@voretaq7 Oh I never answered your question. No, no one that was under my supervision has made a terribly mistake. Mostly because by the time I was experienced enough to have someone I could mentor, there just wasn't any room on the orgnaization's roster. Then later on, I went out on my own as a consultant and then I was always were the buck stopped.
So I stand by my assertion that the worst thing I ever saw in production was me.
I've been the one that was under someone else's tutelage and did something horrible.
I took down an entire organization's 300 phone VOIP system once.
I think I pulled out a cable in the main firewall once.
@Wesley Worst thing I ever did was install .net 3 runtime on a terminal server without permission, and the entire TS had to be rebuilt because .net 3 runtime totally fucked ThinPrint, and 150 users couldn't print