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@nitsua60 They can't be temps, they wouldn't have had an opportunity to make the sign.
That's why half of them fall off the doors or are torn and only half-legible =)
[after someone passes by]
"You ever wonder where these doors *actually* go?"
"Not at all?"
"Maybe we should ask someone?"
"Who? I've never seen someone come *out*."
"Good point.

Okay, what do you want to write on this one?"
"How about you always lie and I always tell the truth?"
"What are you trying to say, pal?"
"I'm not your pal, buddy!"
I think I'm gonna annotate Hounds of God for the Unearthed Jam.
@goodguy5 I'm here!
I've been stuck inside a C++ Websocket Library documentation for the last week and a half, and lost track of time
@Xirema it's still march
Q: Does Fiery Soul stack with Elemental adept?

DynobombThe 18th level feature of the pyromancer sourcerous origin from Plane Shift: Kaladesh says: any spell or effect you create ignores resistance to fire damage and treats immunity to fire damage as resistance to fire damage. The Elemental Adept (Fire) feat says: Spells you cast ignore resistance ...

@HotRPGQuestions that's cute
1 hour later…
@Axoren The doctor thought he might be able to save the victim if he removed the murder weapon. He's reaaaalllly sorry he couldn't save the vic.
2 hours later…
Well, I’m no longer in a terrible mood.
And I wrote an rpg about stabbing textbooks. That helped. It was almost entirely written and playtested in about an hour and a half, so it is probably terrible. But in case anyone else needs to stab something, here it is.
I enjoyed stabbing a version of my precalc textbook way too much.
Q: Does the Pyromancer sorcerer's Fiery Soul feature totally bypass immunity to fire damage?

Thomas MarkovThe Pyromancer sorcerous origin from Plane Shift: Kaladesh has a feature called Fiery Soul: At 18th level, you gain immunity to fire damage. In addition, any spell or effect you create ignores resistance to fire damage and treats immunity to fire damage as resistance to fire damage. This abilit...

2 hours later…
@Miniman Reminds me of this Tweet that was going around. :)
Mar 16 '15 at 5:47, by BESW
> You have three travelling companions, Tom, Dick, and Harry. Tom always tells the truth, Dick always lies, and Harry sometimes tells the truth but sometimes lies. Three orks guard the entrance to the Mathemagician's tower. One stabs people who tell the truth, one stabs people who lie, and one asks tricky questions. What is the minimum number of unwounded companions you can hope to have after encountering the Mathemagician's guards?
At least Dick doesn't get wounded because if he just lies he can stay home. I ain't carrying him.
2 hours later…
Q: If a player's character is absorbed must he make saving throws against death or is he instant death?

ZeparI am games mastering for the tomb of annihilation and my group will be exploring an abandoned mine near Fort Beluarian, so I wanted to create a level mini dungeon for a party of five people. Choosing the monsters randomly I put a Gibbering Mouther in the dungeon, however, reading its bite attack ...

Q: How much material silver is required to silver a greataxe, if the time and expertise is being provided as a favour?

BrondahlSuppose I own a greataxe, and a blacksmith owes me a favour. The Smith knows how to craft silvered weapons, and has agreed to do the work as a favour if I provide the raw silver. The rules on silvered weapons state: You can silver a single weapon or ten pieces of ammunition for 100 gp. This cost...

3 hours later…
@Xirema I guess it makes enough sense that math elementals can get stuck inside of a documentation array.
Quinn Murphy wrote a twitter thread about how game balance is primarily emotional, rather than mathematical.
(Next time someone tries to 'splain to me that Fate stunt templates are underpowered...)
@BESW Listen, Fate in general is a hot mess
@RevenantBacon I know in my heart that Fate is a great system, but I've yet to see an example of that lol
Let me clarify: I am deeply tired of people lecturing me about supposedly objective flaws of Fate as if their experience of dissatisfaction is somehow more authoritative/authentic/valid than my experience of pleasure, just because their feelings are about numbers. This is not a conversation I ever want to have again, it brings me no joy.
The only good game of Fate (ish) I've played was when someone ran the Dresden RPG for us in college. And I've been chasing that dragon ever since
I know one of the creators. I should see if he has any tips...
It's a tricksy beast, the system is very susceptible to the group's predilections and assumptions. I spent a lot of my early time in this space listening at the feet of people (most of them now long gone) who understood it better than I did and were very patient with me.
In retrospect, it was in the service of unlearning habits I'd developed from D&D more than learning habits specific to Fate.
yea, that's kind of the read I get on it. not everything has to be combat.
or even an "encounter" (to include social and mental "combat")
Yeah, not every combat has to use the conflict rules--most probably shouldn't.
wow, I just saw an email pop up from a name I've used as a joke.

Bruce McDougal
Anyway, sleep now.
oh right, timeszones! night
pffff, you believe in timezones? Next you'll be telling me Corona lockdown wasn't a cover so they could replace batteries in all the birds!
@RevenantBacon if birds had batteries my job would very different.
one of my favorite "games" is 1-upping conspiracies.
"Covid is a hoax; it'll be gone after the election"

"You believe in our elections? We only go to the polls so they can scan our retinas for mutations; election day is the number one recruitment day for potential super soldiers."

Then end with something like "get your facts straight"
My favorite is still "The moon landing was faked!"

"Pfff, you believe in the moon?"
does anyone know if they changed how garbage collection works in newer Java editions?
Dunno, pretty sure Frank still comes by every Wednesday to pick it up off the }
get out lol
I thought I recalled something about them changing the way something worked.
but maybe not
I honestly couldn't tell you, I learned java like 12 years ago and have mostly forgotten it since I haven't actually used it since then
@goodguy5 I know they introduce new algorithms periodically, but it's hard to say that that clearly means the newer versions are using those new algorithms by default.
fair enough. As long as you still can't force garbage collection, but only request it, then I'm good lol.
It's a somewhat common interview question and I didn't want to have my knowledge outdated
alright. time to shave and change. wish me luck
Oh no, is it that time already?
Watch out for bears!
seemed to go well.
Done already? It feels like hardly any time has gone by!
@RevenantBacon it's funny you chose bears; that's our family's pet name for our kid (and each other a bit)
half hour interview
Yeah, makes sense.
My manager and supervisor just left to go do an interview as well
especially since it was an internal position
Like not even a minute ago
ours isn't an internal hire tho
oh yea, might take a while
I hate when I accidentally angel street myself
"I thought I sent this text to my wife. where is it? did I send it to someone else? did I send it to no one?"
What's angel streeting yourself involve?
y'know.... convincing someone about something that isn't real? like that old movie? Angel Street
Is it like gaslighting but different?
Do you mean gaslighting ?
I think that's what the British movie is called? but yea.
Looking up angel street it seems to be about a play
@GcL It was a play and a movie.
Well, Gaslight was.
dunno about Angel Street
This is an elaborate meta gaslighting experiment that I've been running for years, for the record
@goodguy5 Looks like a remake. I thought the original had Ingrid Bergman
At least the one I had to watch for course had Ingrid.
Casablanca was far better.
So the movie was called Gaslight. It was adapted from a play called Gaslight (or Gas Light). The play was also known in the US as Angel Street.
However, there is no movie called Angel Street.
(or there is and i'm just gaslighting you)
but the thing about my "prank" (if you can call it that) is that I do it so ubiquitously, that I unironically say "Angel Streeting" now.
Never saw the play.
@goodguy5 I know someone who ubiquitously calls RJ45 ports "phone jacks".
as opposed to like "ethernet jacks" or something lol
Phone jills?
somehow that seems worse
Phone hills? Phone fetch-a-pail-of-waters?
I actually do like "phone pails"
"things in which to place the phone stuff"
@goodguy5 "You plug the ethernet cable into the phone jack" Thought he was a troll, but that was his experience and his language never changed.
fair enough
Well, might have now, but I don't work with him anymore.
I used to call them that because that's what they were called by everyone else I knew.
what do I even call them anymore.
I think if it came up, I would say "wall jack"
That seems like good catchall.
yeah since landlines are almost non-existent these days in the home setting
is an electrical outlet technically a wall jack?
It's weirdly unsettling how quickly landlines phased out.
so did radium watches
Fairly certain radium watches were unsettling because of other reasons.
well, yea, killed all those women
but I'm saying that sometimes things are just replaced by better things
I don't recall phone landlines or their manufacture causing horrific deaths nor the callousness of the business owners that defended the companies interests.
Like electric kettles?
Sure but my understanding is that typically takes place over a longer period of time.
In my recollection, landlines disappeared within a decade. Which feels remarkably fast.
@Yuuki I mean, technically, there were cell phones in the 80s. sure they were basically military walkie talkies, but hey.
Especially with something so ubiquitous that there was a landline phone in every house.
Depends on where you are. Landlines are common in the rural residential areas I travel to and through.
then we had half decent cell phones (remember car phones) in the late 90s.

the technology actually worked in the 2000s and was accessible. People started dropping telephones then.

now most people don't have them, just businesses.
@Yuuki There probably still is.... they're just not connected anymore.
@GcL Understandable, wire is mostly more reliable than wireless and setting up a wireless network isn't cheap.
the real victim here is pagers
@Yuuki Oooo... Colorado too. There are some places where you literally have to walk up "the valley" which is a not so cute euphemism for "walk up the freakin' mountain" to get cell reception.
@GcL is that how they used to get to school?
@goodguy5 Still used in most hospitals. The replacement systems being "rolled out" (read "forced upon") physicians are atrocious, and in the cases I've encountered, not regulatory compliant.
We really, really don't need to modernize everything, especially when the advantages to modernization aren't exactly clear. My understanding is that hospital-based pager systems are more reliable and more timely than switching to an app-based smartphone system.
Anything that relies on wireless is going to be subject to failure at random intervals in ways that are pretty not great.
@Yuuki The old pager systems do have major problems especially on the security front. I'm less than happy when the modern replacement doesn't fix any of those and is less desirable to use.
@RevenantBacon Isn't that game like 10 years old? I remember joining a few friends when B2 came out for the first person shooter perspective and a few of the interface mechanics frustrated me, so I stopped.
@KorvinStarmast I think that question is fine. We have plenty of gm questions that are totally subjective that need not be closed as opinion based.
@goodguy5 Thinkin' beautiful thoughts for you, and if you don't mind, offering a prayer for you as well.
I never mind.
Which god, though? just so I know what you're signing me up for ;)
@Axoren That may be of some benefit in the future, however. .😎
@Axoren hilarious
@BESW applause for Q Murph and thanks for that link.
eventually, my players are going to run into a garden of grotesque and lifelike statues

And it's just going to be a stone sculptor / collector
@KorvinStarmast 8 years old, was released in 2012
@RevenantBacon OK, so it was after I got my Sager gaming laptop. Thx.
@goodguy5 That's a good misdirection, but what's the actual issue/secret/mystery?
(And where did he get the models for those statues anyway? Local mimes? Improve theater? Local insane asylum?)
@KorvinStarmast just a quirk of the realm
@goodguy5 I am totally stealing this
@goodguy5 cool.
@MarkWells love this
@MarkWells Grin, I did.
@goodguy5 Do your players not separate player knowledge and character knowledge? because that sounds like a fun trip up for that kind of thing. Characters that have no idea what a medusa or basilisk is spend hours preparing for one.
I mean, it works either way right?

Either the players are like
• "medusa, right? get yur mirrers!" and then antics ensue.
• "I've heard tale of an ancient witch than can turn peasants to stone with a mere gaze!" (Medusa must get talked about in adventuring circles, right?)
• "wow,that's weird and upsetting. who's doing this and why?"
And then it just turns out to be nerdy stonecrafter who's really into H.P. Lovecraft.
@goodguy5 It's a time sink for players who read the MM and push that meta knowledge to their character, or it's an interesting jaunt to meet a quirky sculptor. The DM then has to remember that they actually illustrated the difference in player/character knowledge and can't rely on the players recognizing other meta knowledge without finding a way of giving it to the characters or making it know that the character knows what that means. E.g. lycanthropes being harmed by silver.
I think it's a good bit, but recognize the risk of the DM that cried wolf cried meta. It can be difficult for the players to know when they'd be penalized for assuming a character knows what they know.
I'm wondering how useful reskinning monster statblocks is for this. Is it worth the time to design a monster that's mechanically identical to a gelatinous cube but just doesn't look like one?
Then again, some players might just like to fight iconic monsters and doing reskins would hamper their enjoyment.
@Yuuki The gelatinous cube in particular seems like a poor candidate for this, given that its mechanics are (1) being gelatinous and (2) being a cube.
Unsure if it's useful, if it's an in-game solution to an out-of-game player problem
@MarkWells Army of termite-esque bugs.
e.g. If you want to create a sense of weirdness and unfamiliarity in the adventurers, then reskinning monsters to not look like their traditional appearances could help
They can mass up and engulf you and then dissolve your armor with acidic spit.
The one thing that might not work so well is the pseudopod attack.
That and the transparency.
But you can maybe mimic that with a piece of the swarm flying at you and then returning after the attack.
But if you want the player to stop looking up monster stats, then making the monster look different doesn't really solve the issue with the player. It makes it harder for them to apply out-of-game knowledge, but they could still try anyway.
@MikeQ Right. Then it becomes "Guess which reskinned monster this is, then look up stats."
And the mechanics get increasingly decoupled from everything else about the monster. It's a swarm of bugs! Except it can... extend a pseudopod made of bugs and grab you and pull you in. Swarms of bugs don't do that.
@MarkWells Skitter accepts your challenge
@Carcer The point is, I don't expect that to be a hazard of fighting a swarm of bugs. You're confounding player meta-knowledge from reading the Monster Manual, by confounding all player knowledge, including what you've just told them their character is seeing.
I'm not trying to make a point in your discussion I'm just making a worm joke for anyone that gets it
As far as I can recall, The Cube has no means by which to make an attack. Their entire method of capturing prey is to be really hard to see and hope someone walks in to them, or, failing that, to move really really slowly at them while filling an entire hallway so that they can't be run past. Then, once someone/thing does walk in to it, their paralyzig agent prevents the creature from escaping
Can confirm. The only way I could catch something would be if it ran right into me.
@Rubiksmoose Makes sense, you are part Cube after all
I suggest (instead of reskinning the cube to look different, but still act the same) add things to the encounter that make it different from the norm. Instead of a 10x10 hallway that the cube blocks off, put it in a room, and toss a few skeleton inside it. Then, when the players handily defeat it (it's super slow and can't really make attacks) the skeletons actually turn out to be undead and attack the players!
chat formatting has decided your name is now Rubiksmoo
Rude. I don't go moo.
Maybe a moose should moo. and a cow could caw.
My formatting preserves the moose
@BESW I saw this, very insightful
Trying to pick a fun rogue subclass for a Veldalken... Stats are 8,15,10,14,14,14 I was thinking either Inquisitive or Swashbuckler
I've seen since good questions on this already but they're aimed at damage
I might multiclass into monk later
Playing in, or borrowing from, Ravnica (or Kalashesh for that 6th finger per hand)?
I'm just playing about with the character builder for fun
So it could be either/any to be honest
@AncientSwordRage "Vedalken swashbuckler" is such a weird concept.
I picked a charlatan background with these:
> I swindled and ruined a person who didn’t deserve it. I seek to atone for my misdeeds but might never be able to forgive myself.
> I can’t resist swindling people who are more powerful than me.
@MarkWells Sounds like good reason to make one then :p
@MarkWells yeah I love it
@Someone_Evil Base it on Richard Feynman, maybe.
@MarkWells I think Richard Feynman has higher Charisma ...
I think fancy footwork would go well with the monk, but the use of insight and perception from inquisitive works with Veldalken precision
Vedalken inquisitive is a little easier to picture
True, but doesn't lend itself to multiclassing monk later
Not sure what it lends itself to
Insightful Fighting isn't great until level 17
Also charisma being added to initiative from Rakish Audacity is nice
The other subclass that lends itself to Veldalken is mastermind
1 hour later…
Q: How to create a mermaid using Spheres of Power?

T. SarSpheres of Power and its related splatbooks recently came under the valid books my RPG group is allowed to use. The system is quite something, and far different from anything I have ever used in Pathfinder. So far, I'm liking it quite a lot, and my group is having a blast building characters with...

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