarted the server since the array was data not OS, and now the dogshit openmanage says no controllers are detected
Is it actaully dead, or is it just using the term 'Failed' to indicate 'Degraded'?
Sounds like the controller is wonkin' on you.
Reseat it?
@SmallClanger, well that volume is no longer visible in windows, so i assume failed, but thats just an assumption
but, 1 drive should certainly not fail a 6D RAID10
Will if the SPoF is the controller.
@DanBig: the controller was visible in openmanage before you rebooted?
Yes, and showing failed, with one drive down
I just did a cold boot into the SAS bios, and now it says rebuilding
No changes made
I am certainly not having FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN
Lookin’ forward to the weekend?
And, the volume is back in windows. Showing a rebuild in openmanage
It's only a dev box, so the VMs aren't backed up, but it would still make for a shitty day to lose them.
Just keep an eye on it then I guess...and check for odd log entries and data corruption.
Backups are good yes?
We-we-we so excited
We so excited
We gonna have a ball today
We understand the risks of not backing up the dev server, just makes for a pain in the ass.
Now all I need to do is decide whether to sit in the front or the back. These things usually work themselves out, so I'm not too worried though.
I just burned my retinas. Thanks @BartSilverstrim
Why is there a dancing thing?
@ITHedgeHog cuz it's Friday. And we apparently can't figure out whether to kick it in the front seat, or kick it in the back seat.
And tomorrow is Saturday.
Yeah, after that dude - Sunday. BOOM
Yesterday was Thursday...
we so we so excited!
That better? It's like doin' the Leo.
I wonder how her hair tastes? She seems to be enjoying it
@Holocryptic I don't like it when I feel like the sane one in the room >.<
Heh. You're not trying hard enough.
@ITHedgeHog Go to YouTube. Search "Rebecca Black." Wish that you never had, but return to participate in how much we now love FRIEEEDAEEY!
TOMORROW IS SATURDAY! Partyin' yeah partyin' YEAH
Unts Unts Unts Unts
do you ever cut some text, go to a site and you're just ready to paste it into the field when something interrupts you, you end up going off on a tangent for 5/10 minutes, come back to the original page without realising your paste buffer is not what it was? well I've just pasted a paella recipe into arin.net's whois query engine
@Chopper3 that's awesome. Thank God it's Friday, eh?
What was the response from arin.net?
but when is sunday
@BartSilverstrim didn't press enter
Yesterday was Thursday.
You should have. Might prove interesting what comes out of the disc drive.
Or you suddenly realize that information only existed in the clipboard
I remember that the clipboard in windows 286 couldn't contain the word 'nul' or 'pipe' :)
@packs There is no spoon.
@Chopper3 286?
Windows 286? Pffth. I ran it on an 8086
@Chopper3: Windows 2.0 perhaps?
Windows 1.0, baby.
Windows 2.1x is a family of Microsoft Windows graphical user interface-based operating environments. Less than a year after the release of Windows 2.0, Windows/286 2.10 and Windows/386 2.10 were released on May 27, 1988. These versions can take advantage of the specific features of the Intel 80286 and Intel 80386 processors. Editions Two editions of Windows 2.1x were released, both of which could take advantage of the Intel processor for which they were designed. Windows/286 Windows/286 takes advantage of the HMA to increase the memory available to Windows programs. It introduced the H...
You'll never snatch the thumbdrive from my hand...
/resumes bopping to FRIDAY...
16m youtube views so far ffs
I've just fricking bought it, wtf...
Don't you just hate it when you talk to your ISP about a problem, and then magically it goes away but they say they did 'nothing'
@ITHedgeHog dealing with that right now. For months. It's awesome.
@Chopper3: Bought what? Friday?
yep, what a tool
Has anybody used Seagate's new Hybrid drives yet? If so, what's your impression?
You bought it? Off iTunes?
Were you punishing someone?
somehow it's #43 in the itunes chart
@ChrisS The reviews have said "...meh..."
@ChrisS I've read articles about the drives failing after some usage.. firmware updates etc blah blah
This dude's done a lyrics analysis; youtube.com/watch?v=C9usLXxQw0g&feature=fvst
The strange thing is that RB only looks pretty on the first scene, with the morning hair.
dude, she's 13... <everyone looks away nervously>
He said pretty not hot.
thanks @jscott
hey guys
say good luck
skype interview time
Good luck
Skype Interview Time

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