@rbp That I've been doing the last ledger entries for the year, and the final bank account balances actually match the amount of money in my bank accounts. :)
The hammerhead turn, stall turn, or Fieseler is an aerobatics turn-around maneuver.
== Description ==
Enter at full power and maximum airspeed. Pull the aircraft up through a quarter loop into a vertical climb. The speed will decay but before upward motion stops firmly apply full rudder to yaw the aircraft through a cartwheel of 180° until the nose is straight down. Dive vertically to the same altitude as the maneuver started, then pull out, exiting in the opposite direction.
== Flying technique ==
The timing of applying full rudder is critical. If instigated too soon it results in a wingover....
I think the folks responsible for chat have accepted that we're needy pricks who will never be satisfied no matter how hard they try less than thrilled about some features.
@vortaq7 let me say that the guy's answer is substantially correct, and not worth my writing a separate answer. my edit was to correct the RW v FW low-level survivability, that helmets are used for conveniently mounting many things besides just NVG, and that things fly out the doors not in
I've never paid attention to those because if you click outside the box they go away :)
@rbp I think you've adequately addressed that in the (remaining) comments - if he's going to pitch a fit about the edit it's not worth fighting with him over IMHO
except for people who are doing dangerous jobs in copters, the main reason is because so many copter pilots come from the military. you don't find S-92 drivers chauffering CEOs wearing helmets.
heh... you don't find helmets on S-92 drivers who chauffer CEOs around
@voretaq7 or anyone -- what's the secret to changing my avatar? i have tried all the different /user/.../rbp profiles, and none of them have an option to change it :(
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