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Relatively smaller doses result in gastrointestinal effects such as nausea and vomiting and symptoms related to falling blood counts such as infection and bleeding. Relatively larger doses can result in neurological effects and rapid death. Treatment of acute radiation syndrome is generally supportive with blood transfusions and antibiotics, with some more exotic treatments such as bone marrow transfusions being required in extreme cases.
boy are those thieves in for some fun
Wow that sounds awful.
I'm going to assume they had no idea what they were dealing with.
@cole Oh look some radioactive metal. Better put it in my mouth!
Yea I don't think they knew.
Oh hey, I must have missed this one.
Q: Serverfault mods on a higher horse than stackoverflow (closing questions)

MetaChromeI have found that serverfault mods to be unnecessarily administrating the closing of questions. If you look at my history of questions, I have 700 points on stackoverflow, almost exclusively accumulated by asking questions. It is my experience that the environment of serverfault is unlike an...

Should be some good reading while I eat another breakfast...
> ... it is abhorrent that serverfault exists seperate from stackoverflow because the topics discussed are intimately related to program execution at runtime ...
That's it boys and girls. Let's pack it in and move to SO.
See you there.
MDMarra, would you consider moving your Answer to the comments? Since you added this answer 14 hours ago, no one has viewed this question. Questions with 0 Answers are far more likely to be seen. Thanks. — HighTechGeek 7 mins ago
holy crap..
@Wesley that was deleted by the OP earlier
@Iain Yeah, I picked up on that just now.
@MDMarra That's an odd perception that he has.
Some people search for answers:0 instead of has:accepted or whatever the other string is
Damn dude, over 70K of rep
What's the best/easiest way of accessing EXT2 or 3 from Windows, that doesn't involve me firing up an Ubuntu VM!
Here I am, with 3,181 :P
@Dan There are allegedly some commercial ext[23] drivers for Windows. Never tried 'em.
@MikeyB Yeah, I just tried a few from the net and they don't play nice with Win 8. Fuck it, I'll roll up a VM
@Dan Yeah man, just roll a VM. easysauce.
WTF, Ubuntu try and guilt you into donating now
@pauska So, I know that you have no particular reason to respect America in the first place, other than that we invented the Internet, but... yeah, that's what we stand for.
@Dan Ubuntu must have hired the same funding consultants as wikipedia?
@Skyhawk I love visiting the US, and I like the "free" things when it comes to business etc
I just really can't get how lobbyism is allowed
Hi I'm Jimmy Wales and if you don't donate to Wikipedia then you support Kim Jong Il falcon punching infants in the back of the head.
@pauska Free pens and free stickers! Sometimes even free t-shirts. It's amazing.
@Wesley He does have a point.
how does Linux decide in what order nics are named? is it smart and use some kind of pci port logic?
@Dan Know why? Cuz it's fucking free and awesome.
@MikeyB It's not free if I donate though :D
@pauska Depends on order of driver load. If you want to exercise control, almost all systems now generate persistent rules in udev: /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
@MikeyB yeah, but how are the rules generated for the first time?
sorted by mac address? D:
@pauska Because corporations are people and money is speech and people's speech is protected under the first amendment of our constitution. That doesn't make sense to you?
@pauska If you're deploying a bunch of machines or VMs, the smart thing to do is to modify the rules to say "the card at this PCI address is eth0, etc".
@pauska /lib/udev/rules.d/75-persistent-net-generator.rules
@MikeyB in this case I don't have root.. it's an appliance
@MDMarra We have lobbying in too, but I don't think corporations should be treated as people in that sense
adding ten vnic's to them, and it would nice if they stayed in order.. if not it's going to be a bitch to figure out
@Dan oh I was being sarcastic
@MDMarra Thank fuck
What is it they say about the best form of parody being indistinguishable from reality?
@Wesley "Hi I'm Jimmy Wales, and if you give me $1000 I'll let you punch me in the face!" <-- I'd donate.
@pauska No guarantee on order I think, but if you're adding all the same type. they should come up in order you expect. Control the MAC addresses when you add them. :)
also I'm INSANELY glad Wackypedia doesn't run his creepy-ass face in the donation beg bar anymore.
bash: ifconfig: command not found
@pauska To be sure, you could always add one, reboot, add one, reboot etc. I'm pretty sure they'll be in the same order as they are in the vSphere console though
how I love you, fucking appliance
@pauska /sbin/ifconfig or /sbin/ip
@pauska isn't it deprecated in place of ip now?
/sbin: no such file or directory
mount: command not found
oh come on...
@voretaq7 How much would you donate to punch Mark Shuttleworth?
I would set an orphanage on fire to punch John Gruber in the neck.
@pauska Wow, I totally did not expect to get clean results doing a GIS for 'fucking appliance'
Too far or not far enough?!
@MikeyB You've clearly got safesearch enabled.
@Skyhawk So are you self sustaining as far as your work? You do your own thing?
sigh Okay, hot recruiter lady, I'll add you into my LinkedIn network. (I have no shame)
jesus christ, it re-arranged all the network cards.. including the ones already configured
I have no idea who this person is, but she's sufficiently attractive to disengage any critical thought on my part.
@Wesley I've heard credible rumors that some recruiters rank candidates by their # of LinkedIn connections, with no filter for quality.
@Wesley not too far enough
@pauska Yeah, for a random appliance doing god-knows-what, who the hell knows. Try sorting them by MAC address.
@Skyhawk That would not surprise me.
@Wesley one of the local recruiters is a TV sports personality. she is unreasonably hot in person
@Wesley it was a Futurama reference - I think
@RyJones Wow, how does that career path get crossed? IT recruiter slash on air personality?
@RyJones I've never watched that show. I've never watched most shows.
I'm kinda lame.
I have, however, watched Breaking Bad all the way through so that enough cultural relevancy for the rest of the decade.
@Wesley that's what she is. My guess is the on air gig isn't full time enough and recruiting is easy to schedule around.
@Wesley have you seen my axe?
@RyJones I have and I am irrationally jealous.
@Wesley buy your own, they're less than $200 shipped
@RyJones I think if I bought a near-$200 axe, @Iain and @freiheit (who has been mysteriously absent) would hunt me down and do unspeakable things to me with said axe.
Great, now we're going to have to hear about @Wesley's axe shopping for the next 18 months
That's not me!
@MikeyB nice
@MDMarra Yeah but looking again it could be @RyJones
What do you use the thinner end for?
My axe knowledge isn't what it should be
@MDMarra easier to puncture a human heart with it
Is it for opening a beer?
@RyJones what kind of axe do you have that you paid $200 for it? Is this some kind of battleaxe replica or something?
@MDMarra punching holes through things like doors and roofs
@Zoredache the one in the picture above - it's a polished tool steel firefighter's axe.
@Wesley I'd give them $1000 if I got to pop him square in the nose.
$50 for a kidney punch
it has a large, square surface on the back for pounding with a hammer
I'd sell my soul (well, not strictly MY soul, but one I'm in possession of) to kick Shuttleworth in the balls.
@voretaq7 I'd rather go after the people behind X
@Skyhawk @Wesley ... rank proportional to number of connections, or inversely proportional?
@voretaq7 Proportional.
@RyJones Hey, X is awesome. But let's not forget that it's over 25 years old and we're STILL USING IT.
@RyJones they're mostly retired and harmless now I'd assume. We're talking a 1987 protocol :P
I'm so glad I deleted my linkedin profile
@RyJones que?
@Skyhawk Whelp, I'm never getting hired by them. I have no LinkedIn profile.
@voretaq7 they might be hanging out doing code reviews
@RyJones Not sure why that axe is $200 though. What is the handle made out of? Lots of cheap axes have a square surface on the back.
@RyJones Code Review <-- Good.
@Zoredache it's made of tool steel, which means you can pound on it without mushrooming. Cheaper axes spread out pretty quickly. The handle is hickory, I think.
@voretaq7 You need a LinkedIn profile about as much as you need an A+ certification.
@MikeyB mmhmm. Sendmail looks at X and thinks "These kids today with their fancy protocols... back in my day we spoke the Queen's own 7-bit ASCII and we were DAMN GRATEFUL FOR THE OPPORTUNITY!"
@Skyhawk I'm going to have to take exception to that
@cole no value. I never got a single job through it and the reccos and all that turned it to garbage
@Skyhawk never had one of those either :P
@voretaq7 Lucky guess.
@RyJones huh interesting.
I had an NT4 MCSE
I've had way, way more fortune with jobs for myself and other people through Twitter than I have through any other social network.
LinkedIn is kinda at the back of the pack as far as that's concerned, oddly.
Hey all
that's worth.... wiping my ass with. right? The paper is still good for that? :)
@Zoredache also, it is the exact model used in Breaking Bad to chop people up.
@voretaq7 No it's too slick. =(
I've never had a job via referral from a social media outlet or in general.
@Dan Take exception, as though to say that you think @voretaq7 needs a LinkedIn profile?
@Wesley twitter and craigslist
@RyJones fucking amateurs. We use a chipper-shredder here.
@RyJones CL? What, you do erotic massages on the side? =P
@Wesley god DAMMIT Microsoft!
@voretaq7 Could be good for 6 figures in healthcare of finance...
@Wesley lots of software gigs posted there
@voretaq7 Seriously, I have a stack of those things in the drawer next to me. Worst butt wipers EVAR!
Tons of Software gigs posted on CL.
@RyJones Wow, cool.
Wish I knew how to codez
@Skyhawk I don't think anyone needs one, and you can certainly do fine without - but if you're looking for work there's no denying that having a presence will be useful. So far about 90% of recruiters who have called me after seeing my CV have also looked at my LinkedIn profile
@voretaq7 Well, you're a Microsoft Certified Professional for life, right? No need to go into the messy details of what you've been doing with your certification. (yuck!)
Old-school MS paper license certificates were the perfect size to be used as ass wipes. Except that sharp foil string they embedded in them. OUCH :(
@Skyhawk I admin'd NT4 very early in my career
it was terrible.
@voretaq7 well now they just provide you with the PDF
@voretaq7 My stack of Microsoft certs from about five years ago: flickr.com/photos/26148816@N04/3480296153
@MDMarra they'd make me use NT4 again though. I don't deserve that. I've been a good boy!
@voretaq7 What do you mean? Look at the shiny Windows 95 interface and the days of uptime!
@Skyhawk Netware 4 lyf
@Wesley way more than me!
@Skyhawk hours.
most of the NT4 machines had to be booted at least once every 2-3 days
@voretaq7 Two is plural! Seriously!
one guess as to which company this is: seattle.craigslist.org/see/sof/4229844318.html
I know too much about NT4.
[mgraziano@dbi01 ~]$ uptime
12:51PM  up 19 days, 21:30, 2 users, load averages: 0.01, 0.01, 0.00
I'm very proud of that uptime number.
that's a production system.
Subaru picked up a screw in its tire. I'm stuck at the shop.
Entertain me.
@voretaq7 Microsoft - YEARS of uptime (as measured on Mercury)
@Magellan Tell it to stop putting things it picks up off the street in its mouth
@Wesley I wish I had the uptime numbers from sw004.core at $job[-1]
@voretaq7 So you say the Cobalt-60 heist too, huh? =P
@Magellan /dance DO I ENTERTAIN YOU?
before The Great Power Incident it had been up since they moved to their new (and still current) datacenter -- something like 5 years
@Wesley OmNomWhyIsMyHairFallingOut?
BTW, guys. Ignore that careers post from Point Inside in Bellevue.
@Magellan is that your current employer? Are they terrible? Do you need to talk to a therapist about your Stockholm Syndrome?
@Magellan your gig?
They've been advertising that for a year plus and never hire anyone for it
@voretaq7 hashtag
Interviewed with them in April. theyre as bad as blue nile about stringing you along too
@Magellan ugh blue nile
@Ry so glad I didn't get that job. This one is much better.
@Magellan glad you're glad!
Not getting thanksgiving or Christ,as off is pretty shitty too.
@Wesley hashtag-#RadiumJaw

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