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If Access were having a problem accessing a network resource or some issue, absolutely an SF question. Getting a data dump out of Access is simply user training, and probably a matter of finding the right user-space commercial application or module.
As completely F'd up as my work environment is, we got rid of all the MS Access databases 8 years ago and 2 years into our data consolidation project.
nice, IE3
Q: The future of meta.stackoverflow and meta.stackexchange

Jeff AtwoodHistorically this site, meta.stackoverflow, has been the place to ask questions about not just Stack Overflow, but the functioning of the entire Stack Exchange (2.0) network, including Area 51 and stackexchange.com and careers. (Yes, there was a meta.stackexchange, but that dealt with the old le...

This Q needs upvotes
Wow, Windows 2008 has RSH support? serverfault.com/questions/365095/…
Why the heck hasn't Microsoft added SSH? What is it, 1990?
@Zoredache Because they don't control the standard?
@Zoredache Not natively, I think you have to download them
@Zoredache A remote command line really has been lacking from Windows, but Powershell does an OK job these days. It's not as flexible as SSH but it does the major functions well
1 hour later…
What are people thinking when they come up with crappy names like thin.
@Zoredache Depends on what the product is for
Good name for a sanitary pad
Worst ones are names that are virtually un-googlable
The product name is literally thin. It is apparently a ruby web server.
About half of the things tagged thin are about this ruby web server.
What are the other half?
The other half are people breaking up thin and client.
Haha I was about to suggest that
Should be thin-client- or vmware-thinapp.
I was going to retag things a big to cleanup, but I want to come up with something more verbose for the Ruby web server.
Hrm.. It does look like on stackoverflow the thin tag refers to ruby. I may just leave it then and steal their wiki.
So i triggered a re-tagging :)
That's great
Clean things up
@ChristopherWilson Wooo! Retagging FTW.
So glad I switched to Akismet on my blog. No muss. No fuss. And it actually works.
@WesleyDavid for spam control ?
@WesleyDavid speaking of Wordpress, do you know how load balancing it works? :)
nevermind, looks like @MDMarra already got in his list.
@WesleyDavid Indeed. I get about 500 spam/week. Maybe 4-5 per year sneak through.
@Adrian blogith?
@ChristopherWilson Yes, spam comment control.
@Jacob First, cache it. Then, HAproxy it. =)
@Jacob "do you know how load balancing it works?" ???
W3 Total Cache is the best one out there. SuperCache is good too, but a little behind in methodology.
@Jacob Not really. I use Wordpress as a bare-bones CMS. roadsnw.com
@Zoredache Bearded Tag Bandit.
@ChristopherWilson Yeah, The 4 Question marks aren't needed, I'm not stupid -_-
@Jacob Only three. One was yours. =)
I was thinking do the linux idea concept and do a DFS cluster?
@WesleyDavid That would be true if I said extra
@Jacob 3, I was not suggesting that :)
Q: How could one prevent drunk users from using a mobile application?

user1081596Consider a mobile application which for some reason needs to prevent drunk users from using it (e.g. to avoid dreaded "drunk dials" or "drunk texts"). How could "sober authentication" be executed from a human interaction point of view? There must be a balance between usability of such applicati...

Dumbest idea ever
@Jacob agreed
Oh neat, I just got the first Gold tag badge...
@Zoredache Nice
You realize it's quite sad that you find that neat :)
@Jacob But yes, you don't really load balance Wordpress, you load balance the servers running Wordpress with a reverse proxy. The Wordpress installs would be rsynced from a staging server. Same with the databases. Just a simple script really.
Evan will get a Windows gold tag in the near future he is only about 20 upvotes away.
Although, it shouldbe noted, that Wordpress can take a craptonne of traffic on a relatively cheap server if properly cached. The price for load balancing (at least four servers) would probably be better spent on one awesome server cached and CDN'd.
@ChristopherWilson why should I think that helping hundreds of people is sad?
Annnd invalid because Bridge
@WesleyDavid It's more of a project thing
Honestly, The Bridge could flag hardcore midget amputee porn and I'd mark it as invalid just because I despise them. =P
@Zoredache Good point, just imagining the hours spent helping those people :O
@Jacob Kewl. Load balancing is teh funs.
@ChristopherWilson Thats not sad, thats a crapton of work
and everyone else (;
@RebeccaChernoff hork hork hork
You startled me. Now look what you made me do. =[
@RebeccaChernoff Hello Rchern
@Jacob Simple. Ask them to hold the phone still. Application not suitable for the elderly or those with parkinsons disease
evenin @RebeccaChernoff
I know I knwo
Holy crap @Zor you're on a rep capping roll.
@WesleyDavid Every. Flag. Ever. has come from that room.
@MarkHenderson What is the bridge?
@Jacob gaming.se chat room
Yeah it is a bit annoying. I have missed something like ~500 rep the last couple days because of the cap. On the other hand most of it is from that silly chmod 777 question.

 The Bridge

General Arqade Chat. We tried to leave once, but the door lock...
I wonder who passed this link around. So many upvotes on relatively few views. I think someone must have shared it on some other Stack Exchange site:
Q: Why is "chmod -R 777 /" destructive?

samwiseI'm not asking how to fix this problem, as there are a ton of references of that already on serverfault (reinstall OS). I also completely understand why this is bad form. I'm just curious as to why it does anything destructive at all. If you've ever ran this command you pretty much immediately de...

@Zoredache Haha it's good when you have one of those. Im still getting + votes for my answer on that auditor question
@MarkHenderson Thats what happens when you get a lot of normal people in my generation online in a chat room :)
@Jacob Im fairly sure that people of your generation (which is also mine... just) is that things degrade into filth. Like this room.
So I would expect the flags to be very vile. But they're just not. Most of them are totally harmless.
Hehe boobs
Christ in a handbasket most of the "people" on Bridge are less mature than my 5th grade son.
Hmm, 1412 packages installed in my current Fedora instance.
@WesleyDavid Total or most recent update? If the latter, we need to talk about security best practices....
@Adrian Total.
I'm debating on what to upgrade to whenever I get around to it.
I'll probably stick with Fedora just to be in the RPM world and stick close to RedHat.
@WesleyDavid Personally, unless you're using it as a Desktop, CentOS is better since it's closer to RHEL.
@Adrian Yeah, this is my main laptop. What I'm on now.
I use CentOS for all servers.
All three of them right now. =)
@WesleyDavid Ah. I just leave XP/7/WTFever on my laptops. Fiddling with the OS is a PITA when there's stuff I need to get done.
I'm on Fedora 14 and will likely rip and reload for Fedora 17 (xfce) when it comes out in May.
Nice. Stolen car just raced up the street. Can't conceive of any other reason I'd hear a car alarm approaching from 3 blocks away and then recede.
@Adrian Wewt. Kinda early for that sort of thing.
@WesleyDavid No kidding. And unusual for this part of the neighborhood. It's usually pretty quiet here.
I've got FreeBSD on servers and workstation; Win7 Home Prem on Laptops. =]
@ChrisS Oh no. You invoked the voretaq7.
So much easier to steal cars in the middle of the day. Buy an old tow truck, a uniform and carry around some paperwork... nobody but the owner would even give you a second look.
@Adrian He maintains ports; I break them =]
@ChrisS The Solaris video that was posted this morning got my old interest in Solaris/OpenSolaris rekindled. Thus my ad for OpenIndiana. I'm now considering moving to that for giggles.
@ChrisS Not even, just carry papers around and now you're the repo man
I prefer FreeBSD steal the best parts of OpenSolaris and they can keep the rest.
@WesleyDavid Seriously though. He's not far off when it comes to filesystem issues with Linux.
@Adrian That was the third most hilarious part of the video. The first being "Do no fall into the temptation to anthropomorphise Larry Ellison" and the second being "Sun was governed much like Somalia"
@Jacob The tow truck makes it much easier; you can steal basically anything with an old tow truck. And repo-men look mildly suspicious, the police may get called.
@WesleyDavid Oh yeah. I'm SO gonna start using the lawnmower bit in full team meetings (the ones w/ the Devs in the room).
Solaris Zones really looks awesome.
Zones are BSD Jails with a few improvements (most of which are also being implemeted in BSD)
@WesleyDavid They were pretty good. I think they're a little more work to set up than most expect though. Our customers always had problems with their zone setups.
OpenVZ likes to pretend that it invented the concept too...
Much like every software company on earth likes to pretend that they invented something or other.
I suppose; Linux seems to be a frequent offender however. They also seem to have really short memories; but again, most software companies.
@ChrisS My take on just about every OS or application nowadays is this: Does it work for you? If yes, Great. If not, find something that does and STFU. Software COMPANIES however, well, that's another story.
@WesleyDavid I personally like "The lawnmower just cuts the grass. If you stick your arm in there it'll chop it off"
I think that summarizes Oracle.
@Adrian Zones aren't easy to configure well (neither are jails)
@voretaq7 I've had better luck with chroot jails (assuming that's what you're talking about). But that may just be that fact that I've set them up instead of simply supporting Zones.
@Adrian I was talking about *BSD jails, but chroots do most of what people want zones/jails for, and are infinitely easier to set up :)
@voretaq7 Ah. More games with nomenclature. I think all the marketing people should be shoved into Iron Maidens.
@Adrian a chroot is just a chroot but jails are true sandboxing :-)
munches on virtual fig newton
@voretaq7 Your ability to recall old commercials is kind of creepy. =)
@Adrian thank you :-)
$Padawan[-1] has a facial structure eerily similar to the actor that played the doctor in that show. Which also creeped me out a little.
@Adrian $5 if you can get him to do the grin on camera!
@voretaq7 Nope. He's a suspicious sort. Mostly because that's the exact kind of thing our boss would do to us.
Did someone summon the sock again?
@PauskaSock AAAAAAH! Creepy ass sock! Probably gonna have nightmares now....
@Adrian That's my best grin!
must resist urge to flag sock
@voretaq7 I am not an ass sock ☹
@PauskaSock you are not a unicode sock either. Because there is no unicode sock
But there is a unicode panda.
Unicode sock: 襪
@freiheit that's a chinese character with many other meanings too
Thankfully I'm immune to all y'alls unicode hanky-panky.
Unicode Harassment 🐼Panda🐼 has its own glyph though
01F43C has no truck with me, sonny.
also 🐟 fish
and apparently Bikini👙
and for @WesleyDavid: High-Heeled Shoes 👠👠
You guys need a hobby.
@voretaq7 I am so, so sad that I can't see that. =(
@voretaq7 I don't love them, but I wouldn't kick them out of my closet for eating crackers.
G'nite Gents. For tonight I shall dream of VMware instances and enterprise storage and reasonably-comfortable budgets to implement them with.....
@WesleyDavid Apple as a nonstandard symbol
yep, time for some night-time reading for me before teh beds.
kitteh head bonk
Bicycle: 🚲
Unicode fish-shaped windsocks? 🎏
Best Unicode char ever: 💩 (smiling poo)
@freiheit I thought it was 'Pile of poo'. Still my favourite though.
>>> unicodedata.name('💩')
You know what I'm suddenly reminded of? High-school. In the Mac-lab. Digging through piles of clip-art looking for funny things.
@sysadmin1138 Unicode is the new clip-art
So I gather.
@MarkHenderson, why did you choose Apple for this question and no unix.stackexchange? serverfault.com/questions/365100/…
Or leave it here seems it acutally seems to be about restoring some files related to a web server?
@Zoredache Agreed, that'd probably be a good fit for unix. It just happens to be on MacOS
1 hour later…
I've reached that manic stage of pulling an all-nighter. This bodes ill for tomorrow.
Is something broken?
Er, yes. Doing the first production-esque deployment of our new webapp. It seems things have changed in ways that the automated deployment scripts were not built to handle. Oops.
you're up late
@Iain Or is he?
You betcha.
Hazard of the job, as we know.
@MikeyB you too ?
I'm working with two devs, and between the three of us we're figuring out why this deploy-to-production isn't working the way we expected. Something about going 6 weeks between the last one of these and a fuckton of code-changes inbetween.
@Iain Yeah, getting stuff done at home. I really ought to get to bed :/
@sysadmin1138 Good luck with that.
@sysadmin1138 :(
Very educational, though. A lot of fixes are coming out of this, and we now have incentive to do this kind of processing routinely. Silver lining!
this is a strange assortment of SFers for this time of (my) day
I bet it is.
And there is the hourly VPN reset ":P
Definitely well into the 'manic' phase of tired.
Email is not IM! Happily my current workplace understands that.
And with that we're declaring defeat and going to bed. Good thing I can do this from my living room.
when is the app go live ?
Oh... full beta is in the 4-6 week range.
I just uploaded 100MB of zipped debug logs to Zimbra support. Let those fuckers deal with the problem. Woohoo!
@sysadmin1138 there's some elbow room there then
@sysadmin1138 It's good to know when to give up
Yeah there is. Which is why I'm not pulling an all-nighter here. Our sales guys will live for a day without the pretty toys.
In the mean time I get to build an auto-scaler from scratch, robustify the deployment process, and do so in a way that the devs can sneak in an iterate to hell and back on a node while they figure out WTF all without screwing the overall environment. No prob.
a winner :)
*** everyone who hasn't already needs to click the top of the star wall ***
You know what 12-odd years of reverse engineering other people's code to figure out why it's broken has given me? Freaking awesome troubleshooting skills. Better than some of the folk who're writting this stuff. Kinda scary.
Anyway, bed time.
Morning all
I don't know why I bother reading the Citrix questions tbh
crappy ?
Q: Per client profiles in Citrix

deamonI want to associate each Citrix client machine with a certain application specific profile (no windows profile or something similar). I have the following ideas to do this, but maybe there is a better way I am not aware of. a) The client reads the environment variable "ClientName" and asks the s...

That one just makes no sense
" I'm not sure whether it is a true VDI or a published desktop"

Well, considering they're two completely different technologies, based on different platforms and different products - I'd say you need to find out.
Q: What is causing this EXE to hang (intermittently) on Citrix Desktop sessions?

coonjWe have a small executable that does 2 things: Read a value from the Registry Launch a URL in Internet Explorer I don't have access to the source for the exe to see what it is doing exactly. Recently, there has been an intermittent issue when launching this application on a Citrix XenApp 5 Wi...

"intermittent issue when launching this application on a Citrix XenApp 5 Windows XP desktop session"
Uhm, XenApp certainly can't run on XP and, annoyingly XenApp 5 can be either on Server 2003 OR Server 2008 and they're actually slightly different products
Right, rant over - I'm done!
Hurrah, more tools ordered. I'm quickly coming to the realisation that I actually have a tool fetish
@tombull89 'grats!
looks left
looks right
suggests @Dan hook up with @WesleyDavid to discuss their shared interests (see star wall history)
leaves something horrible for everyone in the morning
@voretaq7 Hmmm!
@voretaq7 DO.NOT.WANT!
Morning all :)
The fact that SE did this irks me somewhat.
Q: Please don't exploit the memory of the deceased to promote the network

Daniel BeckTL;DR: Please don't exploit the memory of the deceased to promote the network. That's really all I have. The following is a description of what happens a week ago. Steve Jobs died in October. He would have turned 57 a week ago. A few CHAOS members used this opportunity to promote Ask Diffe...

@tombull89 SE didn't do it, it where 2 members of askdifferent
I think I saw an interview with them
They even said SE/Apple knew nothing about it
@BartDeVos Really?!
Jesus zarking christ - what is this printer actually doing!?
restart spooler time
Open window throw out printer server + printer
@BartDeVos The print server is a virtual one - could be tricky. And the HP 6040 is not a small beast.
All our printers are decent things - once you start putting things on the network it all goes to hell.
How IBM sends a replacement clitoris:
Each box has a CMOS/BIOS battery in it. Nice one Dell.
Who buys a razor for 100.000 dollars ? zafirro.com/products/Zafirro-Iridium.html
@LucasKauffman: people with lots of money ;p
the tech seems cool tho
I'd probably just loose it
Been up all night, whole family's picked up a stomach bug :(
Urgh :(
@Chopper3 get immodium
yeah, will do
@Chopper3 Got some work to do for you boys soon
which bit
@Chopper3 I have no idea, actually. Nowhere near you I wouldn't have thought
we're almost a separate company
@Chopper3 Yeah, big beasts like that tend to work that way
let me know when you do ok
@Chopper3 No worries
aargh I hate thee IIS
Irritating there's no PM here
somehow IIS refuses me to download a .cer file I put in a folder
probably some kind of protection.. but trying to google for it brings out a gazillion results about installing ssl certificates
I had the same problem with .res files
(But I just renamed them..)
@Dan Most of the time when you look around someone's profile you get enough hints for an email of website :)
@BartDeVos Yeah, I know, but then it's offsite!
@Dan True :)
@Dan I think there is some functionality like that somewhere on the site (for mods)
@Chopper3 once send me a PM-thingie
I had a look at colo earlier for a server I want to run as a minecraft server full-time - not cheap, is it?
@tombull89 Hell no :D
There was one near me that seemed reasonable - £40/month for 0.5 Amps and 1TB data tranfer. Then I went and measured the power draw of my server during startup and idle - at least 1.25 Amps - and if I was running stuff on it that would go up a lot more.
If I was willing to pay £120/month I could have a damn good VPS for that.
0.5A That's only just over 100 Watts isn't it
Yeah, I didn't realise how little that would be.
I've had a look on WebHostingTalk and while there's a couple of places near me their prices range from OK to "are you freaking joking?!"
I only pay 30 euros for 0.5 amps and 1 TB :/
but they dont measuer powerusage anyway
@BartDeVos mods can see email address you see, can't now
Every time I see W8's Metro interface I'm just forced to say 'fuck me' under my breathe - in a world where Windows is less and less important they just scuttled their ship
Mm, yeah, I don't think it's going to go well
*** if you haven't already done so star the top item on the star wall ***
Is there a way to find uptime or the time of last boot without using net statistics server
@Dan Task Manager?
@Dan in the performance tab
@Dan a poor soul has built an uptime.exe (beware: VB.NET) uptimeexe.codeplex.com
all that effort that @ScottPack and I put into closing every duplicate software licensing question wasted
I wouldn't mind but he has to have ignored the fact that every other question with a similar title is closed :(
I'm not at all surprised though as no one ever reads anything which is there to help them
yeah, SF is going down the drains ... ;)
good afternoon
@Iain And how is that not typical end user behavior. =)
@KennyRasschaert good morning/afternoon/evening =)
we're all sysadmins (of sorts) shirley ;)
@Chopper3 I take it you saw the screen shots of Server 8?
@TylerShads Do you have a link?
no, one of our guys was showing me some of the, actually very good, new features but obviously I also saw the majesty that is Metro while he did it
much obliged
No, I really need THIS ONE THING. Me: I gave you the link in the last paragraph (and you obviously didn't read my answer completely).
I don't think it would be too terrible, but Metro on a server makes no fricken sense to me
@TylerShads yeah, totally gay.
@pfo you mean metrosexual
@TylerShads yeah, gay metrosexuals.
@pfo again. This is the Seattle area. If you're working in software in Bellevue or Redmond, odds are that you're probably either gay or Mormon.
@Adrian that explains a lot, thanks ;)
This town is a bit special
I hope M$ is going to updated RDP client for the mac.
@pfo Forgot about that - ta :)
the metro interface inside the vsphere client will make your life suck even harder.
anyone else tried the windows 8 server preview? I am so lost....
nope, no time.
but waiting for the weekend to give it a spin
sup, nerds
@pauska Downloading it, will probably give it a go this weekend
My guess is Win 8 will be skipped by corporate
@Dan why?
should be easy to deploy if you have W7 and 2008R2 already
@pfo It's the Vista / ME syndrome. Server 2008 R2 and Win 7 are still shiny and new enough
i agree that if you're not on a tab you'll barley be able to distinguish it from 7
@Dan agree, it's the next Vista.
@TylerShads The next ME if you ask me
Actually no, they're trying to make us forget about ME and Vista by releasing something worse
Let's face it, I still have to deploy XP and 2003 boxes sometimes
@pfo don't say that until you've tried the server..
@Iain como?
@pauska anything decent on the iface side? the under the hood changes seem proper to me.
@ScottPack someone asked a how many CALs do I require type question
even though all the questions with similar titles had been closed
Fucking math nerds
I hate it when people won't accept a question because they don't like the news they're getting. The ONLY thing those people deserve is the Hammer of Loving Correction.
@Adrian +1
@pfo the server management tool looks Metro-ish.. I can't click on things that you'd logically want to click on.. the start menu is gone etc
I guess it's time to learn server core
@pauska true, i'm a text interface/cli guy anyway.
i only need GUIs for watching porn and plotting graphs.
@pfo They're almost as onboxious as "sysadmins" that change around a project completely just because they're not willing to add a line to their apt's sources.list file.
@pauska Powershell FTW
i don't like powershell - well the PS itself is a nice idea.
but the interface/API side (functions and structure) naming is horrible and sucks balls.
imho, Windows isn't an enterprise operating system without powershell. But I might be biased since one of my riding buddies was PS's first project manager. =D
@voretaq7 I guess so
@Adrian really I envy the windows people now, since they have an near native API level interface to mess around with that you can run in an text editor and try bits etc. And they have all of .NET additionally to it and i just plain rocks. But the API space is HUGE and the naming is very complex.
I'd really want to setup emacs with some PS goodies on core and see if I can make sense out of that.
a nice shell without a very decent editor for that makes the exercise quite pointless otherwise.
Ice cream run, win!
is there now anything similar to SSHd so that you don't have to RDP into the box where you want to run your PS?
@Iain that indeed - suggest it's time to find a good lawyer.
@tombull89 or prepare to be depressed as it's prolly as simple as disk is dead, he was supposed to back up and didnt
@tombull89 No hosting ive ever used prpvided backup
@Dan Nor does mine, but I wouldn't expect my hosting company to use a single disk without RAID.
@tombull89 shrug shit breaks, always have, always will
(No sympathy here :D)
@Iain Did you beat them?
@Iain TomTom just weighed in on that one, hilarious as usual
I;m ashamed to say I'm with him
Although he did get a bit mean towards the end
Yeah, and his grammar/spelling mistakes makes me wonder where the hell he's from cause it frankly gets annoying at times
German I think
Oh well that would explain the rage
Cripes - TomTom strikes again. Accurate answer, as usual. BOFH-like and insulting, as usual.
but honest and to the point.
@pfo I'm fine with honest. I'm not okay with insulting.
@pfo Regardless, should I be in a meeting with this so-called professional, I would be concerned at the tone.
(even if the OP deserves it)
@jscott Yeah, I can't be doing with folk who kick off like that at work
It just seems like TomTom can't manage to give a simple answer without tearing someone a new one.
Professional doesn't just define occupation, I think behavior has a lot to do with perception.
@ErikA I wonder if there'a a language/translation barrier sometimes, but it's consistent enough that there must be some degree of hostility implied.
Some people just feel entitled to be jerks
@jscott He's definitely an angry man
Everybody has their breaking point. Good Lord do I know....
@Adrian Heh, apparently TomTom hits his breaking point every day. His blood pressure must be 150/100.
@pfo You can do powershell remoting, but it's not an interactive session
@ErikA I think that's the problem. We all see things that make us want to shout, but it's constant!
You just specify a remote machine to execute the script on
@ErikA When I first found SF, I assumed he was a character/persona that someone was using to live out the drunken bofh fantasy they couldn't in real life.
@erikA Heh. That's not far off my actual
Tomtom probably supports social workers =D
@Adrian That's no good, man.
@Adrian I think from previous comments he works at a small shop (3-4 employees) that deal with large datasets in MSSQL
I'm pretty sure if he worked for me, it would be a short employment
Other than that, he's a fucking myth

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