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NY Times: Radar signals recorded by the Malaysian military appear to show the missing airliner climbing to 45,000 feet, above the approved altitude limit for a Boeing 777
but primary radar is unreliable for height
and most of the erratic-ness could be attributed to noise from that
@ratchetfreak depends on the radar
and while it may not be good enough for separating airplanes, it can certainly be estimated
2 hours later…
You know something good? This question is the first question that I have seen that was closed without the help of a moderator:
Q: Why did Malaysian government wait

raoDisclaimer : Not sure if this is a too broad question/ no one can answer question / not to be asked question. When the planes transponders get switched off, why would malasiyan government/ any government for that reason not start deploying their military force to check in. I am sure if a boeing ...

Good work all!
was it closed with close votes?
yeah... put on hold as primarily opinion-based by Jay Carr, casey, Danny Beckett, Qantas 94 Heavy, Manfred 1 hour ago
it'd have a diamond next to someones name there, if they were a mod
how many rep points is the moderator status?
they're elected
but you get mod privs at 10k (2k whilst in beta)
take a look at aviation.stackexchange.com/help/privileges if you haven't seen it already :)
yeah, I have mod privs with 2k
yeah i saw that
I'm yet to reach 2k... by the time I do, it'll be past 90 days :p
@DannyBeckett we'll be in beta for a while after that
this is true
at least until someone whose name isn't @Lnafziger gets to 10k :-P
@voretaq7 do we stay in beta until everything on area51 gets into Excellent?
@flyingfisch we stay in beta as long as it takes to have a strong community & good traffic volume - year+ betas aren't uncommon these days
or can we leave beta with only oks
@voretaq7 ok
I keep hearing that it's more of a "gut feeling" thing from the powers-that-be at SE.
@Lnafziger basically yeah
the community team folks have a decent handle on what a site needs for good long-term survival, but like most community-management stuff it's a very "squishy" thing
@flyingfisch And yeah, it takes five non-moderator votes to put a question on hold (or any number of "normal" votes + 1 moderator vote).
I think that we need lots more people in the "Avid Users" group before we get out of Beta... I don't think that we will have a problem at all, it's just a matter of time.
Area 51 shows us at over 4,000 visitors/day now!
@Lnafziger that's gonna drop after about 5-6 more days when the A-10 spike smooths out :)
@voretaq7 Not really, we have had 4,000+ visits every day since then except for one.
That spike generated a lot of attention and extra users.
@Lnafziger it's coming down, but it was definitely a big boost in visits/day
we're still about 4x what we were before that :)
Not to mention that we are now getting about 1/3 of our traffic from search engines... It's definitely on an upward trend. :)
What's coming down?
@DannyBeckett Hey! Long time no see!
the traffic now I'd bet is being driven by "that missing 777"
@Lnafziger visits/day (the one we can see but can't give the numbers on :)
@casey a lot of it yeah
Of course, a fair amount of the traffic is coming from... Yeah, what @casey said.
money.SE stayed in beta for 3 years
@Lnafziger it was funny when I was searching for info on 135 jumpseats, your Q was clogging my search for information!
@voretaq7 I don't see it going down.... After the spike we never returned to old traffic levels and it went back up.
@casey Haha, yeah I've had that happen a couple of times now too!
@ratchetfreak they were too frugal to bribe the community team to let them out.
@Lnafziger oh it's stayed way above what it was before that to be sure :)
I think the thing that has helped the most lately is that we have gotten more active users and questions are getting multiple answers. This puts us on the hot network questions more often and drives a lot of extra traffic from the rest of the network.
I saw 4 Aviation questions on there at the same time earlier.
yeah, and the search engines are definitely picking us up which is nice
That's because we have a lot of good questions and answers. :-)
(except when our own questions show up in Google research :-P)
@Lnafziger Hey Louis, how's it going man?
@DannyBeckett Great! You?
I still can't help but think we're just getting a big boast from 370, which is kind of morbidly fortunate. I do hope people stick around though after this has all been worked out.
or that there is another high profile crash
good thanks! busy, but good!
@ratchetfreak lol
@ratchetfreak well we had that nose gear collapse :-P
@DannyBeckett I know the feeling. :)
I don't suppose anyone here has made little flight controls to attach to your PC? I guess not...
@DannyBeckett remind me to code a perl clone of otto
bought some shit to make little A/P on/off switches, and speed/heading dials etc...
@DannyBeckett I had rudder pedals and a stick back when I had a desktop PC
pretty much got everything I need now, except my new soldering iron which aint arrived yet... lol
use a hot plate and a piece of iron
@voretaq7 ah ok. I'm gonna make do with the PS3 controller for that for now... kinda want some buttons to play with, heh..
or a blow torch
@voretaq7 i'm building some rudder pedals with an arduino leonardo...
nah, just wait for the old Weller to arrive, as well as some relays...
@Danny Just get one of these:
hahaha I wish!
Considering you could buy a decent actual plane for that kind of money...
yeah that's true
but you can't crash a flight sim
well you can still use it after
@ratchetfreak oh yes you can :-)
The view isn't quite as good from a flight sim though.
And it's really hard to get from A to B in...
...unless you mount it on a flatbed I suppose.
@JayCarr ikr
Jan 26 at 3:46, by voretaq7
@DannyBeckett . . . so you're telling me the autopilot has "issues"? like the one in the simulator that TRIED TO FUCKING KILL ME?
Do autopilots do that often?
oh no, this is... eh... an autopilot of different kinds
I am feeling so lost suddenly... per usual, actually :)
!!will Voretaq7 be killed by a simulator today?
kittens are crying now..
nobody looks after poor otto :(
!!tell Jay lesson
@DannyBeckett Don't be annoying, drop the @, nobody likes a double-ping.
@Jay Lesson #4: Push forward: buildings get bigger. Pull back: buildings get smaller. Pull back harder: buildings get bigger again.
Gizmodo: The World's Largest Solar Plant Is Blinding Pilots
then stay out of our sun damnit
Ooooh Otto
How does that guy work exactly?
@Lnafziger jinx
@ratchetfreak That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@JayCarr you can send commands like !!weather LAX or !!metar MIA or !!teachmetofly or probably some other stuff
Lesson #19: You've never been lost until you've been lost at Mach 3.
been too busy lately to work on him.. I saw something on Git from @voretaq7 recently though :)
That's good to know, I was going to go up in an SR-71 this weekend.
What is he written in?
JS and PHP
@egid Yeah, no kidding, lol.
Ick, scripting languages...
@DannyBeckett Cool on the solar array!
@JayCarr ick, JS and PHP
We all know Perl is better :), ain't it @DannyBeckett?
@PatoSáinz ICK!
lol, if it was Groovy or Java...
Heck, if it was Python I'd do it out of curiosity...
Still might do it out of curiosity, but not in PHP. Why? Because I'm soooo jaded, lemme tell ya.
you could use .NET
if you contribute a Windows server ;)
Actually C# isn' so bad.
C# is awesome sauce
How about we just go Objective-C/Cocoa and I give you a mac server?
or use brainf**k
I say we use Haskell.
use HAL/S, like the Space Shuttle
room topic changed to The Hangar: The white zone is for immediate loading and unloading of passengers only. There is no stopping in the red zone. [general-aviation] [mas370]
Can we run it on GladOS?
oh you burninated it... I forgot
No idea what language that would use, probably LISP.
GlaDOS uses Java
because she's evil
@DannyBeckett please don't encourage
Java isn't ev--! Oh wait, yeah it is.
room topic changed to The Hangar: The white zone is for immediate loading and unloading of passengers only. There is no stopping in the red zone. [general-aviation]
depends on who you ask
Well, I work with it all day every day, and it's derivative, Groovy.
I don't hate it though...so...
@voretaq7 Otto was on TV the other day
I just like making fun of it.
@DannyBeckett that's just... cute
it was to win a holiday or something :p
I'm gonna need my sleep now
night mate!
Otto in Objective-C... Then I could make some real contributions. :)
@Lnafziger You program in Objective-C?
fanboys ;)
@DannyBeckett Abso-freaking-lutely.
@JayCarr Yeah, lots of iOS programming. :)
@DannyBeckett you keep a web browser open 24/7? or is it on a vps?
lol, if Objective-C were really practical for IS concerns...at my company...I'd be all over it.
Sadly don't have the time. Just wish I did.
@flyingfisch It's on a VPS
ok nigh all
Why CentOS?
I missed something...
Looks like something I could put on my computer at work just to make people look at me even funnier.
Most still can't figure out why I use linux instead of Windows...
To be fair, they're all experience programmers so...perhaps I'm the one who's wrong...
Anyway, why CentOS?
@JayCarr because it's essentially RedHat but free
@flyingfisch Good night!
(sorry, I was watching a video...)
!!charts jfk
@Lnafziger Objectionable C? :)
@voretaq7 Somewhat. :-)
@Lnafziger Entirely :)
@voretaq7 I actually like it now that I have gotten used to the syntax.
@Lnafziger I shouldn't have to get used to the bloody syntax - it should be C! :)
@JayCarr I think everyone jumped on your "We flew the plane into a mountain" question :)
(and as your penance you now have to read that NTSB report. It's only 212 pages :P )
Which question?
@Lnafziger the one about KAL801
oh that was @flyingfisch
Ahh, didn't realize that there was a mountain involved.
@JayCarr you don't have to read the NTSB report - @flyingfisch see above for your penance :)
@Lnafziger they apparently crashed into Nimitz Hill (which IIRC is right around where the VOR is....)
"This is why we pay attention to the step-down altitudes and glideslope NOTAMs, boys and girls"
you know I've not flown any approaches with Foreflight on - I wonder if they show your altitude on the profile view....
<watches foreflight videos.....> apparently not. Sad panda.
though I guess since it's geometric (GPS) altitudes not showing it is probably The Right Thing
@Lnafziger think we should do a circling-approach tag? :)
@voretaq7 There already is one.
Although there are only two questions tagged and no tag wiki yet... I'm not sure that it's actually needed though.
@Lnafziger really? I didn't check :P
We already have approach-procedures, approaches (should probably be merged into approach-procedures) and non-precision-approaches.... any of those would really cover it.
now we have 3 :) and yeah I think we should merge approaches into approach procedures at some point
2 hours later…
370 is now a hijacking.
2 hours later…
@Lnafziger ObjC syntax is a bloody mess :) how do you get used to that?
I'm not saying ObjC is a bloody mess, just parts of the syntax. Kinda like python. I love python. But basing the syntax on something so inherently ambiguous as whitespace (while not forcefully disallowing the use of either space or tab) wasn't the best choice in my opinion.
2 hours later…
4k visits/day, and questions/day is up too
oh dear
Q: Missing Malaysian Boeing 777

user1497it seems very improbable that a military aircontrol operator misses or do not recognize the signature of a large commercial plane as a B777 even without transponder : size speed bearing. Malaysian AirForce denied an operator report and then released it, they should have informed the Airline...

Q: Problem in installation zfc-admin in to zf2

user3423066Am trying to instal zfc-admin in to my zf2 skeleton application, while running my application i got this error . Uncaught exception 'Zend\ModuleManager\Exception\RuntimeException' with message 'Module (ZfcAdmin) could not be initialized.' can i get some helps?

I can has delete privileges? :P
@voretaq7 what did I do wrong? why do I have a penance now? lol
@AsheeshR source?
@flyingfisch AVHerald
not calling it a hijacking though, but that there was "deliberate action" involved
something about first the ACARS being disabled rather early, and then the transponder when they were being handed over
yeah just read it
I'll wait for them to find it though before calling it anything :) for all I know, it might have been a fire that started in the ACARS unit.
@roe same here
so much speculation
and no evidence, really
hopefully they find it sooner than they did Air France 447...
well at least with AF447, ACARS was working and broadcasting the fact that they were going down
so in that sense, the fate of the aircraft was established rather quickly
i think the suggested edit to this answer should be made into another answer instead. Thoughts? aviation.stackexchange.com/questions/2186/…
@flyingfisch uhm; whatever it is it's way to major :)
@roe pretty brilliant as well: wiki.flightgear.org/Home_made_Joystick
i wonder if there is a quick and simple way to make minimalist rudder pedals following the spirit of those two howtos...
@flyingfisch I don't get how it's supposed to work though
flip the mouse upside down, reverse controls on the sim, stick a toothpick into the ball of the mouse, and the toothpick is your stick
or move the mouse with the pick?
just make sure you have a way to keep the mouse steady
i'm sure you could rig the mouse to a board with duct tape or something to keep it from moving...
@flyingfisch I don't think that's what they're talking about though. I guess you use half of the 'ball' to cover the mouse and push it in either direction or something.
it's probably easier to use an ardiuno and some continuous resistors
@ratchetfreak I've considered that. USBHID is a mess :P
@roe ah, i see now. yeah, that is sort of weird
there are libs for HID for arduino
@roe if you need a preset one for arduino leonardo, here: forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=220307.msg1614641#msg1614641
just replace HID.cpp and HID.h with mine
I have an old Uno around here somewhere
hmm, not sure if it would work with uno, but you can give it a try ;)
leonardo has built-in HID support
ah, I see, too bad
if you have problems there is a SE for arduino
they are actually cheaper than uno's, about 22USD
soo... more expensive than a uno (bought mine for ~20USD)?
@roe not completely, there are some joystick api's for uno, but they are a little bit of a hassle. You can't have you cake and eat it too, i mean, you can't have your serial and HID too
@flyingfisch yeah, I've found a couple (back in those days) but they were all like "hey I got one axis to work at least!" ;)
oh god
@roe in the arduino shop, arduino uno rev3: $28.49 + VAT, arduino leonardo:$25.64 + VAT
don't you need some more axis
@ratchetfreak indeed, yes.
that's why I configured mine to work with up to 8 axis
and 35 buttons, IIRC
2 hat switches
maybe I'll just get one of them leonardos
@roe I also got a leonardo clone on ebay that has actually worked really well... all for 8USD
@roe you should!
are they still using that horrible editor? :)
I remember stitching together my own builds just to get rid of it :)
@roe yes, but I use the "Use external editor" option and just use the SDK as a compiler
nice, didn't have that when I played around with it
is the leonardo the same form factor as the uno?
yes, but thinner on account of the micro usb port
right, but I could stick it onto the uno and do some AMP fun? ;)
not sure... probably
@voretaq7 regarding KAL 801 - All my information came from a 1 hour special on it...sorry, I was lazy.... I should read the NTSB reports on the episodes I watch just to see what details are missing.
@DannyBeckett Ah, that I had noticed. I wondered if perhaps you were connecting it to Objective-C somehow. I'm using Ubuntu at work, slightly less headache... btw, assuming I'm willing to put up with PHP, do you need any help on the back end of Otto?
Thought this might be of interest (though most of you have probably seen it)
Statement from Malaysian government on Flight 370
Oh nice. KLM has realized people don't live at airports and offer a way of searching flights from/to multiple airports at the same time.
posted on March 15, 2014 by Bryan Swopes

15 March 1967: The first Sikorsky HH-53B, 66-14428, made its maiden flight at Stratford, Connecticut. The helicopter would be called the “Super Jolly Green Giant”. A variant of the Navy/Marine Corps CH-53A Sea Stallion, the Super Jolly was the largest, most powerful, fastest helicopter in the United States Air Force inventory. Configured for combat search […] The post 15 Marc

1 hour later…
Yay, we're popular enough now that the review / flaq queues are actually meaningful.
On the other hand, crap, now I need to start paying attention to the review / flag queues.
In Usenet slang, Eternal September (or the September that never ended) began in September 1993, the month that Internet service provider America Online began offering Usenet access to its tens of thousands, and later millions, of users. Before then, every year in September, a large number of new university freshmen acquired access to Usenet for the first time, and took some time to become accustomed to Usenet's standards of conduct and "netiquette". But, after a month or so, these new users would learn the networks' social norms or simply tire of using the service. However, for the pre-exis...
@SteveV. me too!
4k4 visits/day now according to area51.
@roe @SteveV. we are indeed getting more and more visitors. But some of the posts are really low quality. This one, I don't know whether to laugh or cry
@DeltaLima I agree, but no publicity is bad publicity right? :)
@DeltaLima I don't laugh or cry, i just flag it and move on.
you robot you
@SteveV. No you didn't :-)
You left the gentleman a nice comment too
@DeltaLima You had me thinking i was losing my mind.
(for the benefit of others reading this, I did in fact flag it)
(i had to go back and check)
Yeah you did. the right thing to do.
As for the comment, that's why i didn't nominate myself for a beta diamond.
I am not sure if I would be fit for that job either
I have very little filter and enjoy telling clueless people that I think they are clueless.
I wouldn't that's for sure
I meant be a good mod
I wold indeed have to stop myself from calling idiots idiots
I think in some cases that is justifiable
I think I'd be a good "Trusted user". I'm pretty sure those are the ones that get the janitor powers to delete stuff, without the whole "representing the network" baggage.
where is that delete button so I can press it with great prejudice
@SteveV. since yesterday I am a trusted user, but still I need other people's flags before I can exercise the delete powers.
Oh! I didn't know how that worked. The highest I've gotten is 11k on Arqade...i have no idea how the trusted user system actually works.
@DeltaLima Also, congrats!
Thanks. I am still exploring how it works. I have flagged the post for deletion, I think that capability came after crossing the 3.5K mark.
But now I need two others to flag it for deletion before I can delete it.
I'm ~150 away from the 4k mark, but I've been too busy flagging and reviewing to post anything :)
@DeltaLima must have been before that; I have flagging privs
@flyingfisch I think I got it with the 4K. There are the flagging privs that draw moderator attention, but I have a delete link next to the flag link that flags it for deletion.
And that link appears only when the answer has -1 or below score.
@DeltaLima yeah, well I am pretty sure I have it too...
@flyingfisch Ok, than I am not sure what the 4K brings as extra.
@2,000 rep you can flag a post for deletion, but that just brings it to the attention of others that can do the actual deletion. At 4,000 you can vote to delete a post, but it takes 5 votes (or 1 from a mod) to actually delete it. Plus, you can only vote to delete in some circumstances.
@Lnafziger thanks, it makes sense now
@DeltaLima No problem.
@DeltaLima Congrats on 4k by the way!
@JayCarr Hey! Absolutely, you can help out! I haven't had any time recently to work on Otto, but there are a list of things to do, at github.com/dannybeckett/SO-ChatBot/issues - the actual source code is at github.com/dannybeckett/SO-ChatBot for the frontend, and github.com/dannybeckett/so-chatbot-php-helper for the backend. All of the issues are in that first link :) Maybe have a look through it, and give me a shout? Can always get you setup with a login.
@DannyBeckett FYI, I took your terrorism tag off of this question because it is basically just an aircraft design question:
Q: Could a pilot of a Boeing 777 incapacitate other crew/passengers by manipulating air quality/pressure?

YarinCould a pilot of a Boeing 777 incapacitate everyone outside the cockpit by a) somehow triggering a loss of cabin pressure while simultaneously disarming the airplane's oxygen masks? b) manipulating the air circulation system to induce hypoxia c) some other means? Pertains obviously to Malaysia A...

ok sure no problem!
(I think that deliberately incapacitating the cabin would be terrorism though)
@DannyBeckett Well, not necessarily. It could be a hijacking.
oh, I hadn't drawn a distinction between the two
But the question is "is it possible" and that's an aircraft design issue. A terrorism/hijacking question would be more about the act.
Just my opinion. :)
(apologies if I make the odd mistake like this...)
been anywhere nice this week? @Lnafziger
No apology needed. Your edits all improve the site/questions/answers, but sometimes a second set of eyes sees things differently. :)
@DannyBeckett I'm in Columbia (South America) right now.
Headed home tomorrow.
@Lnafziger ok good to know!
wow... hot there?
headed home with parcels in the fuel tank? haha
Well, I was in Bogota yesterday (and it's in the mountains so not very hot), but I'm in Cartegena today which is on the ocean and quite warm. It's nice!
And only fuel in the tanks, lol. We actually hired a security guard to watch the airplane 24/7 while we are here.
no way, that's interesting!
you should ask a question about security guards for planes :p
wish I was there... freezing in England!
how do i add a new tag?
have enough rep and then use it in a question?
just edit a question, and type it in the tags box... it's ok that it doesn't pop up with the suggestion
which one do you want to create
Boeing 777. we have for the 737 and 757.
then you can click the tag when you're done, and suggest a tag wiki excerpt
thanks :)
@Lnafziger I watched Scam City about Bogota recently... lots of people trying to sell you fake gems?
@DannyBeckett Not so far. We go there fairly regularly, but so far they have only been short trips. Get a ride to the hotel, sleep until the next day, get up and leave. No time to go explore.
ah I see
you should watch that episode... ;)
actually, I forgot until I just read the tagline... that was a seriously fucked up episode
> Conor searches for a deadly zombie drug that renders its victims helpless as he explores the underside of Colombia's largest city.
that question (the pressurization one) applies to nearly all passenger jets though
^ that's true...
@ratchetfreak Yeah, but it would have a different answer for almost every jet... Systems are different and pilots have different controls depending on the specific jet.
I guess we can leave it tagged as is, and let the answer make it clear that different planes have similar systems
@DannyBeckett Interesting show! (Still watching it)
@Lnafziger yeah that one was crazy! the one they did about Amsterdam was bull though, just pickpocketing
that pressurization accident actually answers a lot of questions. quite plausible imho.
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