So I recently picked up the PF-2e core book, and I noticed that Intimidate as a skill has a lot more built-in support than it had in PF-1e, having both rogue and a fighter feats dedicated to it in the core book, specifically, the Demoralize use of Intimidate.
With a sudden shout, a w...
single-word-request empathy is the ability to put oneself in another's place (roughly). What's a word that would capture the enjoyment of or desire to understand what another's experience is like?
(posted on ELU, in case anyone comes up with a good idea)
If there is a question with multiple tags, of which I am ignoring one (should be faded) and watching another (should be made more visible), how will it be displayed for me?
What if I am hiding ignored tags?
@AncientSwordRage Someone in the group would need to have a Master Tier subscription and enable content sharing. Then any purchased content owned by anyone in the campaign group is shared with everyone else in the group.
@Shalvenay Mrs S was a bit under weather, I'll send you an invite in Discord and then we'll figure out a day and time. Sorry, I was off line most of last n ight. (Probably good for me, all things considered)
@AncientSwordRage you can try the back room, it does tend to get some traffic ...
Theoretical question: how likely would it be that 2 20th level PCs and 2 dragon wyrmlings (a white dragon and a pink dragon which basically uses red dragon stats) could survive tomb of horrors? This is 5th edition and probably not going to happen, because they are currently 5th level so it’ll be a while, but they’re a ranger and a paladin (neither really knows when to cast spells at this time but are working on it)
I am preparing an encounter of my players against a drow priestess of Lolth, a drow mage, and several regular drow and giant spiders. As the drow have been forewarned, they set up an ambush: The priestess cast Insect Plague on a spot 20 feet away from the entrance, and the mage cast Cloudkill on ...
Not a problem. I and three others tackled the 5e version of it with no problem at... 14th? I know wyrmlings don't have the punch that 14th-level PCs do, but there's not a huge amount of combat, frankly. I will give TftYP people this: they didn't touch ToH too much but to re-stat things appropriately, so it's still much more about the player half of PC than it is the character half.
@FooBar Sometimes we talk about that stuff here, but no chat is the place for definitive conversations about guidelines or procedures; meta is the place where those things can be effectively archived and input can be given by people who aren't there at the moment.
So yeah, we discuss it here but major decisions aren't made here.
On my recent question, @Pleasedontbeevil asked a clarification question whose answer IMO is worth being retained with the question, but longer than 600 characters.
I know comment threads are bad form, so that's out. Do I edit the question? I recall someone telling me that revising based on a comment is also bad form, but I forget why.
I advocate editing a post to organically fold in information inspired by a comment, rather than responding to the comment itself.
If the information doesn't make sense to add to the post (like it's significantly tangential) then options include inviting to chat or turning it into a new question-and-answer.
But I definitely have a quizzical puzzlement for the idea that revising a post based on a comment is bad form--unless it's specifically that "EDIT TO ADD: [yadda yadda]" kind of editing, rather than folding the new content into the flow of the post.
@Someone_Evil no, it's suggesting that the "application" step is step 10, not step 9, since some mechanics allow you to react to the damage being rolled before it's applied
@Someone_Evil Yeah, it's another thing the Stack's model does differently without telling anybody until they do it wrong.
I'm guessing people read "don't use that form for edits" as "don't edit based on comments" because for a lot of other places that form is synonymous with editing of any kind.
Five! by Galadin. A Fantasy BOLT Hack built on classical elements.
Pammu wrote a twitter thread about #SWORDDREAM. "I've gotten queries on what *Dream is all about and how it 'works', so I'll tackle that as much as I can."
"Design Like A Punk: The Thesis Track" by Machine Age Productions. "I want to go over more overarching RPG writing and design advice. This is the first in what'll hopefully be a series of blogs I'm calling Design Like A Punk. I'm going to teach you how I built #iHunt. If you know #iHunt, you know it stands as unique in a lot of ways. In this series, I want to break down some of the approaches that made it stand alone."
What's So Cool About Henshin Heroes by Lucas Valensa. With the help of a piece of fantastic and mysterious technology called a HENSHIN MORPHER you can change from a mild mannered civilian into a super powered form that allows you to defend the innocent and defeat the forces of evil.
Upcoming Kickstarter: Hero Too: Super Edition by Maria Fanning. A single player journaling RPG about being a teen superhero and messy trans narratives.
GM-Less Storytelling Jam Hosted by Marc Strocks. This jam is for GM-less games that you can throw yourself into (for one-shots or long periods) just as like you could during the game the GM spent hours charting out the world and plotpoints of.
Kickstarter: The BOLT RPG Engine by Ajey Pandey. The lightning-fast RPG system! Fast and tense action, setting-agnostic rules, and flexible hacking tools.
Turn Based Tactics Jam Hosted by Margaret Catter. Create your own original system designed to run turn based tactics and strategy games.
ARC Tabletop RPG by momatoes: Introduction and Chapter One now available for FREE. ARC is a role-playing game for players who want to save the world, surmount impossible odds, and emerge as heroes that defeat the apocalypse before precious time runs out. Inspired by OSR, ARC is light on rules but heavy on the tension. Can you make it out alive before the end? Launch date to be announced in a few weeks.
BOLT RPG Hack Bundle! A bundle hosted by Lexi the Fae. We're offering a bundle of our own hacks, supplements, and settings for the BOLT Engine!
Not TRPG but relephant to conversations in this room: DreadConquest wrote a twitter thread "about Ta Moko popping up in video-games as a cosmetic character option."
Hahah. It's what I call a channel on my Discord server (which a number of people here are also in) where I dump whatever interesting links come my way. Every couple days I transcribe the TRPG-related ones over to here.
This dump is extra big because I had almost a week of backlog.
You'd get a similar effect to the Fabulous Firehose by following me on twitter.
I also advocate for people to follow these creators themselves and see whose voices those people are sharing.
(Also we're talking about editing an answer, not editing a question.)
ComiXology has made all Black Panther single issues free for an unknown period of time, presumably in commemoration of the recent death of Chadwick Boseman. Don't sleep on Shuri, people!
Has anyone here ever been the intraparty diplomancer? I found myself playing peacemaker between the plot-NPC and the artificer today and I’m usually only diplomancing NPCs we’ll never meet again.
Note; threatening fireball didn’t work because both know I don’t know it, and threatening stabbing could accidentally blow up the NPC (long story involving a bunch of c4 on his neck and a stone golem as a rib)