… <-- Ever wonder if Apple intentionally breaks shit in the .0 release so people will be happy when it's "fixed" a month later in .1?
@KyleBrandt FWIF radmind loses its shit over that too
If it can't find a path to where it needs to be it bails
@KyleBrandt The rate of change in Puppet annoys me a bit too. Very little of the documentation I find is of much use since it's obsolete just weeks after it's posted.
@Adrian To use Puppet effectively, use it to manage one thing. When you figure that out, use it to manage another. It's one of the few things you really can bite off in little chunks.
I think you can approach config management from the "this is my pristine new environment" way, and the more common, "I need to get what's already in place under control".
@voretaq7 It should be that way. It's not. Adapt! You have a powerful set of tools that can get you there, but it's too much of a learning curve to get there all at once.
@JeffFerland No, right now I have a suboptimal system that gives me base OS consistency at the expense of not being able to do rule-based configuration and all the other cool shit I can do with puppet :-)
@voretaq7 Indeed. All of that would be doable for me if I were able to devote 100% of my time to technical items. The 50% that goes to supervising the padawans makes that a right pain in the ass.
HP's community forums are better than the best I've seen of DD-WRT. Even among FOSS projects, DD-WRT's community support and documentation is legendary for being bullshit.
I've never seen something more full of lore and legend than the DD-WRT wiki which cross references with the forum which cross references with the wiki.
DD-WRT's documentation is a self-refuting prophecy.
@WesleyDavid I'm getting to the point where I don't have the patience for digging through Google results and whatnot for documentation on F/OSS projects anymore. The shit I implement just needs to work and be supportable in a sane manner.
I'm always appalled at the defenders of DD-WRT. I don't think any of them have done more with it than putting it on their basement router and then thinking "ZOMG I'M SO L33T!"
I want to see just one person using the community DD-WRT in a business deployment with more than one access point that's not struggling with urges to self mutilate.
ALPINE 2.02(1266) MESSAGE INDEX Folder: INBOX Message 23,058 of 23,058
N 23005 Yesterday Mail Delivery Subsystem (8K) Postmaster notify: see transcript for details
In a Windows domain environment, is it customary to have user accounts that are not tied to a person? Like having a user account that exists for the sole purpose to access some file share, which is then only used by a certain application to fetch some data?
@OliverSalzburg They're also recommended because, in a perfect world, you can limit down privileges to that account to exactly what it needs.
I've seen too many cases where someone writes an app that uses their own account to do things, then they leave. Disabling accounts in that situation is a freaking nightmare.
Going to have a very pointed discussion with the padawans. 4 days after I did a workstation install for a new staff member, the summarily pulled the workstation without communication to customer staff, communication to other IT, or network re-configuration.
Just got a very nasty note from the staff member's supervisor asking what the fsck is going on with it since it's been gone for over a week.
@OliverSalzburg Managed Service Accounts look cool, but I've heard of people not being able to use them in SQL Server 2012 AlwaysOn configs and similar situations
I stick to regular domain users with limited privs when I need an account like that
@voretaq7 Unfortunately that one of the problems I have with my boss. 99% of his time and brain bandwidth has eaten up dealing with Development issues for the in-house app's EHR certification effort for the past 8 months or so.
President/VP: $500. Member of the senate: $250. Member of the House: $225 NY Judgeships: $175 NY Senate or Assembly: $150 Town Supervisor or County Executive: $125 Misc. County and Town offices: $100
@ewwhite not at all - It's my vote you're buying
those prices are for one vote, only one of each available per election cycle. I'm thinking of putting them on etsy - "Artisanal hand-crafted vote"
@ewwhite I don't have a TV either. Or time to watch it. I think I've seen a couple Youtube shorts, and that's about it.
FFS. Whichever padawan pulled the terminal out of service stuck it under one of the desks with no paperwork or note. Which means they were doing work without a ticket again.
The problem is where they can't quite grasp that the interesting technical parts aren't the most important parts. Haven't quite figure out that without the communication regarding deliverables, they haven't actually done anything at all.
@OliverSalzburg and as for changing passwords for service accounts, that's painful and manual usually. Complexity is no different than other passwords. Focus on the bit entropy, not "complexity"
@voretaq7 She was the best of the bunch. Of course, I've bitched about my boss' selection process before. I'm only allowed to weed out the 12 he selects down to 4. I'm not allowed to re-introduce promising candidates that he's weeded out based on their lack of knowledge/insight into our agency's social work mission.
@voretaq7 The Management? They'd rather that the technical shit just barely work using caring staff that feel good about the work than spend money on equipment and staff that work well.
@voretaq7 And there's the crux. This place is about as anti- as it gets. Status quo and protecting your position are the most important things here.
Quote literally, you have to be convicted of stealing from the agency or discovered to be having a sexual relationship with a client to get fired here.
So if you want to go about it the hard way, then you partition the disk, make sure one of hte partitions is primary. setup a MBR/install a bootloader, install an OS onto the partition.
They're notorious for refusing to comply with state law regarding cash-back on gift cards. You have to take them to small claims to get them to comply. Which they're more than willing to do once the judge tells them to pay, but you have to go to the hassle of going to court to get your money.
Is there any point in partitioning a large storage area (say 30 TB) on a file server? I'm leaning to just creating a single volume and working with quotas if that's possible.
I have three KVM servers each with 1 guest VM, running directly on it's local storage, (so they are essentially getting a dedicated box worth of computing power each). In the event of a host failure I would like the guests replicated to at least one of the other hosts so I can spin it up there, u...
I flew without a safety net for years... At a certain class of hardware, it makes sense to assess the problem before going through a heavy DR/recovery scenario.
@ewwhite Being the only significantly technical person here, I want to produce failover so that the boss and padawans can just run a script to bring services back up on other hosts. And then figure out what broke when I get to the office.
In a metro area, a motherboard on server-class hardware isn't unreasonable to obtain. Servers can lose a power supply, recover from an OS crash, disk failure, fan failure..
Stupid Dpkg. Installs the dependency package just fine. Won't install the dependent package claiming that the dependency isn't present. Try to do it via Aptitude, it suggest removing 62 packages to "resolve the conflict". WTF?
How about GlusterFS? I have found that the traffic it develops is considerable less than DRBD. I have a howto for Centos on my website that (
Seriously? A different file system? Have these people ever worked with actual skittish managers that would flip a shit if you suggested this
@Adrian Linux package management is sort of like a nuclear reactor. It works so well, so much of the time, that one is almost able to forget that it may occasionally cause the end of the world as we know it.
CCFL is pretty much guaranteed to be an even backlight, but degrades faster over time than LED. Most people can't tell the difference with LED backlight spreaders these days, and the LEDs use less power (less waste heat), so I'd go with those.