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5:00 PM
ooooOOOOoooo... the FreeRDP project just cracked NLA. sourceforge.net/mailarchive/… Still in devel, but progress!
@sysadmin1138 w00t
That would make me Very Happy.
I'm really wanting them to support rdp proxy
5:17 PM
is there a changelog from what they did to the code since forking off?
Anyone here have a bias against software if they discover that it's written as, say, VB and Access?
If they spend a lot of money on said software?
Or is that some kind of elitism that's unwarranted?
From personal experience I dislike stuff written in VB and Access, mainly because I know the hacky ways you have to do some things to get it to work. But I guess in some places it's the best solution to a problem
That's as close as they get.
@BartSilverstrim I've spent enough time in the desktop trenches to dislike Access for anything but single-user purposes.
To be fair Access was being used for single-user tasks here...
I guess there's something about spending a lot of money on a software package and having it be rather obvious that it was done by gluing VB and Access together that just...instills a sense of foreboding gloom on prospects of quality.
But I'm not a programmer so I don't know how wrong it is to feel that way.
@BartSilverstrim Programmers who see something like that feel dread. Usually mixed with loathing.
5:31 PM
I get forced to do some programming sometimes, in the past that has been in Access. All your sense of foreboding gloom is valid. VBA and Access apps are hard to support if there is a problem with the code, hard to patch and difficult to customise. If I was spending a lot of money on an app, I would be annoyed if it was in VBA and Access. To me writing apps that way is a way for people who need some functionality, but can't get budget to buy a custom solution go, not professionall software.
Am I wrong in thinking that VB today isn't really all that bad for making applications? Since the results are based on .NET now? (or am I wrong in that assumption?)
I'm sure there are some differences between C# and VB but I couldn't tell you what the significant ones are.
@bart there are 2 things here, if you have written the code in Access itself usign VBA, then that is effictively VB6 with a few bells on
If they've written some plugins using Office Tools for Visual Studio, that's .net VB with an interface to office, and is much newer and less doom worthy
So if you're writing some application in VB2010, isn't the resulting app .NET? So the resulting executables should be indistinguishable from a visual studio C# or C++ application, no? Since they're all going to intermediate byte code?
I've done work in VB. Now the code was probably very bad but that would be down to me, not VB...
5:35 PM
@BartSilverstrim VB gets a bad reputation because so many people write AWFUL code in it (same reason a lot of people who knew PHP back in the 4.x days despise it so much: It's so easy to write bad code that bad programmers flock to the language)
A VB application written by a GOOD programmer can be a great piece of software - well-designed, maintainable, etc.
SysAdmin1138 Expounds
RDP from Linux to Windows
@voretaq7: I've written PHP so bad, it borders on art. :)
@voretaq7, PHP also gets a bit of a bad rap because of its 'bazaar' roots. Unlike many other programming language PHP development and growth has seemed very haphazard and unplanned. There is little to no consistence, and most functions just mirror whatever the underlying library used instead of trying to be consistent within the language.
@bart yes if you write VB code in .net, it all get's compiled into CLR, the intermediate layer, so it is effectively the same You should be able to write the same app in VB or C#
@Zoredache True, but PHP (the core language and PEAR extensions) has become pretty cohesive in the 5.x series
@SmallClanger I've written PHP that calls perl which generates HTML that the PHP then spits back out to the browser (because data file parsing was easier in perl :-x)
Said code is still running in production somewhere too.
5:47 PM
Silly question...is there a simple way for someone to reverse a .NET program from CLR to another .NET language, so if a teammate wrote something in VB you could edit it in C#? Probably not since references would have to be auto-generated and comments are gone, etc...it would be as messy as any other reverse engineering I suppose.
But the application shouldn't be something where an end tech like me shouldn't see the app and groan, "Oh another <blah> application...
@BartSilverstrim there are CLR decompilers, they work about as well as Java decompilers though (like you said: no comments, crappy variable names, etc.)
program-transformation.org/Transform/DotNetDecompilers has a list of 'em but I haven't tried any
(that site is also cool to browse through if you ever have to reverse-engineer something disgusting :-)
So the end result now is that VB isn't evil, it's still poor design and implementation by the programmer that makes techs squirm.
Nothing inherently wrong with the language.
6:07 PM
no, in a lot of peoples view c# is a nicer language to work with, but the end result can be good, or crap, in either language
@BartSilverstrim You can write bad code in any language. Just some make it easier than others :)
Sweet! Zimbra 7 is due in a few weeks. Seriously makes me want to ditch Exchange and start a Zimbra hosting service.
Printer guys, what part of the printer is this:
The torn black plastic sheet. the fuser?
transfer belt?
one of my customers just sent that to me, i had no idea what they were talking about over the phone
6:13 PM
looks like a transfer belt -- can they take a more overview-like picture?
what model is it ?
(the markings on it seem to say "No touch" but not "Hot!"
@Iain, stand by..
Judging from the color blue in those clips I'm going to guess xerox
Its an HP
waiting on the model number
Quick research says they will need an "image transfer kit"
6:15 PM
@Dan if that's the belt (and it probably is) then yup
Curses! HP was my next guess.
If it's HP it's going to be expensive
Today's News
Video: Finding, Testing, and Fixing Applications on Windows 7 with the Application Compatibility Toolkit 5.6
Blain Barton, MSFT
Today's News
TechNet Magazine Tip: Use Group Policy to Configure Outlook Junk E-mail Filtering

Outlook 2010 offers a number of options for how you want to handle junk e-mail, letting you further increase security in your environment.
Matt Graven
200-300 I would guess
6:20 PM
@Chopper3 I think Canon is competing with HP for "Most Expensive Parts in a Color Laser Printer" at the Oscars...
Yup, HP sells it direct for $215
which reminds me, I have a HP colour laser printer and went to my local Staples for a new black cartridge - the salesman tried to tell me that you had to install all four cartridges new at once - cheeky sod - when I told him he was talking crap he said "what are you some sort of HP expert?" - I responded with "Well, I just spoke in front of 6,000 at their annual kick off meeting this year, so maybe yeah" :)
@Chopper3, I think you may have spelled "color" wrong. ;)
@Dan Let me check in my ENGLISH dictionary, that's the language we use right? :)
@Dan "We have to use the British spelling because COL and OR are BASIC keywords" -- roughly paraphrased from a C64 manual
6:24 PM
@Dan Do you remember back when our imperial overlords treated the colonies with the respect they so deserved? Yeah, me neither. Good times.
I'm, rightly, very proud of British English and pronunciation but I absolutely have to admit that 'lieutenant' should start with 'loo' not 'lef' - that's just BS
Colour, honour, etc... either spelling is perfectly acceptable around here.
yep, same here
right, I'm off, 'night gents
I don't care how you spell it as long as it's one of the 2 acceptable spellings :P
nite Chopper3
Similarly with purple and lavender, unless you're talking to someone under the age of 20, who have never heard of lavender.
6:31 PM
Hey Chopper - any idea on regarding the capacity things on the netapp?
Are wegoing to remove @pauska's comment at some point in time. It kinda makes this room a bit more NSFW then it needs to be.
@Dan It a transfer belt, usually find them on color lasers. They wear out over time and should be replaced on the same schedule as the fuser. It absolutely can not be touched (the black belt part, the plastic parts are fine to touch) or toner will stick to the fingerprinter and you'll end up with spots on every page. I highly recommend wearing gloves or at least sending someone who really understands how easy they are to destroy by touching them.
@Zoredache can you un-pin, or do we need a mod/SO guy? :)
@ChrisS white cotton gloves are your friend when dealing with laser printer innards
unpinned - forgot about it it'll fall off natrually now
6:46 PM
@voretaq7 Yeah, I've had a few times where people flip over the toner cartridge, open the little flap, and touch the transfer roller... You can always tell the shape of the finerprint-pages that follow.
@Zypher unless more people keep voting it up! 20 must be a record for SF chat.
well THAT i can't control
@BartSilverstrim - yeah i currently tend to discard stuff that is written in PHP or Perl - i'm not even considering VB and Access.
@ChrisS I'm lucky in that everyone here understands that they need to follow the little picture that says "no touch"
I'm bad with that. No touch signs compel me to start finger-poken. "MUST. POKE. CAN'T. RESIST."
see i want to pull them apart and see why they say no touch :)
6:53 PM
Fortunately in my dealings with large laser printers I stayed away from the toner cartridges... ... ...after destroying a significant amount of clothing with previous exploratory surgeries on them. ;)
@Zypher If you MUST touch the transfer roller remember to smear your fingerprint :-)
After a few month-long skin stains and some burns, I learned to respect the laser printers.
While I've never touched one myself, I've seen several and know exactly why I shouldn't touch them.. Plus that's my budget, wouldn't want to dump $130+ down the drain because I touched something.
Remind me to tell you all about one lady who needed an image of some money for a newsletter she was making, so she scanned dollar bills on a big HP rig.
Fun things happen.
@ChrisS, thanks.
7:01 PM
Turns out counterfeiting is frowned upon in America. "Land of the free" my gluteus maximus!
In my other life, when I was learning to be a theatre electrician, we learned all about the importance of gloves when changing out parts.
Those bulbs will make a helluva bang and send glass everywhere when they heat up.
Wow, you did theater work? That's a surprisingly common past life for IT workers in my experience.
Trying to see the correlation.
@WesleyDavid I actually picked my university based on their technical program. You can see how well that turned out.
One of my old co-workers was in theater lighting as well.
I wasn't in lighting, but I was in sound design.
7:06 PM
@Dan I'm puzzled. I can't see a direct correlation. @sysadmin1138 My stepfather, a business systems analyst who codes in VB.net, ASP.NET and also does SharePoint development, was a sound engineer for bands and things in the 80s.
I guess it's all engineering at it's core, so attracts the mindset that seems to work well in IT.
@sysadmin1138 After leaving theatre I trickled in that direction with radio broadcasting. That was actually way more interesting.
I did theater lighting and sound in high school plays/musicals. Does that count?
@ChrisS Find your own bandwagon, nerd!
I was a bartender :P
@voretaq7 What was the drink that you hated making the most?
7:08 PM
I even know what DMX512 is. =P
@voretaq7 There's one I'm jealous of.
@WesleyDavid I despise any drink that requires a blender
also drinks that require salt or sugar on the rim annoy me :)
@voretaq7 Fair enough about the blender. But the salt and sugar on the rim? Hmmm...
(so I guess Margaritas would be my most reviled drink)
So you're more of a whiskey and coke kinda guy? =)
@WesleyDavid Why would you ruin a perfectly good whiskey with coke?
7:10 PM
@WesleyDavid It depends on the bar crowd, but you get whiny bitch who's all "There's not enough salt!" "There's too much salt" "why can't you make my drink right?"
@WesleyDavid Tennessee whiskey and Pepsi...
@packs Who said it was GOOD whisky?
@ChrisS I'll see your Pepsi and rase you a Dr. Pepper.
also, bourbon :-)
@voretaq7 True, it could be some JD or something equally vile. Though I don't see the point in drinking bad ones
I thought the most hated drink would be the blow job.
Annoying barfly: Can I have a blow job?
Bartender: ಠ_ಠ
@voretaq7 with whiskey?? This is madness!
7:11 PM
@voretaq7 Over in security.se chat we had a good long chat about bourbons last week.
I'm all out of Blanton's right now. I need to get some more of that.
@ChrisS One of my hobbies is buying $7 single malts that are just shy of undrinkable and finding stuff to mix them with that makes them taste good
@packs Kentucky got it wrong; Tennessee got it right.
@ChrisS You shut your mouth! Sour mash is the devil!
@packs it's the burnt white oak barrel. The sour mash helps.
@ChrisS But, on the plus side, you can't call it bourbon if the barrel has been reused. So those things get resold over in Europe and go one to make some epic scotch.
7:14 PM
My family usually abhorred alcohol growing up, but my grandfather had a habit of mixing vodka with diet pepsi or just making a screwdriver. To me, vodka and diet Pepsi seems like a sign of the Apocalypse.
@packs My favorite brand chips a large number of theirs for use in smoking meats.
One more time :)
the whole "can't reuse the barrel" bit annoys me to no end "-
Oh, you actually mean chips, as in cut down into chips. Not ships
@packs correct, makes them into little chips.
7:16 PM
Is the whiskey flavour strong enough to have a noticeable impact on the meat?
@packs Oh yes. Quite noticable. I've smoked a few chickens now, definitely one of my favorite chips, though the oak gives it a very smoky flavor too, which helps. Otherwise apple/hickory is my favorite smoking combination.
Cool, that's good to know. I ended up with an electric smoker last summer, but haven't taken the time to actually do anything with it yet.
I've got a propane smoker, the electric ones are really nice for smaller things, especially fish. The propane are better for cornish hen and small chickens (which I prefer).
If I had bought it myself, I would have gone with something more like that. Though it was a gift, so I'm considering it a good trialer.
7:32 PM
@packs It was interesting. When I was doing it I ended up having to foley some sound effects, and deal with a reel-to-reel a time or two. Most of the cues were on cassette tape. These days we'd just burn a custom CD, or play .wav/.mp3's straight off of a USB stick.
@sysadmin1138 When I was doing the radio stuff, we were almost exclusively reel-to-reel and DAT. We did have a minidisc system, but rarely used it. In the recording studio we tended towards 8-track 4" reel-to-reel, which was a lot of fun to work with.
Yeah, the radio station I poked about in one summer was the only place I've ever seen DAT used for audio.
Heck, my laptop is sophisticated enough I could run whole shows from it now. Ah, the future.
I seem to recall it being heavily used in radio and nowhere else. Just don't pull on the tape. Rethreading is not quite as easy as cassette.
Radio and certain enthusiast bootleggers is what I recall.
Wow, that was a long time ago. This afternoon has been a nice trip down memory lane.
7:53 PM
any of you guys look at this stuff: coraid.com
Can't say as I ever looked at 'em before.
@Zypher looks like iscsi over 10gbit ethernet? I like the sound of it but not familiar with the company
not iscsi
they run on L2
call it ATA over Ethernet
interesting concept
very interesting
yea ... and uhh the term "how the hell can you sell it for this price" comes up when i look at the quotes they've shown me
like 10x less expensive than traditional sans
just wanted to see if anyone had experience w/ em
trust you guys more than a sales creature :)
8:01 PM
The protocol-nerd in me wonders how roboust their network-weirdness handling is.
yea .. seems very slick for what it is
although apparently the guy who invented the PIX for cisco started this company ... soo
I have read about coraid before. I have even thought about playing with the Linux implementation of ATA over ethernet.
I'm wondering how their OS compatibility is - Linux seems solid, there's apparently something for FreeBSD in ports but I'm not sure how well-loved it is...
I didn't think ATA over Ethernet has much, if any, support under Windows, but I haven't read about it in a while.
8:04 PM
@Zoredache my real use for it would be if VMWare supported it - these things are dirt cheap compared to fibre SANs :-)
Does anyone know of a linux tool that will accept a unicode input from a pipe, and give me ANSI output.
My WTF-factor is high at this point. Trying to talk my eyebrow out of my hairline.
@Zoredache looks like they will sell you HBA's and drivers to make it work
Ah, they have HBAs now, that may work. Last time I read about it, it was all done in software.
yea ... i dunno looks like a cool tech ... supposedly you get free multipathing etc because it's layer2 ...
would really like to play with one
8:07 PM
"free multipathing" says to me "broadcast based", but I can't tell from here.
@Zypher ATAoE isn't novel or popular. FCoE is more robust and better supported by major vendors. iSCSI is more capable and scalable. ATAoE isn't officially supported by many hypervisors either. ATAoE is just like HyperSCSI, a protocol that was an important stepping stone, but little more.
@Zoredache I wonder about those HBAs
The fact that the software initiator in linux scheduled to be the replacement in 2.6.38 doesn't support AoE yet suggests its a deep-minority product.
@ChrisS yea hypervisors arn't really a concern our production stack doesn't virtualize well
8:09 PM
@Zypher Good point, wasn't thinking about your particular use case; most SANs these days are for backing hypervisor clusters though.
@sysadmin1138 mmm, tasty datasheet :-)
yea ... that's a very back seat thing to us we just use vm for utility stuff like av and monitoring etc
@ChrisS Or playing dumping ground for giant databases :)
I know of other ATAoE companies (when my memory feels like working); none of them have been very successful in penetrating the Enterprise market.
yea, these guys seem to be doing ok coraid.com/company/customers
8:10 PM
I'm personally waiting for IPoAC to penetrate the enterprise market at a redundant connectivity solution.
@voretaq7 A tasty datasheet with protocol details! Yum.
I wonder how many of them bought something for testing or a very minor (perhaps edge case) deployment, but their name is still up there.
When I first learned of ATAoE I thought it would make a great competitor to iSCSI, but the more you think about it, the worse it sounds. I wonder if they grafted something proprietary into their implementation to handle persistent reservations for clustering. The ATA protocol has no concept of shared storage natively.
on the sales call I was just on they said USMC bough in for 2PB @ about 1MM
Hrm, interesting.. I am curious as to if/how they've solved the shortcomings of ATAoE.
dunno - can you enlighten me on the shortcommings .. they of course didn't highlight that stuff :)
8:18 PM
MPIO provisions appear to be entirely in the software stack. It does appear to be a unicast/multicast protocol at least.
The lack of VMWare certification makes me suspicious.
@sysadmin1138 I suspect that's related to the lack of clustering/shared storage support
unless they did get around that (didn't see anything to that effect in the spec sheet)
Out-of-order arrival is something the storage stack will have to deal with, there is no mechanism in the protocol to handle that the way there is in FC. Also the protocol has no mechanism for flow control that I can tell. Thus, driver maturity will be critical here.
@voretaq7 THey're faking it through 'config strings', a mechanism I haven't been able to conceptualize well enough to evaluate it.
As with iSCSI and FCoE, large MTU support on the ethernet is also critical for performance. Don't want to have the drivers on either side doing more disassemble/reassemble work then they have to.
@sysadmin1138 OK... i think I see, but it doesn't seem anywhere near as mature as what iscsi allows :-/
@sysadmin1138 I assume they'll demand high-end switches like most iscsi vendors do (not much experience with FCoE)
You can play around with it with any equipment, but no using a good switch for production storage would be kinda silly.
@voretaq7 FCoE is only just now getting deployments. The biggest pusher of FCoE is (no surprise) Cisco, so that's your price competition right there.
8:32 PM
Of course if you have only one device you need connected a cross-over cable might be all you need.
@Zoredache Exactly.
@sysadmin1138 gee paw, why would Cisco want to push [insert technology here]-over-Ethernet? :-)
They just want to push Brocade out of business.
@Zoredache true enough - and in my environment when we get the DB up to SAN-scale sizes that's really all I'm going to want...
I vaguely believe I saw an ATA over Ethernet device with a built in switch or 4-6 ports. But I could be miss-remembering.
8:34 PM
There are an awful lot of out-of-context quotes in the starred thingo
heh, I can kill off the transfer belt one actually
ah, nope it's sat too long :P
I saw the sock jerking one a few months ago on fmylife.com
But the rest of them... hmm...
@Farseeker Rule 42: Never quote something like that in a room full of sysadmins (at least not without padding and explanation :)
@Zypher In the end, iSCSI is a significantly more mature protocol than AoE is. Their shared-storage support is suspiciously kludgy, so failing over between SQL-Server nodes for instance... I wouldn't bet the farm on. That said, if you're planning on 1:1 storage:server association, that's what it's designed to do.
I thought Rule 42 was the porn rule
8:36 PM
I'm intrigued by the mouse-or-panty-liner
@Farseeker mm, true. this one can be 43 then.
"The general rule that you should always bring a towel just in case you do something stupid so at least people will say "Hey that guy/gal really knows where their towel is""
@voretaq7 You're thinking of the xkcd that resulted in WetRiffs?
@packs that one was 34 :)
Thats right
@sysadmin1138 year, we arn't planning on clustering anytime soon. but you know they are probably #5 out of 5 on the list of stuff to look at
8:39 PM
@Farseeker He's a real hoopy frood.
@sysadmin1138 You can also use a file system that specifically accounts for shared storage without coordination mechanisms, GFS for instance. They aren't popular or well supported either though.
@ChrisS Exactly. And in this case the filesystem is "NTFS" which doesn't support that kind of thing.
Also, can't be multicast or unicast as it doesn't even run over IP.
@ChrisS They're using L2 broadcast as a way to address all nodes, and use a protocol header to specify "all points". That way it'll work in both hubbed and switched networks.
@sysadmin1138 I can't remember if that is a new feature they grafted on NTFS or if it was just a development idea I saw in one of their presentations... Shared Disk support without persistent reservations.
@sysadmin1138 I see what you meant now. My mistake.
8:43 PM
@ChrisS I had about 30 minutes of squee when I learned that they were allowing HyperV host-volumes to multi-mount. Then I learned that MS is handling locking at the application level and explicitly states "Only for HyperV" and my face fell.
They're working on single image boot too. That would be awesome. Single SAN LUN to boot all your Hyper-V Hosts from, and potentially some of the guests, particularly useful in VDI type deployments.
Time to go home and play with the new hardware. =)
Later all!
This really has been a week of pain and fail at work. God grant me a major lottery win.
uhg sorry @RobertMoir
@RobertMoir at least it's Friday tomorrow, i'm sure next week will be better
9:01 PM
yeah it will be :-)
hi @MattSimmons
User calls. Having permissions issues.
Me: You're logging in with the department account right?
User: Yes
Me: department@domain.tld? Right?
User: Yes
Me: Okay
*ten minutes and a user account permission edit later*
Me: It's still not working... okay, we'll log you out and then back in to refresh the security token *logs in with Dameware to oversee*
*sees username@domain.tld as last login name*
Me: So you're not logging in with the department account?
User: Oops
Me: ಠ_ಠ
9:03 PM
another day with the end users
And howdy @MattSimmons
So glad I don't deal with end users most days anymore.
A lot of ours honestly don't know the difference between "reboot" and "log out, then log back in again"
"I turned off the monitor"
Thankfully, we use laptops exclusively, so that particular problem is mostly gone
9:04 PM
Try supporting 300 Windows Mobile 6.5 devices with custom ActiveX IE software, users who are builders and plumbers and don't even know how to close IE
@MattSimmons That's a key benefit!
@RobertMoir Make it simple - "Have you tried turning off and turning it on again?"
To be honest, at least the users I take care of are polite and cheerful. No rough customers... yet.
My favorite support stories are all from 12 years ago or so, when I did tech support for bellsouth internet.
It's always interesting when you have communication problems and they're still mostly speaking english.
this logout instead of reboot thing is great when you get smart-assed temps come in to do helpdesk. No matter how composed they think they are it isn't long before they all suggest the user needs training with the help of a trainer named "Mr Shotgun"
9:05 PM
Creole is a heck of a language, though. We'd get people from the bayou in Louisiana
@MattSimmons Ooo, like a living example of that deadtroll.com Internet Help desk parody from like 10 years ago?
Windows mobile... ouch
Wes: Yeah, almost exactly
Farseeker: That's awesome
"We didn't sell you the phone either, but you managed to call me on it"
I'm honored to share a name with Wes Borg.
9:06 PM
"Sir, what's in the bottom-right hand corner of your screen?"
"The word VIEWSONIC"
"Sir, I mean what's in the corner of the screen area of your screen"
"I don't understand"
"Sir, see on your keyboard between the Ctrl and Alt keys, there's a funny button with four wavy bits on it?"
"Press that please"
"See that menu - that's the start menu"
"Oooh, the START menu! Why didn't yous ays o"
@farseeker ugh.... what fun
I hate people
For those unfamiliar (and even those who are familiar) with The IT Crowd, enjoy...
Wes: You have inspired me.
Haha yes I love the IT Crowd
9:07 PM
I've been looking for someone to come do the "entertainment" keynote at PICC
our heros!
I wonder if Wes is available
@MattSimmons Gotta get him!
@MattSimmons For a while I worked for a telco reselling dial up service. About half of our customer base were Mennonites in southern Indiana.
As the lone support guy, it was all kinds of fun.
I had to google what a Mennonite was
Are they like Armish?
9:09 PM
Yeah, I guess you would.
@packs Oh I bet that was.
@Farseeker Not many of those in Australia, I suppose.
@Farseeker Slightly less resistant to tech, but pretty much yeah.
@Farseeker Not exactly, but close enough for this illustration.
@WesleyDavid - no, no armish, or mennonites, but we have our own version of rednecks called "bogans" and they're just as bad
9:10 PM
"Hey, what are you doing?! You start looking at the cartoons for tomorrow today, what the HELL are you going to do for tomorrow, HUH?!"
Candles and gas lights in the house, but a fax machine and computer (for purchasing equipment only please) in the workshop.
The Mennonites I knew in Oregon didn't totally eschew technology. They seemed to use it at the same rate as most others.
@WesleyDavid Weird. In my neck of the woods they'll use it, but only for the purposes of bettering their community.
Wes: You'll be happy to know that I just emailed Wes Borg about the conference :-) Thanks for the idea!
9:39 PM
@MattSimmons Yay! Can I get his autograph on something? =)
10:10 PM
@Farseeker Did you share that "didn't sell me a start menu" story on Sharkbait? That sounds very familiar.
@WesleyDavid - no, I don't even know what sharkbait is
I have mentioned it on SF before, in some question that got deleted about bad tech support calls
I'm also guessing that I'm not the first person in the world that's happened to
Shark Bait - wasn't that the name the other fish gave Nemo when he was in the fish tank?
@Farseeker One of the other fish, yes.
@Farseeker Isn't it sometimes sad how we know these things?
@Iszi - I love Finding Nemo
When my son is old enough i will cherish the moment I can watch it with him. That and Wall-E
I have them both on DVD and bought them before my wife even knew she was pregnant :p
10:15 PM
@Farseeker Yes, but does Nemo like it when you find him?
I'm a sucker for good kids movies
@Farseeker 'Tis a good movie. WALL-E too. However, my Disney obsession revolves more around Phineas and Ferb.
@Farseeker Lilo & Stitch?
@Iszi - yeah, that was a nice movie too
@WesleyDavid - well he seemed happy enough, and if he stayed in the fish tank he was gunna die
I am however torn between which order to show Star Wars in
I think i might pretend Eps 1-3 don't even exist
@Farseeker Yeah, that's a tough one.
If you show him any Star Wars movie with Jar Jar Binks in it, you are a child abuser.
10:19 PM
@Farseeker I wouldn't quite go that far... but they do kinda complicate the whole thing.
Reminds me of:
Also it was a bit more shocking finding out that Luke and Vader were related, and if you watched them "in order" then you would already know that
@Farseeker LOL - XKCD is teh awesome!
@Farseeker Very valid point, there.
@Iszi - I try not to be one of these people that constanly re-posts XKCD comics, because we all know we've seen them all
I used to work with a bunch of actuarial students and their office was literally plastered with xkcd comics
@Farseeker Actually, I haven't... but I wish I had. It's on my to-do list.
If you spend some time on slashdot you quickly learn that there is a relevant xkcd to every story.
10:23 PM
@kennyr Another place I haven't invested much of my life in.
@Iszi - me neither
Geez, I wish this scan would just finish up so I can go home!
I wish it was home time
Another 7 hours till home time for me
If this scan ticks over to one hour long, I'm just gonna leave it.
@Farseeker Are you UCT+11 or +12?
10:26 PM
+10 when summer ends
Heh. We're 5 hours apart right now. Come June, we'll be 7.
New Zealand is +13 at the moment, or +12 when summer ends. They're the most forward GMT country I know
@sysadmin1138 - whereabiouts are you at the moment?
West Coast USA. Washington State.
Somewhere in asia?
I didn't realise the US went into GMT+ timezones
I'm -8, -7 when Winter ends.
10:29 PM
Doesn't that make me 19 hours ahead of you?
Ooh I see
5 hours
big picture inc:
Never mind that date thingy.
oh good it scales
(for the record, I fsking hate timezones, I had to once write a program that made Outlook invitations for people over 5 timezones, so much pain....)
Ow ow ow.
10:30 PM
@kennyr - I just got "image not found"
They're doing referrer checking on it.
i see
it's the international dateline on a map
@kennyr I got "forbidden".
10:32 PM
I keep forgetting that some of the Aleutian Islands in Alaska are in the same longitude as NZ, but on the other side of the date line.
@sysadmin1138 Huh? Wow. Yeah. I suppose it's really easy to forget that the IDL isn't a straight line. That's jacked-up.
It has to get pretty crazy if you fly from the America's to Asia/Oceania often.

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