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@willbradley Hi Will! Nice to see you here!
@willbradley nuts!
I assume you two know each other?
he stalks me and i like it
Well that's not creepy
@MarkHenderson Both IT consultants in the Phoenix AZ area. @willbradley has the southern metro area covered. I keep the northern area nailed down.
But he is a cat, and cats do stalk their prey
Every time you mention Pheonix I think of that TV show Medium
That's all I know about it
Why do I even bother calling support? Fscking retards. And because of that, now I'm on the phone with a user who can't figure out how to unplug a computer. Kill me now.
Gawd, do I ever learn slow. >:/
@WesleyDavid I'd rather own the dessert, especially if it's chocolate chip cookies with fresh boobs.
I expected that star...
@Ward or at the very least an icecream sundae shaped like a boob with a raisin on the top
My Mum actually told me she had to stop breast feeding me because I loved the boob so much. Old habits die hard.
Actually she didn't tell me that, she told my wife that. Probably as a cautionary tale.
Stop starring these things!
Well I guess you got us to stop starring them
@MarkHenderson Apparently I was weaned by my mom handing me a ceramic mug shaped like a breast (you drank through the nipple) and saying "You're drinking from this now."
@MikeyB Haha well, boob is boob
@rnxrx Pulling a Microsoft?
@rnxrx 0xB15B00B
My hat was off to MS on that one... years ago there was a Cisco bug on the GSR where some bridging code changed mac addresses to BEEF.F00D.BEEF
@rnxrx That's pretty clever
I like that
changing mac addresses in-flight is kinda scary, but if you're gonna do it ... well, that's the way
@MarkHenderson I thought you loved me. =(
@WesleyDavid I love everyone
Some I just love more than others
Welp... you know it's gonna be a long night when you need to instruct a user on how to unplug a server... and five minutes later she asks if the lights are supposed to be on.


On the upside, I'm starting to appreciate the no-firearms-in-the-office-building policy.
@MarkHenderson You would have know about @willbradley and his kickstarter punchdown tool if you read my blog. But apparently you don't. =(
@WesleyDavid Nope. But you don't read mine, so meh
@HopelessN00b "You know it's gonna be a long night when you need to instruct a user on how to unplug a server" You could have stopped there and been good.
@MarkHenderson xn--41a2e.com isn't a blog, cat.
@WesleyDavid I have another blog
@MarkHenderson Oh?
Did you miss it?
Got it
Rarely updated, and mostly non-technical
A year since your last post. Nice.
And apparently you're twenny.
@WesleyDavid Yeah, really. But the whole thing where it took her five minutes to figure out that lights use electricity, and unplugged servers don't have any electricity... sigh Really above and beyond, even for the type of person you have to instruct on how to unplug shit.
@HopelessN00b I've had PCs with big power supplies / capacitors have lights remain lit for about a minute or so after having their power yanked from the socket
Five minutes is a stretch. =)
@HopelessN00b I've unplugged shit and ahve it take 10 seconds for the lights to fade out as they discharge
@WesleyDavid Most of it is far more than 1 year old. From 2002 - 2010 I kept it fairly up to date
This was just a normal... um... tower-form... floor-mount... (?) server that sits in an off site office somewhere. No fancy doohickies like capacitors or dimmer lights on it. :p
Thats ok I was once walking my friend through installing a new graphics card in his PC (back in the days of AGP)
After he plugged it in, he goes "Hmm the computer beeped and crashed. Is it meant to do that"
"... you have it turned ON?!"
"Yeah... well you never told me to turn it off!"
1 hour later…
I fucking hate this. Every time I go to get wifi drivers for a laptop, they always have multiple options with no way of knowing which one is right, and it's always the last one I try
Case in point:
I work in IT and I've got no fuckign way of knowing. How the hell is my mother meant to know?
I guess I could look at the hardware ID and google it, but by the time I sift through a dozen useless forums I could just try all of them
Well you can use one of those device ID lookup pages to find the vendor ID.
Works well until two of the different drivers are from the same fscking manufacturer.
Oh, and of course all the filenames are "t00x9389238293d23c.exe" which means when you've got 20 of them nobody knows which ones they are
So far, both Intel and Realtek have claimed to install successfully, but still no wifi
My money is now on Atheros
I dunno. Still might not be a safe bet.
Nope it was the Realtek; it just took a few minutes for it to detect
^^ Now I've just got those to go
Hey, since you've been around a good while longer than I have, what do you think of a question to inquire about what's causing something to reply from I googled it, and got nothing useful back, but I'm not sure if that's too broad or basic.
@HopelessN00b Sounds fine to me
In fact, networking questions like that seem to go down pretty well
Favourite one recently was someone who was pinging an IP address, but getting an ICMP reponse from a completely different IP address
Well, I'll ask it and see how it goes.
Just as long as you include a copy of your command and its output, and how to reproduce it
@MarkHenderson MAC addresses the same?
@HopelessN00b Don't remember, I think it had something to do with a firewall intercepting the ICMPs and responding
@MarkHenderson Enh, that's gonna be tricky. Reproducing it involves calling HP support and getting them to fuck up your ILO interface, apparently. But I don't just wanna throw up my hands and go "HP sucks" as the reason for this... I'm curious as to how the hell that would happen... it can't actually be sending a response as, even if that's what its IP reset to... can it?
Not often I find myself wishing I knew more about networking.
@HopelessN00b You can broadcast to but I've never heard of receiving anything back from it
Yeah, that's what I thought. I'll ask it anyway, downvotes be damned!
A fun one is when you ping the broadcast address on your network, in mine, say - get a response from a different IP address almost every time
C:\Data\Websites\AJGrant\JS\lang>ping -t

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
lots of stuff doesn't respond to broadcast pings, unfortunately
Well I know that .100 is a phone
.124 might be as well
Actually everything that responded was either a firewall or a phone
Christ, I'm still getting rep from that shitty "your domain is not being used to send spam" answer. :/ Guess I'll correct that by seeing if I can get downvoted to China on a question.
would definitely help to know the mac, etc
that's what has an all zero src
knew I'd seen it as some point
@HopelessN00b I still get rep from one of the shittiest answers I ever posted
A: Our security auditor is an idiot. How do I give him the information he wants?

Mark HendersonSorry, another high rep user putting in their $0.02. As someone who has been through the audit procedure with Price Waterhouse Coopers for a classified government contract, I can assure you, this is totally out of the question and this guy is insane. When PwC wanted to check our password streng...

Still nets me about 10-20 a week usually
Wow. Yeah, the votes do seem to be higher since the first time I stumbled onto that question. :)
Q: Why and/or how is something to replying to pings as

HopelessN00bQuestion for someone who knows a lot more about networking than I do... So, long story shortish, I had an issue with a remote server tonight that I couldn't get corrected over ILO (HP's out-of-band management technology), even after doing a complete RTFM. I noticed that the ILO firmware version...

... :/
AWS ALL THE THINGS!!! (Am I a DevOp yet?)
@HopelessN00b That is a whack problem
@WesleyDavid For the first time ever I suggested an AWS product to my boss
@MarkHenderson Yeah?
We need some small-time RTMP streaming and S3 combined with CloudFront was going to cost about $20/year
Im currently an Apache user but want to switch to lighttp, ccan you reccomend any sites for me to read up on?
@MarkHenderson You do a lot of work in the streaming realm?
@MarkHenderson Yeah, and it's like the 8th What-the-holy-fscking-fsck problem I've had in not quite two months here.

I was warned that I'd see some seriously weird stuff here, but thinking I was already in an environment that was as screwed up as it gets, I didn't run screaming for the hills when I got the offer. *sigh*
@WesleyDavid Used to, but not any more. We just want to stream our video tutorails for our software and we want seeking withotu having to buffer 55 minutes of video
Thanks wesley
@MarkHenderson Okay, cool. Suddenly I'm up to my scalp in streaming topics.
Also, I'm finding more uses for AWS stuff. Heck, I might run a few of my future services all in AWS
@WesleyDavid I would be fucking paranoid about having off-AWS backups though
Yeah. I'll back up my AWS stuff to to gDrive.

Don't want to be that guy who posts a contract offering $5/hour to recover data from an EC2 ephemeral storage
I really, really like their spot pricing though. a fraction of a cent per hour for micro instances. Yummy.
"Dear Jeff Bezos,

Kindly to be removing the hard disks that had the data that I deleted by mistake. I would like to be recovering the datas.

Kind regards,
@WesleyDavid Just sue them; that's how the US works, isn't it?
I followed some tutorials to install lighttpd but my webserver is just saying 403- forbidden. Any tips?
The sexy kind of forbidden, or the boring kind?
plain old 403
oh, turns out I can't use index.php, must be index.html
Bummer. Wish I could help, but my expertise with webservers lies in downloading nekkid pictures from them.
Your webserver doesn't have nekkid pictures you need downloaded from it... does it?
It has nekkid pictures of hardware
showing all their nekkid ports
@HopelessN00b We offer a software product aimed at service industries, like plumbers, builders, etc. We often get suggestions that we'd get a lot of exposure if we advertised on the popular porn sites
Few issues with that:

1. I don't think we want to be associated with porn, and especially not contributing to their financial success
2. When you're watching porn, I doubt you're going to stop jerking off to think about your work order management procedures
3. Ads on porn sites are probably very expensive
@MarkHenderson Huh. You know, that's actually not a completely horrible idea. Might piss off the "family-friendly" clients, though.
@HopelessN00b We present ourselves as a very moral company with positive values. Advertising on porn sites could tarnish our image
RE:3 Are they? It's been a while since I've actually been to any porn websites, in truth, but from what I remember the ads were all over the freaking place, making me think they'd be cheap.
@MarkHenderson And making other people, strangers, even, feel good isn't a positive, moral value? :p

(Not that you're wrong, I just don't get everyone's hangups about sex. And enjoy poking fun at them. None of us would be here if it weren't for sex, as disturbing as that thought can be.)
I dunno, I'm guessing that the sites you want to advertise on, i.e. the popular ones, like redtube, youporn, etc, would be expensive
Right, good point.

Hey, sweet, my gravatar finally loaded. (Homer Simpson the sysadmin) Woohoo! Page refresh time.
@HopelessN00b I enjoy porn as much as the next guy, but it really can have adverse health issues once you're in a healthy relationship. There are a lot of stories these days about guys who can't get it up with a real lady because they're used to watching porn. Or, when they watch porn, they always wait for a certain type of scene and always jerk off to a redhead, or to someone showering, etc, and real life just doesn't measure up
My main issue with the porn industry though is the number of women who get taken advantage of and exploited
There's also men who watch so much porn that even though they can have sex with a woman, they're so used to jerking off that they can't ejaculate
That above one is very, very common according to a friend of mine, who works in a public health clinic and often does sexual counselling
@MarkHenderson I'm sure that's true - reality never matches up to fantasy. Hardly a pron-only issue. People get "addicted" to anything, and forgo healthy relationships for their addiction of choice, so that's a big "meh" to me. 'Course, I don't have that particular problem, so that could be why.

RE: exploitation... it's the men who get exploited in porn. Much lower pay, issues with their equipment from... well, abusing it so often, and the like.
@HopelessN00b The issues that men face in porn are nothing compared to the exploitation of vulnerable young women. At least in straight porn anyway, I doubt that there are many men being forced to perform to pay off their debt to their dealer
You'd be surprised. I knew a guy in the porn industry. Turns out the way to get your break into straight porn is to do a lot of gay porn. Or so I hear.
He was ahem the butt... of many a joke, though it did make you pause to think.
I guess if you're of the opinion that sex can be removed from sexuality (as I'm guessing you need to to be a porn star), then it probably doesn't matter where you're sticking it
Or where it's being stuck in you :p
I guess. Reason number about 86 I couldn't ever be a porn star.
I'm scared at how well I seem to be fitting my service plans into AWS's offerings.
so scared.
@Mark, hold me.
@WesleyDavid Youw ant to be big spoon or little spoon?
@MarkHenderson Both!
And of course they fit, I'm sure amazon have spent a small fortune making sure that their products fit a wide product market
Hot spoon on spoon action.
And you are their exact target market
See? You see what happens when you start talking porn in here?
I'm trying to ignore that in the context of the recent conversation.. but I just can't...

AAAAAAAAAUGH, the mental images!!!
@MarkHenderson Yeah, really, AWS isn't so bad. I'm impressed that Netflix does what they do.
High profile outages notwithstanding.
Rackspace is pretty badass too though.
I'm basically going between Rackspace, AWS and every once in a while I cast a glance over to GoGrid.
I've used Rackspace stuff before. Not bad and yes, their service is fanatical.
I'd like to see Netflix's payments to amazon each month.
I need to ruminate.
This calls for some more Team Fortress 2
Don't have netflix here :(
@MarkHenderson That's because Netflix doesn't support IP-over-dolphin
That and copycrap.
I hear that Neflix have some high capacity 4U servers (like, close to 1PB per server) that they put into local ISPs for local streaming
Wow, that sounds cool. So Amazon's CDN just isn't enough for them.
wait, 1PB of solid state? RAM?
You can't get 1PB into 4u
@WesleyDavid Not enough points of presence I guess.
Aberdeen made waves with putting 1PB into a 42u rack this year
@WesleyDavid 1PB of SATA storage
@WesleyDavid Netflix don't use AWS for any of the CDN stuff
@MarkHenderson not just netflix. A lot of CDNs and big content providers do that.
@WesleyDavid Ok, so it wasn't 1Pb. It was about 100tb
My brain just playing tricks. It's been a long fucking day
Dealing with invoicing/MYOB integration issues
Morning peoples
This guy serverfault.com/users/117906/yael shouldn't be allowed near a computer and yet someone has his setting up a Solaris cluster
That's not looking good
Always nice when you make a good oneliner :)
A: How to list all Active Directory Users and their group membership

Bart De VosInstall the Quest CMDlets and then run this code: Add-PSSnapin Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement $memberships = @() Get-QADGroup -SizeLimit 0 | Foreach-Object { $NameGroup = $_.Name Write-Host "Working with $NameGroup" $membership = Get-QADGroupMember $_.DN -Enabled -SizeLi...

@Iain Yikes, that's completely freaking unbelievable ridiculously scary
@mgorven just 'quite' ?
@Iain Better?
@BartDeVos You don't need the Quest cmdlets for that any more
Not with Windows 7 RSAT
Except I'm leaving work now so I don't ahve time to write anything now, maybe tomorrow if I remember
@MarkHenderson Drive it like you stole it!
@BartDeVos is Kenny about ?
@Iain No Is on holiday
Wacken festival, I think he's recovering now :D
@MarkHenderson True, I need to update, haven't got the time now :)
@BartDeVos looks like the kind of thing you need a recovery holiday after
1 hour later…
Q: windows 7 cannot access other computers on network

Sadeghin my network I have a Windows Server 2008 R2 and about 18 client with Windows 7 and XP. One of the windows 7 cannot access to other computers in network such as shared printer and folders, but other computers can access to this computer's shared folders. also I can use remote desktop connectio...

Who upvoted that, and how do we beat them bloody over http?
morning, afternoon, evening all :)
Q: Denver Broncos vs Chicago Bears

Robert FinchDenver Broncos vs Chicago Bears Denver Broncos vs Chicago Bears Live

I've seen a bunch of those. Obviously supposed to be for the healthcare SE site, or the football SE site, or whatever.

Still trying to figure out how the hell people don't notice which stack site they're posting at.
@HopelessN00b It's just SPAM by bots, they aren"t that clever :)
Really? How is that spam? I get how it's useless and shitty like spam... but I can't see the commercial component to it.
@HopelessN00b There was a link below to some streaming site
That would do it, then.
@BartDeVos Depressingly, it's not even bots. I get exactly the same spam on some of my sites and these are real people using real browsers.
@Iain - you about? spam
@Ladadadada How can you tell?
@SmallClanger Running javascript, sending referrers, opening tabs, pasting content and then hitting submit in batches, keeping all of our cookies and doing all of this at the speed of a normal human.
@SmallClanger Oh, and one more neat trick I discovered. Browsers have a "fingerprint" as the Panopticlick experiment showed. Part of this is the order, type and content of the HTTP headers. I've developed a set of mod_security rules that block a lot of bots purely on the order of the HTTP headers they send me.
And they all seem to come from the same region of the world: India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh.
Interesting tactic. We cured a lot of our forum spam by blocking China+Russia :)
But that's terrifying. The thought of hundreds of sub-continental wage-slave spammers manually posting this crap...
Quicky: Anyone with any info on disabling SharePoint on SBS2011?
@HaydnWVN A half brick and a good run up?
(some possibility of collateral damage)
If only that was valid!
Have £3500 worth of SBS2011 server to service 5 users and its slow :rolleyes:
Otherwise, not many SBS users here, you'll be best off asking on the main site.
And before you ask SBS2011 wasn't my choice! ;)
fair enough, thought i'd give it a try :)
Cheapest route might be to throw hardware at the problem until it goes away, though.
tell me about it, what a waste of great hardware :(
Wow this brings back memories:
@SmallClanger whats that ?
CDE - Common Desktop Environment.
Standard X-Windows desktop environment on the solaris boxes I used at uni, and quite a few other unices of that era.
nice colour scheme in fairness, better then the old ubuntu gnome theme!
and default xfce :)
I just used quickmeme...for entirely legitimate business purposes * shakes head *
this guy finally came back on my comment but only queried the technical part - good lad; serverfault.com/q/415542/1435
"or it would rape you in your bed one night, you'd switch off your light, snuggle up with your loved one without knowing that RAID 5 was inside you, mangling your insides (and less metaphorically your data but that's less fun/sexually-violent) and you'd wake up with your arse (i.e. data) dripping in clotted blood (i.e. corrupt) "
now someone star that
@Chopper3 I got em from my phone earlier
@Iain fanks
It's about the only modding I'll do from a phone
@SmallClanger I see Motif!
@SmallClanger I've seen a lot of that too
I look at this question, and just don't know... I don't use software RAID... but is recovery a big hassle?
no idea, never used it
oooh, and it's RAID 5... @chopper3 Don't give the same rant to her.
@SmallClanger that desktop looks awfully familiar
ahh right used by that shitty alcatel server
kick her ass @Chopper3
i like to instigate the instigatable (i just invented a new word- woot!)
Is it just me or is anyone else thinking we now have the canonical answer for questions tagged RAID5?
@Ladadadada There's a canonical raid question in general
Sure there is, and it's great... but it doesn't quite compare to

> "or it would rape you in your bed one night, you'd switch off your light, snuggle up with your loved one without knowing that RAID 5 was inside you, mangling your insides (and less metaphorically your data but that's less fun/sexually-violent) and you'd wake up with your arse (i.e. data) dripping in clotted blood (i.e. corrupt) "
I agree that @lsiunsuex 's answer is canonical in its own right. It helped me clear up a few questions I had about the state in which I found my ass after getting blackout drunk last weekend.
user image
there, i fixed it. :)
@lsiunsuex Need to make it square so we can replace his avatar with it.
@SmallClanger I moved on some time ago :)
My next linux desktop build will have that as an option
join.app.net forget the next facebook killer, this is a twitter killer
@lsiunsuex Why do you say?
@Chopper3 But... But.... What did RAID5 ever do to you?
I'll show you on the dolly
i wanna know what these startups do with all of this money - $500k to build a twitter competitor
my dental website is infinitely more complex and i'll go live on monday with 2 rackspace cloud servers and < $5k in specialty software
employ more programmers.
payroll isn't cheap...
testing costs a lot
employ people to do HR/finance/etc.
(if it's a city office space)
what happened to working your ass off? multiple skill sets? multiple hats?
Some businesses are there to start the business and sell it off.
That is kind of what entrepreneurs do.
dont need payroll, hr, an office if you dont have employees. the more hats you can wear, the lower the cost of entry is
curious...how old are you?
Usually around that time a lot of people are trying to do things like...have a family...a life outside just work...
And most people can't keep juggling the entire load of a business on their own if it's growing. But it depends on what you want to do.
I have zero experience in working outside of very large, wealthy, organisations, I have no idea how to even start a project for less than a few hundred k £/$, literally no idea
i have no life. i'm married with no kids. i'm doing this now so when i have kids, i hopefully, don't have to worry about money. i want to build myself a better life so future kids have a better life than what i can provide them now
If you want to stay boutique sized, sure, one person can do it.
Most people can't manage a business wearing every hat. Go to onstartups and read the questions.
but you start boutique size and as you grow and bring in monday, you hire people, you get an office. you don't need to go for the gusto off the bat
Depends on your growth projections and again, what you want from the business.
And sometimes you can't predict rampup.
It's not cheap to build a site with heavy redundancy that becomes popular enough to not tolerate extended outages.
understood - and trust me, its infuriated me that my partner didn't want to persue venture cap. but come monday when i'm live and blast 700 students with an email, i'm gonna be pretty happy i dont have that overhead of oweing someone $x
@BartSilverstrim Even using "the cloud"?
Even with the cloud.
Venture capital doesn't mean you pay it back.
Venture capital means losing some control of the business and having people to answer to for your actions.
But you don't pay them back.
or an inventor, angel or otherwise
That's why they get the profits.
Not all the profits, they get a cut.
They're investing on the chance of making money back from it, and you reap the benefits of having a financial cushion to build
i know these things, and so does my partner
Sometimes venture capital also means having someone with experience to tell you when you're doing something wrong, or having network connections to people that make things happen.
If you want to build everything from scratch and retain total control, that's fine, if it works for you. Doesn't work that way for everyone and sometimes people aren't in it for the same reasons you are...so they use the capital to build faster and get better caliber programmers and employees to do things for them so they can focus on their core competencies.
i understand those points and generally agree. to me, i guess, i've done it the hard ware (no VC) and i guess that upsets me sometimes
if i pull this off, i'll be happy for sure
Don't hate... just do your thing.
shrug again you're doing what works for you.
Venture capital can bring some real relief and benefits for people. And businesses.
@ewwhite Sorry I missed you yesterday, had movers coming and was getting as much unpacking done as I could on the day off I took
Sometimes it's a bonus to know that a business will be around with a bit of coin in the bank is a plus when doing business with them.
With C13 outlets, I can plug run of mill Dell servers into them as long as I get new power cables? Or is that not true? (U.S.)
Why trust a business for support of a product/service if they rely on my check to make their bills this month?
@KyleBrandt Yes, with C13/C14, you can use them in regular equipment that would normally have a NEMA 5-15 on one end.
the partner is well off. could he bank roll 500k himself? no, probably not. but when we have students and vendors are interested, if he needs to go to the bank for a loan, i don't doubt he will
Tax implications for them in telecommuting? curious.
@BartSilverstrim It was BS...
@lsiunsuex If it isn't on paper then it isn't to be relied on.
that has come up in conversation too
And you're citing a narrow example...in general this probably isn't always the case for other companies.
As far as I know that is pretty grey. You need to be working remote for the "convenience of the employer". Basically I think it ill defined and not really enforced
my leverage is i hold the only access to the cloud servers. if he were to attempt something stupid, i could pull the proverbial plug on the servers
You could be backed by people that can buy a small nation and it doesn't mean squat unless there's something saying the cash is in the company's account. Otherwise they just walk away and there's nothing you can do to get the money, and your client is left with an unsupported product.
sometimes you need to make a character decision and trust that not everyone is out to fuck you over
Businesses aren't in that position.

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