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"Because of this empathic link, the master has the same connection to an item or place that his familiar does. "

Could someone explain this aspect of a familiars Empathic Link Ability?
@Novian ...it does things?
@Novian :-D
@Novian :-(
@Novian - Gimmie a second to look it up
@Novian You're still here, right?
That...is interesting.
Alright, and keeping in mind that I am no Great And Powerful Master of RAW (and the psychotic wordings thereof)
Sorry, disconnected
What I would say is that it means that a familiar can activate items as though it were the master, provided it can actually use said items, and that the familiar is treated as being its master in addition to itself for the purposes of, say, localized environmental effects as long as it's in reach of the bond.
So, for example, it could activate wands as though it were its master, it's treated as being its master for items that care about ownership, and it triggers, say, traps as though it were a character with its master's traits in addition to its own.
Now, a caveat: this is an interpretation made solely in light of the wording and not with any kind of balance in mind
Because holy hell does that make familiars more powerful
if the familiar can see a place, its master can. Thus, he could for example cast a magic missile behind a column
Incorrect, @Zachiel
It rather firmly notes that the Empathic Bond can only send emotions
Actually. "The master cannot see through the familiar’s eyes, but they can communicate empathically."
And in any event the familiar doesn't provide you with Line of Effect, which is needed.
the mage does not see the enemy
through the familiar's eyes
Thats later. When you can scry em.
but has the same connection with the anemy as it was its familiar
The connection is to 'items' and 'places'
I Suppose it might be handy for short range teleports.
And it should be noted that it goes Familiar -> Master but not the reverse
So, again, incorrect based on the wording given.
And it still does nothing with Line of Effect
you're right there
not even for teleporting?
I Suppose not,
I think
And keep in mind that we are now in wording so shaky that the San Francisco Earthquake was calmer
although I like the imprecise Dim door.
State a distance. thats it.
That it might permit the familiar to teleport as though it was where ever its master is standing instead of where it is.
So if your familiar could DimDoor somehow it could dim door to where you are by "being" there
Although I did once Dimdoor down a 100ft hallway because I thought it was trapped.
it was. in a manner of speaking.
right where I landed.
4 bog mummies.
Just keep in mind @Novian that my interpretation is based on wording that contains no defined rules terms and is thus arguable in the extreme.
And permitting what I stated makes familiars much more powerful/useful since they can increase your action economy (by using items for you)
aguably it would be based on the rules for scrying spells.
Though it also makes them somewhat more vulnerable since they count as being you for the purposes of, say, traps and Contingencies
I have 7 hp so my familiar has 3. I aint riskin shit on nothin at this level.
to use as improper a term as possible.
Well, wait
EXP loss is crippling.
Your familiar has half of your HP or HP as normal for a creature of its type, whatever is better
ok so it has 4.
well 1 HD averaged to 4
First HD is always maxed
No exceptions
not for NPC's
Even for NPCs
Every creature's first HD is max'd
You'll see sometimes a creature that has a listing of 1/2 HD
that sir says 4
Sometimes they do.
I mean con 10 and its a D8 so wtf
I may have to use the share spells effect to mage armor that thing.
Because Bulwark of Reality is too dangerous'
Why are you not just Sharing every buff you cast?
there's never a reason not to
true true
see why my pgs never take familiars?
nothing worthwile for me to trade em for.
@Novian Do you not have Abrupt Jaunt?
That would be 'no'
PHBII, Wiz/Sorc ACF. Trades your familiar for a teleport
One of the best ACFs in the game
I am an Abjurer Specialist.
for some reason giving up evoc and illusion
There's an ACF in PHBII for every school of magic and they all involve throwing your familiar away
Which is great because familiars are terrible
(I woulda given up Evoc and your choice of Enchantment/Necromancy myself but Illusion's not a bad choice)
Some spells in necromancy I like.
I suppose enchantment wouldnt have been a bad way to go.
Honestly the only reason not to throw away Evocation is Contingency
nothing super duper important there.
Though if you toss Evoc but keep Illusion you can get Contingency back with Shadow Evocation
hey sometimes wizards need damage.
Excuse me sir, while I point you at the Conjuration school
Shad Evoc is only partially real.
And its possession of the best blasting spells in the game
Evocation is an insult to blasters
It really is.
this is true. I like magic missle. But i guess I can do without it
Especially since you still have Orb of Force
which is really the same if not better at the end of the day.
No lie, Magic Missile is solid
But Orb of Force has those three sweet words in its description
"Spell Resistance: No"
Especially if you can get some Dragon Mag in on it. Magic missle has a class build around firing them at insane quantities i think.
Excuse me while I recoil from the Paizo content and hiss
because then i get to say NO to my dm.
and he cant do anything besides try and smite me.
mage armor + Sheild.
not only am I immune to magic missle I have alot of AC
Anyway, blasting is not really the best option for wizards/sorcerers, though it can be done and having some direct damage around is great.
Nothing quite like Disintegrate against low-Fort targets if you've got to lay down the law.
Na Im am abjurer we abjurate things.
Abjuration's sorta middling as far as spell schools go, but you've got wonderful access to Transmutation and Conjuration
transmutation is like "half the spells out there"
the only reason i went abjurer(Which now that i think about it i may change) Is to ensure I had the spells to get into IoSV Prestige
Oh geez, that's easy
Especially if you're a Wizard
Since you can literally buy them
Even if you somehow forget to pick some out
yeah. might respecialize.
I picked up a neat little feat that will ensure I can learn enough.
Collegiate Wizard?
plus, specialization does not buy you new spells. You just cast more of that kind
I'm a fan of it myself but it's honestly overkill of epic proportions.
oh well.
I don't think so. You just spend a little less money
saves me money on reserch.
Of course, there's also No Kill Like Overkill
Since I assume you're writing spells in a blessed book in any case
@Zachiel - Feats are more expensive than money, scrolls show up on random treasure tables and they're also cheap.
a Bellsed what now?
Boccob's Blessed Book
Boccob's Blessed Book
If your DM makes you record spellbook pages
First you slap him
costs a whopping 12500 gp
And then you buy one of these bad boys and never have to worry bout spellbook recording again.
but then you have 1000 pages and no cost for scribing spells on it
Personally I hate trying to keep track of spellbooks and I don't make my players do so either. So freakin' annoying
I have 50gp. I am Level 1
Oh I know you're not getting it -now-
but get it ASAP
An alternate method
all the copy-scrolls-to-be-batman thing is gauged on having that book
Is instead of buying the Blessed Book, dip a single level of Geometer. It doesn't cost you any casting, you can get into it easily, and the first level provides Blessed Book aallll on its own
What book is Geometer in?
good. I like COmparc
and you can take the level well before Initiate becomes a thing
If you're non-Good then a dip in Mindbender is also suggested so you can pick up the Mindsight feat from Lords of Madness
i think Level 9 is the earliest I could do initiate anyway.
Need 4th level abjurations and 12 ranks in 2 skills
Yep. IIRC you can Geometer at level 5
a good 75% of my starting skill points already went into knowledges anyway.
And you can Mindbender at the same level as long as you can Charm so mehow
its a first level spell.
Charm person.
who doesnt like Mind Control Gimps.
@Novian Well if you ban Enchantment you need some workarounds :p
welp I dont think im an abjurer anymore.
Though you could always pick it up as an SLA by going Half-Fey (+1 LA, Fiend Folio). Buy off the LA and you're golden
Alternately, just be a generalist
true true.
where was that abrupt jaunt thingie?
Now, the reason I suggest Mindsight via a Mindbender dip is first because you still won't lose any casting
but second because though Mindsight costs a feat, it's literally an impervious vision mode that doesn't care about things like walls, invisibility, illusions, nothin'
If it has an INT score, you detect it within 100 feet
I got LoS. Basically
More importantly you get LoE through anything that's not total cover
And some spells don't actually care about LoE, like Fog Cloud etc
You don't suffer miss chances from poor vision or darkness
You can't be rendered blind
etc, etc, etc
Conjurer specialist is lookin pretty good right about now.
int mod times per day immediate teleport.
lookin reeal good.
although so Is Generalist.
Abrupt Jaunt is VERY popular
And Conjuration is the arcane school
Lessee. Conjuration Specialization nets me the use of an additional spell per day per level. and Access to abrupt jaunt.

Generalist Allows me no banned schools. and i need to get rid of my familiar some other way.
and conjuration is a great school for almost anything.
If you spec Conjuration you could toss Evoc/Necromancy/Illusion or something along the lines. If you throw away Evoc I'd keep Illusion so you can get your Contingency back, though
Welp Goodbye Undead and death effects i suppose.
Nah, Summon Undead is Conjuration
Not kidding either.
Works out great, but the spell Contingency is a little cheaper in terms of cost
Hence why using Shadow Evoc to mimic it is popular
Since while the Contingency is only part-real...the spell you put in it? That's completely real.
but I would have the option.
im weighting them all.
just found another useful ability for conjurers that uses up the familiar.
Nah nevermind I dont need it.
The Summon one?
It's kinda sexy, but not as sexy as Jaunt
Combine both the enhanced summoning line with rapid summoning and you are a summoner Baws
problem is you lose your Wizard Bonus Feats
You don't really need them at that point
Though if you're going that route
Not really
What you do is go Malconvoker, and you wouldn't have had them anyway
I if it was me would pick up persistant spell. as a regular feat for summoners.
Always nice to have a freind nearby.
24 hour duration spells are nice too.
24 Hour mage armor. and sheild
More useful for buffs than permanent summons
Planar Binding is, you know, a thing
this is true.
I may pick it up on this wizard just for the 24 hour Mage Armor and Sheild buffs.
because AC from anywhere is usefull to a wizard
Especially Stacking AC that applys on touch attacks.
Nah, AC isn't really a great investment past low levels. You wanna think more like Blur, Displacement, Blink, and Mirror Image
Things that make attack modifiers irrelevent
Plus Abrupt Jaunt can whisk you away from attacks
only Int Mod times a day.
which is 4 for me.
How low do you think your Int Mod is going to be by the time Persist comes online?
When do we get feats? every 3 levels?
More importantly, Persist has a spell level increase.
Which puts its effective use beyond the earliest you can acquire it
hmm if i wasnt trying to be nice to my Gm I could Cheese that down a bit
ah well
if I was Cheesing in I Could get it down to 3 or 4
Like I said, AC buffs aren't generally great anyway
You want non-AC defenses
Protection from Arrows, Stoneskin, Mirror Image, Blur, Blink, Displacement, Foresight, Celerity, Abrupt Jaunt, Wind Wall....
I have up to first level spells so AC is my only way to go at the moment.
Oh yes, certainly
but when Persist comes online there's better choices
Wondering if I should Carry Enlarge Person around...
1 hour later…
@Novian Enlarge Person is great to cast on melee allies
And poor to cast on yourself
In point of fact most spellcasters want to be Small, or smaller, if they can
1 hour later…
Abrupt Jaunt isnt broken in the least,
useful but never broken.
Upon Further inspection it seems someone does know the limitations.
Since it has limited use, I'd just throw a group at the PC where everyone would target with ranged attacks the mage.
If the mage has +5 INT, he can only run away 5 times
A group of 5 archers is enough to make him lose all uses of it
If you are afraid that he'll just take these arrows straight on chest, make sure they are covered in a poison which, for example, makes it difficult to cast spells
One thing that bugs me about D&D CharOp is that just about everyone involved assumes you create the character at a very high level, rather than leveling up. It's an entirely different way of approaching PC building, and barring 4e-style retraining must needs produce very different characters.
Which makes the "If you're not doing X you're doing it wrong" crowd look not just elitist but actually silly.
Even 4e CharOP seems almost exclusively concerned with epic-level optimization and pays little attention to anything else. This attitude seems very narrow-minded and of such limited usefulness that it turns CharOp into little more than thought exercises.

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