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Tiamat the Dairy Queen
@Sdjz Better than I probs would've done. I would only have gotten Strahd if posed to me.
I'm honestly not sure I could guess any of these
i'm drawing blanks on all. Wouldn't have gotten @Sdjz's.
@Carcer I feel bad that I snubbed a couple of iconic villains, but they didn't have good acronyms (Acererak doesn't really have an iconic title)
I want to say that DPoD is Demon Prince of D-something
@Carcer Very close
is that orcus?
demon prince of death>?
@Carcer Orcus, [Demon] Prince of Undeath; would have been a good one
Is 4 Acererak the Lich (something something)?
DPoD and JtFL are both demons if that is a helpful hint
Jubilex the something Lord?
@Carcer Faceless, mhm
Demogorgon, Prince of Demons
@Sdjz nods
These are difficult
@Sdjz Yeah. It's tough working backwards; basically have to rack your brain for all the rogues in D&D history and see which one fits; made especially difficult because you have to remember their titles that they've had over the years
oh demogorgon
completely fell out of my brain there
I have a strong suspicion that AtLotN is going to be A-something, the Lord of the North
but no idea what the A is
it's not Asmodeus the Lord of the Nine, is it?
I feel doubtful that's actually a title that has been used
XtE reminds me of Xanathar just because of XGtE probably
Xanathar the Everything
it might be "Xanathar the Eye"
@Carcer Lord of the Ninth (as in the ninth circle of hell)
@Carcer Bingo!
ah, Lord of the Ninth! that'd make sense
I mean the Nine also works since he's overlord of hell generally
That leaves KtWtW
Hint: More of an old-school villain (not that the others aren't)
my brain is seeing tWtW and making "that Wounds the World" which is probably spurious nonsense
@DavidCoffron K'Varn?
I was thinking "K[] the W[noun] that W[verb?]"
@JohnP That's "K'Varn the Mad" IIRC
@Rubiksmoose that's disgusting. you should be ashamed of yourself.
@Rubiksmoose That's the right structure
@NautArch lol
Kastighur, then? But they're a group.
Worm that Walks?
@JohnP I don't think I know that one
Is that a thing?
@Rubiksmoose Aaay!
Kyuss, the Worm that Walks!
Wow I have no idea where I pulled that from. Teamwork!
One of the Elder Evils, IIRC.
that guy's a Jerk
@goodguy5 don't be hatin'
I'll hate all I want!
@goodguy5 Have you ever heard the tragedy of...
@goodguy5 I hate that.
oh JohnP beat me to it
I got distracted by my actual job, no fair
@Carcer Who needs a job. We need more D&D puzzles ;-)
that one's probably very easy
Lady D, Queen of S?
one right
I feel like I'm playing mastermind again
Hrm.... LD Queen of Shadows, I assume.
... one right
It'd be unlikely that queen wasn't the right word.
Lady D, Quail of Shadows ;)
It's D&D related, right?
oh yes
Like, I'm not trying to find one of the Warrior Queens of old Scottland, or something
and with good pedigree going back to 1e
Oh, wait, it's obvious. I just need to figure out the D
@goodguy5 dragons?
where does she live
I just read the dice left-to-right, and announce a vague priority of targeting beforehand. Yes, it means that the enemies go down a *little* faster than they might, because the summonees are used at maximal efficiency. ("wolf 1 rolls 16 for 7 damage" "hit" "wolf 2 rolls 12 for 8 damage" "miss" "wolf 3 rolls 19 for 5 damage" "hit, first orc is down" "okay, now wolf 4 is on to orc 2....")
But turns/initiative are already a sequentialization of a chaotic fiction, so it doesn't bother me too much.
"Lady Duck, Quail of Shadows"
that most famous of D&D villains
the D is very simple though
Lolth Demonweb, Queen of Spiders
I can't figure out the d
Lolth, Demon Queen of Spiders
@nitsua60 yeah, i think this is actually getting more complicated than it needs to be. Creating scenarios where the 'easy summon button' doesn't always work is my primary solution to this (after talking to the group.)
she lives in the abyss
oh, derp
I was putting the comma in the wrong place
that one might be really tough depending on how familiar you are with the source material
Harold Blackstone! (A joke to myself, about one of my favorite characters I made)
@NautArch My favorite easy summon was 24 draft horses summoned 60' above Acererak's head.
@goodguy5 tell me it's not the "mass murderer" ;)
Magnificent Man
Halaster Blackwhatever the Mad Mage
Blackcloak, I think?
@Carcer You got it.
Seven-Sided Die the Moderator
wait, I was right?
this was meant to be for villains
I'm sure they've done something bad in their life?
see--failing to appear when rightfully summoned!
still, having seen the name abbreviated to SSD often enough that one jumped out at me
@nitsua60 trying and failing to make some sort of falling horse related joke.
@Carcer I see SSD and think Solid State Drive. :p
@JohnP yeah, that competes for my brainspace
@V2Blast I am cus I took a level dip in fighter
Here's my favorite villain: VtCG
@JohnP Quite.
also SSSD, for System Security Services Daemon
Vecna the something God
@Carcer Chained
not familiar with that appellation
huh. I never knew Vecna was an anagram of Vance.
oh, a bunch of stuff from that era was just anagrams of gygax's friends names wasn't it
did y'all see the meme on corona/raccoon and umbrella corp?
@Carcer Now that you say it, isn't Tharizdun also "the chained god"
Five to ponder: CtPoC, ItPoF, OtPoE, OtPoW, YtPoA.
@DavidCoffron "the chained oblivion", at least as far as I know from Critical Role.
@JohnP isn't it master of all things secret or hidden?
> He is known as the Master of All that is Secret and Hidden, the Arch-Lich, the Chained God, the Maimed God, Master of the Spider Throne, the Whispered One, the Dying King, the Lord of the Rotted Tower, and the Undying King
Why do I have a feeling Kryan would just come in here and give all the answers?
@nitsua60 looks like a lot of X the Y of Z
@nitsua60 lots of "Po*" so I'm thinking these are princes of something
BtPD (KotGD)
@DavidCoffron they'll be elementals
Prince of Fire, Prince of Earth, (water, air)
Ah it's the elemental princes, Imix the Prince of Fire. Ogremoch, Prince of Earth are the only two I remember
I thought there were only 4, who's CtPoC
@JohnP The Artist Formerly Known as Vecna
@goodguy5 Bahamut the Platinum Dragon, King of Good Dragons
not villainous but I guess we're evolving!
@JohnP No that's the Taffy Cavalier
> The evil archomentals are collectively known as the Princes of Elemental Evil. The five most famous include:

Cryonax: Prince of Evil Cold Creatures

Imix: Prince of Evil Fire Creatures

Ogrémoch: Prince of Evil Earth Creatures

Olhydra: Princess of Evil Water Creatures

Yan-C-Bin: Prince of Evil Air Creatures

Two further archomentals, Uzrith of Earth and Alyolvoy of Water, are mentioned in "The Mud Sorcerer's Tomb" in Dungeon #37. They are powerful and possessive evil elemental beings who created at least one of seven magical vessels called the Ships of Earth and Sea, which have the abi
I didn't realize we were bound to evil
@JohnP ding, ding
the original premise was initialising villain names
@goodguy5 It was me playng on the fact that acronyms are scary to those not in on the lexicon (I made a joke about VPN and DNS)
I can't think of any iconic illithid villains. Who am I missing?
I mean, as a hivemind, I suppose that's the point.
Specific Illithid is the name of my fantasy punk rock band
What's the acronym for the sound of telephathy?
@Carcer Sound of Telepathy is my Indie Rock band
@goodguy5 SAG (Simon and Garfunkel)
Going a bit outside of D&D, but still in RPG-land, you've got AtRQ
Or a related: KCotBL
Kurt Cobain?
@goodguy5 haha. That is kind of hilarious considering the last is "of the Blood Lords" (also, that's a hint)
@DavidCoffron Kookie Crisp?
Or as they say in the commercials, KooOOOOOoOOookie Crisp?
gotta be some chaos general or something
@Yuuki Yeah, only when said that way though ;)
@goodguy5 Close to the opposite actually
a law private?
King Crimson
Kemnebi, Chancellor of the Blood Lords.
@JohnP ding, ding, ding
my google-fu is strong today.
@JohnP Did it help you find AtRQ?
Although I knew he was a chancellor, that helped.
@Carcer the Lost of Phandelver :P
Q: When True Polymorphed and making concentration saves, what stats do I use?

João GrandoIf I true polymorph myself, when I make a concentration save, should I use my character's or monster's statistics? And if I have relevant feats can I use them?

@Carcer Lady of Pain?
@DavidCoffron yeah, she's an easy one.
I mean, to guess.
@Yuuki John Paul Tetris Dune Monkey of the Sands of Greater Fantasia
I mean, you got the first one right.
And the lowercase ones.
3/10, just like my batting average (googles and finds out that's a pretty good batting average, so that's not accurate)
@DavidCoffron someone the Red Queen?
@JohnP mhm
yeah I'm thinking Red Queen but would have no idea what the A is without googling
@Carcer I guess Pathfinder villains don't have the same weight of publishing behind them
@Carcer there was a D&D offshoot game about an Android named the Red Queen...
@DavidCoffron oh yeah I know almost zilch about pathfinder's actual setting
@Carcer Nor do I to be honest. I just googled some up
I suppose there's a question of whether it's "JPTDMotSoGF", "@JPTDMotSoGF", or "@TDMotSoGF".
@Yuuki A twitter villain?
@JohnP, Tenth-Dan Master of the School of Google-Fu
@Yuuki Curse his villainous ways!
Dcastlevania: Fsymphony of the Night.
I'll figure out the rest later.
@Carcer Father of the N*?
this one is admittedly not D&D
or even RPG
it just popped into my head
@goodguy5 I think that would just be: D, C. (Dracula, Count)
I would think so, but there could be further titles I don't know
it's Dayman: Fighter of the Nightman (Champion of the Sun)
@Carcer Oh. Haven't heard of that oen
@Carcer TG:LTWPiP
The Gang: Literally The Worst People in Philadelphia
I don't actually know anything about It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, I've just been exposed to the Dayman thing because I live on the internet.
@Yuuki The Gang seems like a typical D&D adventurer party
@MikeQ my dragon age rpg party has the motto "Say Bad Things, Do Good Deeds"
lol, same with one of the previous rouge character.
hey, anyone recognize my profile pic?
Yeah, I've seen it in this chatroom recently.
@RandomDudeWithAKnife Google reverse image says its a fish
I'm getting birds.
@Yuuki Huh.
And now a macaque.
Why would that be different
I know google results change based on search history and stuff, but reverse image is just searching for simiilar images I thought.
@DavidCoffron Maybe they're searching different versions of the image? Like the picture from the profile page for one and the thumbnail from a post for the other? If the resolutions are different, maybe...
Bah. I don't know enough about image processing and searching
@Upper_Case Good thought. I searched the one here
But when I search here, I get Darth Vader
tineye gave me a null
If I clock the little on in chat I get monochrome: google.com/…
The one in the room section gives me macaque like Yuuki: google.com/…
I bet the larger one when longer chats are posted is birds
Or maybe it's the brighter one instead of the faded one
I searched mine at maximum brightness, gonna try in a couple minutes with less
Nvm, when you mouse over the images it maxxes the brightness anyway
@RandomDudeWithAKnife Is that.... Scarecrow?
@RandomDudeWithAKnife It looks like a Ringwraith to me, or possibly the Witch King (both from LotR). But I am, by a wide margin, the worst face-recognizer of anyone I've ever met, so I accept that my guesses are probably not great
@RandomDudeWithAKnife I'm still interested in how you got those damage values at level 1 :)
@goodguy5 wizard at 1, but scroll up and there's a level 4 monk build with level 4 monk doing 64/round.
@NautArch max or average?
Ethiopian food was tasty but the injera was served cold instead of warm which is new to me and now I know not which one is the correct way
@GcL i think @RandomDudeWithAKnife said average
So a L4 monk on the top of a 200' cliff just punching enemies off it?
I don't think I can sort out how an L4 monk could consistently do 64 points of damage. They water and fire bender monks can do a bunch of AOE by smoking ki points, but that's hardly consistent and requires multiple targets.
@NautArch Is it 5e?
@DavidCoffron pretty sure they said it was
@NautArch Hmph. He hinted that greataxe is involved, and if you let a greataxe work as a monk weapon and work with flurry of blows then it deals only 45 at max on dice (81 with crits)
Which is about 64 if you take the average (so critting 50% of the time and rolling max on all dice)
Max I can get is 4th level elemental monk smoking 4 ki points to water whip for 5d10 as a bonus action. Which lets them get a two handed smack in with a quarterstaff. So 5d10 + 1d8 once.
@GcL He said it was sun soul
Not familiar with that one. XtGE?
@GcL SCAG iirc
@GcL Elemental Monk can't spend 4 Ki points on a single Discipline until level 9, also.
@Xirema I must have missed that rule.
@GcL Oh, hmm. It might only apply to spells.
If you are counting a deflected missile you could get to 64 over a whole round
@Xirema I concur. I think that's just for spells.
@DavidCoffron Does deflect use a reaction?
@GcL yeah
About the same as a AoO then?
Yeah. I think @RandomDudeWithAKnife misread Radiant Sun Bolt
You've got to do your 13 damage with Radiant Sun Bolt, your 7.5 with your monk weapon, and then deflecting a missile that deals fire damage (so the tiefling resistance kicks in) for 27 expected damage. Although even that is only 47.5
It basically replaces flurry of blows with a ranged radiant attack. So 1d8 for quarter staff + 1d4 + 1d4 for Sun Bolts.
@NautArch that is why my nephew likes it. as we go up in level and monsters become bags of HP, CS really is handy.
@DavidCoffron Sun bolts are only d4 at L4, and they cost your bonus action.
@GcL d4+4, two of them = 13 on average
@KorvinStarmast Yup. And the extra consistent 1d8 and 1d6 from HM plus damage die and modifier adds up.
@kviiri last time I had good Ethiopian food, in Chicago years ago, we thought the bread most resembled carpet pad in consistency, but ... Yummy!!!!!
@DavidCoffron It's two 1d4 attacks. Not two 2d4 attacks.
@GcL 2.5 + 4 + 2.5 + 4= 13
What's the 2.5?
@GcL The average of the d4 itself. The +4 is the Dexterity modifier.
@GcL expected damage of a d4
> This special attack is a ranged spell attack with a range of 30 feet. You are proficient with it, and you add your Dexterity modifier to its attack and damage rolls. Its damage is radiant, and its damage die is a d4
@Xirema Gotcha
If all three attacks use the greataxe, you get 31.5 meaning a resisted missile that gets deflected can deal 27 for 58.5. Still not 64

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