@Carcer Tenser was his son ernest; drawmmij was Jim Ward; Zagyg was gygax backwards, but z subbed in for x, there were some others I'll recall later ... I think Terik or Terrek was Terry Kuntz (the guy who I think invented the beholder)
mhm. A +1 Greatsword or Maul would just about get there: 36 damage from three attacks (although they wouldn't be allowed via normal monk rules), and 27 from fire missile
> If you catch a missile in this way, you can spend 1 ki point to make a ranged attack with the weapon or piece of ammunition you just caught, as part of the same reaction.
I have a character playing a multiclass Barbarian/Monk. Does the resistance from rage combine with Deflect Missiles to negate the damage and make the reaction attack?
I recently began browsing the 5e PHB when I noticed that there was no distance per round when falling under the Falling category. Is there a set fall speed and if so, what is it?
@DavidCoffron cool. And the joke's on me. Had a level 10 monk in a one shot, MikeQ was there, and this NPC threw a very hurty spear at me ... and I forgot to catch it and try to throw it back. DOH!
(It's... also got lots of vague/unclear phrasing that doesn't really follow official 5e convention, including the guidelines in the official D&D style guide)
@RandomDudeWithAKnife A grimoire is specifically a book of spells, you could have a book of healing spells (which could be called a grimoire), but jotting them into the margins of any other book does not a grimoire make
@GcL Yeah, he went a bit off the deep end in the mid-2000s, which was impossible for me to overlook. And worse, his writing has become a lot lazier, which is unforgivable. I still re-read his older stuff, from time to time
I think, in effect, you have proficiency (pact weapon). You don't have greatsword proficiency because your pact weapon is a greatsword, you only gain proficiency with your pact weapon.
Also, greataxes have a long shaft with a big bladed head at the end while greatsword hilts are generally shorter with a longer blade. But that's a bit orthogonal, I think.
@GcL Oh! you reminded me I was thinking of "Oppa" master, but you were definitely thinking of yolk master, and then "chug!" master. A yoga master is an elite spring-rigged pole bouncer
@Yuuki That's a Santa master. A yoga master is a teacher of breath control, meditation, and special procedure involving postures with a goal for better health and relaxation
Rephrase: Is the common house hold item, consitisting of eggs and many other things, known as mayonaise, a tool suitable for producing various hormnous sounds known as music?
If a player came to me asking to use mayonnaise as an instrument, I would probably allow it if and only if they have proficiency in cooking utensils to make mayonnaise of euphonic consistencies (got to have the right tuning for your condiments)
@BlackSpike And that's what happened to those same logs (@Yuuki)
@Yuuki In a 5e rules sense:
> Bards say that the multiverse was spoken into existence, that the words of the gods gave it shape, and that echoes of these primordial Words of Creation still resound throughout the cosmos. The music of bards is an attempt to snatch and harness those echoes, subtly woven into their spells and powers.
Music is able to capture the promordial words of creation which can be woven into spells and powers.
But then the College of Swords says:
> Blades perform stunts such as sword swallowing, knife throwing and juggling, and mock combats.
I currently GM for a level 13 D&D 5e group of 5 players. Recently combat has become heavily bogged down, primarily because the party has discovered their new favourite ('Death by a Thousand Cuts') trick of Crusader’s Mantle + summoning every possible creature they can. Between, potentially, the 5...
@DavidCoffron Well, chefs say that the multiverse was cooked into existence, that the pots and pans of the gods gave it shape, and the taste of these primordial Flavors of Creation still linger throughout the cosmos. The recipes of chefs are attempts to capture and harness those tastes, subtly woven into their ingredients and haute cuisine.
At the very least, bards and chefs would share two spells: tongues and vicious mockery. Although for chefs, the latter spell does more damage if the target is not in possession of any lamb sauce.
@Yuuki They don't trust bartenders and for good reason; a sinister secret organization among them, the Nightcaps, are constantly trying to find the recipe for the drink to give the universe to put it to bed.
Could a butcher have a higher proficiency with cleavers and fillet knives and say they are a specialist butcher who when younger was intrigued by the legend of Boosh so now is a butcher named Gregg who when in battle with larger foes wields his special holy Great Cleaver of Funkiliciousness
@Upper_Case From conversations with a friend who works with him professionally: it was 9/11. Something went screwy with how he processed/understood that.
@nitsua60 I'd not heard that before. He wouldn't be the only one, but it's very unfortunate. Diving into hard right conspiracy theories and (seemingly) losing a lot of the creativity and empathy that characterized a lot of his earlier works... it was very depressing and upsetting to me. I hope he's personally doing better now, but I don't think I can brush past all of that
I've seen users remark that it is not a violation of the Be Nice policy to insult people who are not SE users -- i.e. that users are only required to "be nice" to other SE users. Usually this is stated in order to excuse insults made toward public figures (like politicians). Is that true? Does th...
@GcL That probably is, but the extent to which they entered and featured in his writing...? But I'm not an expert in it--I don't think I've read anything post Ender's Shadow.
Transit update! IF the union vote tomorrow goes well, and IF the vote by council on Friday goes well, we get buses back Saturday.