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I could have sworn she had ragequit
@MarkHenderson He'll probably be back anyway...
something about SE being sexist or some shit like that
which is amusing
@JourneymanGeek Well, we're pretty bad in here (at least in the hours I'm in here)
I'm probably the worst offender
He wasn't very amusing, just obnoxious.
@MarkHenderson: we arn't really sexist, we just hate everyone.
I've been the only male in our office for the past 2 weeks, I come in here to be an alpha male I think :p
@MarkHenderson Shuttup and go buy my tampons.
what a strange office.
And cupcakes. I need some cupcakes.
@Wesley Yes ma'am
@FalconMomot We had a slew of male devs come through here and they were useless and we fired them or they didn't gel with the team and they quit
We have replaced them with women and they all do great work
Only one of them is pregnant and leaving for maternity leave in 2 weeks and it's stressing me the fuck out
Nice. I just fucked up my USB port by blindly ramming my headphones in it.
usually you provide an extra person on teams for that eventuality
@Wesley How the shit did you manage to do that?
@FalconMomot We can't afford it
@Wesley guess you'll have to commit seppuku now.
nice thing about quarter inch jacks ;)
@MarkHenderson I dunno, but OS X popped up a power warning about the USB port all of a sudden, so I think I shorted something.
usually they're resilient against that
so chances are it's fine unless you physically damaged it
@FalconMomot Well it's now big enough to take a HDMI cable. Guess I shouldn't have rage waggled it.
@Wesley If at first you don't succeed, ram harder
This applies to many real life applications. Plugging in USB devices and having sex are the first two that come to mind
USB ports are 4-dimensional, you have to rotate them 3 times before they fit
@Andrew So there was an Intel commercial here a while back, don't know if the rest of the world got it, where they were acting like their engineers were rock stars, and they introduced "ONe of the co-inventors of USB" - I wanted to punch that motherfucker in the face
USB is the prime example of why you never let engineers design the entire phy interface
@MarkHenderson: they did a pretty good job with a lot of stuff
USB is just wierdly implimented ;p
/me does wish it was more obviously keyed
@JourneymanGeek Thats basically all it is
But it makes it so frustrating
@MarkHenderson: and expecting people to look/feel for the USB symbol thats SUPPOSED to be on top....
its even worse with the smaller varients
@JourneymanGeek You ram the dongle bit into the socket thingy.
Raise your hand if you've shoved a USB cable into an RJ45 port!
@JourneymanGeek The keying on mini is not bad. But micro is terrible.
@Wesley: done USB into DP before
@ShaneMadden: mini got it right IMO
@JourneymanGeek Double penetration?
@Wesley They fit quite nicely in RJ45!
as did the full sized B
You're hardcore, bro.
@JourneymanGeek micro is OK...
Speaking of double pen, Hello @DennisKaarsemaker!
@Andrew: the connector itself is good
USB3 micro double-width is good
also, its a PITA finding a good micro usb cable cheap
some charge but not do data, and some do data and not charge
Whatever happened to wireless USB
lightning is a decent connector, if only it wasn't apple proprietary
@Wesley coming
@Andrew: and IMO, slightly overcomplicated
Of modern connectors, I think sata is the one that makes most sense to me
(and is significantly mechanically better than what it replaces)
@JourneymanGeek Needs better support on the wafer side. A lateral yank in the right direction and it's gone.
Pity I don't have the dell any more, apparently it broke after I gave it away, and I could test this. For bloody science of course.
Q: Broken SATA HDD pin

MaxGhostI just bought a hard drive caddy for my Dell XPS 15" (L501X) laptop, but I just broke a pin on my hard drive when trying to install it in the caddy. Pictured here is my HDD and the pin that broke off next to it. Will the HDD still work without that pin or is it needed (I'm guessing it's needed b...

@MichaelHampton How the fuck did he do that?
what i want to know is how you managed to break that off ?! — Sirex Jul 25 '12 at 23:48
ok, thats impressive
Probably more a faulty connector than something he did. That'd be hard to do without breaking the whole thing normally.
I've seen a SATA connector broken off a laptop, from the factory; laptop was having intermittent boot errors so after getting weird drive hangs I opened it up...
Q: How to adjust QoS settings?

josser Hi, I'm playing with QoS and trying to test my configuration. My goal is prioritization traffic on 5060 port. I have: 1) Cisco 3750x with SVI 2) 2 PC in vlan 26 (as clients) 3) 1 PC in vlan 25 (as server) Here is my config on 3750x: ! ip access-list extended voice_acl permit udp any any...

homework or just poorly researched? (port 5060 is SIP)
Q: Is it possible to delete compluter logs for the system user?

user166411In my office, social networking is not allowed but even after the warnings i used to serve them in my free time. Is it possible i can delete such entries from the system log so that no one else can know about the same.

"ask your IT manager"? :P
geez, what's with the crappy spelling? newtwork? compluter?
there's been a LOAD of crappy posts on SU with the same avatar
IE, its probably a spammer
superuser.com/a/644184/10165 <- feel free to open up both barrels ;)
Buy a 3g plan and a tablet. Nobody will know what you are doing on your personal device. — Zoredache 3 mins ago
@Zoredache the NSA knows...
heh, I decided not to post "Welcome to serverfault - I'm very sorry that you arn't allowed to use social networking inbetween the soul numbing tedium of spamming" as a comment ;p
I wonder if SE counts as "social networking" and he's spamming from work...
hm, some of his answers arn't totally horrible
@Andrew: the company in question spams SU a LOT
and the user's main interest seems to be in crappy SEO
(is there any other kind?)
@Andrew Yeah I guess, but I have just accepted that fact and try to ignore it. Ignorance is bliss.
ugh, how did the edit of the OP get approved..
Q: Block the installation of Google Chrome

Garrett DumasI need to block my domain users from installing unauthorized software to their profiles such as Google Chrome, Google Talk, etc... As the application installs to their profile I am having trouble finding a good way of preventing them from installing it. I have searched around and haven't found an...

@Iain sigh
@Iain ugh
385 approved edits from one of them, and they allow this one..
get a mod to un bounty it
how was that approved?
@JourneymanGeek inattention, I'd imagine
for shame.
@JourneymanGeek do you happen to have a machine running linux with an AMD processor kicking around?
@FalconMomot I do
@pauska I rolled it back fwiw.
I don't have any AMD processors on hand
I'm trying to test a method of emulator detection I just found
which involves executing these bytes: B8 1c ff 33 44 B9 35 66 77 88 3f 91 3f
@FalconMomot: I don't have any AMD boxen at all.
after which the parity flag indicates whether or not you are in an emulator.
if we were talking atom, I could possibly dig up my old mini itx box
or at least, on intel it does, but the behaviour it relies on is beyond obscure and I'm not sure if AMD implemented the same way
@FalconMomot I can do both if you have something for me to run, I have a CentOS system with KVM which has an Ubuntu VM
@Iain maybe I should write an actual program that does it
puts white hat on
hm, @FalconMomot: currently I have a core solo box running linux, a core 2 duo box that runs windows I can boot into linux, a DB laptop and a IB desktop.
I'd appreciate it a lot. I need to get an AMD box like that it seems.
and probably one or two more systems I don't remember about ;p
@FalconMomot: heh, maybe our audiophile friend? He MIGHT have a hudson
Iain seems to have one for now...
I think tomorrow I'm going to see if there's room in my professional allowance to grab one of my own :)
XD, I'll let you know if I end up getting that via box I've been considering a while
My home ESXi lab is AMD too
just by some weird coincidence (not really) every single computer I own or have a shell on runs on intel.
@FalconMomot: Intel has been better lately, unfortunately
and both the other x86 companies seem to have semi-given up
I've come to rant because I'm not in the fucking mood for people who have no risk investment in the project arguing with me over perceived risk at fucking hour 12 of the project. I say do it, the PM says do it, just fucking do it. Keep the e-mail trail if you're worried
morning dan.
got to hate monday morning quaterbacks#
Staff member has requested Visual Basic 2010 intstalling as students are going to use it as part of a computing course. Is this a bad idea?
@tombull89: heh, using older versions of software is PRETTY common in academia isn't it?
Yeah - can you create anything particularly dangerous with VB though?
wtf our apps server is on a dynamic ip
I'm not sure if vmware would filter that particular opcode, so it might not detect vmware. it's more for detecting complete emulators.
hmm, is it appropriate to flag stuff people post that isn't written in English?
A: How to change the secondary DNS server entries on a network device via cmd?

FranklinIk denk dat je hem via de terminale server moet benaderen om deze zodanig te debuggen dat de response timer daalt. via het commando FORMAT\C: kunt u gemakkelijk de computer opschonen van virussen en andere console activiteiten!! als u dit niet wilt kunt u ook een programma downloaden bij meatspin...

@FalconMomot Definitely
> I think you should approach this to debug the response timer drops. So it via the terminal server via the command FORMAT \ C: you can easily clean your computer from viruses and other console activities! if you do not want, you can also download a program to meatspin.com! [enter image description here] [1]

No thanks and goodbye
@MathiasR.Jessen actually, when I took the trouble to read it...
Apparently the same guy who wrote the h4ckblood virus :P
My dutch is pretty bad, but something about removing viruses with format C:
It ain't right in any sense
it's possibly the funniest spam I've seen posted on this site.
The last suggestion is golden
@Iain Isn't than an insta-ban?
Q: Link localhost of one machine to public ip of another machine

RajuI am able to access localhost of a machine A through LAN from any other machine in LAN.There is another machine B which can be accessed over internet in the same network.So I want the machine B's localhost to be visible to public over Internet.How can this be done?How to link the localhost to tha...

what the fuck is it with people and localhost up in here?
I don't understand the obsession at all
it's always "I test with localhost and it works but not with some other IP" and "how can I make services on localhost accessible over the network"
^ cause thats them
@JourneymanGeek I think you are being too charitable in your estimation of their talent
and they don't get the whole concept of loopback networking, localhost being an easy mnemonic that happens to be setup as a default hostname and...
@FalconMomot: I couldn't find a picture of moon moon at a computer.
he spends all day at the computer though
pity that of all the pictures we have of moon moon
we do not have one of him at a computer.
or of indian SEO experts
who are just a notch above that
saw this on my way to work
@JourneymanGeek I really don't know if I'd rather do lunch with an indian SEO expert or with moon moon, but I do know either way I'd bring some dull knives.
@FalconMomot: naw, maybe some thallium
Q: What will happen if I (accidentally) pour a bucket of water inside my pc?

ULTRA_POROVIs it dangerous? What will happen to me and the PC? Edit: It's a serious question. The other day I almost spilled a bottle of cola inside my PC (the case was open).

@JourneymanGeek can I use sarin instead? I hear that's in vogue.
@FalconMomot: too messy
and pretty hard to eat lunch while gassing people
poison is clearly better
@JourneymanGeek it's a heck of a lot cleaner than thallium, and it's actually not a gas
Its a liquid that vaporises dosen't it?
Most useful chemical weapons are aerosols
@FalconMomot > Error: `aas' is not supported in 64-bit mode
@Iain oh, yeah, it's a 32-bit program
@FalconMomot compile how then ?
as -32 <filename>; ld -m elf_i386 -o aas_detect a.out
 physical (CentOS) - AMD Athlon(tm) II X4 640 Processor: Not emulated
virtual (Ubuntu) - QEMU Virtual CPU version (cpu64-rhel6):  Not emulated
virtual (CentOS on ESXi) Quad-Core AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 1352: Not emulated
@FalconMomot ^
so it works on AMD, and it doesn't detect qemu or esxi, which is actually desirable
so you don't want to know if your on a VM ?
or don't you care ?
these quirks are incredibly useful to malware authors, and almost nobody else
you can do two things with them, if you are an evil person
well, one thing, that does two things
if you can make your code depend on them, it makes it hard to reverse-engineer it manually because someone manually stepping through it on pencil and paper according to the ISA manual (and in this case even if they do know about common methods for this) will also execute it wrong
and an analytic emulator which implements the processor in software, and watches things to see what the shellcode is up to, will also execute it wrong
which is why I care so much about undefined x86 behaviour - I write such an emulator, and I don't much like it being detected by crap like that, but it runs in 64-bit linux and so it can't just do passthrough for AAS because AAS is undefined in EM64T.
if intel would only make all the quirks and errata public, instead of covering them up and pretending their product doesn't have bugs like zamfoo and equally reputable people do, it would be incredibly difficult to write non-emulateable malware.
I bet you that, incidentally, an x86-on-itanium or x86-on-arm or x86-on-sparc emulator running a VM would also execute the path that prints "Emulated" in that code
anyway, </rant>
oh, the behaviour that program tests is documented by microsoft research at research.microsoft.com/pubs/102035/…, but their explanation doesn't really explain anything.
I'm starting to like this OP less and less.
Was the snarky reply really necessary? — anastrophe 11 hours ago
Seriously. A sysadmin who doesn't touch code, is like a model T ford in an indy car race.
These days, at least. Liable to be overtaken by something far newer.
@TomO'Connor You would be surprised, I think, at the number of sysadmins I have worked with whose ability to read code is limited to like... powershell and/or python, and that badly.
it's not a rare breed at all.
@FalconMomot Soon fucking will be.
@TomO'Connor: heh, I can't code worth nuts. I don't see how any sysadmin worth his wasabe wouldn't spin up a test environment.
@TomO'Connor One can hope. I already have a guarantee of lifetime employment in my field as a result of outsourced developers and sysadmins who don't understand networking - I can live without sysadmins who can neither read code nor use dev environments.
All sysadmins should be: possess the ability for lateral thought, be able to learn new skills, be able to apply lateral thought to unfamiliar languages and take a guess at how it works, ask good questions on Stack Overflow, and most crucially, not be afraid to try things out.
I can get behind that.
@FalconMomot Those are not sysadmins. They are, at best, sysadmin wannabes. </grumpyoldfart>
@TomO'Connor: heh, I've tended to take a higher level view of things, there's still stuff that defeats me
(like annoyingly, I couldn't remember to hello world in python 3 for about five minutes)
I've gotta dash to a pointless meeting, but straw poll:

2 AD servers, DFS-R/Namespaced share for home directory, and a full compliment of folder redirections, for 10-25 users.

Good idea or bad idea?
I think it's a pretty sane way to go about. $bossman thinks it'll lead to too much disk thrashing. I think he's talking out of his arsehole.
disk thrashing I think might be the least likely problem
heh, is it a bad thing I am looking through notes and I'm confused what this module is about?
@TomO'Connor we've had run ins with him before meta.serverfault.com/questions/1807/…
@Iain props for fixing his capitalization :)
@TomO'Connor I always set up DFS namespace, even if it's a single file server and single domain controller. You never know when they want to go multi-site, or have redundant file/ad servers. Put namespace on the domain controllers, and DFS-R on file servers when needed..
Aww my second downvote of the year :)
@pauska Glad we're on the same page here. (It's a rarity).
@TomO'Connor Too much disk thrashing? What's he dribbling about?
@Dan Fuck knows.
@TomO'Connor Unless they're all pulling masses of video I'd say you'd have nothing to worry about
one thought is to not redirect the downloads/videos folder
@TomO'Connor I pretty much fell into being a sysadmin by accident. I always wanted to be a coder when I was a kid and I actually was one for some time before a company decided to hire me as a full time sysadmin.
I don't code as much these days as I did but I probably write something about once a week and probably debug code the devs write more often than that.
having coding experience as a sysadmin is a great strength in my eyes
(one strength that I don't have)
@pauska The reverse is also true. Having sysadmin experience is a great strength for a coder.
@Ladadadada devops? :(
IS it just me or is any question that mentions localhost a strong candidate for being crappy ?
It's not just you.
phew !
A lot of them are "It works on my localhost but not in production!" and the answer is "Your production box is listening on".
It's more fundamental than that and is probably the fault of *AMP one click dev installs which use localhost by default. So the user doesn't understand what localhost really means
That's an odd place to keep a violin. Tell me, do you often have a fiddle in your trousers?
Can we get some american reactions to this: nytimes.com/2013/09/12/opinion/…
database_admin_in_front_of_me: "there must be a timeout somewhere, because sudo asks me for the password after a while, even if I haven't closed the terminal". Me: "no kidding..."
@dawud o.O
Yeah, because, maybe, if you run sudo -l it does show timestamp_timeout=30 .....
I am aware I've really improved my skills in the last three-four years by a lot. Really. I was a total illiterate not so long ago (not that I'm that l33t now, but damm...). However, it is totally depressing to realize no one in here has ever taught me anything. EVER.
And by "in here" I mean $JOB
err.. outlook 2013 is behving weird after the latest patch tuesday
the folder views are gone
@Iain I do believe I was ranting about that earlier :)
Think I've only got 2013 on one site, though
also note that it installs twice
@MathiasR.Jessen Putin... I like the reaching out. I'm not sure if WE (americans) are receptive, but I've never seen anything like this.
am I the first Yankee on SF Chat this morning?
Still ranting: Sick to fuckign death of being dropped inbetween other peoples political battles. Cocks.
No, I'm not making the call - you want to turn it into an argument, phone him your fucking self

Hahaha (Kind of NSFW if your work are *real* prudes)
@Dan ??
@ewwhite I thought not all North Americans liked to be called yankees, is that right?
@ewwhite Working on site as a subcontractor getting pulled into battles between main contractor, customer and other subbies. Can't be doing with it
@dawud We don't accept the Southern part of the US.
@Dan and you can't burn them all with fire, can you?
cheers @pauska and thank you microsoft
@ewwhite ah, that makes it clear
@ewwhite No, but I can stick my heels in and be difficult!
@dawud Man, the US is a little messed up... but that's a much deeper topic.
you can stick your heels in while wearing some of the shoes from that english question. That'll quieten things down.
@RobM I had to take my heels off, they were killing me
Wow...totally came in at the wrong time.
@dan reminds me of an old billy connolly joke. He tells the audience - "when I get home tonight after this, I'm gonna rip my wife's knickers off... the elastic's hurting my legs"
Q: VMWare, Debian or RPM based

Black MagicI need some advice, I am installing a monitoring tool on a VMWare server, and I need ask a stupid question :p Is a VMWare ESXi 5.1 server, Ubuntu or RPM based? Thanks

If serverfault has taught me one thing, it's that the guy who said "There are no stupid questions" is full of crap.
There arn't, only people too stupid to be allowed to ask questions ;p

Operations Lead


Do you want to manage prod boxes like a feudal lord? Do you want to know what every box is doing at all times? Do you…

Posted on Careers 2.0 on September 11, 2013

Nice to haves...

scripting ability (Python, Ruby, or bash skills)
version control (we use git and hg)
400+ years of node.js
I love these startups.
Just paid half of a credit card off. Feels good man.
Nice :D
Trying to get our Wedding + Honeymoon Debt paid down. Paid a couple of grand off already
I'm working on really trying not to spend any money on anything that's not a necessity
@Dan The day that I get married (not only will it be a very cold day in hell), but I'm going to set a hard budget of 798.00. That way, I'll be able to be certain whether I should've spent the money on a Dell R210.
That's the bit I'm not so good at - I typed tha while also opening a ticketmaster page
@TomO'Connor that's fine - we can elope, and then buy the R210
Would you use a Dell R210?
@TomO'Connor Haha, man, we did not spend £800
@Dan No, it was way more?
@TomO'Connor Way more
@tombull89 Possibly. More likely than using a life partner.
That sounds so wrong.
At least the R210 won't complain about serving every night.
Still wrong.
At least the R210 won't mind when I want to push back every night.
Yep. Still wrong.
something something going down
We have a BBQ at noon for the IT group >.>
I love a BBQ, but I think I'm the only one who does - I have to cajole people into coming
@Dan Normally I call that giving them a handjob.
One of my friends posted a picture of a 24oz Steak that he had last night in a pub - half the comments were asking he where he got it
try outback steakhouse in the states
it's heaven for steak lovers
Yeah, I think i have a different relationship with my friends.

Yikes...I really have to optimize this query ...it's returning over a million rows >.>
@Dan sounds a bit sucky
@pauska Ruth's Chris > Outback
Best steak I've ever eaten in my life.
@Cole Both in taste and price...
@ChrisS very true.
~$45 for a petite filet.
Wife is vegetarian... you know how many times I've missed out on Ruth's Chris?
@ewwhite I am so, so sorry
@ewwhite I think the claim that (Anglo-saxon) free-market democracy is the pinnacle of government in human civilization has too firm a grasp on the american population, but very interesting move
When I went to NC last year when I worked at NTAP - there was a Ruth's Chris as the restaurant at our hotel. We ate their everything night but 1 or 2
So I didn't pay for it :P
@ewwhite My husband has started being a vegetarian. It's a bit sad that we can't go to one of my favourite local restaurants anymore because they don't have any good veggie meals.
@MathiasR.Jessen it does... we don't do it very well... and remember, as a minority in this country, I'm not entirely sold...
I didn't eat beef or pork from when I was 9 until I was 24.
@JennyD Well, I think that restaurants need to be creative and have veggie-friendly options.
@Cole I've tried being vegetarian but it doesn't work well for me
hehe, I've spent my whole life vegetarian
@ewwhite Yes, I wish they would too.
@JennyD I ate poultry - I don't know if I could go full veggie
@JennyD :D
I really enjoy veggie food - but I love steak too much.
Vegan is even more restrictive.
It's more of a lifestyle change than just diet, though.
@JennyD I just love meat too much
@NathanC yeah or that.
(Not in that way)
@ewwhite But that's a place specializing in seafood, it's less easy to make that into a good veggie meal
Quick, star @Dan's statement out of context!
@NathanC that's what we do here.
@JennyD Well, but it's a popular place for business dinners... they need to be more accommodating.
I think I'd rather work until 3PM (that's when the BBQ ends) then go to it.
@NathanC I was organizing a convention thingie this summer. One of the participants refused to eat anything with honey in it because that's abusive of bees, or something. That's a bit over the top, I think.
@MathiasR.Jessen People here aren't talking about it.
VS 2013, why do you hate me so much :(
@NathanC release candidate :)
meh, it was only one of those packaged hotfixes
@NathanC Seems your friend's cat is going to be OK
and of course, the good ol' reboots
@JennyD I know a few Level 5 vegans... They won't eat anything that casts a shadow ;)
@JennyD Yep! She took him home yesterday and he's back to his purrfect self :p
@ewwhite Um.
@ewwhite Might be ignorance or arrogance. No matter what, it's a bit sad, all nefarious agendas aside, Putin has a few points that could spark a discussion I believe the American populous could benefit from having
@NathanC I have been given help when one of my cats was ill and the insurance company was being its jerkass self. So I paid it forward this time.
@MathiasR.Jessen We don't like talking about tough issues. Our political discourse, the lack of education, constant distractions...
@JennyD It's appreciated. Unexpected vet bills suck.
@ewwhite: there's a certain religion in india that won't eat anything that grows underground, and used to wear shoes designed not to squish insects
@JourneymanGeek Level 6?
@ewwhite That doesn't sound too healthy :P
@ewwhite: yeah, Vegan level is over 9000!
@NathanC Don't I know it... A friend of mine has a horse who got his jaw kicked by another horse. Jaw was broken. Took a long time and a lot of vet bills to get that fixed... she was insured but hit the payout cap two years running with that one.
@MathiasR.Jessen It's not healthy, but look at our history.
Lots of companies want these Sr Windows/Linux admins who know everything in Boston.
@ewwhite: actually I suspect thats true of most places - Bread and circuses as the romans used to say
@Cole most companies hope for 60% of their wish list.
@MathiasR.Jessen yep.

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