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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

Our overproducers have been tomato.
I'm a little disappointed in the carrots, I think my soil mix is wrong for them. I also need to test harvest a parsnip. Per calendar it's time but I don't know what they're supposed to look like when they're ready.
@ScottPack plant some cukes if you want overproduction. Or zucchini.
@RyJones My cucumber yield has been lower this year but thanks to lack of slug my harvest has been bigger.
@RyJones Between eating and gin I go through those much faster than they're arriving. :)
@ScottPack I'm impressed
@cole talking about small-scale farming
I'm waiting for @jacob to drop in and tell us how Day 0 was
Oh today was his first day?
I give him props for getting the job and relocating to Seattle.
I wanted to - just can't right now.
I know I lost out on a great opportunity
but you don't want to live here, so why would you?
I may have gotten used to it
or maybe I just didn't see enough OF Seattle
since I was mostly in Issaquah
which is in no way shape or form Seattle.
no it's not
still very pretty though
yes, I like it quite a lot, just don't confuse it for Seattle :)
I'm going to come back again
probably next summer
and probably stay IN the city
or I'm going to check out Portland
Portland may be more my thing
I think it is
I love Colorado
too cold for me.
It was pretty but bleh I hate snow
Portland seems a little bit more affordable too.
I don't think even you're weird enough for Portland.
I'm actually surprisingly not "weird"
I don't dress crazy, or have crazy hair
I have my lobes stretched and some tattoos but yeah
Portland is kind of... forced weird.
You mean like the guy who rides a unicycle wearing a Vader costume playing the Imperial March with flaming bagpipes?
@ryjones but I'm at work.
Portland, efff yeah!!
I keep seeing Portland and think there's actually something cool about the city I live in currently ...then realize it's the Portland on the other side of the country. :P
Gosh, if the A/C was running any cooler I'd feel like I was living in one of @ewwhite's produce company fridges
That's where we keep the bodies...
@NathanC there's absolutely nothing interesting about maine...
@DennisKaarsemaker :( but, but...lobster!
Which ones? I am on apache...and what specifically am I looking for? — Krauser 32 secs ago
This is getting old...
work, work..
Q: Why would zfs performance be bad for moving files within an fs?

AnotherHowieOn my FreeNAS NAS (9.1.1 running zfs v28), I am getting terrible performance for file moves between two directories in the same raidz fs. Is this expected? How can I fault-find this, if not? The application in this case is Beets (mp3 mgmt software), running in a jail on the NAS itself, so it isn...

Show your zfs list and zpool status or GTFO!
Q: I think I am being Fork Bombed via XSS. How can I detect the source?

KrauserI think I am being fork bombed: I only have a 1Gb VPS. I know that one of my sites has an XSS vulnerability, if you access an ajax php file directly, you can inject Jquery. I haven't tried it yet, but I will do so and try create a fork bomb. Otherwise I am just running out of memory, and I kno...

Dats a good one
@RyJones he's incredibly quiet!
@Pants is that actually a thing? Fork bombing jQuery?
jQuery is client side only. How would that even...
@faker no, it's insanity. there are things that might involve all those things at once, but not in that order.
I'd get remote include -> XSS -> forced browsing -> forkbomb
kind of
@FalconMomot I guess you could fork bomb a server which is running nodeJS, but then it wouldn't really be XSS anymore
@MichaelHampton primary site is SO what do you expect
@falcon assuming that you're talking about me. You didn't say anything either :p
@faker no lol
@FalconMomot that's good
Someone needs to update jwhois.
@chriss thanks for handling that.
1 hour later…
So question
my neighbors are now having fucking band practice in their basement
Should I confront them (druggies) or talk to my landlord?
@cole lol how late are they going?
its only 7 now
but it comes DIRECTLY up the vent into my apartment
and they're screaming and shit, too
it's only as two apartment house
they're downstairs, I'm upstairs
sounds like you need more... alcohol?
i'm drinking a beer now
i need some good headphones
Not a great way to start a Tuesday (or any day for that matter)
error on the bottom of the HuffPo article:
@MarkHenderson Internet is going to blow up.
It's sad that happened.
@ewwhite Yup
On both counts
I don't really follow celebrity gossip so I don't know if he was into drugs or has a history of depression or what not
@MarkHenderson recent depression issues.
depressed, decided to hang self
man depression is such a cunt.
i hate it
does depression depress you?
it does
Hi all!
How'd it go?
who are you?
@cole I'm still there.
@cole It's going to be a BEEEELION degrees in my apartment, so I just don't feel like leaving.
I thought you had A/C
@FalconMomot no :(
Just a fan (and heat)
I need to find a way to burn things for cold, rather than heat.
I wonder if amazon fresh will ship me a big crate of nothing but CO2 pellets?
@FalconMomot propane
(like a rv fridge)
propane combustion releases heat though
I need to start doing really highly endothermic reactions in my apartment.
and also in the office.
@Jacob What was all those things you said about how all NA dewllings have HVAC?
@MarkHenderson Well Seattle is more temperate than VA.
just the HV part
in canada, and certainly in washington, the AC part is optional and never seems to happen.
I've lived in so many places that don't have H,V or AC
Well I guess it has V in the case that it has windows you can open
@FalconMomot The gas creates ammonia in a reaction which is used to transport heat.
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