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The presence of Ferengi would go a long way toward explaining the "Resort Fee" bullshit.
@Wesley Cool, thanks :D
@Wesley happy?!
not sure why the pic isn't updating..
it updated on the site, but not here in chat
Had to take the day off ill :(
@pauska: aggressive caching I guess
@Dan awwwwww
Q: Serverfault poisonous atmosphere

MetaChromeI have found that serverfault mods to be unnecessarily administrating the closing of questions. If you look at my history of questions, I have 700 points on stackoverflow, almost exclusively accumulated by asking questions. It is my experience that the environment of serverfault is unlike any...

@pauska I was going to WFH but couldn't face being tied to the PC all day. So, I'm going to finally go through my collection of old HDD's and backup/destroy as required
would it be mean to VTC?
@JennyD Haha, I was so tempted. But yes - downvote instead!
@Dan Bah, he already removed it
Damnit, he did
aww y removed so quick
@tombull89 I looked at the few questions he'd asked. they were indeed crappy.
I just commented on it :$
@JennyD wow, just reading that metachrome's whine - what a little bitch
"whitelist me" SURE
"My questions are super important, and I'm a professional. Answer them!"
I have over 50K rep on SU... I've asked under a hundred questions. However if I ask a bad question, I expect to be told ;p
Oh and can I just point out that that moaning little prick's questions had had zero input from me - thus proving that this site is horrid on it's own without my input and I'm not a total monster :)
@Chopper3 Nah, it just proves you've infected everyone else.
You are, but we love you for it
@JennyD I was writing an answer to that when it got deleted :(
The OP wouldn't have liked the answer ... but hey
@Iain: maybe OP realised the folly of his... wait, who are we kidding...
@JourneymanGeek More likely he realised we are all big meanies and it's no use trying to make us understand the greatness of his questions
@JennyD there is that yes
well someone is all upset that we don't agree that they're a special snowflake this morning, huh
oh, so he'll ask on MSO instead? ;p
@JourneymanGeek Probably
I just plugged in an IDE hard drive - can't remember the last time I did that!
Has he asked a new question?
I'm willing to accept that we don't always get things right on this site but going on one of this guy's questions I've just read, they seem willing to spend about 10 times more effort arguing about why they shouldn't have to clarify a question than it would have taken to just clarify the question. That just screams "dickhead" to me.
IDE? Isn't that coal-powered?
@Dan: Oh god, the jumpers. THE JUMPERS.
@JourneymanGeek also known as "do you feel lucky, punk?"
@RobM I had to drive to my dads over the weekend just to get a USB->IDE converter because I don't own a single piece of equipment that would read it!
@tombull89: I have problems with jumpers. I have fat fingers ;p
@JourneymanGeek I have problems with jumpers: they're always missing.
bloody hell @dan. just hope its worth it! Did you find a drive full of bitcoins at a rubbish dump or something?
@JourneymanGeek That's what the leatherman is for
(or of you ask root access, I'm a dog. In this case, same difference)
@JourneymanGeek In some ways, though - I do miss those days of setting up a PC. You really can't go wrong nowadays - no more floppy drive light being stuck on (Go on - what causes that!) etc
@Bob: I have spares ;p
@JennyD: I steal my mom's broadnosed tweasers
I loved how that guy ended his rant with 'look at someone's history before jumping on them to see if they're a professional' - he has fuck.all.rep across SE, fuck all

Starpocalypse of December 2013

12 hours ago, 22 minutes total – 110 messages, 14 users, 68 stars

Bookmarked 40 mins ago by tombull89

@RobM No - I have an entire box full of drives from upgrades and a variety of thefts over the years. It's been driving me mad so I thought I'd sort them
that was entertaining last night ^^
his rep is now that of an awful horrific dick-tip...
@Dan Heh, I've got a funny (non-bootable) flash drive that causes boot to fail... just like the floppies!
@Bob: ooh, I have a SU question on that ;p
@JourneymanGeek Oh, those go missing too
@Bob It's definitely non bootable, then!
(in the end, I solved it by trading drives with dad)
there's some alternate dimension they go to, right across from all the socks
@Bob and Biros
Oh I do like obscure network card faults
@Iain I'll confess, I'm the guy who steals peoples pens
Argh, why does Robocopy default to a billion retries - I always forget that flag
I can't hold a pen/pencil for any length of time now
@RobM Is this one of those that breaks other things on the network? We had a PC like that - we called it Stargate: Destroyer of Networks
@Iain: lack of practice or hand problems?
@Bob: I just have a keyring of USB drives ;p
@JourneymanGeek lack of practice
ahh figures
(but then again, I use a old school fountain pen in class ;p)
and paper when trying to beat something into working
@JourneymanGeek <insert joke about dogs and rolled up newspapers>
@dan not that bad. It's the remote working desktop server the principal and other management types all like to be dialled into and it's just decided that its not going to map network resources properly and start doing random hardware related bluescreens that trace back to the network card. fun!
@RobM remember the days of 3com cards with identical MAC address?
I loved troubleshooting those.. especially since no-one had managed access switches back then
It's a bit windy out there
@pauska It's crazy to think that my first ever place had hundreds of PC's on hubs
@Dan: I do believe there's a place like that. Its called Hell.
Or 2003/4 :)
@Dan: or that
Q: FusionPBX External Sip Profile Conf INVALID

NezamI was having the exact same problem as this guy.I followed the answer but that gives me INVALID Profile I have only tried to configure external.xml file to my External IP.But everytime i reloadxml it tells me my sip profile conf is invalid What i tried: Made sure that the ports are not blocke...

@Nezam please don't do that, it's really rather irritating. Your question will get more eyes on the front page
@pauska oh yes. :-(
Found our fault though
heatsink let go on chip near the pci-e riser
how on earth does that happen?
good question, it's been in a rack for years, not like its been moved lately or anything. solder or glue or whatever was keeping that white clip in place must have cracked/worn I guess
traces arn't supposed to come out like that
oh, thats not a trace. That makes it slightly less horrific.
still not right though
oh, certainly not
especially as I think the tension the loose arm was under means it came out violently and might have impacted a circuit board trace on the pci-e riser card, causing the network card errors we were seeing with cards on the riser.
Still, I'll let the hardware warranty people worry about that.
posted on December 05, 2013 by Wesley David

Once in a while you’ll meet up with a WordPress install that requires you to put your FTP username and password in to install/update plugins and themes. The most common suggestions are to look at file permissions, specifically tweak your upload directory or some such thing. I’ve found that most times that doesn’t alleviate the problem. The best-effort method that I’ve f

Q: Replacing faulty fan on CPU heatsink, minimum recommended air displacement

Lucas KauffmanI woke up this morning with a broken fan on my CPU. The heatsink itself is a scythe Kabuto. The fan can be replaced quite easily at is a standard 120 mm fan. Now I'm not seeking for specific information in regard to what fan I should buy specifically, I'm seeking to know: recommended minimum ai...

@LucasKauffman have a look at uk.pcpartpicker.com/parts/cpu-cooler and sort by rating
I have a scythe ninja in my home PC, and it runs at a very low rpm.. more than enough to cool down my OC'ed i920
oh they dont say about airflow
this might take some research ;)
ah here's the catch, I just need a fan without a heat sink
You also need to look at static pressure ;p
@LucasKauffman: would noise be a concern?
and yeah, they sell those
a 120mm fan...hmm
@JourneymanGeek I don't my girlfriend does unfortunately :p
I was thinking Noctua, Antec or Scythe, but I don't know what my air displacement should be
@voretaq7 regarding flag on serverfault.com/questions/559028/postgres-8-4-stopped-working I'll let you decide on this but maybe throw this guy a bone and edit your lecture piece to be less inflammatory as a gesture of goodwill?
noctua tends to be the best option, silencewise
Noctua NF-F12 PWM
Also, hallo everyone, long time no chat :)
is the lowest dB rated I can find
ahoy peter
@Wesley we need a santa hat for @PeterGrace over here
@PeterGrace ah my dear Peter, how are you sir?
@Lucas I am doing quite well, thanks -- I'm in London building out our new office space and hit a snag so now I'm sitting here trying to keep myself busy
@PeterGrace you be in London :O?
moar offices?
figured the moderator queue could use some help since we were chatting internally about stackoverflow's ridiculously high moderator queue
Yep, new office space at Old Street
@PeterGrace y u no host office in Belgium?
@LucasKauffman noctua.at/…
@pauska think NF-F12 PWM
I'm diabetic, I'd kill myself on pomme frites
London is all sales though, isn't it?
@LucasKauffman ?
@LucasKauffman: anecdotally, noctuas are great fans
@pauska Noctua fan :p
@LucasKauffman yes?
@tombull89 out of necessity mostly, now that we've got a lot of space we can fit some devs in if we need to.
@pauska I'LL TAKE IT
@LucasKauffman great
and I think I have the high static air pressure varient of it
we have two devs in London locally, they just work remotely
which might be a better choice on a heatsink
@PeterGrace What does SE sell btw?
Careers and adspace.
@LucasKauffman YOUR SOUL
Hell you can buy mine from me if you want?
@PeterGrace I KNEW IT, EVAN C was right, you guys are the baddies!
ooh what stage it the webapps election at?
hah, I wonder what we'd do if Evan actually got elected
Does he know that Jeff doesn't "work" for SE any more
@PeterGrace let's not go there
@tombull89 no who does he work for?
Jeff went and formed discourse.org
I wonder if I should do 10 virtual NIC's on my virtual load balancers, or just use two nics with lots of subnets on each...
as did one of our devs and I think @MikeyB is their sysadmin now
Ah yes, Sam. He's a good coder.
@LucasKauffman Well he's still on the board as far as I know, now as he's nailed Q&A sites he's tacking forums.
yeah, sam's good people. I got a chance to hang out with him a couple times when he was in the states
discourse is really nice too, I run it for my minecraft server.
lunch, back in a bit
I'll probably use it when I get my Just Cause 2 Multiplayer server up and running.
@LucasKauffman: I was going to offer a bounty on your question but I answered it instead ;p
I think my LinedIn profile is starting to look useful - exciting
@pauska For simplicity, and seeing as it's virtual - I think I'd go 10 vnic
Seems like it'll be eaiser to narrow down problems in the future
Presuming 1 vNIC = 1 VLAN
You know - the more I thin kabout it, the more angry I am about the Technet killing
@Dan Yeah, I know. What alternatives are there now?
@tombull89 From what I gather, expensive MSDN or 30 day trials.
Trials are okay and all, but I use the base of my labs (DC's etc) for longer than 30 days
@Dan Yeah, that's the plan
It's one big VLAN today with multiple subnets
Same, 30 day trials isn't enough for the home lab.
@Dan the killing of technet only hurts people like you (one-man shops)
I got MSDN via work, but I'm not sure if I could afford it if I was a single consultant shop
@pauska Indeed - to say I've been spoilt by MSDN Premium is an understatement
But at £5k a year........
You don't need premium though
platforms is enough, if you can survive with office on a trial install
"MSDN Operating Systems" gets me some of the way, but Premium is the minimum to get everything
Platforms is for volume licensing only - unless maybe I can just call them up?
yeah call a partner
You're going to need a licensing partner anyways..
That maybe the answer - any ideas on cost?
No idea, I have Pro
@pauska Shouldn't do - I won't be selling software. In theory, I shouldn't really need MSDN at all for work, but I'll need it for my own development
since our developers need visual studio
And it's nice to be able to get your own ISO of exactly what you need
@Dan Exactly, you won't be selling software so you need a Microsoft partner to ally up with
@pauska Forgive me, I'm not quite with you - what for?
or are you going to tell your future customers to "sod off" when they ask you to install exchange without having licenses?
@pauska It'll generally be for the customer to source - that's pretty standard, contractors don't deal with that stuff
a business partner to do all sorts of software sales/licensing for future customers who doesn't have a partner
Hmm, I see what you're saying. Shouldnt' need to, in theory - but yes, it may have advantages.
I'm not with you on that one.. every single consulting gig I've done they expect you to at least put them in contact with someone who knows licensing
unless you're going all enterprise.. those shops have licensing in order
SMB never does :P
That's an interesting point - and highlights an irritating gap in my work experience. I've never worked with SMB's....
There's less than um...legal ways of obtaining previously technet-only software <.< >.>
@NathanC Oh yeah - and I don't have any moral objections, but it's so so nice to be able to log on to MSDN and get it legit, with serials and no viruses!
that's true.
@pauska Just called a reseller I know- let's see
@NathanC Plus i have a reasonable collection of ISO's as it is
Piracy and non-licensed usage is why they killed technet in the first place
True, although it'd happen regardless.
Can't see what it's going to gain - I doubt it cost them a huge amount to manage (Or, if it did, they should have just tacked it onto MSDN properly) and the pirates will crack on anyway
Good morning.
I don't get how M$ justifies the price tags they do
And it makes life hard for people like me who, while I'm not exactly whiter than white at home, do take licensing seriously at work
Mind you - at least one of my customers is sat in the RDS eval period because the PM still hasn't sorted them out. Ho hum
sup @mossy
Did @PeterGrace just say he was eating lunch at 7 in the morning? No wonder Bart never shows up here anymore, they're freaking slave drivers.
just been doing a "talk from the real world" kinda session for our IT students. You wouldn't believe how many students think that a college like this switches off all its servers at the end of the day...
@RobM seriously?
@Dan yea, but MSDN (and TechNet) licences are fairly restrictive, aren't they?
yes, seriously. I know @cole, I know...
I....no words.
MSDN => development only, TechNet => evaluation only? Not that anyone ever follows those terms...
well even ms themselves said "just use MSDN" when they talked about killing technet and people said "what about eval/testing"
@ScottPack London.
Yeah, MSDN is also for testing now
@cole Not much. Getting ready for the day :|
How have you been?
Old Street Roundabout is a roundabout located on the boundary of the London Borough of Hackney and the London Borough of Islington. It is an interchange system at the junction of Old Street and City Road. It is sometimes known as St. Agnes Well after the shopping centre beneath it, while the area surrounding the roundabout is often colloquially known as Silicon Roundabout, owing to the prominence of British web-based companies there. Connections City Road heads south from the roundabout towards the City of London and Moorgate and Liverpool Street stations. It also diverts north west vi...
lots of tech companies here, they call it Silicon Roundabout
@PeterGrace Couldn't you have gone there when the sun actually comes up over the horizon?
@pauska huh, did they change that? I haven't kept up in the last year
@ScottPack Heh, lease acquisition date is not my department. They just say "yo dawg, buy equipment for a new office and be ready to go out to set it up"
@mossy pretty good
@Bob yep
(after killing technet sub)
One more reason to get rid of XP...kernel-mode exploit: exploit-db.com/exploits/30014
I need to pull an @ewwhite and find my own clients but in manufacturing.
@PeterGrace So this is a new office?
@NathanC Yeah...cuz that's the reason
@ScottPack Well, one more reason. =P
@ScottPack Yup, moving from south side of the thames up to the north side
@PeterGrace So you're moving on up, to the north side?
sigh I was just asked, "Regarding ticket ####. Do you want what you requested or something entirely different."
@ScottPack Don't be a hater, I ask my customers questions like that all the time ... mostly because they clearly have no idea what they're asking for
Yeah we've all dealt with users and managers who complain because we gave them what they asked for instead of what they meant to ask for. sigh
"Do you want me to do what want you want or what you need because they are very different things.
@MathiasR.Jessen We're all some one else's lusers...
@MathiasR.Jessen Yeah...this is a workflow where typically my team is the approval and analysis phase and this time it just happened that I was putting in the request.
@JennyD exactly... I think it's healthy to be reminded of that once in a while ;)
Bank just approved our loan to buy the house. Shit is getting real!
@JennyD YAY!!!!!!
@jennyd congrats!
@JennyD 3/4 the way there!
Thanks! Just one hurdle left to go; having an inspection by someone licensed to check for hidden problems... Should get that done next week, we hope
@JennyD So now it's just down to signing the paperwork?
@ScottPack We're signing it on Sunday, with a contingency to revoke if the inspection turns up something we're not comfortable buying.
@JennyD Oh weird, here we do inspections prior to final approval.
@JennyD Primarily because there's expected to be additional negotiations after the inspections.
@ScottPack That happens here, too, but the inspection does cost some so most people don't want to pay for an inspection and then have the seller sell to someone else. It's always the buyer that pays for the inspection.
The new A Day To Remember album = ++++++++++
@JennyD Same here, but most people wouldn't be willing to buy something without doing the inspections.
@ScottPack If the inspection turns up with something that will cost us to fix and that we weren't told about, we can either reject the whole deal or we can discuss lowering the price to pay for those repairs. So we haven't actually bought it before inspection.
We just have the paperwork saying that provided the inspection turns out OK we will buy it for the price agreed, and they won't sell it to anybody else.
@JennyD Case in point, when we bought this house after the inspection we kept the price the same but demanded they have 3,000USD worth of remediations done.

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