Meh. I'm definitely getting an undertone that this is turning into some kind of rolling sysadmin daycare intervention as different people drop in. See y'all next week.
@studiohack It's ok. I think we were all just pissed that 1) Iain didn't tell us he had a problem. 2) Chopper gave up his diamond and 3) We weren't given a chance to sort ourselves out before every other diamond on the network rushed to judgement
@studiohack Takes a big personality to admit something like that when shit hits the fan around you.. I just wish some of the other mods would show us the same respect
I'd have to agree with voretaq7 - that's the only meme I can see as potentially offensive in itself here. Which isn't to say some of the other memes can't contain offensive content now and again
@voretaq7 Ohhhh, okay. Yeah. The straight up "boob" references bug me the most. The "Boobies" and "tits" (avian references people!!) seem to be behind the line of scrimmage.
Most important line in the email: "I may have a day or ten off the site anyway, then come back and have a go at answering some questions - sick of being second in the rep table anyway, not my style."
like everything, there were a couple of great people in the MVP program and a couple of total MS fanboi idiots who never had an original thought in their heads unless Steve Ballmer had it first
The more point is that if you use a spam/offensive flag, it's technically auto-action. And action through spam/offensive flag auto-validates your flag.
Phil basically told him to go die in a fire.. I think he hates anyone who flings certification/badges around to let people know they're fantastic at their job
@pauska yeah. You're right. And given that MS virtually give away their management tools to education it will be a no brainer for us unless Microsoft manage to totally screw it up in the meantime or VMWare pull something amazing out of the hat
The offensive and spam flags in chat are shown to every moderator from a parent site (on that is every SE 2.0 moderator) and 10k chat users as well. This is potentially far more users than a flag on an SE site itself is shown to.
I don't think it is necessary to show the ...
@badp That image isn't even pornographic/obscene by what I consider to be a reasonable standard. Risqué certainly, and deserving of an NSFW tag, but not obscene.
I don't get it. If I hit 10k on a site, I've got powah... on only that one site. However, If you're a mod in one chat room you're a mod in all. Makes no sense to me.
@WesleyDavid I kinda prefer the suggestion on MSO linked again. Because it's very instant, if there's "bad stuff" it needs dealing with; however, I think communities should have the first say, i.e. if you handle it yourselves, great.
@ChrisS No, I know. I didn't make that clear enough. I meant, if you earn power on one site's Q/A section, you only have power on that site. If you get modship in a chat room, you're mod of them all.
SO, MSO SU, SF, Gaming, AskUbuntu, Webapps, etc., they all used to have their private islands where the only mods are the site mods. Only SO and MSO were big enough to sustain that kind of activity.
@pauska I'm thinking of your 10kers. There's a reason SF 10kers can access the flag tools - take the load off your mods for closes and obvious stuff. The same should really apply to chat - show the flags first to SF 10ks and mods, then farm them out if nobody handled it. Chances are, 99% of the time it'd be handled by you guys but...
you have the failsafe for that one time nobody is here and someone drops something ugly in your room :)
Protip IIS guys: mistakenly enabling user-mode and kernel-mode output caching on .aspx files and then forgetting the feature even exists makes you tear your hair out.
@WesleyDavid I think it had a fair shot. @badp is right that low-volume sites really can't police their own chats (they have 1-2 10k users who aren't online and someone goes on a porno-posting spree - they're screwed)
@Ninefingers again, i'd star that if I had stars left. I think the tiered escalation (2 tiered or 3-tiered (edited my meta answer)) is the most-sensible solution
@voretaq7 Right, but the all-or-nothing nature of that style of moderator electing is the problem. There should be two tiers of moderator-ship. One for established sites, one for the up-and-coming.
To paint the whole family of SE sites with the same brush of authority has not done so well.
@WesleyDavid well the tiering system sort-of provides that. And honestly look at out chat activity graph: There are hours when this room is deader than the dodo
The more I think it through the more I think 3 tiers (Local 10ks & mods --> all the mods --> all the 10ks) makes the most sense
Theoretically the locals can clean up our own mess. If we can't mods are likely to be more level-headed and even-handed (at least we hope). And if that fails someone can fix it up.
Or instead of SE wide, make the trilogy (SO, SF, SU) have personal mods while any site that doesn't have their own domain (I.E. * be a SE global flag?
By the way, if you want ownership for a room, which does unlock a couple of extra options like permission management or message migration - don't esitate to ask a local mod or an existing owner, such as Zoredache
@badp fast is relative though - "fast" when the room is as busy as it's been today? I want it gone in 60 seconds or less. "fast" normally? 5 minutes seems fine. "fast" at 0330 eastern when nobody's here? I don't care :-)
@badp also a part of it (we actually have had people flag stuff that's hours old in here -- which is always kind of a WTF because it's usually so far back you have to look at transcripts)