Well if he has a truly infinite set of monkeys the theory says they should produce it as fast as it take for one of them to simply re-type everything. You would have the slight problem of figuring out which monkey produced the good copy though.
I always get annoyed, that I usually only get one use out of a container of super glue. Apparently if you store them in a sealed container with a descant they are supposed to last longer.
I don't use it often enough, I usually only need it about once or maybe twice a year. What I am reading suggests that a container with a broken seal is good for typically 6 months.
It isn't the cost, it is mostly just the perception of waste. I use maybe a small fraction of what is in the container typically. It annoys me that so much of it is going to be wasted.
I can't help myself, I seem to require a certain amount of time spent reading every day, and the past few days I've been busy with Christmas stuff so I have to stay up late voting, reading a few sites I like... and in between doing silly stuff like making hatted avatars.
I just noticed that George Edison has a nicely-hatted avatar, too:
Caution: This is verbose :)
My Problem:
Client requires a possible rebuild of their current backup plan for local and offsite backup. Tape and online backup are not an option. (Client decision).
1 Server running Windows SBS 2008 (15GB Data including Exchange) and 10...
@jscott Ah yes. I remember the whole, "The rest of the school system is closed and everyone is on vacation -- except for the IT guys who have to cram all the upgrades and stuff in while people are gone."
@ChrisS Oh, so you're like professionals with Quickbooks then
Kids and teachers are here today, but they're off all next week. You can tell everyone is already gone -- the Help Desk has only fielded three calls this AM.
My work is all about the titles... My predecessor was "Information Technology Manager", when I took over I kept my previous title "Systems Administrator"... I think of Managers as the people can't "do" anymore, so they "manage" the people who "do".
@Chopper3 pretty much. I believe you get a month free although that may only be if you get the collectors or deluxe editions. But yeah, you can do monthly or quarterly I believe, with discounts for longer subscription time
Haven't got that one either... Don't actually have many games at all. Usually keep myself preoccupied with kernel hacking, web development, home improvements, or (the biggest time sink) keeping the wife happy.
!@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*()ing microsoft.... Buried in the specs: You can use any version 2 (v2) template which translates to "If you use v3 you'll get crazy error that seem to have nothing to do with the real problem"
Some are pretty good about spitting out an error that at least makes a little sense. In this case it's a x509 certificate. The App apparently doesn't use Windows' built-in crypto interface and only support v2 certs. It's spitting out this: "Failed in CryptAcquireCertificatePrivateKey" and "Certificate issued to 'server.example.com' doesn't have private key."
@Holocryptic spotted this step by step guide to moving to namecheap.com - the first half would be applicable to just leaving obviously - blog.jeffepstein.me/post/14629857835/…
literally no idea but just looked at they seem ok, bit vanilla maybe, nothing setting off alarms and their help-chat thing worked right away (I had a question about that type of mail they provide, the answer was both pop3 and imap, so I'm happy with that) - so for my own personal stuff I'm considering it simply because I can just do that step by step thing - sometimes I can't be arsed with the faff of computers and home email falls into that category
love this, dude's been dared to pee in the middle of the lake and his pals tied a rope to him in case he fell in - but the plan was always to drag his cock against the ice - ocuh
yeah - sometimes all I want is something with few choices and simple - plus ~£21/year is fine, still got 3 years with GD pre-paid but 63 quid to act on principal isn't too bad
I can't help thinking that the next unseen part of that gif above is once the pain died down a bit the guy used a baseball bat to educate all his friends in how much that hurt
@ScottPack I have that, and I know. Think we're a bit past the deadline at this point though. Oh well, I was trying to save money for moving in any case. I may try to go out tomorrow and pick up a few gift cards or something though.
The only thing funnier than watching someone who can't ride a skateboard try to ride a skateboard, is watching someone who can't ride a skateboard try to ride a long board.
I used to be on Network Solutions before GD.. Just got the last domain off NetSol this year, almost as bad as getting Congress to do something common sense.
NetSol may be the one company I hate more than Oracle.
It's a REALLY close race though.
and I guess it's kinda unfair - NetSol has made me personally miserable MANY times. Oracle has only had the opportunity once, and since a client was paying the bill and handling the license crap it wasn't a wholly awful experience, just made me feel dirty for weeks after.
I really don't know much about either name.com or namecheap.com; right now I'm just going on the website appearance and booth babes... @voretaq7 have you used namecheap.com already?
@voretaq7 FF since 3.x, Opera, Galeon, Epiphany, Safari (including iPhone/iPad), Windows XP+. Some people have reported problems with Android but I think it's related to Android's SAN problem (which IIRC is fixed now).
@voretaq7 That's impressive. I think I ended up working 4-on/4-off around-the-clock for IBM at one point. I went 42 days without a full day off and 3 months without a full night's sleep.
I only put up with being the only ops guy on call right now because it's my system and it doesn't fail (and because I enforce my definition of off-hours emergency: Company unable to do business.)
@voretaq7 I was supporting mediation software from a company in Sweden that was being re-sold by the company that hired me a few months before IBM bought us. I hated it, but I was the only guy there who understood how to support Java. Getting Dev support doing the summer was impossible.
@voretaq7 data remediation. We pulled data off all the controllers and devices on a wireless carrier's network and sent them to a processing front-end that shoved all the counters into Oracle.
@voretaq7 They always whined about the I/O load though. It's like "DUH", you're pulling a 2MB file off every single controller in your network every 15 minutes, unzipping it, and doing an insert/update. It's GOING to pull a lot of I/O.
@voretaq7 The non-US providers that used our software didn't measure even 1/10th the counters than the ones here did.
Do you remember the press coverage about dropped calls with iPhones and everyone blaming AT&T? That's the timeframe that I wasn't getting any sleep because they kept adding more counters trying to find ways to eliminate the dropped calls.
@AdrianK I'm just sayin' AT&T keeps telling me they're improving service but I can't make a call or browse at a reasonable speed on my iPhone in Manhattan.
@voretaq7 Exactly. And during that timeframe, I was the only guy in the Western Hemisphere trained up on the acquisition and mediation software they'd bought.
@voretaq7 They dropped our software for an internal solution about a year after I left. And I won't do AT&T here because I require phone access off the freeways, something that's not easy with GSM. Most of the backcountry is still CDMA only.
@ChrisS When the chat extension plugin is active, I cannae' click on links in chat nor can I click on people's profiles. I get a "parseerror" that drops down from the top of chat.
11.07 and 11.08 don't apply to me (or anyone sane!), 11.09 doesn't apply to me, 11.10 doesn't apply to me b/c all my local users are "trusted" (and I don't think I have any vulnerable apps anyway) - but I intend to patch it.
@WesleyDavid We have people take DISC. They don't look at the results until after they make the decision to hire you or not... I'd use it to screen people, but I'm an a** like that.