also unless GD gets back in front of congress and says "Yeah, your bill is SHIT!" the damage is done - they're on-record in favor of it, Congress has their paper support.
@Holocryptic I was looking for a "The internets are ANGRY" poster to describe why GD's retraction of support wasn't enough to save them. Found that instead.
"Go Daddy will support it when and if the Internet community supports it.” I think this was the most telling remark. They still support it. They just won't say they do until everyone else does. Nothing quite like a wishy-washy company with no set ground to control your website.
Lo. Sorry to interrupt. The startups site has been in beta over a year. Where might I find information about it moving out of beta? Or is there documented information as to why it remains in beta? --
Its too bad. Its got great scores, just missing a few posts per day. Seems valid enough to make it. I'm going to go paint a sign or something and stand out in front of Joel's office with it.
I mean it's one thing when we let Dan Kaminsky walk past the source code and the entire internet unravels, but letting CONGRESS touch it? You'll never be able to get the stench of failure off of it.
The problem with all personality assessments, is that I've got a really bad tendency to be a chameleon, so I can act like whoever I'm with. I seem to be able to pattern myself after anyone, even without trying. So, most personality questions seem equally plausible to me, with only a few strong exceptions.
@AdrianK I find it very interesting, and relevant for working with other types. Particularly I've got a list of the DISC "I" types at my work, so I know to avoid them and any protracted discussions (which tend not to end well).
This one time, at band camp, I shoved a pussy up a flute. The secret is to puree the cat first. The kitchen staff had to throw out that blender, and the flutist never forgave us...
@voretaq7 They are. The damn thing decides to howl like it's being eviscerated with a tuning fork when I'm on the damn phone with recruiters or customers.
@ChrisS Yeah, we have an accounts payable person like that with a confrontation-averse CFO. It's a nightmare. I won't do anything concerning orders or money and I still get that person showing up at my office to yell at me if she can't find my boss.
(in unrelated news, if you see an ICBM wandering around the upper atmosphere asking for target vectors, could you help it out?)
most of mine are .net - because I doggedly adhere to the original tld definitions and none of them are COMmercial / I'm not a registered nonprofit ORGanization
*I* get a cute, playful kitty to torment for a few hours when I visit. **THEY** get puke, crapping in the house, clawed furniture, OMG CAT HAIR ITS EVERYWHERE!, and of course the cat's wrath from the torment I inflicted on it.
@RebeccaChernoff A certain kitten was clawing at your userscripts. something about links and profiles and... idunno, I swatted him with a newspaper and threw a copy of diff / patch at him
Suddenly, as of yesterday, when the SE chat extensions plugin is enabled in Chrome, I can't click on links in chat be they links to external sites, links to internal SE posts or even user profiles. I get a little drop-down box at the top of chat that says "parseerror" and I can't even click to clear that away without getting another parseerror.
Screenshot / Code Snippet
Ever wanted to see the preview above the text entry box when composing a question or answer? If so, this is the script for you. It's a simple script that does exactly that. That's it.
MIT License
Get it here:
Luser: "Yeah, just install pstools on your boxxen and then pipe PowerShell output to the SysInternals grep command." Me: "Ermm... select-string, anyone?"
Oh WTF. The grep one got the accepted answer after I posted my pure-PS one.
Excuse me. I'm going to go be bitter.
Oh wait, it all makes sense now. Look at what the OP's name is:
@WesleyDavid In fairness, converting the PS objects to string and parsing it there seems kinda [in a horrible way] like something a *nix person would do. :)
@AdrianK I would think that someone would be even less keen on installing third party, unsupported tools on a server to do what a built-in, supported and updated tool can already do. =/
@Chopper3 for suitably backhanded definitions of "backed down"
More a "We helped write it, we're still in favor of it, and we'll start saying that again as soon as the interwebs stop hitting us with cat-filled sacks of hate"
@voretaq7 I can see where there's confusion, most people don't know anything about how the RAM is connected in the first place, and RAM used to be connected through the North Bridge, so it didn't matter if you had one or two CPUs. Of course, that's not the case with either Intel or AMD CPUs anymore, but there's plenty of misinformation floating around still.
NOTE: ISO 8601 defines date and time separated by "T".
Applications using this syntax may choose, for the sake of
readability, to specify a full-date and full-time separated by
(say) a space character.
@Holocryptic Stuff needs fixing... I'm salaried (and at 47.5 hours so far). Just got it all working and wrapping up a few details, like putting my time into tthe system so I get paid.
So out of curious, is the rep algorithm documented somewhere? I'm a big Meh about the whole thing since it feels like I'm working on an app than has no docs.
@AdrianK wtf docs? are you new or something? Read the man page, which is completely empty except for saying "See the gnu texinfo page", which hasn't been written because in Linux docs aren't important!
@AdrianK Up vote on a question is +5 for the OP. Down vote on a question is -1 for the OP and 0 for you. Up vote an answer is +10 for poster. Down vote on answer is -2 for poster and -1 for you. Accepted answer is +15 for poster and +2 for OP.
I don't care if people get the question right, I just like seeing if they can think their way trough from "A record = IPv4 = 32 bits. IPv6=128 bits, or 4 A records stuck together"
's how I knew the kid with no college degree and no previous tech experience was a good hire at my last job. I asked the question, I lead him through "how many bits in a v4 address? How many in a v6 address?" and he came up with the right answer.
When you have a field that says "Order/Invoice #" and yet the order# and invoice# are two separate things, is it in play to draw obscene comics on the paperwork?