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@TomWijsman only one way to find out
Meh. I'm definitely getting an undertone that this is turning into some kind of rolling sysadmin daycare intervention as different people drop in. See y'all next week.
indeed @adriank. And see ya
@studiohack Well heckfire, I didn't expect anyone to say that today.
@studiohack It's ok. I think we were all just pissed that 1) Iain didn't tell us he had a problem. 2) Chopper gave up his diamond and 3) We weren't given a chance to sort ourselves out before every other diamond on the network rushed to judgement
@growse I think the answer is Yes, so I'm delaying that till the right moment... ^^
@studiohack Thank you
@AdrianK bye mate
@MarkM I didn't even know my prior concerns were a "thing" in here until I was alerted to the Meta Server Fault post and got some background info.
@growse I could also unstar them right after making a train that goes up...
@studiohack Takes a big personality to admit something like that when shit hits the fan around you.. I just wish some of the other mods would show us the same respect
@GraceNote aka "the cross-site-chat-moderation"
Hmm, once a second, that's tricky...
@BartDeVos No, certain memes.
This ain't my first time in here, but I found myself very quickly leaving the first time. ♪
why is there a tone at the end of your chat line?
@GraceNote It was @pauska's sock wasn't it.
@pauska, @BartDeVos @MarkM, @WesleyDavid thanks guys :)
@pauska that's a meme of @GraceNote's
I'm not going to cite myself as one of the reasons for the complaints though.
@BartDeVos sounds right
yes much respect for coming back @studiohack
@gracenote uses that as a tagline on m.SO posts too I believe
@studiohack I was a regular on SU for a while so I know that you do good work. I'm glad to find out that you're one of the good guys :)
@GraceNote: flagged for posting a meme! Meme's are the sources of all evil (it seems to be)
@WesleyDavid I honestly didn't remember pauska prior to the other meta post.
I tried to make an "All The Things" meme, but couldn't find the memegenerator page for it.
i musta missed something. Please don't tell me that we can't post any more ponies :-(
@pauska :s/evil/stars/g
honestly, that url should be in the title of the room.
@GraceNote Yes, @Pauska is rather forgettable. His hosiery, however...
booooo, be slower @Aaron ):
@PeterGrace search X all the Y
@PeterGrace I think all regulars have that bookmarked
I even think @voretaq7 has it bound to a shortcutkey or something.
He spits em out faster then i can think of them.
@MarkM thanks!
Bookmarked? That's my browser start page. That and the friendship is magic one....
@RobMoir coming back? wdym?
@BartDeVos I google for it every time
more relevant a few mins ago, but I am also reaching my star allowance.
@PeterGrace Unfortunately, on probably the worst day in chat history, I'm out of stars
"You have fully used your vote allowance for today"
@GraceNote I think some of our saltier memes are definitely a matter that warrants some concern/attention from the community
Well, that's a first
sorry @studiohack I mean sticking around/coming back to talk about things.
@BartDeVos I maintain there should be a badge for that!
@pauska Okay, that was the hardest real life lol of the day. =D
@voretaq7 Indeed. Silver!
@voretaq7 I shudder to think how many there are beyond what I already know....
@GraceNote Did you know who I were before that post? Have we met? I dont remember either
@RobMoir oh. its all good. thanks. :)
@voretaq7 Like perhaps IBM and their "alternate currencies"? =)
@GraceNote The one of most concern to me are [insert various incarnation of avian double-entendres here]
@Aaron no
@pauska I don't know
@PeterGrace hahahah
@voretaq7 Yeah... precisely...
Memes in general don't bug me (though sometimes I wish we had a "collapse image" button in chat!)
@voretaq7 Seriously? Of all the memes and runnings gags, that one is most concerning? Wow, I must be a real scumbag then.
I will let you all in on my dirty secret
you guys chat, chat, chat. I scroll to the next meme photo.
@WesleyDavid I think that's the one most likely to scare off new users
@PeterGrace You share socks with @pauska?
@PeterGrace God I wish I could star that
I'd have to agree with voretaq7 - that's the only meme I can see as potentially offensive in itself here. Which isn't to say some of the other memes can't contain offensive content now and again
@voretaq7 I dont understand you, plain english please. I'm viking remember.
On /about can someone put a memorial for Chop up?
@voretaq7 Ohhhh, okay. Yeah. The straight up "boob" references bug me the most. The "Boobies" and "tits" (avian references people!!) seem to be behind the line of scrimmage.
oh boobs
bloddy hell, even my girlfriend loves boobs
@pauska I will straight up beat you with a potato filled sock.
@pauska Consider yourself lucky, sir
I do, I do..
@WesleyDavid IDK - sometimes I think they cross the line, but that's partially because we usually post the text with-or-around them
Any population of men will eventually digress into conversations about boobs, I think. We just gotta keep it classy here.
Yeah @pauska, @MarkM's g/f hates boobs.
its not like we post pictures of actual boobs..
@pauska Fucking Norwegians.
@MarkM hey!!
(pls don't ban me)
@pauska That doesn't align with my memory of being in here...
@MarkM Why do you say things like that when I'm out of stars?
Everyone, I'm out of stars. Please mourn with me. :'(
@ScottPack So you share my pain of also being out of stars.
@WesleyDavid Join the club
but I can see how that would be considered offensive - particularly if a woman walks into a male-dominated room and that's what she sees
@MarkM I think I ran out before lunch
@GraceNote Are you saying you've seen nudity in here?
@GraceNote, are you saying that you have actually seen nudity?
I'd say "You can run out of stars?" but then I just realised that was what people were already talking about and I'm just behind the times
where is that picture we post of smoking tits?
@voretaq7 you're very right, there. I found myself perpetually watching my tongue at LISA '11.
I completely agree that the boob chatter has to go. I haven't participated in months
@Aaron JINX!!
(someone take the hint here.....)
@GraceNote because that is something I think all of us would give a extremely fast thumbs down to
Not straight up, no. If I recall correctly, it was ASCII art. Like, way more than I was comfortable with.
@GraceNote AFAIK never bare. I think a hooters girl once, and me with lady godiva
@pauska no.
@voretaq7 Can you post our combo photoshop/mspaint job one final time in tribute and we'll move on.
@voretaq7 Yeah.. you're right.
@MarkM thats the one
@GraceNote Oh, yeah. We've seen stuff like this: [oh no you don't!]
even rebecca will laugh
Shit, I'm going to get banned aren't I
@WesleyDavid Flagged
@voretaq7: do it do it do it
@BartDeVos That was purely scientific.
@GraceNote, thank you for the "outside the room" perspective, that helps us to get a better handle on the situation
@WesleyDavid For sience ;)
@WesleyDavid You're technically doing it for example, so it'd be kinda crude of me to do anything neh?
Seriously, you guys don't want to mess with @Rebecca. She once had a staring contest with me on skype and my eyeballs melted. True Story.
Also for everyone's reference, scroll up and down in that window - there's some images in there that I think cross a line personally....
There we go
@RebeccaChernoff: please read that transcript. See?? We're not that bad!
@RebeccaChernoff once had a staring contest with the sun and the sun went blind.
I will admit that the guy on the piano is over the line
@PeterGrace Jokes on you: She painted those eyeballs on her eyelids.
and I probably would not have posted it if I had thought about it for more than 3 seconds
Rebecca is really the next Chuck Norris.
but I was really laughing so hard I could not contain myself
@PeterGrace LOL
@Aaron pfft! he's just playing a really angry song
nothing to worry about.
@voretaq7 Yeah, that Carlos Santana / Muomar Quadaffi thing was way over the line
What? I was laughing my ass off
he could probably play a theme song in the background today in this chat room..
@voretaq7 And that puppy. Bloody hell, man
@WesleyDavid Creepy-ass puppy. Probably gonna have nightmares now!
Oh right. Irony. Bazinga!
Personally Former US President Bill Clinton staring at that pony.... too far.
@RobMoir LOLOL
@PeterGrace flagged for a boob related word
@voretaq7 Talking shit about the stupid US system for measurement aswell.. way out of line
@pauska Hush up and re-standardize your units because the monarch died!
@pauska the metric system is the tool of the devil. My car gets 40 rods to the hogshead and that's the way I likes it.
@WesleyDavid those are bazOngas.
@voretaq7 Flagged for boobs. You fell into my trap!
@RobMoir yeah, but your maximum speed is only 472 furlongs per fortnight.
@WesleyDavid worse ways to go I suppose....
I'm not in a rush, clearly
Well, looks like things calmed down.
@WesleyDavid I hope it stays that way
I miss Chopper already
Mailed Chopper earlier today
Got an answer
I wish I had choppers email.. I never asked him
@WesleyDavid You forgot to say "Barbara Streisand".
@pauska He's not that hard to find on the googles
Most important line in the email: "I may have a day or ten off the site anyway, then come back and have a go at answering some questions - sick of being second in the rep table anyway, not my style."
@voretaq7 I won't last a day without her.
@ScottPack DOH!
And I hope that will be the last of it. Done with the drama.
@pauska Or, you know, two clicks off his user page
Figures it was a FRACKING MICROSOFT MVP that set off Chopper. @RobMoir =P
Chopper is full of shit. He just wants to own every badge, but he can't get marshall as a mod
@MarkM hmm.....
@WesleyDavid You want offensive? Microsoft MVPs. Now those are offensive.
Until Evan Anderson comes back and puts The People's Elbow into all of our collective skulls.
@WesleyDavid He floats around
Hey. I'm an EX MVP. They kicked me off that and fired me from some consulting for giving my honest opinion on vista :p
He was in chat once and I thought I saw a ghost.
@MarkM Yes you can, actually
@MarkM That's what she sa... wait, can I make TWSS jokes anymore?
@GraceNote Really? I seem to remember him saything that he can't flag things
@GraceNote, you think you could perma-star this: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/2727022#2727022
In fact, depending on the site, it's actually a whole lot easier to get that badge as a moderator, haha.
I remember some other MVP got into an argument with Phil here
that didnt end very well
Otherwise people will keep asking...
@pauska Which Phil?
@WesleyDavid that would be chopper
@pauska Ohhhh... derp.
@WesleyDavid Phil = Chopper
@MarkM No, he can flag, it's just pointless when it comes to flagging for moderator attention.
@pauska They got into it a few times.
like everything, there were a couple of great people in the MVP program and a couple of total MS fanboi idiots who never had an original thought in their heads unless Steve Ballmer had it first
Chop and JimB had aa go about Hyper V performance when Jim was making up facts and not providing sources
Chop KILLED him over it.
and a whole slew of people at all points between those extremes
@ScottPack What was the topic over?
The more point is that if you use a spam/offensive flag, it's technically auto-action. And action through spam/offensive flag auto-validates your flag.
Phil basically told him to go die in a fire.. I think he hates anyone who flings certification/badges around to let people know they're fantastic at their job
@MarkM Ohh, Hyper-V. Interesting.
@MarkM Yeah, that wasn't pretty
@GraceNote ahh, I see
@MarkM Thats the one.. that was drama, oh boy
Now I've got to search for that...
I mean, Hyper-V has its place. That place is not in front of Chopper when you're saying it has a lower overhead compared to vSphere
@pauska I was glad to have missed most of it.
wohoo I had one star left!
HyperV has a lot of potential to be a real rival to ESX but no way is it "there" yet.
@MarkM Hyper-V v1 is better than ESX v1. =] But that's not a fair comparison, not even close...
oh we're so going to switch over when hv 3.0 lands
I'll save 50% on licensing in one year.. it's a no brainer for us
@pauska we're certainly going to take a long look at it.
@RobMoir For people who don't need very many features, HV is there already...
@pauska We have considered it but we have invested too much in knowledge and such
@Chriss yes we're using it for dev environments
@BartDeVos knowledge can easily be obtained. Or replaced, if people refuse.
@pauska Also. Nobody wants to migrate 5000 servers
i LOVE the vm console in hyper-v
can't blame em
everything is super duper fast and lag free
I can see us switching when the next version lands.
@pauska I don't know about lag-free, but its not bad.
I think I might hurt some of the bluie's feelings earlier with that ban all the mods meme
they disappeared :(
@ChrisS Well nearly then
what's in te new version that makes is better? (tl:dr)
@pauska Part of the room's culture?
compared to vsphere client it's a frecking concorde plane
@pauska Hmm yes, that is a mayor annoyance now :)
@BartDeVos Very high RAM limit, CPU limits, multiple concurrent Live migration. Bunches of minor tweaks.
@RobMoir SCVMM 2012 is pretty good.. you'll feel familiar if you're using DPM 2010
@Bartdevos its doing a lot of catchup, I'd say the next version will be somewhere comparable between vsphere 4.1 and 5 in abilities
@pauska I hate DPM 2010's interface.
yeah, and vsphere 5.0 gave us sooo many new cool toys to play with
1TB vm.. horraay....
I'm just concerned about the vendor support for HV 3.0
I've got some study-points left :) I'll see I can use them for some courses in hyper-V after my Dynamics AX exams :)
@pauska yeah. You're right. And given that MS virtually give away their management tools to education it will be a no brainer for us unless Microsoft manage to totally screw it up in the meantime or VMWare pull something amazing out of the hat
like our EMC SAN.. they practically own vmware already
I'm thinking we'll switch when we next do a refresh of our virtual farm hardware
on that note, I'm off to create mayhem in saints row III
night all
My main issue with MS stuff it's all very easy if you follow their pattern of doing things
oh I just saw the most funny NSFW picture ever.. but I'm afraid to even post a mangled link here
step a little bit outside, and life gets a lot more difficult
@pauska boo :(
NSFW hxxp://s3-ak.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/terminal01/2011/1/19/14/enhanced-buzz-15787-1295464222-16.jpg
there. nobody can arrest me for that.
@pauska See that watermark? You're not helping!
@pauska you sure?
Yeah, that is the sort of post which I think would be over the line
@badp Not now, no
I'm fed up whit my employee... Djeezes
(my opinion, of course)
but I clearly marked it with nsfw
but that isnt allowed either?
the link cant even be clicked
I don't think it's over the line
let that be clear
@pauska, I think if you inlined it it would be bad bad bad. I'm more ok with just the link
I'm just saying, if it's inappropriate, obscuring the URL won't help
oh god no, I would never directly link it
if that was a goatse I would've still flagged it
@pauska hilarious
obv someone flagged it though
@Shads0 I know.. I did a real life lollers here at the office.. thankfully im alone right now
@Shads0 You're joking...
@Shads0 nope
@pauska speaking of which..now that im home, your earlier comment made me laugh so hard i almost slid out of my chair
not according to what I saw anyway
@pauska Particularly funny because I've been playing a lot of Mario Galaxy lately. But yeah, if that had been inlined, would have been inappropriate.
So did everyone go +1 this meta?
Being migrated to a new temporary domain. Don't even have Local Admin rights on my laptop. Anybody know how you can break the Windows 7 firewall?
Q: Add escalation system to chat flags

FabianThe offensive and spam flags in chat are shown to every moderator from a parent site (on chat.stackexchange.com that is every SE 2.0 moderator) and 10k chat users as well. This is potentially far more users than a flag on an SE site itself is shown to. I don't think it is necessary to show the ...

deleting some file?
@badp i just assumed, 'cause last time you were here it was because of a flag ;)
@BartDeVos uuh that sounds like something that will break your win7..
and it has that system protection thingy for system files that auto-fixes on the fly
@BartDeVos Step 1) Download a linux/bsd iso of your choice....
@mfinni @pauska Excellent example of self moderation right there. Tagging potentially NSFW stuff as NSFW and not letting it inline.
@Shads0 which one?
@pauska The one you edited earlier about things being rather....difficult
@ScottPack Yes
@Shads0 oh.. hah. yeah, that wasnt the most glorious moment of my life, gotta admit that.
atleast I laughed aswell
Better than your sock, definitely
@voretaq7 I'm just saying it doesn't really fix anything. No matter how you obscure a goatse, you will get suspended for one.
@badp oh yeah. I totally agree with that.
Cool :)
@badp What about tubgirl?
I've already reset the password for Administrator so I can install stuff, but I can't disable the firewall to virtualize it with vmware.
Wait... I'll get banned for even mentioning that won't I...
@badp no-one here would link goatse or tubgirl (or similar).. I can assure you that
@badp That image isn't even pornographic/obscene by what I consider to be a reasonable standard. Risqué certainly, and deserving of an NSFW tag, but not obscene.
@WesleyDavid Keep in mind, one flag from somebody in the room and your message goes out to all 10kers online... they're the judges, not me
@voretaq7 Upboats for you
@BartDeVos Probably controlled by GPO
@voretaq7 As I said, it's fine for me.
@pauska That violates even our community standards.
@badp Yeah, I've been seeing the flag notification now that I hit 10k =/
@pauska Indeed, so I want to break the firewall just temporarely
guys boost me up to 10k
I want to see the flags
And thus we need to have SE modified so that you can only mod certain rooms. Let culture moderate culture.
@BartDeVos I work all day to make sure users cant break stuff that I set up, so I'm not the one you should seek.. perhaps superuser? :P
I don't get it. If I hit 10k on a site, I've got powah... on only that one site. However, If you're a mod in one chat room you're a mod in all. Makes no sense to me.
@pauska no you don't. they're all BabyMamaLlamaDrama :P
@WesleyDavid You know, that's how chat.serverfault.com worked
@WesleyDavid It's 10k SE wide, not just on one site.
@voretaq7 And sometimes DromedaryDrama
@WesleyDavid Chat is "strange" because it's network-wide
back before it was dismantled and merged into chat.stackexchange.com
@pauska Likewise, I know how to prevent it. Don't have a clue as to breaking it :D
@BartDeVos tried disabling the service as local admin?
@WesleyDavid I kinda prefer the suggestion on MSO linked again. Because it's very instant, if there's "bad stuff" it needs dealing with; however, I think communities should have the first say, i.e. if you handle it yourselves, great.
@ChrisS No, I know. I didn't make that clear enough. I meant, if you earn power on one site's Q/A section, you only have power on that site. If you get modship in a chat room, you're mod of them all.
After all, that's kinda why we have all these privileges at 10k and so on anyway.
@pauska Automaticly restarts
SO, MSO SU, SF, Gaming, AskUbuntu, Webapps, etc., they all used to have their private islands where the only mods are the site mods. Only SO and MSO were big enough to sustain that kind of activity.
Ah, but I know
i'll just get the all from the service
So, what you're suggesting, @WesleyDavid, has already been tried and failed miserably. Sorry
destroy it, when I turned off DEP
and i should be good to go :)
Ok, nice, thanks :)
I like it when I solve a problem
@Ninefingers this is no offence - but getting 10k on certain sites isn't a particularly hard mission..
I'm off for the night :)
@badp Tried, yes. Tried properly? No.
Okay, I've opened up old wounds. Time for baby critters
@Ninefingers: One might question those 10k'ers ability to judge us SF'ers (where many like me have "little" rep)
@BartDeVos bye mate
The good news is I don't need to skulk into SO and ask a question
@pauska I'm thinking of your 10kers. There's a reason SF 10kers can access the flag tools - take the load off your mods for closes and obvious stuff. The same should really apply to chat - show the flags first to SF 10ks and mods, then farm them out if nobody handled it. Chances are, 99% of the time it'd be handled by you guys but...
you have the failsafe for that one time nobody is here and someone drops something ugly in your room :)
@Ninefingers Oh I absolutely agree with you
Protip IIS guys: mistakenly enabling user-mode and kernel-mode output caching on .aspx files and then forgetting the feature even exists makes you tear your hair out.
IIS makes me tear my hair out, no matter what I'm trying to do with it
I wish we could run outlook web access on nginx
"halp I cant change my password through OWA" restart IIS "oh hai now it works thanks!!!"
@pauska but nginx doesn't make socks tunnels very well.
@WesleyDavid I dunno, have you asked @pauska how well it handles socks?
I can't believe I had to install Visual Studio 2010 on the actual web server to figure this out
@WesleyDavid I think it had a fair shot. @badp is right that low-volume sites really can't police their own chats (they have 1-2 10k users who aren't online and someone goes on a porno-posting spree - they're screwed)
OWA is just a pita anyways though, right?
@Ninefingers again, i'd star that if I had stars left. I think the tiered escalation (2 tiered or 3-tiered (edited my meta answer)) is the most-sensible solution
@voretaq7 Right, but the all-or-nothing nature of that style of moderator electing is the problem. There should be two tiers of moderator-ship. One for established sites, one for the up-and-coming.
To paint the whole family of SE sites with the same brush of authority has not done so well.
@WesleyDavid well the tiering system sort-of provides that. And honestly look at out chat activity graph: There are hours when this room is deader than the dodo
The more I think it through the more I think 3 tiers (Local 10ks & mods --> all the mods --> all the 10ks) makes the most sense
@voretaq7 Keep in mind that once a message has scrolled off the screen, all the damage it could do has already been done.
btw, all those http error lolcats.. where can I find them?
Theoretically the locals can clean up our own mess.
If we can't mods are likely to be more level-headed and even-handed (at least we hope).
And if that fails someone can fix it up.
@pauska LMGTFY?
@Shads0 Sure mate, go ahead. I'll go get another coke.
Or instead of SE wide, make the trilogy (SO, SF, SU) have personal mods while any site that doesn't have their own domain (I.E. *.stackexchange.com) be a SE global flag?
@badp that's always been my attitude personally, though if something TRULY offensive gets posted I'd like it to get nuked.
@pauska flagged for not liking pepsi
@Shads0 yeah but that gets into nasty special-exception code. I used to be a programmer - I HATE nasty special-exception code :)
@voretaq7 That's the point, if it needs nuking it needs nuking fast.
@growse that 405 is great
@voretaq7 Me too, which is why I suggested it, I don't have to code it >=D
By the way, if you want ownership for a room, which does unlock a couple of extra options like permission management or message migration - don't esitate to ask a local mod or an existing owner, such as Zoredache
I've the link handy, because someone tweeted it, cc'd my twitter account, and was then retweeted by about 60 different people
Tweetdeck spent the day going nuts
@badp fast is relative though - "fast" when the room is as busy as it's been today? I want it gone in 60 seconds or less. "fast" normally? 5 minutes seems fine. "fast" at 0330 eastern when nobody's here? I don't care :-)
New cats since I last looked though
@voretaq7 Well, as fast as it takes for one person to notice and click on the flag button :)
@Aaron I like 418
200 is the cat we have on the front page of our dev wiki
@badp also a part of it (we actually have had people flag stuff that's hours old in here -- which is always kind of a WTF because it's usually so far back you have to look at transcripts)
This room's full transcript for today is 6 pages now, and could easily hit 7 yet...
I've been unimpressed with room ownership.
any sign of chopper till now?
@voretaq7 i.e. my ban today
@ScottPack It is what it is, if you want more I'm afraid you need a diamond.
@pfo Not since this morning
besides, it's not like mods get all those many extra options
@badp yes, lets all encourage @ScottPack to run for a diamond slot (so I don't have to :P)

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