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Organising a bike ride out with a guy I've not seen in..........at least 10 years (Just worked that for this message, crikey!)
@tombull89 Apparently one of the horses at our stables (my horse's mother, in fact) is convinced that ducks are Evil and will attack her.
She's a very sensible horse.
@JennyD sensible is a relative term in respect of horses
it depends on how much comedic value they can get out of the situation
@Iain Indeed. On Monday my horse completely freaked out at what my co-owner called "sabre-toothed pony monsters sneaking up on him". Yesterday we walked about 30 feet from a running tractor and he didn't bat an eyelid.
@Iain And all their comedy is slapstick...
One of the horse bloggers I read got a pulse meter for her horse. The horse is now extremely upset that suddenly his rider knows whether he's actually freaked or just having fun, and he can't figure out how she knows...
So the pulse meter is now called "fnorkometer", since "fnork" is the sound a horse makes when it decides to freak out a little.
I'm trying to find someone to paint me a picture (literally) and it's far easier said than done :(
@Dan I have some artist friends, but I don't think you'd want to pay their travel to the UK...
@JennyD Do you not have postal services in your country? ;)
@Dan For some reason I assumed you were thinking of a portrait or something. I could definitely forward the commission if you want.
@JennyD My issue is that while I have reference material, I have no complete picture of the scene I want painted. So I'm after someone who is skilled enough to, basically, make it up as they see fit but with the elements that I want. It's dorky as hell, but I'm basically after a nice sunet beach scene with a VW Beetle and Campervan and two silhouetted figures to represent Jane and I. Ideally a wedding present if I can fit it in in time, but that's only 7 weeks, so not the be all
(We met at a VW club, hence the relevance)
The concept is pretty generic, but I want it to be our cars on there
But to also be high quality
@Dan Have a hunt around on deviantart.net
@Dan I'll ask my girlfriend. She's sold some paintings though she doesn't make her living as an artist.
@JennyD Please do, thanks
@TomO'Connor Damn, totally forgot about that place
She is a good painter, she can change styles depending on subject and so on.
@tombull89 Good one...!
@tombull89 Paging shitty_watercolor
If you could get shitty_watercolor to do it I would be seriously impressed.
His style reminds me of the "Quentin Blake" pictures in Roahld Dahl's books.
@tombull89 Yeah. I've wondered if it is Quentin Blake
@TomO'Connor He's 80, so I doubt it.
@tombull89 Oldest redditor ever.
NSFW again, is it me or as (s)he managed to make these look like 12 year olds:
`Artist requires one clear photograph or jpeg to work from.`

I'll fucking bet you do, pervert.
@Dan jup
@Dan hah. There's a covert channel if ever I saw one.
@TomO'Connor I'm just about to set up "Dan's 'intimate' paintings". Guys, drop me high res images of your naked lovers and I'll paint them in all their glory
@Dan I don't think you'd want pics of my naked lovers.
@TomO'Connor I'm not homophobic, I just won't crack one off over those ones.
@Dan I know, I just don't think Jane would be happy if she saw you were hoarding pics of naked men.
Penises are way prettier than minges, though.
@TomO'Connor She'd probably be even less happy with the pics of naked women
@TomO'Connor Yeah, no.
@Dan Seriously? One sticks out and is harmless, the other is like a dark cavern filled with teeth and blood.
@TomO'Connor I'm, uh, not sure if you understand how it works
@Dan Only what i've read on reddit.
@TomO'Connor Well, there's your problem. Drawing a face on your fleshlight doesn't make it a woman
Someone once described it like a tin of peaches.
@TomO'Connor Well, I've never used a tin of peaches in that way so it's hard to compare
@Dan well that would be better than the crisp packet and elastic band that we were told about during sex ed shudder
@tombull89 What
Yes, they had a list of things not to use which also included cling film.
Nah, you need kitchen foil really
@Dan I think that would be worse than a crisp packet...unless it was a salt and vinegar crisp packet.
@tombull89 Ouch
Morning all.
Never a good sign when you see a - in front of your $...
Nope. :P
Especially when your stock went from $4.25 a share to $1.04
Now the question is, do I take the extreme loss and get out of it....wait it out and hope I break even....or buy buy buy!
Sup dudes
So remember how I finally got the migration done? Well...apparently it did the restore but nuked everyone's email from the 10th to the 16th
So now I have to manually open the backup and copy emails over -_-
i missed 66,666 points!!
@NathanC doh.
@ewwhite Time to go downvote some answers?
I'm still home, going to get my haircut at 8 then go to work
hey cole
hey @JennyD!
It's already hot as balls here
@Cole what kind of balls? I mean, hot as snowballs would be pretty not hot...
On the other hand, Indian meatballs are pretty darn hot. SO.
I think I think too much.
Yesterday I was down in Mass. I wasn't driving, but it was still 90+ out. With no A/C. :(
Ew where in MA?
And, dat boston traffic.
yeah shit is cray
West Roxbury, so a bit past boston.
Glad I'm not commuting to Waltham anymore
ok bbiab time to get my hair cut
I swear we were going <10 mph for a good hour
Just one hair though
enjoy :P
What do you think a firefighter in San Francisco might make salary wise?
It's been 9 years since the debut of Gmail and still there don't seem to be any FOSS webmails trying to emulate that UI. Whyyyyy??
@AnsisMalins We use Google Apps internally, I don't find the web UI to be particularly great.
I prefer Gmail over Yahoo
Look at this shit! Just look at this shit!! en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Sqmailscreenshot.png
@AnsisMalins how should we know ?
@Travis Um, no kidding? :)
@jscott And hotmail
@Travis Outlook.com surely.
Why is it still the 90s for most webmail?
@AnsisMalins Because most everyone outside of IT reads their mail on their mobile now.
Or Facebook.
You mean on their Gmail app.
Or their FB app.
@jscott Huh. I still use Gnus. On Emacs.
Or Outlook.
But then I'm inside of IT, so that doesn't really contradict anything. Carry on.
Here, each member of staff has their own Facebook account for work and uses Facebook email. lol j/k no way
@tombull89 People here do that....
They use their work email to sign up for facebook and every groupon site known to man
So, how do I get off Google/NSA's wild ride? Hosting my own email means travelling back in time in terms of usability.
@AnsisMalins I run my own single-user Exchange server.
and won't get you off of the wild ride....unless of course you just like e-mailing yourself
@Travis $80k-$100k
can anyone else upload an image ?
Well, if my webmail has decent UI, I can convince other people to use it.
imgur is down
But it looks like I have no chance against Google.
@ewwhite Noooooo
@ewwhite thanks
Now I'll actually have to get work done
display is fine... but uploading is broken!
let me try to post a pic for @Iain
@ewwhite I have one to post for you
@ewwhite Good guess. mid $80k. battalion chiefs are $101. Dispatchers are about $98k. I thought that was high but maybe because it's Cali?
@AnsisMalins client-side encryption. Use PGP for email.
@ewwhite Get ur firmware upgraded?
@Iain Yes
@Travis One of the top bike racers and former Olympian was a full-time firefighter in the Cali central coast...
@Travis yes, fully updated
@ewwhite So I guess he made alot of money than?
that's not a lot of money
It is for my state
@Travis In California, that's just enough to live on skid row...
@ewwhite That's what I was figuring. I know when I visited on business I noticed how high COL was
@ewwhite You going to get @Miles to climb up your broken turbine?
I'm going to assume that's an innuendo
it's funnier that way
@Olipro Nope, that's completely serious
18 hours ago, by ewwhite
Ahem, so as I was saying... My engineering problem is that a device seems to have lost its IP address.
18 hours ago, by ewwhite
@MilesErickson @DennisKaarsemaker This device...
18 hours ago, by ewwhite
user image
18 hours ago, by ewwhite
@DennisKaarsemaker When I was installing it, I can't remember where I plugged the power in...
oh lawdy lawd
18 hours ago, by Miles Erickson
@ewwhite I'd love to climb your turbine. Just let me know. In the meantime, I'm off for a bit. Cheers.
Q: Just how long does it take for an tooth extraction to cure?

Lynn HarrisI had to possess two of my teeth 14 and 15 removed cause they were dead, and was questioning how long does-it consider for-an extraction site to treat last week?

18 hours ago, by ewwhite
@Jacob yes, support is suggesting that I climb into the top of the wind turbine and reprogram its IP configuration.
who would have thought...a wind turbine with an IP address. No wonder we need IPv6
pretty soon my cat won't be able to move throughout the house without spam coming to its butt....its real butt...
What happens what a question doesn't meet the "off-topic" criteria?
Can you flag without comment?
@tombull89 You use the last option to write why
See my comment :)
And why the fook is that gonna be on hold for a week? It's like so people can gape at the freakshow.
@tombull89 flagged
is there a way to connect to your internal SSL VPN from inside your own network...I'm needing to install the client and that appears to be the only way to get it
maybe put it through a proxy?
'They'll be refunded to you..' isnt so, as suspected! — Christian 6 hours ago
I thought a bounty that went unanswered was refunded? No?
I thought it had to get at least 2 upvotes
There's still hope - a gmail skin for roundcube github.com/lamoanh/gmail_skin
BTW, I really like this concept, but have no practical use for it myself. IFTTT (IF This Then That) ifttt.com
@TheCleaner nope
Q: How does the bounty system work?

A. Rex What is a bounty? What is the "Featured" tab on the homepage? How can I search for questions that have a bounty attached? How do I start a bounty? When can I start a bounty? How long is the bounty period? How do I award a bounty? Can I award a bounty to my own answer? Can I award a bounty to an ...

yeah I see the big bold in the Help section now: All bounties are paid for up front and non-refundable under any circumstances.
time to apologize to the OP
@TheCleaner Or bounty his Q, have him post an A and then you award it to him? :)
@Olipro He's asking because he wants to be sure he can work on pro sysadmin stuff.
@Travis I can access the VPN Server while on the VPN.
You use OpenVPN?
@TheCleaner Yes, that's possible. But it will really help if i can "see" all the PCs (and NAS) in the client's workgroup. — spelltox 5 hours ago
People really do still use "Network Neighborhood" features huh?
@Olipro Fascinating.
@ScottPack Yeah, I think someone was still on the NOx
@TheCleaner I was just thinking about the network at my alma matar yesterday. There were two broadcast domains. One for the academic buildings and one for the dorms.
@Olipro "put on hold"? How in the world would that question be reworded to fit SF as on-topic? :P
NetworkNeighborhood was awfully exciting to open.
@MathiasR.Jessen heh, see the stackexchange blog, it's a new thing
@Travis Proxy is probably the only way.
@Jacob Dell NetExtender
@ScottPack Cisco, Juniper, and others would have you believe that's the future of networking...again.
@Jacob I need to connect to the VPN from inside the network that is being VPN'ed too. I got the client downloaded through from my home computer so no biggie
My outside folks are just glad we have VPN now
@MathiasR.Jessen What is the necessary healing time, after extraction, before I can resume using my teeth to open patch cable packaging?
"I need to connect to the VPN from inside the network that is being VPN'ed too" lolwut?
sounds like what you need son, is a route
@Olipro Testing :)
well, you could establish another tunnel using the VPN server tunnel IP
providing the VPN server is also listening on that address
screw it...give me an excuse to go to starbucks :)
@ScottPack That question just became extremely relevant
or, if you're using linux, you could utilise a network namespace
it's not
You should be able to if the SSL VPN is listening on the internal IF as well, and it is assigning IPs on a different VLAN/subnet than what you are currently on. Used to do it all the time with a Juniper SA box to verify it was operational when people said "the VPN is down" even though all signs on the box said it wasn't.
@TheCleaner I'll check it
@TheCleaner Actually it is not assigning different subnet
@TheCleaner Let's see. That was a 9k student university, with 7 of them living on campus, but mostly poor and technologically illiterate students. Let's say 500 faculty. So...yeah, not that seems pretty reasonable for an IP broadcast domain. You could easily get buy with each being a /22. I think the /16 was an overkill.
@MathiasR.Jessen You're welcome. :)
@ScottPack We get a Public IP to every dorm room :)
@Basil !!!!!!
@Jacob ?!
Who wants to tell developers how to do IP address management?
@MichaelHampton link?
@MichaelHampton I'm genuinely interested in how you would best come up with an address assignment algorithm. Probably off-topic as an answer for this question (as it deals with augmenting an already existing IPAM database) but would look forward to seeing it as an answer to a brand new question. — Jeremy Visser 1 hour ago
@MichaelHampton They don't need to know! Get back to coding before I get the bant stick after you!
@Travis This +1
@tombull89 Here we have a /18 that was used solely for dorms and we used to leave them on the public interwebs. Now they're NATed and my job is worlds easier.
@tombull89 Yep, I was surprised too
I'm just going to SSL VPN around the campus net anyway
@MichaelHampton How about tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2322 ?
@Jacob ??
@Travis ???!? How do I answer that?
@JennyD God no. They might take that seriously!
@Jacob Answer what?
1 min ago, by Travis
@Jacob ??
3 mins ago, by Jacob
@Travis This +1
@MichaelHampton Is he...trying to implement his own DHCP? lol
There are 5 updates available for Windows 2012 R2 on Windows update. 2012r2 is beta software that was released yesterday Sheesh
@NathanC No, he's trying to implement his own IPAM!
jesus wept
@MichaelHampton Developers... I can do it BETTER!!!!! Now, how do IP addresses work?
^ This
@RobM "Phew, Steve - just managed to fix that huge security bug. Thank God I got it in before R2 went out. Oh, right, uh, I see. Well, you may want to add this to Windows Updates then"
where in a GPO is the setting for local intranet to include all network paths?
on 2008 r2
@RobM Better than the PSN patch the other day
Q: Kerberos auth over site to site vpn with domain trust

user179279I have two sites connected via site to site VPN with Cisco ASAs. Each has its own AD domain (domain1.local and domain2.local) with a one way Forest Trust. Domain2.local trusts domain1.local. Both sites consist of Windows and Linux servers and we would like to allow users from domain1.local to lo...

@MDMarra The horror of .local!
@TheCleaner fair point
Nevermind...found it. I drilled too deep
It should be illegal to assign/delegate IPs (v4 or v6) in anything but CIDR blocks.
You got assigned IPs outside of a CIDR block?
@ChrisS What do you mean by that?
like, /32?
Shaking head a lot
user image
I suspect a 1:1 IP:User mapping is the Wrong Way(tm)
I'm confused, what's this for
@NathanC yup
I don't know. At first I thought it was a (bad) homework assignment. But now I'm not so sure. It may very well be an enterprise IPAM...
Facebook friend posts another quasi-racist post
Last time I "debated" with him, two of his friends told me I kept bullying him on Facebook. Do I call him on it again this time?
You could unfriend him.
This guy put a web site on his domain controller...
@MichaelHampton I'm thinking hosting provider or similar. =]
@MattSimmons I concur.
@Dan you should debate!
@MichaelHampton hey without those people I would be out of a job
@LucasKauffman If you want to take a crack at answering the question, I'll reopen it.
@LucasKauffman I've responded with Yep, it's all the foreigners fault - nothing to do with overpaid MP's, immoral bankers, tax evasion / avoidance and giving the rich an easier ride while simultaneously attacking the poorest and least well off in society. Ho hum.
mornin' gents.
@MichaelHampton link me
Q: What steps do you take to secure a windows server

Jeson ParkThis question is my inspiration i have windows server 2008R2 in my network as DC. also i use this server for hosting our organization website. I want to make it as secure as possible. What I need to Do for securing my windows server?? edit our Website is run locally and we are Use ...

@Dan Copy-n-Paste?
Not a native English speaker, apparently. So the question could use a bit of cleanup too.
@ChrisS Same old blame everyone who doesn't look like you for your countries issues
(I actually have no idea if the statement is true for that matter, but it doesn't really matter)
@MichaelHampton nah not worth it, the answer which is on there is good enough for him
@Dan to be honest, I do think that should be enforced
Directly challenging Labour Mr Osborne also announced changes to the benefits system including an annual “welfare cap” on the cost of benefits and a seven day delay before jobseekers allowance can be claimed. Together he said this would save the Government around £4 billion a year.

Claimants who do not speak English to be required to attend language courses or face benefit cuts and all job seekers to be required to attend the job centre every week, rather than once a fortnight.
@Dan I'm all for a multi-culteral society, but I'd want immigrants to live by UK rules and make an effort to integrate.
@Dan we have the same policy here, you need to perform a course to learn one of our three official national languages if you want to keep your benefits/stay in the country
@tombull89 Want an example? Look at the US....
and the courses are free!
@tombull89 Totally, but there's a clear subtext in that image that if you can't speak English you shouldn't be able to claim anything.
@Dan Oh, I thought Brits were more progressive than that.
@tombull89 The US has made every stride to accommodate the illegal immigrants here to the point where they were trying (and may still be) to pass laws that allow all illegals currently living in the US will be granted amnesty and be automatically granted citizenship...
@Dan Nah, I think they should do the effort to integrate and learn a language. If after a certain period they refuse to learn or integrate (e.g. crime) then I do think they should be kicked out of the country
@ChrisS Oh, we're moving RAPIDLY backwards while doing fuck all to y'know, perhaps get companies to pay tax, get the rich to contribute more (In fact, we REDUCED taxes for the rich.) or fix the banking and lending issues
@Dan Dear Lord. You can get the driver test in this state in 21 different languages. They're working on adding 8 more Asian dialects.
@Dan I don't see any reason companies should pay tax (in the traditional sense), but agree the Rich should at least be paying the same percentage as me. Banking/Trading/Lending/Financial issues will never be fixed, too much money to buy whatever laws they want.
@Dan Indeed, blaming immigrants for the UK's problems isn't quite fair. I know of two girls (sisters), one of which I have on facebook, neither of which have worked for a extended period of time, both are single parents, live off benefits and scrounge money off whoever they can to go out on the town.
Dont' get me wrong, I don't think welfare should be a free for all, but I'm just bored of hearing how the foreigners / asylum seekers / illegals / whatever are "bleeding the country dry" when, in reality, there are far larger issues to sort
It's just soundbiting for the mouthbreathing masses
@Dan It's definitely not all of them, just a small percentage often, we have the same here in Belgium.
I just wish we would hurry up and discover free energy so we can move past this crap.
@MattSimmons We already have very nearly free energy, it's just illegal.
Zero-point energy, also called quantum vacuum zero-point energy, is the lowest possible energy that a quantum mechanical physical system may have; it is the energy of its ground state. All quantum mechanical systems undergo fluctuations even in their ground state and have an associated zero-point energy, a consequence of their wave-like nature. The uncertainty principle requires every physical system to have a zero-point energy greater than the minimum of its classical potential well. This results in motion even at absolute zero. For example, liquid helium does not freeze under atmospheric ...
I'd like to see you have to pay into the system for a couple of months before getting any benfits out of it. BEcause I know a number of people that just live off benefits because it's easier than working. Okay, you don't get paid that much.
@MattSimmons Nuclear fusion
@tombull89 But how does that work for an asylum seeker?
@LucasKauffman I'm all in favor of literally throwing stacks of money at energy technology just to see if anything sticks.
@MattSimmons Never will - and if energy were free, someone would figure out how to use it to destroy us all, so probably better that it doesn't exist.
@Dan Okay I'd like to see you have to pay into the system for a couple of months before getting any benfits out of it if you're born in the UK.
@LucasKauffman That brings about another interesting question. If certain types of crime should be punishable with banishment from the country you live in, why shouldn't it apply to citizens of that country as well? Why punish differently?
If you're claiming asylum then benefits should be given to get them settled, then they should be encouraged to work.
I really hate a mixed 2003/2008 environment... The file "\\DC\SysVol\dc\Policies\{7E56B901-3AF4-46A4-B996-885D4EB0EBF2}\User\Documents & Settings\fdeploy.ini" is not in a valid format. Details: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
@MathiasR.Jessen Expelling people is cheap, imprisoning them is expensive. It's not "different" so much as "economical" to make them someone else's problem.
Works fine on 2008...leave it up to 2003 to just frig it all up!
@tombull89 Don't entirely disagree - the problem is that, what do you do when someone can't find work? Work houses?
@MathiasR.Jessen It's about integration in our society, you can come into our society as a foreigner but under the rules that you have to integrate. If you do crime (I'm not talking jaywalking or parking wrongly, but for instance theft or mugging) then you should be convicted and pushed out of the country and send back to your country of origin as you have failed to show willingness to integrate
@MattSimmons How are you?
@Dan I'm of the opinion there's always jobs. Okay, it might not be well-paying or what you want to do, but there's jobs out there.
@Jacob I'm doing well, thanks. How've you been?
Of course when I go do some real work you guys have the conversation about ZP energy
@MattSimmons Good, still got that HDD :P. Oh and I decided to go to college. wvutech.edu
@tombull89 That's genuinely untrue, and not all jobs pay a wage that you can live
@MathiasR.Jessen Now you can apply that to criminals indigenous to the country enforcing the rule, but they'd be send back to their country of origin... which is the same country they are staying now
posted on June 26, 2013 by Matt Simmons

I've mentioned The SysAdmin Network a few times before, but this Ning-powered social network was, until very recently, run by Red-Gate (with whom I had a column a while back). Just yesterday, I got this in my email: Dear Networkers, Earlier this year Red Gate put out the call to see if anyone was interested [...]

If you're on benefits, you take a 0 contract hours job with Tesco. You then lose your benefits - Tesco then stop giving you hours and it takes you 2 weeks to sort your shit out again. People get stuck
Granted, no system is flawless.
@tombull89 Might be true - but many employers don't want to hire someone overqualified as you'll leave the instant you have the opportunity for a job you are qualified for.
It's not that I don't think stuff needs fixing or changing, I'm just sick of the focus on benefits when the stats prove there are far bigger issues
@Dan It's a very similar problem here - just annoying that the answer seems completely obvious
@Jacob That's a really pretty area, and honestly, a lot of the young guys in WV are really technical. I don't know if you'll end up meeting them, but there's so little to do that the ones who go into computers REALLY go into computers.
@Dan In related news, my brother-in-law argued that there should be drug tests for people on benefits, as he knows of several who collect the check and use it for weed. I'm fine with this, as the weed costs much less than any other socially acceptable solutions I've heard.
@MattSimmons I could have gone to VT, but I like 2K students vs 20K better.
@ChrisS I always love the shock that people who are on the bottom of the pile and openly hated by society may turn to substance abuse
@ChrisS If weed is legal, why shouldn't they be allowed to use it? I mean are you going to forbid them to have a drink too?
@Jacob How is their program?
@MattSimmons IS is Newish, but compsci and EE are top rated and have been around
@LucasKauffman It's illegal here - mostly
@Jacob What are you focusing on?
@MattSimmons Info systems
Pretty bummed about the Sys Admin Network - I had been in talks with someone from Red Gate about coming on board and never heard a word after.
@ChrisS sure why not then
I'm in a bad mood (too much medical prodding) so I'm going to avoid the main site today I think
@Chopper3 :(
@Chopper3 Pwning noobs can be a form of relaxtion
@LucasKauffman His argument is that you're funding illegal activity, socially undesirably behavior, and promoting the notion of living-off society instead of participating in it. Which, if you could just say "no more weed" and turn those people into productive citizens, then sure, sounds good to me. But that's not reality, those people will figure out other ways of not contributing to society, usually very costly ways.
@Jacob Groovy :) I'm interested to hear what you think of it
@Cole What do you mean? They basically handed over the community to the people who were most active, as I understand it
@Chopper3 I haven't talked to you forever, man. How are things?
@ChrisS like what?
@MattSimmons good in general thanks, just had a day of tests/scans etc. and it's got me in a foul mood
@MattSimmons I need to redeem that LISA Pass too.
@Chopper3 scans were bad?
@Chopper3 Go break something? Works for me :)
@LucasKauffman they catheterise you and inject you with this stuff that makes you feel very hot and like you'd pissed/shat yourself - so that, three times, plus the pain = not happy
@Chopper3 glad you're doing good. Probing is bound to do that, I suppose.
@Chopper3 ooh not nice :(
@MattSimmons yep, brain's slowly waking up after 9 months switched off so that's good
@Chopper3 When will you hear the results from today's go around?
@MattSimmons I had spoke to Chris Massey about it

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