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Back in about ten minutes.
@KRyan Maybe you could contribute some ideas to re-writing the question for more productive answers?
Works for me.
I feel it's a tad defensive.
Also, uurgh, trying to argue in comments is a bad idea.
@BESW There is an element of pre-emptive argument towards the existing answers... but I'm not sure there's any way to channel people away from the "Do it when somebody thinks about" answers.
"What table-level game policy decisions, that will define the experience of the group and determine if it’s the kind of game the group wants to play, should the group consult on before or during city creation?"
Not sure what you're asking by quoting that.
Do you think the italics are useful?
No, they are too much emphasis in an emphasised paragraph.
I'm tempted to side with SSD on the gnome thing.
Gnome in a duct = OH GOD OH GOD.
@BESW He's got a point - but there should be more than "Fists vs. Fists with penalty" going on there.
A Precarious Position aspect that makes you fall if you get hit, for instance.
Oh, I'm not really thinking about the falling damage bit. That's too situational to be useful.
But the idea of a gnome maneuvering (whether in the mechanical sense of the term I'm not sure) for advantage...
@BESW Yeah - that would be it. He'd have to work around his Wee disadvantage, which is kinda the point.
Setting traps, picking up a gun (I mean, resting a gun on some books and yanking the trigger), etc.
But the moment he's forced to rely on just his claws - he's screwed.
I'm thinking if the gnome can convince you to get Crammed in a Duct as an Aspect, he should be able to ignore Wee for free.
@BESW Invoking for effect, yeah, I can see that.
[face/palm] Now I've got this image of John McClane fighting off gnomes in a duct.
Costs him a FATE point - of course.
@SimonGill The gnome?
Can you use a tag to invoke for effect?
@BESW Or that :)
Would that invoke for effect last for one attack, or for the duration of the Crammed in a Duct aspect?
@BESW Just one roll (he could also use the free tag for a defense). You can compel it to stop him moving fast too.
sweet, finally got my ghostscript wrapper working, and it makes me wonder if a .net native implementation of ghostscript would be worth writing...
@waxeagle I'm surprised there isn't one already.
@BESW That policies question is fascinating as someone who is also trying to get their head around Dresden RPG
@Phil Glad to hear it! Is there... anything you can suggest for how to get better answers?
I've totally re-written it to try and make it clear that it's not an XY problem.
@BESW Tricky. I think perhaps the disconnect between what you want as an answer (and the way you've phrased the question), and the answers you have got so far might be because GMs/players familiar with FATE and Dresden in particular believe there is no hard and fast answer. The general feeling I get is that the entire concept of even having to agree something at the start is foreign and unnecessary
....Which would be why I specifically phrased this as building on explicit ideas from the manual....
@Phil The struggle seems to be in defining the questions that need to be talked about.
Even FATE Core (which is a lot less crunchy than DFRPG) talks about making sure everyone agrees on things like "the scope of the game."
and I think that is because there might be no definitive answer
Sure, it's gonna be good subjective/bad subjective. I know that, and I tried to make the question encourage good subjective.
because it could be everything or it could be nothing
and everything in between
That's actually why my first attempt at the question put a lot more limiters on it: "What does the book say about this?"
How do you choose specific questions when the entire system is designed to be run by consensus?
But that was interpreted as being beholden to RAW and the "GM mystique."
@Phil It's an issue of which consensuses should be reached before play.
and we come back round to my feeling that there isn't a set answer to that.
That subset of topics which fall into "Let's get this out of the way because it commonly causes problems if we let it sit around unanswered."
For some groups it might be masses of stuff, for others it might be absolutely nothing
Right, but there's got to be common ground based on the experience of the SE members that I can tap into.
I'm not sure there are enough people with a wide enough experience on the site to give you sufficient data to get that common ground
I suspect it might be a better question to be asked on specialist forums, where discussion can be had
But there is experience.
And even if it's not enough for a statistically significant sample, there must be some way to ask the question that gets "This is what my group did, here's how it worked, here's what I'll do differently next time" instead of "You'll know it when you see it, l2p."
maybe you should put that quote in your question :) It seems to sum up what you are after
Also, I feel like a person should be able to ask a FATE-related question without explicitly saying "I know group consultation is the source of FATE's power."
It's like if every time a 3.5 question didn't say that the guy knows how the 1d20+mod mechanic is central to the system, all the answers would just explain that.
...sorry. I'm feeling bitter that in asking a question about how to better facilitate the FATE philosophy, I have to defend my awareness that the philosophy exists. It's a barrier to welcoming people into the system that I think posters need to be aware of and work to tear down.
Hmm, let me give it some thought. I only popped on for a bit - I'll see if I can suggest something in the morning.
Perhaps @Magician might want to consider this as part of his essay series.
@Magician mmmmm
@Magician @BESW wanted you to look at this question and see if it would help your essay series - rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/21816/…
I see, thanks. It appears to have changed significantly since last I've seen it. And chat covers why...
Yeah, it changed just a little bit.
@BESW You may want to take a look here: bankuei.wordpress.com/2010/03/27/the-same-page-tool
It is the ongoing saga of a D&D-habitualized GM trying to ask for advice on using a new system, and being told that he doesn't understand the system.
and either use it as is, or as basis for your discussion
Hehe, there is a certain degree of snobism in the hobby, directed both at "D&D primitives" and at "story-game sissies".
@Magician That reads totally different to me. D&D Primitives sounds more like the basic building blocks of D&D.
That Same Page Tool looks very useful.
It really does. I'm about to use it for the first time this week :)
1 hour later…
@SimonGill D&D Primitives sounds like Dark Sun halflings.
It's a heretical sect that still generates stats with 3d6 in order.
I know a guy who would probably find that appealing.
His group still thinks 2e was too radical a shift, and developed their own % tables for the stages of elven pregnancy.
Oh, I can see the appeal, for a very specific game.
Because elven trimesters were that important to the game.
@BESW How many elves got pregnant?
One, I believe? I kinda only paid half attention after the PC became the physical manifestation of a god that didn't exist.
mmm, something in my head just went ping. Hope it wasn't important.
1 hour later…
Downside to playing a Level 1 Wizard. If you can only cast like 3 1st level spells and 2 of them are Power Word Pain you better not fight undead.
otherwise you might as well turn tail and run.
Especially when you are in a group of two and you had already exausted your acid Spash and were running out of Sheild (the spell.) duration.
Is anyone else having trouble with the site?
What Kind of trouble
@BESW works fine for me.
Not loading kind of trouble.
Havnt noticed anything.
1 hour later…
I've been playing games and watching TV. No problems here.
1 hour later…
Maybe the policy question should be system-agnostic?
I really want to get @KRyan in here and pick his brain about why he wants an answer to the question.
26 upvotes on the Q and 9 on his comment tell me that there's something in there which people want to see brought out.
3 hours later…
@BESW I and the rest of my group would be that kind of guy. :P
We don't care much for imbalance and carry the handicapped characters if need be.
And we all still have lots of fun. Even the handicapped one.
Which question?
That's cool. I ran a 3.5 group with a very similar attitude for some time.
Q: What policies should be made at the start of a campaign, to define the desired game experience and avoid bad feelings later?

BESWMy group and I work on the assumption that a game system's default assumptions are its manifesto, and that by choosing a system we are choosing to let its assumptions stand except where we institute explicit house rules to the contrary (which we feel free to do as necessary). I'm talking about f...

Thanks :)
I have spent all day trying to make this get actual answers. I've got another edit in the brain, but haven't written anything yet.
Ooooo nice 'un
I think I need to KISS and rewrite.
@Rob Thanks.
You've bolded the main point/question - which I've started doing to get people to the question I want answered
26 upvotes indicates to me that people feel there are productive positive answers to be had.
But the people who have provided answers provide negative answers along the lines of "Stop trying to learn how to play and just play."
The PF game I'm playing at the moment is the first one I've ever played with a "social contract" and I really think it helped.
(When I say "negative," I mean in the "absence" sense rather than the "bad" sense.)
I'm gerning up to an answer
@William'MindWorX'Mariager I think there's a difference between not caring about imbalance (which is cool if the whole group gets it), being upset about imbalance (which is really just going to give you an ulcer), and reveling in imbalance (which... I can't really understand, but whatever floats your boat).
@Rob I await it eagerly!
If it helps, I'm considering re-writing the question drastically. [grin]
Same basic premise, but specifically asking for action/reflection/planning answers.
(I did X, the result was Y, in the future I will change Z and leave A the same)
@BESW We're definitely the first kind of group. We try to focus on having fun, and avoid all the balance issues. A large part of my players stem from a group that has been playing Draker och Demoner wrong for years. I'm slowly easing them into something more controlled. But I think the time spent playing something, in my opinion, stupid, has helped them see past rules and balance, and make them just appreciate the fun.
I've tried playing with the last kind of group too. That was kinda unsettling. Which showed me that there's far and wide between how people like to play their games.
I might wait for the rewrite; my answer is bubbling along the lines of expectations, content, disaster management, time commitment and house rules...
Also out of game contributions
@William'MindWorX'Mariager I once joined a 3.5 game that ignored racial HD when calculating ECL.
@William'MindWorX'Mariager And I once ran a game in which each PC had some fundamental flaw which made him nearly unplayable.
@BESW Sounds like pleasant encounters. :P
@William'MindWorX'Mariager It kind of meant "Roll a hill giant or go home."
The dwarven bard's intelligent bagpipes refused to play unless drunk, which meant they were also wet. The wizard could only target spells by hitting people with imbued arrows, which made for fun party buffing. The ranger was raised by wolves and knew a number of words equal to twice his Int score.
@BESW There's something lovely about those kinds of games. As long as players like it too. :P
@William'MindWorX'Mariager Of course! Each player lovingly crafted his dysfunctional character for maximum fail.
"No, I swear. Let me stab you with this arrow and you'll feel a lot better."
:) Failing is an art form
@BESW I had a cleric of a war god whose focus was a dagger; whenever they healed someone they stabbed them. Heal d8 Damage d4. Usually the d4 was higher ;)
"Ge' back, ye poin'y-eared freak! Ah've got enow trouble soberin' oop me instrumen'!"
@Rob There is an actual 3.5 weapon enchant that has 3/day cure light wounds on a hit.
@BESW Haha! Excellent :)
It's supposed to be for hunters of undead, so if they make a mistake it's less likely to be lethal but if they're right it hurts more.
But when I dropped one, my party took one look at it and said "Torture implement. Gotta be."
Oh I have to share the genius of our druid player last night;
Our party got attacked by a Wyvern and the gnome druid was bitten by it and was about to be swallowed; so he cast "Create Water" down the Wyverns throat (8 gallons) and it projectile vomited him out.
Reminds me of the cleric who was suffocating in a bag of holding... so he cast create water and water breathing.
Oh very cunning :)
He cunned himself right out of the campaign that day, actually.
The whole party was falling about 500 miles through an elemental plane of air, with a rough landing promised at the bottom.
The cleric got into his bag of holding, all but his head, and banished himself.
A bag of holding with a head sticking out of it popped into existence ten feet above the ground in the square of his home village on the material plane, falling at terminal velocity. It hit hard enough that he fell all the way into the bag and it closed up, trapping him.
Water breathing gave him enough time for someone to walk past and peer inside the bag, whereupon a sopping wet cleric burst out.
However, he had no way to return to the party's plane of existence and expected they were all dead from the fall anyway, so the character had effectively banished himself from the campaign.
Oh dear :)
@Rob That.... sounds like something I'd really like to see.
28 mins ago, by Rob
I might wait for the rewrite; my answer is bubbling along the lines of expectations, content, disaster management, time commitment and house rules...
Ah righty :)
Yeah, I don't even know yet if I can edit the thing productively again.
...Or if my current edit was productive....
HrmmmMmmm that goes for an answer, more ideas rather than something full....
May end up deleting it
Thanks! [runs to read]
Hmmm. Now I have a whole new tangential question to write!
Something about "example" or "introductory" encounters.
Done that for a few more esoteric games; really helped people understand what to expect
Including myself
I've tried it, and I like the idea as a GM.
Right, gym time, adios for a bit
Aight, ta!
Maybe "Important pre-game social contract topics" would be a better theme.
Haruum. I'm thinking about including links to other social contract questions.
But I'm afraid that would derail the conversation back into "FATE hates rules" territory.
I've just written a 2100+ word essay in one sitting, on transplanting narrativism and other tasty things into absolutely any RPG system. Would anyone care to read it before I post, and tell me if I'm insane?
@Magician I think I can tell you that without reading it, but sure, I'll bite.
What kind of feedback are you looking for?
Whatever you're prepared to give. Am I being coherent? Does the proposed system sound at all worthwhile? Are there glaring omissions in it?
@SimonGill I was quite surprised myself. But everything I found was "here's how to implement a wrapper"
@Magician I think it's a cool idea, but will quickly become mired in questions about at what level the GM's decisions should fall into the system.
Nearly everything a GM does that isn't absolutely transparent (basically, rolling a die in the open with a known modifier against a known target number) could be called a Proposition.
It could be. The idea (which clearly wasn't communicated well enough) was to use this only for important events, things that shape the story.
I got that, but you're leaving the level of granularity open... and maybe too open? I'm not sure.
I can see some players I've had extrapolating it to death.
More recommendations on that, gotcha. Though in part it is meant to be open, up to individual group to determine
Circling all the way back to your DF question ;)
I've run with some people who push to destruction if someone doesn't show them exactly where the line is and push them back when they cross it.
@Magician Yeah, I figured you left it open on purpose and I applaud the idea.
@Magician I did get some vibes there.
@BESW Well, in this case it is up to the GM to draw the line by posing the Questions and making Propositions. The traditional mode of "shit happens to you" is still there.
And because players are limited in Story points, they can't just spam Propositions.
I'll have to think on how to phrase this better. Definitely holding off on posting until I've had a good night's sleep and a chance to read it on fresh head.
I'm also a little concerned that the system is very susceptible to powerful personalities.
Not that any RPG system isn't, but....
@BESW Oh, very much so. Hence the optional limitation on spending Story points
Actually, that's not what I was thinking.
As someone who has turned a powerful personality into a competitive edge on more than one occasion (I was a very successful multiplayer in M:tG), I guarantee you that whoever is best able to persuade and manipulate the group will wind up having their vision of the system be dominant.
Not through making propositions, but through challenging and analysing them.
Mmmm. Yes. That's what happens when you let players be directors, though. I don't see a way around that.
Specifically, a GM choice can be turned into a proposition with a little pressure, earning undeserved story points for the group.
Ok, but what are they going to spend them on? They'll answer the Questions (great), then use them to resolve conflicts to their satisfaction (also good). This is not such a bad thing, I think. Though it does remain to be seen.
@Magician I'm thinking about the way FATE limits invocations to Aspects. If there's some kind of way to delimit the target of a proposition....
Another paragraph further elaborating on when to award Story points, and how many players should have is clearly needed...
@BESW except it is by design high-level to the point of omnipotence. It is not what happens to a given character, it is what happens to the story, wherever that may be.
@Magician Then I'm going to Propose an epic wizard we're best buddies with, because we helped him with something I Proposed, and a few levels later naturally it's reasonable to Propose that he help us fight the Big Bad ten levels lower than him....
@Magician Right, the "target" needs to be a meta-level construct.
Okay, here's a silly idea that might get you thinking of better ones.
@BESW The GM, as one of the players, can always refuse a Proposition if they think it's a bad idea. And if they were to allow this (because, hey, the player clearly wants to experience this story), that'd be a boring story in which the player gets an easy undeserved win... and learns not to make such stories in the future.
@BESW shoot :)
Two layers of player agency: proposing Questions and providing Answers.
@Magician Heh. I've seen that kind of "gaming the system" high last for years in the right personality. It's about expressing supremacy over the system and the group.
Anyway, Questions and Answers.
A player may propose Questions, just like the GM can.
If the player asks a Question, they revoke the right to Propose an Answer to it; they have come up with the scenario and it is up to the others to resolve it.
In this system, the GM might actually be given a limited store of Story Points. The game is run as normal, but anyone--GM or player--can Ask Questions which everyone except the Asker can then answer.
@BESW I think that goes into the territory of GM-less games. Which this system skirts, but doesn't quite enter.
Yeah, I'm more explicitly dropping the opportunity for GMless plot development into a GM'd system.
I'd probably have Asking award a point, and Answering cost a point; you have to be starting scenarios in order to conclude them.
Something along the lines of... each player has a pool of points. There are some pre-agreed on setting details to provide a common background. Players propose questions, and when another player answers them they give the asker their story point.
@BESW Heh, similar thoughts
Yup, that works!
I'm envisioning the party going along, and say... just before the treasury door is opened, someone (the GM or a player) says "I want to ASK what is behind the door."
Of course, by that point you may as well discard the idea of characters mapping to players
Then everyone else talks and decides the ANSWER before the door is opened.
Bad example, I think, but yeah.
Better would be, "I want to ASK what is not in the treasury that should be there," like your example.
Anyway, the goal with this is to get your juices flowing, not for me to hash out my own system.
You guys tried microscope yet, all this collaborative questioning....
I'm awful at that. I never think of all the fiddly bits properly.
@BESW Nah, good example, because it already illustrates problems: what if several players want to Ask similar questions? And if they collectively answer it, which one pays the Asker a point? Something ponder further...
@Rob Haven't gotten my hands on it. As much as I love the idea of this stuff, my group isn't really ready yet.
@Magician Yes, a system that encourages consultation would be radical.
But applying mechanics to consultation is.... probably going to suck the spirit out of it.
@Rob I tried an early version, and it lacked drama too much for us. If you know how all the events turn out, there's little point in playing them out. That could have been changed up in a later version, I wouldn't know.
Anyways. Thanks for feedback, I'll think about incorporating it... Tomorrow :)
Link back when you publish!
@BESW It's very doable as a one-shot
@Rob We ran Dawn of Worlds a couple years ago and found it... lackluster? Didn't click.
@BESW I'm interested because I think it says a lot about the system in general and because it's a system I've been wanting to run and thus those are the questions I'd like to ask to start with. It's a question of setting and system that interests me
@BESW Will do, though it probably won't change too much, just elaborated on
I don't really have a lot of suggestions; I don't understand why people have had trouble 'getting it'
At the moment my group is about to be too small for a lot of the intraparty dynamics that make that sort of activity work.
@KRyan Do you think my re-write is helpful, or at least not harmful, to 'getting it'?
@KRyan And thanks! It means a lot that you and Simon have been going to bat for me. I'd be a lot more dejected and bitter about the "Just play right" answers otherwise.
@BESW I think it's quite good, particularly the Edit to clarify position bit
Cthos's answer seems pretty OK
I mean, it doesn't give you the full thing, but he's right about his thinking
yeah, his answer definitely helped me get that edit into shape.
mm, and Rob's answer is good too
Yes, if a bit general.
If he had more FATE or DFRPG specific suggestions, I'd be all over that checkmark.
It's a weird question. I know that.
it's actually maybe bordering somewhat on a list question
It's about the social contract (I should add that tag), and it's setting-specific, and in a system with a lot of confusion because it's kinda out-there already, and the general system doesn't like specific answers but the campaign manual is crunchier than the system it uses....
but because it's restricting itself primarily to Your Story, it seems answerable
yeah, is a good idea
anyway, gotta get going
Thanks! Ta.
@BESW ok, made 2 small changes based on your feedback. In Story Points: "During the course of the game the GM should endeavor to provide the players with a number of Story points at least equal to the number of Questions she asks. Players, in turn, should endeavor to get most of those points by accepting GM's proposals."
And in FAQ: "Should the GM make a Proposition every time they introduce a new element? Nope! Not every new element is an important hook that players may or may not accept. It is left entirely up to the GM. This is less of an issue with players, as they have a very limited s
Would that cover it, at least to some extent?..
I think so.
Cool. Again, thank you!
My pleasure!
(It's nice to rub elbows with people I've cribbed from repeatedly.)
@BESW Hah. It's nice to find out someone's reading the damn thing :)
@Magician Admittedly mostly just flipping through and cherry-picking. [grin] I'm not a big Follower of RPG Blogs.
Okay. I added a couple lines about setting-specific and experience-based answers being coolest, and pointed out that I added the social-contract tag but not the rules tag.
@BESW I'll take it :P. Every now and then I see in the views history that someone's clearly reading through the whole archive. And they're always silent! Never leaving a comment, or like, or anything. Drives me nuts.
@Magician Heh, comments. I usually feel kinda self-conscious about that.
@BESW is there a "Most Edited Question" badge?
Hey, that's only my 5th edit!
I'm pretty sure I've edited other questions more....
@BESW most people do. And the ones that don't sometimes plainly don't get the post they comment on at all... Ah well. Them's the breaks for bloggers :P
It's also my most upvoted question, at nearly twice as many votes as the next one.
It is a good question. Sadly, I have nothing to contribute there: Fate is still on my list of "play some day" systems.
I usually feel like any comment I leave is either going to be "I would like to talk about myself," or "I have nothing to say but shall say it anyway."
Oh, I've suffered from something similar: "Interesting post, but you're wrong, and here's a link to my blog to prove it". I usually stop myself in time...
I talk about myself plenty already and do not need to provide the ego another gorging site.
And I don't want to be the verbose equivalent of the "FIRST!" guy either.
I've tried my hand at blogging a few times, and was always far too self-conscious and embarrassed to post regularly because I was too concerned that I only post Good Content Well Edited.
Well... Yeah. That's the reason my blog is not on the feed that pops up on top of the chat all the time. I can't be bothered making posts for the purpose of making posts for the purpose of meeting a quota. I'd much rather write when I have something to say.
That, and I'm lazy. Anyways... G'night!
Meetings, gym, work... don't these people know I've got RPG's to talk about?
I know, right?
I don't want to go canvassing the island's photo and copy shops for a place that will scan my client's 35mm slides for a reasonable price while I wait.
@Rob lol
@BESW will a standard office flatbed not do that?
I mean, what's the gravity of delivering to clients compared to discussing how to make a kobold catapult? They just don't compare.
Good quality scans of transparencies need different support.
@Rob clients? what are those :P
@waxeagle Annoying, that's what!
@Rob I'm really rather thankful I never have to deal with clients. Working for corporate does have it's benefits sometimes
@waxeagle Generally I don't either, being a code monkey
@Rob I've literally coded 1 program for an external client in my 5 years here.
everything else is in house stuff
@waxeagle What's your work bag then?
@Rob corporate intranet
basically a custom built enterprise system, project management, expensing, invoicing, purchasing, basically everything but payroll
all built on webforms :)
@waxeagle Sounds pretty spiffy
@Rob we manage to find enough work to keep 3 programmers gainfully employed :). Clients that have special requirements help. Invoicing our primary client requires a near complete rework of our invoicing system every couple of years :(
@BESW Also, can't give you more specifics on DFRPG, as never played it :)
@waxeagle Whoa, that's not fun!
@Rob Alas! It's an excellent general answer though.
Cheers; long as it gave you something to think about :)
@Rob cost of doing business with this client and when that business is 40% of your income you do what you have to do
@waxeagle Hell yeah for that much!
2 hours later…
@DForck42 morning
@waxeagle how're you?
@DForck42 doing all right.
@waxeagle good
i've got a one shot dresden files to plan for wednesday, i'm gming
@DForck42 fun, I'm finishing up some 4e Chaos scar this weekend then we're supposed to head back to our main campaign next weekend
@waxeagle neat
@DForck42 yep
you interested in joining the play by post game we're starting?
@waxeagle when/where/how/what?
starting soon/chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/13/… /play be email/post/web forms (software depending) /En Garde!
@waxeagle what do you mean by "starting soon"?
@DForck42 basically Brian has said that he's ready to start, so whenever he sends the emails we'll start the first turn cycle
but it's the kind of game where people can join en media res
ok, how does that work, i've never done "play by post"
3 hours later…
@DForck42 very slowly, in my experience. Basically it's a forum where each of the players and the DM come in and post when it's convenient for them. If you've got people who are willing and able to drop in often, it can be fun. Otherwise it takes forever to do anything. The roleplay part of it was fun though: Outside of combat we could talk and chatter as much as we wanted to, and it was generally accepted that if others didn't speak up they weren't a part of the conversation yet
Often a very slow paced game, but you have a lot of time to ponder your choices.
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
Still Pondering the merits of playing a wizard in the new campaign my group wants to start.
Its level 1 and in the test run my Warforged wizard didnt do so hot.
Casters take a little while to kick into high gear in 3.5.
Although that is most likley due to the fact that I had Prepped a few PWP,Sheild and Acid Splash and I was Fighting a zombie of some sort.
PWP doesnt work on zombies.
Great level 1 spell however.
I am also thinking of being an Abjurer Specialist. Dropping Necromancy and something else.
I dont want to Drop Enchantment or Transmutation.
Cant drop Divination.
Illusion is well....Illusion.
Evocation does have some meritable spells. but is otherwise meh.
Im forgetting something....
Does anyone have a link to a guide for wizards that shows substitution levels and other things?
nevermind I forgot I had one bookmarked.

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