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That just sounds like a better (potentially broken) net
Oh wait
I misread part of the net
I thought the last sentence applied to the creature the net restrained
@BESW Yeah, it's pretty clear they're not interested in dramatically shaking the established d20 dynamics
But regardless it seems to me like that's exactly what a bola would do
maybe instead of an escape DC the creature just needs to use its action to free itself but it doesn't need a STR check
@Himitsu_no_Yami The weird thing about nets is that they're always thrown at disadvantage. (Unless you have Crossbow Expert, of course!) Adding range would "fix" that little quirk and probably make them too powerful.
A: Are attacks with nets always made with disadvantage?

Joshua Aslan SmithNet attacks RAW are made perpetually with disadvantage. They act as a normal ranged attack, so you are either always throwing them at long range (10-15 feet) and incurring disadvantage, or you are throwing them at short range and as a result are in close combat and throwing them at disadvantage. ...

I understand that but at the same time, nets can be large and unwieldy while a bola is much smaller and likely easier to handle
It'd also only take an action (and no STR check) to get out of one which I think would help
@Himitsu_no_Yami You could maybe get away with it if you only have them inflict grappled instead of restrained. Could be an interesting [homebrew-review] question.
I don't see how grappled would be better than restrained
The general stance is that nets just aren't worth the time, right? (I know we have some questions about trying to make them work)
@Himitsu_no_Yami You don't get advantage on creatures that are grappled, unlike restrained.
Grappled also just doesn't work on ranged stuff, does it?
@Someone_Evil I mean you could consider the bola itself to be the grappler
@Someone_Evil I don't think there's anything that prevents a grapple from happening at range. Though I don't know if anything actually does so in 5e.
@Himitsu_no_Yami That sounds like awkward rules quarrelling, I wouldn't design using it
The grappled condition has two conditions which end it, and both of them seem silly with bolas
@Someone_Evil Yeah, you'd probably want the bolas to say "the creature's speed becomes 0, and it can't benefit from any bonus to its speed" without actually inflicting grappled. You could even say that they have no effect if the target is immune to being grappled, so you can't bolas a ghost.
But now I want ghost-bolases
Is that the right plural?
Bola is singular, Bolas is plural
Bolases is also correct btw
Wikipedia disagrees with you, and agrees with me despite the mouth feel
Bolases IIRC is unique to English
But bolas is also used as the singular IIRC and bola wasn't a word last I knew
Q: How can I control the planar traits of a certain spot, and make it any trait I want?

mimichanI want to gain some benefits from the traits of other planes, without leaving my home plane. How can I control the planar traits of a certain spot, and make it any trait I want? Being able to turn it on and off and also change which traits from time to time is ideal.

Apparently bola is a word... Probably some linguistic history on there that's weird
A bolas as you throw it has multiple balls (bola) on it, no?
Ahh the joys of using work computers... computer came slightly unplugged, shut everything off, and reset the entire computer...
I've never round up cattle in the South Americas, so I wouldn't know
@Someone_Evil I consider the balls and chain/string/whatever to be a single thing called a bola
I mainly know of bolas from my time playing Ark though
I think my first association is from Dota, so I'm not blaming you
looked it up and origin was "early 19th century: from Spanish and Portuguese, plural of bola ‘ball’."
Wait where does boleadoras come from...
what even is that word
@Himitsu_no_Yami It's older than that--it's got origins all the way back to ancient Greek, as the flight of the bola (which one throws alongside, para) is where the term parabola comes from.
The same thing?
Also the term parable, for a story that (metaphorically) travels alongside.
(According, at least, to my expert-in-ancient-Greek religion and biblical studies professors from undergrad.)
Well according to the OED: Parabola: Late 16th century modern Latin, from Greek parabolē ‘placing side by side, application’, from para-‘beside’ + bolē ‘a throw’ (from the verb ballein
Words are complicated...
It doesn't surprise me that the ancient greek word for throw and the spanish/portugese word for ball (which one often throws) are similar/identical, considering "apple" used to just mean fruit
The meaning of words can change a lot with time and usage
on the topic of words, I just learned I've been pronouncing boolean wrong this whole time
@Himitsu_no_Yami ... How were you pronouncing it? How are you supposed to? Have I been pronouncing it wrong?
@Someone_Evil And then there's orange
I pronounce it boo-lee-yan
There are a few ways to say it
@doppelgreener I've been saying boo (as in a ghost) lean (you lean against a wall). Correct is Boo-lee-uhn
Ahhh. That makes sense as a way to read it
It'd be a trip to learn it's just from a mathematician named Boole
It literally is
Now for the question that usually sparks an argument but that I trust you people not to start one about: Pronounce .gif
@doppelgreener George Boole (1815-1864)
@Himitsu_no_Yami It's obviously pronounced gif.
@Himitsu_no_Yami gif, or gif if I want to have an argument with someone, which isn't often
@RedOrca Why do I get the feeling we're still pronouncing it differently
@Himitsu_no_Yami Nonsense, we both pronounce it gif :D
it's definitely pronounced gif
I'm not sure if I love or hate all of you for this
Lets try it with some clarification. Hard or soft g? (like gift or like Jif peanut butter)
@Himitsu_no_Yami I cannot use the cursed pronunciation in this chat
i pronounce the g as like the g in gif
It stands for graphic, do with the information what you will
But the creator actually named it after the peanut butter from what I read
the creator does in fact pronounce it with a soft g
@Himitsu_no_Yami Jif is a cleaning product in my part of the world. I don't want to try their peanut butter
@Himitsu_no_Yami I wonder how many words are no longer pronounced as their creator first did (almost all of them)
@Medix2 it stands for Giraffical Interchange Format
@Medix2 Everest is pronounced incorrectly, and that's not a matter of creator, that's just a name
@Someone_Evil Whoever first gave it a name, created its name, but also a fair point
I feel like they missed an opportunity in naming it either ever-rest (as in eternal) or never-rest
it was named after someone whose surname was Everest, as in Eve, but the mountain is definitely named Everest, as in Ever
@doppelgreener Mount Eve-rest
I'll accept it if someone named Eve is resting there
google: The peak was named after British surveyor George Everest in 1856.
What's with people named George being famous for making or naming things?
*notices star* I'm just gonna leave and accept Giraffical Interchange Format as my legacy
@Himitsu_no_Yami Something about the english having kings named George from 1714-1830. There was just a lot of George's around (named in honour of king) at a time they were naming things, or named it for the king
So it 300 years are we going to be complaining about all the space rocks named "Keanu?"
Keanu may still be around in 300 years. The man does not age.
So more time for him to name things.
He doesn't seem like the type to name things after himself
Well, given current name trends, I look forward to every point of interest in the solar system being named "Emma"
I've been watching the Spiffing Brit on Youtube so much that hearing "Keanu Reeves" sounds wrong cus I'm used to his character of "Reanu Keeves"
Q: Can you choose to use abilities like Stunning Strike or Divine Smite after rolling damage?

NathanSThere are certain abilities that require you to first make a hit, then you can choose whether or not to use that ability. Two examples that I can think of are a monk's Stunning Strike and a paladin's Divine Smite (there are others, but I won't enumerate them all here; an answerer is welcome to if...

@Himitsu_no_Yami like george foreman, and the less popular george four horsemen
If George Foreman makes grills, then does George Aftman make coolers?
@doppelgreener Considering what my roommates did with a George Foreman grill, I'm not convinced those aren't the same person.
@BESW Do tell
It's not a particularly entertaining story, just generally gross. Always clean your countertop grill after every use, people.
The grease trap isn't intended to be a permanent solution.
@BESW eeeergh no it is noooot
My cousins' stepdad was a fisherman and my recollection is that his income was both gross income and net income
@kviiri *sigh*
@BESW i don't remember what it was, but i remember a video following a chef preparing some meals, and he says: "other chefs keep asking me, wow, how do you make stuff taste this good? i'm using the same methods and tools and it never comes out that good. and the reason is to just clean your cookware. every single time, clean the surface. everything tastes better cooked off clean tools."
@doppelgreener With specific exceptions like cast iron which still need to be cared for hygenically but shouldn't be cleaned per se.... yes, this.
in his context, he wasn't talking about reusing pans, he had one of those enormous industrial-sized flat-top grills to manage, and he was scraping it down before each thing he cooked on it.
ah. huh.
Contrary to popular belief it's actually ok to soap up cast iron pans! Though I find I usually don't have to with ours. At the very least, it doesn't hurt them.
(reminds me, some of them need a bit of re-seasoning)
i mean, the principle absolutely extends to every other piece of cookware
including pans
For sure!
Makes sense.
I need a "quick" way to kill an hour so I can leave work already. Any suggestions?
yeah my understanding is you can wash a cast iron pan with soapy water and a soft implement, but you can't soak it, and you need to heat it to remove the moisture afterwards, and re-apply some oil
@Himitsu_no_Yami Do work?
@Himitsu_no_Yami Take it out to the smoking area on the roof, then lock the door behind it. It's not necessarily quick, but it is blame free.
Mhm. The trick is that the real thing you don't want to the damage is the polymerized carbon coating on the outside. It's not actually oil any more. So no need to worry about soap stripping it away. But always apply light oil after said cleaning as you mentioned.
@Himitsu_no_Yami are you implying literally eliminating an hour from the progression of the day so as to immediately travel to an hour from now and leave work
@MikeQ no work to do, I work at an inbound call center and there's no business
Call your work number and have an hour long conversation
Play a game of We Forest Three?
@doppelgreener I mean that would work. But I mean make it feel as though it's going by faster
@Himitsu_no_Yami Make a bunch of paper planes and throw them around the office with simple messages like "Dave did it"
@BESW clicked link and it went nope and was blocked
Call random coworkers and talk to them.
@Ben don't have any paper; as in we're not allowed to have paper on the production floor
@Himitsu_no_Yami play this
@Himitsu_no_Yami Draw a paper plane in MS Paint and email it to people with simple messages like "Dave did it"?
Kickstarter: Jiangshi: Blood in the Banquet Hall by Wet Ink Games. An RPG of Chinese immigrants running the family restaurant by day, and dealing with the hauntings of Jiangshi by night!
look up and study a topic you find compelling. three flavors here:
- actual dedicated study on the topic for the purposes of learning and maybe application
- just open the page on wikipedia and start following links
- open the page on tvtropes. like the former, but more intense, and you might find you lost three hours instead of one.
@Rubiksmoose Remember to leave work at your desired time. That eats more than an hour
@Someone_Evil Yes. Yes it does lol
@doppelgreener Option 3 would be ideal if that site wasn't blocked too
@doppelgreener Option 4: find a stack if extant?
@Himitsu_no_Yami Oh wait, no I have it! Ask for suggestions on how to kill time on a chat room and see what kind of both good and horrible suggestions you get, and then write them all down for the next time you need to kill time at work!
@Ben Genius! Why didn't I think of that?
But since you don't have paper, just etch the list into your desk with your car keys.
New suggestion: see how many things in the office you can stack. Bonus points if they are alive.
Or you could see if anyone is interested in a round or two of Long Live the King of Monsters
@Rubiksmoose na-naaaa, nananananananaaa, katamari damacy
POCGamer reminds us (twitter link) that Wizards already told us exactly what they think about ownvoices three years ago, and offers some alternative games to start with:
"Four Fantasy Games That Aren't D&D" by Graeme Barber on POCGamer.com.
@Rubiksmoose woah woah woah. be careful of the message you're sending to "the youths".
@goodguy5 hahaha
I apologize for being a bad influence ;-)
Not sure if it's just me, but I found "How has RPG.se used protection?" to be particularly amusing with regard to that double meaning
i hadn't thought about that at all XD

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