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also unless GD gets back in front of congress and says "Yeah, your bill is SHIT!" the damage is done - they're on-record in favor of it, Congress has their paper support.
@Holocryptic I was looking for a "The internets are ANGRY" poster to describe why GD's retraction of support wasn't enough to save them. Found that instead.
@Holocryptic Too little too late. I've decided on the 29th I'm switching.
Speaking of DISC above, is anyone here relatively familiar with it and its results?
I'm more familiar with the Meyers Briggs tests and have taken more than a few in my life.
Actually, never took a DISC test until 15 minutes ago.
@WesleyDavid Yep, I'm familiar with both.
@ChrisS So, are you familiar with the "success insights wheel"?
Yep, where are you?
"Go Daddy will support it when and if the Internet community supports it.” I think this was the most telling remark. They still support it. They just won't say they do until everyone else does. Nothing quite like a wishy-washy company with no set ground to control your website.
from TC
I'd guess somewhere in the C quad. Coord or Analyzer probably. And likely toward the outside.
that guy sees the problem right there :)
@ChrisS Tee hee. Yes, I'm "21" in both "Adapted" and "Natural" so I"m a through-and-through "Analyzing Coordinator"
IS that a common area for SysAdmins to be in?
I'm Adapted 24, Natural 22.
My very first DISC assessment. Should I mount it on a plaque? =P
Yeah, SysAdmins are almost universally in the 20-9 ring.
@ChrisS Wow, kewl.
As you can see, I'm an over-cautious, documentation-addicted, PITA.
which test is this?
@Holocryptic DISC
DISC, you can't take it for free unfortunately.
Lo. Sorry to interrupt. The startups site has been in beta over a year. Where might I find information about it moving out of beta? Or is there documented information as to why it remains in beta? -- answers.onstartups.com
err undo. wrong room.
ha, no worries
@MikeNereson "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain..."
@MikeNereson It's a combination of metrics, users, questions per day, answers per question... There's a report card around somewhere....
Its too bad. Its got great scores, just missing a few posts per day. Seems valid enough to make it. I'm going to go paint a sign or something and stand out in front of Joel's office with it.
@MikeNereson It's not far off, just needs to average a few more questions per day for a month or three and it'll be there.
@Holocryptic Ever taken the Meyers-Briggs?
guys I figured it out!
Don't think so
GoDaddy is Oracle's Domain Registrar branch!
@voretaq7 IT WAS DNS!!
Oh hell, I Wasn't far off.
@WesleyDavid DNS is going to be a "was" if people don't stop fucking with it...
@voretaq7 Everything is a fucking DNS problem. Eradicate DNS. Eradicate problems.
I mean it's one thing when we let Dan Kaminsky walk past the source code and the entire internet unravels, but letting CONGRESS touch it? You'll never be able to get the stench of failure off of it.
Myers-Briggs is a better test if you ask me... But DISC is quicker..
@WesleyDavid I already proposed that. Even volunteered to host THE hosts file.
@ChrisS DISC is more "company oriented" IMHO
@ChrisS Yeah, DISC seemed really short. In M-B I'm an INTJ.
The reports usually have things managers look for - the one I took said I was "goal oriented, but averse to taking risks"
I'm a borderline INTJ/ENTJ... Both are somewhat rare.
(to which I say "Well no fucking duh - You wind up getting 3 AM phone calls when you take risks!)
The problem with all personality assessments, is that I've got a really bad tendency to be a chameleon, so I can act like whoever I'm with. I seem to be able to pattern myself after anyone, even without trying. So, most personality questions seem equally plausible to me, with only a few strong exceptions.
I'd be an awesome con artist.
My MB personality type changes depending on the day I take the test.
heh. Fuck godaddy.
moved my domains this morning
not going back.
(I hope everyone plays that video and winds up with that song stuck in their head for the entire holiday).
@PeterGrace Don't do that. you'll wind up with a social disease.
@WesleyDavid That's a characteristic of most INTJs FYI... Adapting their personality to fit in.
@ChrisS Really? Didn'ae know that.
@PeterGrace alternative answer: "You wouldn't fuck a lawnmower, so why would you fuck GoDaddy?"
@voretaq7 There was this one time when I was a teenager and high...
@WesleyDavid those exhaust ports get HOT man, lemmie tell ya!
@ChrisS +1. I rented a room from a couple of social workers last year. I learned more about that stuff than I ever wanted to know.
@AdrianK I find it very interesting, and relevant for working with other types. Particularly I've got a list of the DISC "I" types at my work, so I know to avoid them and any protracted discussions (which tend not to end well).
man, my speakers suck.
This one time, at band camp, I shoved a pussy up a flute.
The secret is to puree the cat first. The kitchen staff had to throw out that blender, and the flutist never forgave us...
short in the cable somewhere.
@PeterGrace Don't you have a 8560w? The speakers are pretty nice considering laptop speakers.
@voretaq7 Funny that the last six digits to your comment's UID are '666'
@WesleyDavid catsRevil
@ChrisS yeah, but I have desk speakers too for the docking station.
@voretaq7 They are. The damn thing decides to howl like it's being eviscerated with a tuning fork when I'm on the damn phone with recruiters or customers.
@WesleyDavid "Oh, that's just the last client that didn't take my advice. He shows up every now and then and yowls at my door begging for help."
Symbolic link to neighbor's christmas lights?
also @ChrisS why wait until the 29th?
GoDaddy drags their feet about transfers - Walk now and maybe your domain will be free of their oppressive tyranny by the 29th :)
@voretaq7 That post said it was Official No Daddy day.
@ChrisS Yeah, we have an accounts payable person like that with a confrontation-averse CFO. It's a nightmare. I won't do anything concerning orders or money and I still get that person showing up at my office to yell at me if she can't find my boss.
@ChrisS yeah I know, but meh.
When I'm this pissed off I just act - fuck the "official movement" and its "day of action"
it's all gonna show in their december stats anyway
@voretaq7 I suppose I could get started tonight.. Not terribly thrilled about the price, but next week isn't going to be any better.
December 1, 2011: #1 Registrar! WOOHOO!
January 1, 2012: . . . . wait, where'd all the domains go?
@ChrisS found anyone cheaper than namecheap? (BTW they have SOPASUCKS and BYEBYEGD coupons)
he's been driving his delorean again, hasn't he.
@ChrisS hush. We were using the upper half of that int for something else.
name.com is cheaper for .COMs, but I don't know when you mix in all the other TLDs, I've got a decent mix...
(in unrelated news, if you see an ICBM wandering around the upper atmosphere asking for target vectors, could you help it out?)
most of mine are .net - because I doggedly adhere to the original tld definitions and none of them are COMmercial / I'm not a registered nonprofit ORGanization
@voretaq7 depends on your endianess
@ChrisS middle-endian, obviously.
Don't forget your htons() functions.
@voretaq7 Namecheap has been my registrar for a while. I lurve them.
user image
iLOL'd ^
mostly because of the bouncing cats in the right-hand column.
@voretaq7 Where's the one with the cat eating the tree and then puking a wad of needles and foam on the white carpet?
BTW, I am a freaking master at spot cleaning carpets after the last 20 years of cat ownership.
Little body-fluid/solid cannons with claws.
@WesleyDavid this is why I like OTHER PEOPLE'S cats.
This is why I'm not a cat owner anymore after 20 years of cat ownership...
/me cowers
*I* get a cute, playful kitty to torment for a few hours when I visit.
**THEY** get puke, crapping in the house, clawed furniture, OMG CAT HAIR ITS EVERYWHERE!, and of course the cat's wrath from the torment I inflicted on it.
@WesleyDavid You must be watching the roster board like a hawk.
@voretaq7 Fucking markdown.
(it just doesn't work...)
I was summoned? (;
Or at least, whined at...
@RebeccaChernoff A certain kitten was clawing at your userscripts. something about links and profiles and... idunno, I swatted him with a newspaper and threw a copy of diff / patch at him
Suddenly, as of yesterday, when the SE chat extensions plugin is enabled in Chrome, I can't click on links in chat be they links to external sites, links to internal SE posts or even user profiles. I get a little drop-down box at the top of chat that says "parseerror" and I can't even click to clear that away without getting another parseerror.
Yeah, chat upgraded jquery and broke the script.
Disable or update it.
Anyone seen Jacob lately?
@GeorgeEdison I think he was here this morning.
Rats... missed him.
Will have another update soon
@RebeccaChernoff Nice hat.
But please do not keep using the broken one.
@RebeccaChernoff /me salutes
@GeorgeEdison could you whip up a userscript that swaps the positions of the edit and preview areas for answers ?
Oops. Just stepped out of the room for a second.
@Iain So you want the preview above the textarea?
@GeorgeEdison yes, I used to have a userscript that did just that but it got broken some tome ago by an update
Yeah, UserScripts break quite easily.
I'll see what I can do.
@GeorgeEdison Fab thanks :)
Welcome... anytime :)
here's @Jacob too
@Jacob: I see you got a hat too :)
Did you get your new IP block yet?
@GeorgeEdison you should put that on stackapps
I will when I get a chance.
@Iain Here it is:
Q: Preview and Text Entry Switcher - Now you can have the preview on top!

George Edison Screenshot / Code Snippet About Ever wanted to see the preview above the text entry box when composing a question or answer? If so, this is the script for you. It's a simple script that does exactly that. That's it. License MIT License Download Get it here: http://files.quickmediaso...

@GeorgeEdison upvoted
Having the preview above the edit box seems much more natural to me
@MDMarra Can you check my PowerShell answer and see how bad it sucks? serverfault.com/a/343853/9770
Luser: "Yeah, just install pstools on your boxxen and then pipe PowerShell output to the SysInternals grep command."
Me: "Ermm... select-string, anyone?"
Oh WTF. The grep one got the accepted answer after I posted my pure-PS one.
Excuse me. I'm going to go be bitter.
Oh wait, it all makes sense now. Look at what the OP's name is:
I lol'd.
Does anyone remember this: stackapps.com/questions/2340/… ?
@GeorgeEdison Seems vaguely familiar... =)
I'll get you a link that works.
@WesleyDavid I can understand that. I, for sure, wouldn't be so keen on learning powershell just to do simple tasks with a couple-three WTS boxen.
@WesleyDavid In fairness, converting the PS objects to string and parsing it there seems kinda [in a horrible way] like something a *nix person would do. :)
Now that it's almost year end... it's fun to look back and see who made it.
@AdrianK I would think that someone would be even less keen on installing third party, unsupported tools on a server to do what a built-in, supported and updated tool can already do. =/
@WesleyDavid Depends on how much I'm getting screamed and whether it works or not.
voretaq7 is the only one that earned 10k this year!
@GeorgeEdison I thought Chopper3 threw his hat into the ring. Shewt, I'm going to have to compile that list shortly and get the final post up.
Yup... and then do you want to do it again next year? :)
@GeorgeEdison Can one pop in an arbitrary user, to see their progress, as well?
Erm... I'm not sure.
@GeorgeEdison I was hoping on doing it again yeah. I have a guy working on a Ruby site.
Let me check... it's been a long time since I looked at that script.
Holy crap, @voretaq7 lapped us.
@WesleyDavid Any progress on that?
@GeorgeEdison Yeah, slowly. The guy got married and bought a house in the last few months, so more pressing matters are upon him. =)
Once it's live perhaps some others will join up
@Holocryptic !LOVING! SWTOR - it's like the reskinned WoW with SW textures, surely they're going to get sued for the wholescale theft?
@GeorgeEdison I got my 10k in 4.5 months
@Chopper3 INORITE?
@Chopper3 I meant that it's freaking awesome
@Holocryptic the prerendered cut scenes are better than all of SW Eps 1-3 put together, breathtaking
@jscott Finally figured out how you can pop an arbitrary user in there:
Yes, it's done so amazingly well
var user = 1; $.ajax({url: 'http://api.serverfault.com/1.1/users/' + user + '?key=qNOXPz35JE-dAe83ayaIaQ', dataType: 'jsonp', jsonp: 'jsonp', success: function(data) { DisplayUser( escape(JSON.stringify(data['users'][0])) ); }})
Just open the JS console and stick that ----^ in it.
Replace the 1 with the user's ID.
@Chopper3: Yup, my script does indeed verify that you exceeded 10k this year.
I know, I did >22k
@Chopper3 Did you sign up? I thought you did, but can't find your name in the comments or in the blog post.
ah well
@Chopper3 History can be changed...
@WesleyDavid lapped what now?
@voretaq7 In the 10K challenge. You got 20K
You were a lowly 5K at the beginning of the year.
I'll add you, @Chopper3.
@WesleyDavid lol I earned most of that before work started requiring actual time and attention.
stupid time and attention...
...and done.
@voretaq7 Disregard work. Acquire arbitrary numbers.
And snark. Can't forget snark.
@WesleyDavid how do you think I acquired my arbitrary numbers?!
did you see GoDaddy have backed down?
@voretaq7 Point. I definitely upvote for quality snark.
@Chopper3 for suitably backhanded definitions of "backed down"
More a "We helped write it, we're still in favor of it, and we'll start saying that again as soon as the interwebs stop hitting us with cat-filled sacks of hate"
@GeorgeEdison this isn't working on FF I get a message data.questions is undefined in my firebug console
this annoyed me but I think i was polite for once; serverfault.com/a/275959/1435
@Iain Looking into it...
@Chopper3 you're absolutely correct -- Very few people seem to grasp how memory is addressed with modern chipsets.
@GeorgeEdison and 9.01 (just updated) Chrome is good with it though
9.01 gives additional info - Failed to load source for: stackoverflow.com or Failed to load source for: serverfault.com
Reproduced the bug successfully.
Hmmm... NaN is getting sent in the URL instead of the current time...
@voretaq7 I can see where there's confusion, most people don't know anything about how the RAM is connected in the first place, and RAM used to be connected through the North Bridge, so it didn't matter if you had one or two CPUs. Of course, that's not the case with either Intel or AMD CPUs anymore, but there's plenty of misinformation floating around still.
Seems like FF can't convert "2011-12-23 21:13:40Z" into a timestamp for some reason...
clutches sun4d and m68k
Fine with me as long as I get to keep my 6100s.
No. Everyone else gets Z80s with register extensions!
@voretaq7 Magnetic core memory or go home. If you lose a bit, you have to check the ice rink to make sure no one is playing hockey with it.
@WesleyDavid Fine. But only if we replace those ridiculous spinning platter hard drives with proper drum storage
Keep spinning silver discs where they belong: In Lucy Lawless' hands being flung at bad guys while making the terrorist yelling sound!
Anyone know the RFC for this date format: "2011-12-23 21:13:40Z" ?
Year-Month-Day TimeTimezone? Not sure....
Is that "Z" for "Zulu Time"?
I think it's for UTC.
I'm almost certain it is
@GeorgeEdison 3339
it LOOKS like RFC3339 but with a space instead of a T
@GeorgeEdison ISO 8601?
Z = Zulu Time = UTC = GMT
Oh wait, RFC not ISO.
@ChrisS Does 3339 allow that space? I thought it was year-month-dayThh:mm:ssZ
Hmm... 'cause Firefox is choking on mine.
ah, apparently yes it does allow it:
  NOTE: ISO 8601 defines date and time separated by "T".
  Applications using this syntax may choose, for the sake of
  readability, to specify a full-date and full-time separated by
  (say) a space character.
My, kitty... what a big... sword... you have!
I want to go home....
Thank you Internets
Needs a santa hat.
@ChrisS It's 430, shouldn't you be on your way already?
Did I just get the ol' "Keyboard failure, press F2 to continue" error? Yes. Yes I did.
Burning question of the minute: Why the hell is the tar option to bzip archives j ? WHY?
@Holocryptic Stuff needs fixing... I'm salaried (and at 47.5 hours so far). Just got it all working and wrapping up a few details, like putting my time into tthe system so I get paid.
@voretaq7 Because GNU
Stick me with a fork! I'm done.
@ChrisS have a good Christmas
@ChrisS Yay! Have a good holiday!
@WesleyDavid bsdtar uses j too - I actually can't blame the gnu/freetards this time!
@Holocryptic You too!
And everyone else too!
@ChrisS Enjoy your time off! Drink responsibly
And if not, at least choose your transportation responsibly. =)
Looks like a good fork, if a bit plain
rusty bicycle is rusty?
@WesleyDavid My fork is sharper.
Not as sharp as that one.
Maybe it's the drugs, but I have no clue what you're posting in here
@WesleyDavid BUNNY!
Okay, I'mma get banned if I do another puny fork image.
@voretaq7 So here's a question. If I downvote that answer because I agree that it's wrong, does MY rep go down?
... damnit, that should be a chat easter egg!
@voretaq7 Nice try.
@AdrianK Yes, by one point
@AdrianK you gain -1
@AdrianK you lose 1 rep for downvoting
they lose 2.
@Iain positivist.
@AdrianK It's just one point, man. Do it! Do it now!
@voretaq7 :)
@voretaq7 he's squirrelly alright.
I'll downvote as soon as I get some votes.
(it's obviously Foamy. So it's obviously NSFW.)
There's truisms, and there's foamyisms. It's like a truism squared.
@voretaq7 "Bing Crosby is a sonofabitch!"
So out of curious, is the rep algorithm documented somewhere? I'm a big Meh about the whole thing since it feels like I'm working on an app than has no docs.
@AdrianK which part do you want to know about?
@Holocryptic "I saw daddy kissing Santa Claus - and it wasn't just a kiss between two friends!"
It is documented. Somewhere.
I'm a sysadmin at a mental health clinic. You're lucky I'm not shouting "READ ALL THE DOCS" at the top of my lungs.
@AdrianK wtf docs? are you new or something? Read the man page, which is completely empty except for saying "See the gnu texinfo page", which hasn't been written because in Linux docs aren't important!
@AdrianK Or on a serious note: Das FAQ
@voretaq7 Excellent. Thanks.
hey THAT part of marktown actually works....
I will report that as a bug. Markdown isn't supposed to work.
How does one to tags in here again?
@AdrianK Up vote on a question is +5 for the OP. Down vote on a question is -1 for the OP and 0 for you. Up vote an answer is +10 for poster. Down vote on answer is -2 for poster and -1 for you. Accepted answer is +15 for poster and +2 for OP.
@WesleyDavid [tag:tagname]
@Iain I'm unable to keep that whole algorithm in my head for some reason. IPv6 seems easy in comparison. =/
@WesleyDavid that should be a tag on meta!
@voretaq7 Be like Betsy Ross and make it sew.
@AdrianK Actual question I ask candidates on an interview: What is an AAAA record?.
If they get it right the follow-up is "Why is it AAAA?"
@WesleyDavid i'll get suspended from meta for offensive tags.
ipv6 forward lookup and to differentiate from ipv4 A records, yes?
@voretaq7 Okay, now what's the downside?
you whiny little grandmas were upset by @Yelling_Bird's twitter profile!
@WesleyDavid I'm the only one in the room with catnip.
then again, I'm not actually a network guy. it's just my title because I'm responsible for All Of The Machines.
dangles little mouse in front of @WesleyDavid
@AdrianK but why 4 As?
(there is actually a simple and logical reason)
@voretaq7 4x32bits
@Iain you're not supposed to help him :-P
That I don't remember. Owen DeLong was faffing on about it once but I despise his presentation style and blocked it out.
@AdrianK work it out from 1st principles
I don't care if people get the question right, I just like seeing if they can think their way trough from "A record = IPv4 = 32 bits. IPv6=128 bits, or 4 A records stuck together"
@voretaq7 you are (well known to be ) mean :p
's how I knew the kid with no college degree and no previous tech experience was a good hire at my last job.
I asked the question, I lead him through "how many bits in a v4 address? How many in a v6 address?" and he came up with the right answer.
Well, we'll probably move over to IPv6 sometime in 2017 when CenturyLink gets off their tuckus and gets the migration underway.
(he's now sitting in my chair at $job[-1])
OK, that cat is freaking me the fuck out.
@voretaq7 Yeah, seriously, I'm getting tired here. Knock it off with the mousie thingy already.
And 1900x1200 ensures that I'll be seeing that for quite a bit longer than most of us.
@WesleyDavid ::throws mouse behind some old servers::
Okay, one more cat gif then I'm off to see if I can find the surface of my desk.
user image
@voretaq7 document.getElementById('chat').innerHTML = '';
@Iain ::twitch::
paste it into your browsers console to claer the chat screen
@Iain effort.
I wonder of @GeorgeEdison could incorporate it into a button
document.getElementById('chat').innerHTML = '';
to clear the chat
Too much faffing about with shells today. Gonna go curl up with my Tanenbaum 4th Edition for some light reading.
Merry Christmas, Gents.
@AdrianK have a good un
@AdrianK Later bud
When you have a field that says "Order/Invoice #" and yet the order# and invoice# are two separate things, is it in play to draw obscene comics on the paperwork?
@WesleyDavid no. You may however interleave the characters of both the order and invoice number to comprise a third number (the order/invoice number)
@Iain That is a great idea!
Though in jQuery it'd be a bit easier:
I gave them the invoice number...

...in hex...

...using Devanagari numerals.
@WesleyDavid Exxxcelent.
and now it's go-home (well, go-to-company-christmas-dinner) time. LaterZ
@voretaq7 Oh cool! Spike the punch.
@voretaq7 have you downvoted the old closed stuff today - there is a load on page 4 that I just dropped to 0 that could do with another
Love how in Star Wars: The Old Republic you can quite easily roll characters called say 'FfudgePakkr', 'Jizzmopper' and 'Krypldiq' :)

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