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I don't suppose you saw my edit to aviation.stackexchange.com/questions/1331/…? @Lnafziger
Yeah, that doesn't really change anything. You can't legally do the flight without the alternate and enough fuel to get there.
There is an exception for "remote" airports, but you have to figure out if you can land there before you get the "point of no return".
(I doubt that would qualify anyway)
That flight may need some auxiliary fuel tanks to do it legally though. ;-)
It's awfully quiet here tonight....
yup! I was out last night, having a quiet one tonight
guess everyone else is out!
I guess so!
So what do you think of our news feed items in here?
I'm just watching more of those Dangerous Flights episodes atm
erm, I think they're good, but I don't really know any more I could add
I have yet to see one start a conversation.
one that I wanted to add (but it involves some programming) is the NTSB's reports
Especially the "This day in aviation" ones... I cant read them without getting bored.
@Lnafziger I was talking to voretaq about some UCAP podcasts
Yeah, that would be cool (ntsb)
@Lnafziger I haven't even clicked any of them
Me either
Just reading the intro puts me to sleep, lol.
the reason that one got added was because someone said something like "I wonder if there's a 'This day in aviation' feed"
then someone Googled and added one
You've made me want to make the NTSB feed now... :p
gonna do it in the next couple of hours
Cool, that one I would use
me too, lol
Maybe I shouldn't have asked this question:
Q: What general options do I have when an aircraft owner does not pay me for my pilot or mechanic services?

LnafzigerIf you do a contract flight, or a mechanic does contract maintenance for an aircraft owner and they refuse to pay after the fact, what options do I have to "encourage" the owner to pay me? One of the big problems is that this tends to happen informally. Owner: "Hey, can you do this fligh...

I think that's a great question actually
I'm gonna take a stab at the answer
It walks the line between a legitimate question and being too broad though I think (when you consider all the different jurisdictions that an airplane could be in).
sure it does, but it's a pertinent question
I'd imagine there are probably similar questions on other SE sites, e.g. Freelancing
well I had a go at an answer... maybe someone will have a more complete answer for you! :)
I gave you a +1, but I'd be curious about the mechanic -vs- pilot thing.
actually I found something more :) editing
great :)
Cool, I've always heard that recording a lien and enforcing it are two different things though.. I remember reading a long time ago that pilots are kind of screwed when it comes to situations like this.
@Lnafziger thanks for the answer on the 3585 Q. I'll accept yours and compliment with a flowcharty answer. If my experience at ExpressJet is any indication, that Q should flow a lot of traffic from 121 indoc and recurrent classes.
@casey No problem. Did I get everything right? ;-)
I looked and looked but couldn't find the original exemption (which is why I picked someone else who got the same thing).
From my cursory look at it, you got it. The only thing I would add possible is the actual opspec. I used to have a pdf with the opspec number and language in it, but I cannot find it anymore anywhere online.
I thought it was C55, but when I tracked that one down it allows adjusting alternate minimums for operators that can do engine-inop cat II / cat III ops. I'm still hunting for it
@DannyBeckett Cool, I'll leave it open for a day or two so that people get the chance to see it and add comments to help improve it. Looks good though!
of course! I'd also be interested to see other answers, myself.
@casey 1.40 in this FAA checklist says C55.
@casey There's an example on page 6 of this pdf.
Oh, now this website is great: austincollins.com/flying.htm
I love his "Proper Radio Phraseology and Technique" pdf
I'll have to re-read C55. I was sure it was the one too.
As much noise as they made about 3585 in class, in 5 years I was never dispatched under it except for imaginary ops in the sim :)
and wouldn't you know it, the sim paperwork in those cases always had an illegal alternate or the weather was actually too bad for the exemption.
Imagine that, lol.
@DannyBeckett You just created a wiki for but that one has been bugging me. Maybe or instead?
@Lnafziger It's easy enough to rename the tag. Just go through each question with the tag and retag it with a new name, if you think it's a good idea!
but I guess you already knew that - go for it!
Well, I can rename it easier than that (and it won't even bump the questions).
I'd probably go for
oh, the sim... One of my favorites started without the oft expected V1 engine fire and progressed up to cruise altitude where we spontaneously encountered volcanic ash. We got the keep both engines, but lose all electrical busses except battery essential, lose pressurization, and host of other things. The game then is to fly with the backup instruments, while wearing the O2 masks, start the emergency descent and get it on the ground in under 40 minutes.
I just won't do it completely on my own without at least discussing it first. (not that this is a big enough change to really need a meta post either though)
@Lnafziger with the 10k tools? I haven't seen them yet
@DannyBeckett no, the moderator tools. :)
10k tools != mod tools?
10k doesn't get them all. evil grin
ah I see
@casey lmao, wow that does sounds like fun!
@casey At least they let you keep the engines.
@casey Hopefully they don't try that on me tomorrow (first day of the sim).
@DannyBeckett Do you think that it would be obvious enough that it doesn't include the other things that you mentioned? (performance charts, etc) if it is named aeronautical-charts instead of navigation-charts (or some variation)?
@Lnafziger I honestly can't remember what I wrote - I submitted that 3-4 days ago
@Qantas94Heavy Hey hey
@DannyBeckett Really? It just popped up.
@Lnafziger: is something up? I just suggested a tag wiki excerpt for and it's been twice now that either Danny has been doing exactly the same thing as me or the system's screwed up the names
I have submitted some today, ~1 hour ago, but not
do you have a link to the suggestion?
Not quite sure about it, but I'd try and get one in
Well, now it says @Qantas94Heavy. Maybe I mis-read it earlier.
ah ok (checking through my suggest history now)
@DannyBeckett I had just approved a few other edits of yours so probably just figured it was another one, lol.
yeah that'll be it
@Lnafziger @Qantas94Heavy yeah I'm thinking we may want to rename that to aeronautical-charts too (and create performance-charts when we need it)
Okay, done. :)
also I'm feeling very bitter - today was the first decent flying day we've had temperature wise, so of course the winds were gusting upwards of 30 knots all morning and it snowed in the afternoon.
The weatherbeast hates me.
That sucks!
Wait a minute.
What do you mean by "decent flying day temperature wise" and "it snowed in the afternoon"? Those don't go together in on sentence....
^ He was the runner-up weatherbeast
@Lnafziger well it's been in the teens-20s for the last week
today we actually broke above freezing for a few hours
@DannyBeckett yeah, I'm American
!!convert 20 fahrenheit to celcius
@DannyBeckett Confuse converter with fahrenheit, receive error message
@DannyBeckett "FUCKING COLD you limey bastard"
brrrr :p
-6.6 actually
what matters to me is it begins with a -. that means it's too cold, stay the hell inside!
Oslo was very cold this time last year. My ex said it got to like -40C in places of Norway
!!weather osl
OSL/ENGM: Oslo Gardermoen Airport • Observed: 23 mins ago • Wind: 130°/SE @ 7kts • Visibility: 6.21mi/9.99km • Clouds: Overcast @ 2,300ft • Temperature: -7.0°C/19°F • Dewpoint: -10.0°C/14°F • Pressure: 30.12" Hg/1,020mb • Conditions: MVFR
"warm" :p
!!weather FRG
@voretaq7 No matching ICAO code could be found for the IATA code FRG! Check you typed the correct 3-letter IATA code, or type its 4-letter ICAO code instead.
oh for the love of kittens
!!metar KFRG
KFRG 260253Z AUTO 25012KT 10SM FEW095 BKN120 M04/M08 A2947 RMK AO2 SLP980 T10441083 58002
"fucking cold!"
@voretaq7 sorry man, issue #31
@DannyBeckett . . . so you're telling me the autopilot has "issues"? like the one in the simulator that TRIED TO FUCKING KILL ME?
lmfao... yes :(
Also see my comment on your answer on the icon thread - I had to do Bad Things to my browser to make it update the site's favicon
@DannyBeckett :) I know why you did it (the picture looks better in a question or answer) but it isn't really right.
1 hour later…
@voretaq7 ever been to the ice runway?
10 hours later…
posted on January 26, 2014 by Bryan Swopes

26 January 1946: Colonel William H. Councill, U.S. Army Air Forces, a test pilot at the Flight Test Division, Wright Field, Ohio, piloting a Lockheed P-80A-1-LO Shooting Star, serial number 44-85123, made a record-breaking flight from Daugherty Field (Long Beach Airport), California to overhead LaGuardia Airport, New York in 4 hours, 13 minutes, 26 seconds. This set a […] The post 26 Janu

Q: What is your aviation experience?

caseyWe all pose our questions and answers through the lens of our experience, so I thought it would be interesting to know what each of our experience is. I've seen mention of aircraft and operations scattered in comments and answers, but perhaps it would be nice to put it all in one place. What c...

Hey all
Shhhhh, someone may hear us.
@qantas94heavy did you forget about this answer: aviation.stackexchange.com/a/194/69 ? :)
About to hop in the simulator. :)
enjoy your v1 cuts!
2 hours later…
@Lnafziger how do you like the Jeppesen FD app?
I used to use flitestar and it was pretty meh, FF has a much better ux
I keep reading reviews of the jepp FD and it sounds pretty crashy
4 hours later…
@egid it's good because it is world-wide and has jepp charts. I've never had the current version crash though, except for one bug involving wifi dropping out (all you have to do is turn wifi off and you're fine).

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