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7:03 PM
First time new staff person SSh's into the box to run psql instead of running it from their own workstation, it blows up.
@AdrianK is that the reason why she became the old programmer ?
@LucasKauffman Sadly, no. She left of her own accord. Considering we were only paying mid-30s for Developers then, I'm not surprised.
My management really doesn't like it when I make comments about trying to hire IT staff on Burger King wages.
@AdrianK Your manager doesn't like reality?
@WesleyDavid What management likes reality?
Besides top tier bankers and C-levels.
@ChrisS big yachts
7:11 PM
@WesleyDavid They really dislike that I'm gauche enough to point out reality. And then laugh. I'll admit the laughing probably is a bit much. They don't pay me to tell them everything's going to be flowers and unicorns though. They pay me to keep shit running and tell them what it will take to get it working when it stops running.
@AdrianK Yeah, sounds like you're ready to move away from the NPT sector. I've done non profits almost my entire IT career. Non profit IT can get taxing. Now as my own boss I do more with for-profits, but still contract a lot to NPTs. I'm now interviewing for positions at for-profits only. =)
@WesleyDavid I freely admit that I'd be less grumpy if I wasn't officed in the basement and get roughly 5 minutes of daylight per day in the winter.
@AdrianK Yeah, that's tough in the NW. I grew up just about two miles south of the official USGS sign that marked the 45th parallel line. Seattle is, what, 48th? Winter be awfully dark there.
Non profits? Try public education.
@BartSilverstrim Eww. No.
7:16 PM
benefits package good. Wages are horrible.
@WesleyDavid Close. 47 and change.
@BartSilverstrim Yep. It's tough to walk away from 7 weeks of PTO each year though.
@ChrisS I have mixed feelings about "related" -- I think sorting by number of migrations (maybe weight the last 30-90 days) will deal with it.
@AdrianK Strangely, the only cities I would consider moving to (In America, anyway) above the 35th parallel would be SanFran and Seattle. Maybe Vancouver BC, but only if a woman was involved. =)
@adriank: I don't have 7 weeks off. I think I get 3 after the years of service I have.
@WesleyDavid Vancouver often has better, if colder, weather than Seattle. They're in the rain shadow of the Olympics for half the winter.
7:18 PM
I don't get summers off.
@AdrianK Beautiful scenery too. Oh, and flipping Awesome public transportation.
@BartSilverstrim That's our sick time and holidays too, of course. BUt it's a homeless shelter, so we get sick a bunch.
Seriously, when I first used Seattle's "lite rail" I thought "Wait, this is just a tourist trap isn't it?" sad face
I was spoiled by MAX in Portland.
@WesleyDavid Yep. The light rail (not monorail) is a little better, but it's just one line from downtown to airport so far. Going to be 20 years before it's really useful in its own right.
But really, IMO, SanFran and Portland are the only cities west of Chicago that has excellent public light rail.
That I'm aware of... Phoenix is kind of a joke. One twenty mile line that goes from N Phoenix to downtown and then to the airport. Veyr limited usefulness.
When I was in Chicago visiting, I loved the L.
7:22 PM
@voretaq7 Yeah, that'd work, all the sites we've migrated a Q to in the last 90 days (as updates monthly so we don't kill the DB).
uh....1TB Swiss Army Knife?
Vancouver BC is really nice
@tombull89 sexy
@Shads0 you're a blue?!
@tombull89 on movies.se
7:29 PM
I got elected for Mod of Movies.SE
and, link to article if you want to have a read.
@AdrianK I doubt we're colder, maybe wetter. The Olympics don't really extend up here, so we get downpours when the clouds hit the Coast Range
Surprise of the day?
@AdrianK I doubt we're colder, maybe wetter. The Olympics don't really extend up here, so we get downpours when the clouds hit the Coast Range
@tombull89 All the cool kids are blue
7:30 PM
Now Sequim... there's a rainshadow.
Did the chat just take a dump?
@freiheit Bastard!
@Ward You do get snow more frequently, at least according to our local weather people.
We get snow of the mountains, maybe... looks out of window to make @AdrianK jealous...
It's a blue day! even our own @Peter Grace has gone blue.
@Shads0 nice one.
7:31 PM
@WesleyDavid Lots of attractive women here... looks out of window...
@tombull89 danke
@Ward Have a room I could rent while I get settled?
@Ward That's ok. I'd only be happy if the window were frosted since I'd be looking out the window at homeless folks hanging out at the bus stop.
@ChrisS that's what I'd do - it can even be updated when the data explorer snapshots are made (using the explorer data)
@Ward My favorite office ever was in a toney little office building that IBM bought cheap (old McCaw HQ) and rented out the bottom floor to a plastic surgeon. We had 2nd floor windows facing out to the parking lot.
7:33 PM
@freiheit Also the ones who aren't breathing...
Wonder if anyone ever added a question to meta about requiring a comment to downvote.
Drive-by downs always irritated me.
@BartSilverstrim I seem to recall that has been talked about. That idea is usually shot down quickly and brutally.
But do they say why? Probably like it would discourage downvoting.
Just guessing though.
It's irritating when you get the feeling you've done or said something "wrong" but get no guidance as to why.
@BartSilverstrim Usually that, yes, it would discourage downvoting and be a barrier to the process. The anonymity is sometimes helpful in that occasionally you don't want to go toe to toe with the poster.
@freiheit smurfs are also blue. Their movie sucked.
7:36 PM
@WesleyDavid I might have a whole apartment available soon you could rent... but you'd have to tell people in the building that you're my brother...
I know there have been some times when the downvote is all I can constructively share because the OP and I are tense with eachother.
@freiheit Also the ones who aren't breathing...
Very rarely though.
pant...pant...pant... Done with my comment binge on mSO
@WesleyDavid Then build the option to comment anonymously. Derp.
7:37 PM
@BartSilverstrim They removed the rep penalty for downvoting questions. They're actively trying to make it easier to vote, not harder
@Ward Do we look reasonably related?
@voretaq7 Dude was off base
@BartSilverstrim But the smurfs don't have a little "kick this user" option when they click on your name. ;) (no, I wouldn't use that power in here)
No wait, I'm the adopted one!
I told him that if he wanted his point to be taken seriously, he should spend some time on DE
7:38 PM
Oh shit, I actually do have that button!
Dangit, now I'm going to have to go cruise Meta.SO - I hope you people are happy. :'(
@Shads0 With great power...
And, thats a bit wrong, I can edit room owners
@WesleyDavid I could tell them you're my evil twin.
Maybe I should get into meta more. It looks like a big stirring hatefest on each other whenever I look at something.
7:39 PM
Wow. Just wow:
Q: Reputation removing service removed my friend's reputation but not mine

ahmadali shafieeI and my friend rate together. I asked Is it possible to make a new account and use it to vote on the old account? and you said our rating would be removed, but now just my fiend's reputation has been removed. What is happening?

@WesleyDavid I had to lol.
A lot of basically telling each other why they're wrong rather than solving questions.
I hate how certain searches end up resulting in the same bloody content on a plethora of different sites: google.com/search?q=%22pxe%20redirection%20service%22
a little. I also think most people ignore the consequence of having your question closed -- If your first question on SF is a medium-difficulty DB thing and it winds up closed I think you're less likely to stick around in the StackExchange universe.
If we migrate it to DBA and you get a great answer not only will you be happy, you may stick around in both communities and be a productive member of society :)
7:40 PM
@Shads0...wut. That's odd. You now have more power in this chat room than Chopper does, and he's got 50x more rep than you.
If they want us to be able to shuffle things between communities, let us shuffle it everywhere. If they don't, then don't let us do it at all/
@tombull89 I guess because mod = SE && chat = SE. But I have no extra power on SF, just chat and movies
How is shads editing things if he isn't a room owner/mod?
@BartSilverstrim He is a mod
@BartSilverstrim Mod on movies now.
7:41 PM
No diamond, no blue?
@BartSilverstrim Hit F5
@BartSilverstrim Reload your page
@BartSilverstrim Refresh chat.
@BartSilverstrim Chat is SE specific, even though this is technically a SF chat
Ah, there it is.
that was strange.
7:41 PM
@Shads0 I DEMAND A TAG!. :: DEMAND ::
I also have a entry to the sexuality.se private beta.
@Shads0 But... but...butbut....
@WesleyDavid OK KittyZilla gets a star.
@voretaq7 There is a cat-in-an-animated-gif for everything.
7:44 PM
@voretaq7 godzilla is a kitten, M NIGHT SHAMYLAN WROTE GODZILLA
@WesleyDavid rule 34 and a half?
log into sexuality.se with facebook? uhh...nope.
@tombull89 DO EEEEEEETTT
I don't know who this kekekeke guy is but his tone irritated me.
7:48 PM
@tombull89 hey it beta'd?
@voretaq7 yeah, about an hour ago.
@BartSilverstrim huh?
So far it's me and Mr. Sock Man that's in, although I think I remember Chopper committing as well. Plus he's not even idle in the chat room...
@tombull89 I'm in as well
7:50 PM
@BartSilverstrim that's the SBS connectivity one?
@Shads0 Three's a crowd.
Probably going to be a bit of a sausage-fest though.
No, mdmarra's meta question.
Comment section.
I think @BartSilverstrim is hijacking my mSO question :)
Maybe you should let it go. He made an initial reply to you, and since then you've "out commented" him 3-9
His tone makes him sound like a condescending arse.
Topic: Sex
Location: Internet
Markdown, I swear...
@tombull89 cool
@tombull89 I'm not in the chat but I'm poking around.
7:57 PM
Do whatever with it, it's not like my opinion matters much at all. But he doesn't have to be an ass about it.
heh, yay sexuality.
But I did manage to partially blame voretaq.
Sexuality is one of those SE's where my lizard brain starts chuckling like beavis and butthead but my better sense tells me to behave myself.
Well, use him as an explanation for the interpretation.
So, apparently VGV8 changed his username and is semi-active (at least as a lurker) on the network still
7:59 PM
it's mSO - they're ALL condescending asses.
Except us. We're nice.
@PeterGrace What a man does in the privacy of his own bedroom with his reptiles...
(typically leads to expensive hospital bills and an admonition not to taunt animals with "monster" or "dragon" in their name!)
Bleh. I'm all for the conversation/debate, but when someone gets unwarrantly rude with a personal insult...
What does he think he is, British?
@MDMarra No love :p
@voretaq7 <Oprah Voice> And you get a star! AND YOU GET A STAR! AND YOU GET A STAR! </Oprah Voice>
8:00 PM
I think this guy maybe needs to go to SU?
A: Windows VPN fails after installing - Antivirus causing routing issue

AdrianKI suppose it's possible that the Antivirus is causing the underlying problem, but your VPN is failing because you don't have a network connection. If the client IP starts with 169.254, the network device that you are trying to use to initiate VPN connection isn't getting a real network IP but on...

@BartDeVos Were you here for him rantings?
@voretaq7 haha!
That's exactly the kind of @#% that keeps me out of Meta. It attracts the people that bitch and snipe, then complain about people who get snipey and snarky in the other exchanges.
@MDMarra No, just popped in
what happened?
He was simultaneously banned on SF, mSF, SU, mSU, SO, and mSO when they were the only sites on the network
8:01 PM
I think he's the only one to hold that distinction
@voretaq7 sonofa...nearly had it.
@BartDeVos That was a year and a half ago, maybe.
VGV8, eh? Before my time...but have "heard" of his legacy.
@tombull89 QuickDraw McGoogles!
8:02 PM
I think some SE 2.0 sites were in beta at that point
@tombull89 You seriously think you can bet @voretaq7 or myself to an animated gif? Shit, son.
Who had all the bans at once?
@BartSilverstrim VGV8
who has changed his name and apparently lurks on SF still
I haven't look at other networks
wait, I've done that one.
@tombull89 Puppy go 'way? :'(
8:04 PM
Wow, sexuality QA's second question already helps me
I was trying to remember what the name of the device was they used on me in physical therapy -- TENS device.
@WesleyDavid shooting electricity from your hands... that an OT9 thing?
Been wanting one for ages, always made my back feel like a million bux after I used it for 10 mins
@PeterGrace I think you mean "TENIS" device.
Also, it doesn't start with a T like you remember.
8:06 PM
Here's my guesses: First person banned from Sex.SE: Two days. First advert for viagra: one week.
I almost want to be the first person banned from sexuality..
though I'm sure that'd have some sort of negative impact on my employment
where's the guy that said he was going to delete his account if sexuality made it out?
@Aaron m.SO somewhere
that was fun :)
@Aaron just sort m.so by lowest votes
I'd be tempted to make a sockpuppet for Sex.SE just to ask "How is babby formed?"
8:08 PM
Q: NSFW proposal on Area51

kinokijufThere is a proposal on Area 51 that definitely does NOT fit with the family-friendly nature of StackExchange, given the current level of integration (site footer, multicollider, „all sites” list, merged accounts). I have flagged it for moderator attention several times, but it was ignored. EDIT:...

dang, beat me
@voretaq7 awww, your friend on mSO deleted his answer
@tombull89 I just suggested we do an over/under in the employee chat room regarding the sexuality ban.
@Aaron m.SO, Search bar > Sex :)
@PeterGrace over/under?
8:09 PM
@BartDeVos Anyone who thought that StackExchange had "Family Friendly" as one of its aims has never been on ServerFault. Or StackExchange. Or SuperUser.
@tombull89 :
An over-under or over/under (O/U) bet is a wager in which a sportsbook will predict a number for a statistic in a given game (usually the combined score of the two teams), and bettors wager that the actual number in the game will be either higher or lower than that number. For example, in Super Bowl XXXIX, most Las Vegas casinos set the over-under for the score of the game at 46.0. A bettor could wager that the combined score of the two teams would be either more than or less than that number. Since the combined score of that game was 45, anyone who had bet on "under" won. Initial value...
I read this chat room aloud to my kids at night. That's why I'm always flagging you bastards.
@WesleyDavid Or in chat
@PeterGrace Fair, as long as no employee hands out the first ban :)
@Aaron @PeterGrace haha! put me down for 48 hours from public beta.
8:10 PM
@Basil Are they storage guys too?
(It's genetic, right?)
one of them is 3, the other is 7 months...
but yeah, basically
@BartDeVos He rents his kids out to run cable through small pipe. Kinda like ferrets, but less prone to chase mice.
@tombull89 a type of betting.
oh, right, onebox to the rescue
@WesleyDavid :D
@Basil I'm going to decline every one of your flags
8:13 PM
@Shads0 You guys should have a column right beside the starred messages for flagged ones
flagbait > starbait
@Basil I'm still waiting for a flagged message to come in so I can see what they look like
stick around here for a few hours.
that sounds like a wager
@PeterGrace, what can I do if I don't want to use my "main" openID account for sex.se?
@tombull89 I was pondering that earlier. I would send yourself a private beta invite.
8:15 PM
@Shads0 Go ahead and flag me.
chrome porn mode
@tombull89 Register one with a SE-openID?
@WesleyDavid it hits every mod so obviously i won't do that ;)
@Shads0 It's okay, you'll handle it in mere seconds anyway.
Yay! I got flagged.
Ooo, I see now
question is, did anyone get banned o.x
8:17 PM
I'm still here...
@MDMarra too bad there was a lot of good stuff in those comments.
Who flagged it though, cause I hit 'Invalid'
we have flagged messages now?
@Shads0 Wanna practice banning?
I thought we just got the blue ticks?
8:18 PM
I need to get some hours logged for a client, so you can test ban me if you want.
@WesleyDavid Uhh no, I just got the job, don't wanna lose it in my first 12 hours
@Shads0 You won't lose it for banning someone who asked for it. I demanded that @Zypher ban me once and he obliged. =)
IS there a selection of how long a person is banned?
Like minutes to days?
I can kick, don't know if that = ban
@Shads0 No worries. Kyle banned @pauska one time just because.
8:19 PM
Yeah, but they pay him ;)
shrug fine ill test kick you
@Shads0 k, kick me and we'll see. Do I have you on IM? I can tell you what happened.
And thats it?
Did my icon immediately disappear?
I got booted out into the page that shows all rooms.
8:20 PM
I can also freeze the room
And delete it o.x ummm
chokes well, I'm in sex.se (NOT using facebook to login). This is gonna be..interesting.
Wow, maybe I should remove myself from mod candidacy. The temptation to destroy everything might be too much...
@tombull89 we would be unhappy if you deleted one of the oldest rooms.
Than again, no one who is sober would vote for me, so I think I'm safe. =)
@Zoredache I'd be impressed if I deleted one of the oldest rooms...
8:22 PM
@WesleyDavid mark seems to be a fan
@Iain Only because the time that I'm available to search for flaggable questions is when he's up in the morning. He hates me for having 42 available flags each day. =)
@tombull89 @Zoredache I think he meant that towards me
@WesleyDavid only 42 ?
What are you searching for that can be flagged ?
@Iain Yep. Comparatively low rep.
Hmm, do we want to onebox sexuality questions in here? :)
8:23 PM
@Shads0 yeah, sorry, must have miss-clicked on the message I replied too.
@Iain I'm searching for keywords that dredge up very subjective and temporal questions. Lately it's been on the topic of pricing.
@PeterGrace probably not xD
@PeterGrace depends on the question I suppose.
@Zoredache Believe me, I would never do that, kinda weird that I have that power now, though.
That's an interesting question, I mean, we're fairly NSFW here
8:24 PM
@WesleyDavid can they not just be closed as NC/OT etc ?
but if we're talking about a general network-wide chat policy I'd say no
I wonder what "Message Admin" goes to
@PeterGrace will non-beta-logged-in members even see it?
but then again, the stuff we say isn't in large font, bold text.
@tombull89 good question...
8:25 PM
I dunno, shall I try?
Let me find the most innocuous question possible
@Iain They could be yes, but I figured it would be more efficient to mod hammer them rather than flooding the VTC room with a few dozen per day. Certainly if I was a mod I'd just do it myself.
Q: How often should I get STI / STD testing done?

DimaPlease give answers for HIV and/or other STD. I do understand that it depends on the risk groups (e.g. unprotected sex, males vs females, prostitution, homosexual sex, etc) so please provide as detailed information as possible. A lot of information on the web, literature, from GPs and sexual heal...

go for it. Bear in mind I and @Shads0 are logged in.
Does everyone see that?
@PeterGrace I see it.
8:26 PM
@PeterGrace I see it, but I have the site
I don't have access to the site.
When I click it, I get to the beta login page.
@PeterGrace I can see that, I get asked to log in if I try and follow it
@tombull89 Is everyone misclicking their messages today?
Whaa??? "DHCP and PXEBOOT is a very tricky thing. With DHCP Proxy you add a bunch of additional problems." serverfault.com/a/348999/2101
8:27 PM
@WesleyDavid If you're a good little kitty maybe we'll get you a beta invite :)
(that means stop clawing the fiber cables!)
@voretaq7 Yeah, I'll pass on that unless I make a second account for that site.
@WesleyDavid I'm surprised you haven't been thwacked by someone then as you could just vtc - interesting
@MikeyB Yeah, that's nonsense. But I just commented on the Q, should probably make it an answer.
@Iain It may be because I'm adorable.
@WesleyDavid there's always that
8:28 PM
@WesleyDavid Hmm, we probably should be able to mark profiles as hidden so they don't show up.
I'm sure that's not the least work-friendly SE site, but I won't visit it.
@Iain But yeah, I think it's because the quality of the posts are so far pretty appalling and it's fairly obvious that they need to be closed. I think the burden to the community of floating a few dozen VTCs per day would be worse than just pestering the mod crew. shrug I never really considered it. I should ask them if I'm abusing the flagging system.
@Basil Reddit is probably way worse.
@WesleyDavid if you were I'm sure they would have told you
@Iain So... when you get your diamond, will you thwack me? =P
OK, so, answer to both questions is no: 1) there won't be a way to selectively disable oneboxing of SE questions by site, 2) there is no way to hide sexuality from your network profile.
8:31 PM
@PeterGrace Fucking developers.
@PeterGrace yeah, I've just found out the answer to 2 :/
Q: Where did we land on the privacy and connection to other accounts?

KtashSo this question was first posted in the discussions for the site, but now that the site is actually launched in private beta, I'm curious as to where this issue landed in the development. Or where it will go after private beta. How is privacy handled and separation between this site and other SE...

1 is going to be..interesting.
@tombull89 BUSTED! =P
Technologies like PXE frustrate me to no end. People had a really, really good idea. Wrote up RFC drafts (which need a bit of work, but are great otherwise). Thought it through carefully.... And then nobody actually did much with those good ideas, they just languished and died.
8:32 PM
@tombull89 the procedure is that if people post oneboxed questions that offend, it needs to be flagged and a moderator will swoop in.
@WesleyDavid we'll have to see if I get the ♦ first @ChrisS is back in the running :)
sad trombone
@WesleyDavid Cause it's in Private Beta
@WesleyDavid Private beta. It won't appear for another 6 days.
8:33 PM
@tombull89 Ohhh, okay. Right.
I hear you guys though, and they're having some serious discussion about it even as we chat
@tombull89 I think 2 will be a bigger problem.
@PeterGrace I wonder how hard it is to just give you an option to mark a site profile as 'hidden' on your network account list.
@PeterGrace Why does it matter if it's oneboxed or not - you can also onebox wikipedia entries that might offend
@Shads0 an extra column on a table and some front-end code would be my assumption. Tell the devs not to be lazy sods, @PeterGrace :)
8:35 PM
And that's a serious curiosity. Is it that they don't want to implement it for just that site, is it that they don't want users to hide sites besides sex.se
@Aaron See, now you had to go and tempt me...
@WesleyDavid No, bad kitty
I'm going to enjoy that
@Shads0 I lol'd.
@voretaq7 I'm going to have a seperate account for 2, although I do wonder if it's going to be possible to "mark as non-merge" so my accounts don't get merged into each other. I use SF for/in work so I would quite like to keep my personal (ha!) and work life serperate.
@tombull89 Yeah, just don't make your second account "tombull90" mmkay?
8:36 PM
@WesleyDavid I don't go to reddit at work.
@voretaq7 the problem isn't so much lazy devs; people here have to walk a fine line and go with the consensus. SE is a big community democracy really.
actually having two accounts is going to be a bit of a pain :/
@voretaq7 we don't generally just change things this important unless it's well hashed out in meta.
@PeterGrace I'm biting my tongue so hard I might draw blood.
@PeterGrace I'm biting my tongue so hard I might draw blood.
8:39 PM
@Wesleydavid go ahead, prove me wrong, I can stand corrected :)
@PeterGrace it's a democracy in the bits we're allowed to be democratic
I suppose it feels more like it's a community aristocracy, and the majority voice being quite naturally StackExchange leads decisions to be made that are only agreed upon by a handful on meta.SO.
It may be democracy; but mSO users are lemmings and follow the leader.
@Iain If I could tweak the grammar slightly: "StackExchange is a democracy, where StackExchange allows it to be a democracy."
@PeterGrace sensible, but in this case I can see a strong use case even in the private beta phase
8:41 PM
@WesleyDavid works for me
(case in point, the oneboxed question. "Hmm, this guy looks like a good hire... oh what's this.... he's asking about STD testing. Skeevy! Next candidate!")
@PeterGrace As for that, really, I think my ire blurred my vision. I'm not sure if they do or do not change important things on a whim. Mostly I'm irritated at the appalling lack of consistent documentation for what is changed and rolled out. For example, why did I get an avalanche of "Announcer" badges suddenly yesterday? No announcement was made that I know of for that feature change, and if one was... where is the central place for those announcements? M.SO? A blog? Jeff Atwood? Smoke signals?
@WesleyDavid Srsly? A Dev or a PM willingly write docus? Would you be willing to share whatever you're smoking? =)
@wesleydavid this list is not all-inclusive but the major things get logged here, apparently.
s/the major/most major/
8:50 PM
@Iain Community maintained so if we miss something, it can be updated.
@GraceNote indeed
sigh Sometimes I despair for humanity. Trying to explain things to "windows admins" that don't even understand basic TCP/IP layers just pains me.
@AdrianK it's been my experience as a consultant as well as the point of contact of many international IT departments that a strong majority of sysadmins in IT are clueless.
Im sure they say the same thing about network people and the basics of GPOs
@WesleyDavid secret project is a go, just fyi >_<
8:53 PM
It makes me wonder how much more GDP our countries would make if all sysadmins had a baseline "good" knowledge of all systems.
@RebeccaChernoff too many secrets!
@PeterGrace, did you know that half of the sysadmins out there are below the average competency level ??!! THE HORROR
@tombull89, suggesting edits and retags
Private Beta for sexuality.se seems to be open. @voretaq7 seems to be particularly active on it o.O
:2967075 That's only for the Meta, innit? The site itself you should be able to ask straight up.
@PeterGrace Aye. cuz really, if your server has an IP of 169.254.x.x, your IP packets be goin nowhere regardless of what you changed last, and you better figure out WHY you ain't got no IP address.
8:56 PM
@TomOConnor what can I say, I'm a horny guy.
@GraceNote yes...but I wanted to ask a m.sex.se question about accounts. I have nothing to offer for the main site yet.
@PeterGrace Thanks for that! I knew there was a M.SO post like that around here somewhere. It's like a drop of icewater in hell, but better than having Satan piss lava into your mouth.
horny ball FTW?
@tombull89 Ah
@wesleydavid no worries -- whenever people raise red flags about things I generally try to hunt down people here at SE who can help answer the question.
8:57 PM
@voretaq7 Yeah, we're not going to contextualize your previous statement. Sorry.
@voretaq7 We're gonna take that out of context so much.
@Aaron I HATE that statistical inaccuracy.
@RebeccaChernoff secret hand signals -.-
Q: Account flag: "Do not show in my stack exchange profile"

voretaq7Coming off of this question regarding privacy, it may be helpful to add a network-wide flag on accounts to prevent them from showing up in you StackExchange profile. This feature would allow Sexuality participants to continue to use their main network account, but would also grant them limited a...

8:58 PM
@WesleyDavid @tombull89 Oh that was perfectly in context as is.
@voretaq7 put it to the community, upboat! :P
I like the idea of being able to tag stuff as
@PeterGrace yeah I'm already stirring shit with my software architecture background
Will there be a ?
@voretaq7 honestly, if this is a feature you want, and I pray @Rebecca doesn't smack me down, but if this is important I think what you've got is fantastic, it just needs to get upvoted sky-high.
8:59 PM
@TomOConnor OMFG
I think we need a chat room for sexuality.se
@WesleyDavid what?

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