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@CiurkitboyN weLl, what's up
@CiurkitboyN 5 days to go 😜
4 hours later…
@Vikas it's the summer, so it's not abnormal for chat to be calmer as people are away for holidays, ...
@PieBie oh maybe
Did you know I actually started the Happy Friday thing just to have at least one post a week in chat?
There were months at a time when those were about the only messages in chat.
@PieBie lol. Seems unbelievable
2 hours later…
@PieBie this room's version of 'melt'? :P
Q: The 'Voters' page of the Users section is buggy

VincentI was checking out the voting totals on the Users part of the site, inspired by this question. Turns out that the 'all' tab no longer displays all votes (I myself, for example, have cast over 7000 votes, not just 962); other tabs don't display anything anymore. Bug?

@Pie moral? Never post a Meta Q before the day's first coffee.
Lol, I was very confused there for a minute 😆
@Pie Ok, now you have voted, you show up in the 'year' tab (and not in the others!) -- but I have been voting the last few days and I don't? Curiouser...
Yeah, something is iffy here
Then again, not in any way urgent, and it might have been this way for loooong already
anyone heard about this? linktr.ee (before this message)
@Vikas Yes, it's commonly used on Instagram
@Vincent lol i saw it there only
figures: Instagram makes it really hard to include more than a single link, and then even only in the bio. Hence the need for a 'linktree'
1 hour later…
Are there far more people involved in web/app development than in graphic design?
@Vikas one does not preclude the other
@Vincent sure, but . . . i wanted to know. because we see 21,500,677 questions on Stackoverflow and only 33,000 here. There's some reason that GDSE debuted later, but still difference is so big
Maybe coding is just harder than graphic design... or that's what people think
@Vincent that could one explanation.
Also, in Graphic Design, I guess it's way easier to just trial & error your problems, or find a video tutorial
@Vincent that depends on type of problems
In coding, you can copy exactly from stackoverflow and paste and run!
Can we do this in design? 🤣
well, you can follow tuts
and some answers here are no worse than an in-depth tut
@Vikas Keep in mind the questions here are heavily tinted by the Stack Overflow ecosystem we're in. In other graphic design communities, you see very little questions involving open source software.
Ah, yeah, there is of course also the effect that lots of Qs are already answered in the Adobe forums
hi @curious
heya @Vincent!
@curious ?
Thanks for catching my typos :)
One reason I feel is coding changes a lot with time, design I think doesn't change at that rate. We follow same basics
@Vikas What's your question?
@curious I didn't get your statement.
@Vincent No worries :)
Also true. Well, you do see the shift in software here over the last decade. Adobe is no longer the holy Unity
'holy Unity'?
@Vikas You can't really infer how many people work in an industry based on how many questions they have on Stack Exchange
And also... I think it is a factor that lots of things in GD are not answerable exactly. The occupation is still a mix between science and art. In programming, there is usually one best solution.
@Vikas kind of a wordplay on 'Holy Trinity'
It's not like we're the only graphic design community online
@curious Not!? GASP!!
@curious ok
...and maybe the bar of entry into GD is higher, so there is a lot less beginners asking questions.
I still didn't get answer to my original question 🤔
At least where I'm at, the local communities of GD have very few questions involving Affinity, Gimp and the likes and very few scripting questions. We do get GREP questions but no heavy scripting stuff
@Vikas maybe it's not answerable :)
@Vincent then we can say the difference is not significant at least?
Like it can't be in the ratio of 20:1
Maybe if you could get your mitts on some datasets from LinkedIn or something like that. And then still, you're only looking at the people who are on there
@Vincent On LinkedIn I feel less like there are less designers as compared to developers.
There are a lot designers
@Vikas You'd need numbers to say something isn't significant
for that we'd need survey/study
Two quick googles, taking the US as a case: ~250,000 graphic designers versus 4.2 million software devs
that would suggest roughly 1 GD'er for every 17 devs
@Vincent that's significant!
isn't it?
data may be a bit dated. First link is 2016, I wasn't able to quickly determine a date for the second ref
If there were as many GD'ers as there are devs, and this site's traffic would be as high as SO's, then chat would also be as much as bedlam as there :)
Ah, second article is 2020. Right at the top. I'm lazy, blind, or both.
@Vikas It's a marked difference. But it stands to reason that there is more demand for software dev than there is for graphic design
@Vincent yeah that's what I felt.
especially since there is still a lot of people who do not see the value of graphic design </disgruntled rant>
Another thing is, it's difficult to explain people around me what graphic designer means. Web developer is still easy to explain.
because maybe they are not that much aware of it
then again, that makes you more unique :)
3 hours later…
@Vincent Well to be honest. In many cases a developer offers a clear value proposal. Whereas graphic designers only impact much in only some products. Dont get me wrong. But part of this is also inability to acxept spec work. I mean of those developers probably 1:15 is doing nonspec work.
joojaa do you know any way to block an application in windows
i don't want to unistall a game, just have to hide it so you can't even search it
@Vikas that's a weird request
@Wolff why?
Uhm because of you share a computer with someone I can't see how to properly hide stuff
Is it a portable app? Or is it properly installed?
Mar 23 at 14:15, by Vikas
There'a 11 years old kid in my neighbourhood, he often keeps checking my pencils. I tell him not to touch especially the thin graphite leads as they are fragile but still he ignores it and broke a few and again don't stop touching them. I don't know how to react it. The more I tell him, the more he ignores.

Note that I don't care if it breaks or not, won't cost me much. It's just I don't know how should I react to it.
@Wolff Basically I don't want him to play games on my pc
it's not preinstalled, it's with steam
there are some non steam games too.
@Wolff how was your vacation?
Jun 7 at 16:44, by CiurkitboyN
@Vikas ah that kid. I don't know man. I think you need psychological solution. Not technological.
@Vikas I have three weeks. I start again next Monday
Jul 8 at 16:49, by Wolff
@CiurkitboyN Tomorrow is my last day of work before 3 weeks vacation.
8+21 = 29 July
@Wolff It's not that serious 😂 I just don't like him playing with my pc or phone. Because he don't want to quit soon.
He's gone to a new town forever! But occasionally they come to meet on rare occasions.
@Vikas I said tomorrow. 9+21 = 30. And then there is weekend
@Wolff I sliced last 1 or 2 days.
you should have told us that you're excluding weekend!
@Vikas when you have 3 whole weeks off there is of course also the weekend before
Search 'disappear' in search box 🤣
4 hours later…
@Vikas are you talking about till august?

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