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@NautArch Hm. They may also be mistaking SE questions for a conversation and that edit is a response to the answer, like "Okay, that works, but what about no multiclassing"?
but it's unclear why or if they can even wear heavy armor at all.
@ACuriousMind very true as well. It's really unclear (for me.) But if they've got what they need, then good on them :)
alright, team. I'm off to take my temp and pick up baby. wish me luck
@NautArch For sure, I can't think of anything that makes complete sense.
Question about that AL-Heavy Armor Proficiency question: you can take feats like Lightly Armored -> Moderately Armored -> Heavily Armored in a row to get the proficiency, right? Does AL prevent that in any way?
I also want to undelete this question to cover that natural 1s shouldn't do what is happening to him.
@NautArch I am with grey sage: rant disguised as a question.
@KorvinStarmast I'd be ranting too if my DM was pulling that stuff. They may not know that the DM is houseruling 1s.
but i also feel like this has come up before. just ont sure it was them.
but it sounds familiar about rolling 1s constantly.
On a side note, we've got a guy who bought some dice at a conference and he rolls a lot of 20s and 1s. Like way more than anyone of us.
I'm not sure it is a rant, but it certainly doesn't seem like we can be of much help there. Roll better? Don't get put in tricky situations where a saving throw will kill you?
@Rubiksmoose I was going for "Talk withyour DM about what a 1 means"
I mean not everything in that question was a DM houserule, failing a DEX save is one way to die (1 or no).
If there is a constant 5% risk of catastrophic failure on every roll, that's gonna be problematic.
Unless the DM was piling on extra because of the one (which I didn't notice at least)
Can be addressed by 3 part answer:
- Test the d20 by recording roll statistics. Maybe it's badly weighted.
- Out-of-game talk to DM about consequences of nat 1s
- In-game take measures to get advantage and avoid low rolls
@Rubiksmoose Oh, that's how I read it. I rolled a 1 on a save, so then this horrible thing happened .Not "I took my damage for failure and we moved on"
@MikeQ AH I hadn't even considered the third point, very clever!
@NautArch I mean I can set up, RAW, a dex save or a character falls of their mine cart and plummets 1,000 feet.
@Rubiksmoose Yes, but that's based on a failure, not based on a 1.
I think OP was at least assuming that a lot of it was from rolling 1s specifically, when much of it could probably also apply to just failing.
quite possibly. But saves of make or die are also problematic.
You could set up a save like that, but that's rough.
Also may need to clarify if the DM is using homebrew/3rd party critical fail effects
Oh absolutely.
@MikeQ they said they weren't
It was more of a nitpick. I think that discussion in an answer would likely have been helpful (if not entirely out of their control).
@MikeQ Fair assessment.
Re point 2 - By RAW, rolling a nat 1 does not mean "worst case scenario occurs", however DMs of certain styles may play that way. If that's so, and it's causing trouble for the group, then a discussion is needed.
@MikeQ that was going to be my focus
I think the question probably needed some focus and editing to get good answers. I suspect that it would have just gotten closed as written. I think it could have been fine once edited to be more focused on what out of all those issues they actually wanted help solving and what "solved" looked like to them.
Honestly I'm more concerned with the way the DM was saving the character. That wouldn't fly at my table for D&D, but definitely can see it being an expectation at some tables. It seems there was some disconnect there.
Q: I keep rolling terribly. How can I keep playing this character and have fun, despite my luck?

jacobgr43I've always wanted to play D&D before, and recently I finally found an online play-by-chat group I can play with regularly. I spent a lot of time chatting with them and building up a fun noble bright paladin that I thought would be cool and heroic, and always try to be a shining example of good b...

@Rubiksmoose I can't see the question, but a "save ex machina" (falling a large distance and landing somewhere impossibly soft, being swept up by a sudden ally, etc.) is very much a heroic fantasy trope, isn't it?
@ACuriousMind It can be! And for some types of play you should explicitly agree to that. However, some groups prefer the (at least perceived) risk of actual harm to create tension in the story and help things feel more dramatic.
To cross genres (and games) a bit, I totally did this when I ran Masks (a game about teenage superheros). I told them you aren't going to die in this game. Death is a part of the world and civilians and you might be injured grievously, but you can count on not dying. Because that was the story I wanted to tell. It is more about them growing then if they survive or not.
For our D&D game however, we agreed as a table that if we did dumb things we would prefer to have our characters die than the DM break immersion to save us.
@Rubiksmoose Sure, it's a matter of playstyle. And there's an in-between point where the GM will not kill PCs anti-climactically where they were just climbing and fell (thought that begs the question why you made them roll in the first place), but definitely will kill them during a tense escape or climactic fight.
@ACuriousMind Yup. It seems like this DM had a different idea of this expectation than the table though since they were reportedly getting annoyed by the combination of the character almost dying all the time and them being miraculously saved all the time.
Fair enough (as said, I can't see the question)
@Rubiksmoose Yeah, not every encounter needs to be a Bob Ross painting.
@Yuuki Happy little clouds (of poisonous gas!)
Q: Concentration in the Planes

Fifth_H0r5emanI recently came across the following issue in a homebrew campaign setting, and am unsure how it would work RAW: Our Warlock had used Minions of Chaos to summon a Fire Elemental via Conjure Elemental. Shortly after this we entered the Feywild, leaving the minion on guard duty on the Prime Materia...

@Yuuki Well, I bought MH :) Still very slowly learning.
not at all ready to join up with anyone.
@Rubiksmoose If only he would have painted that ...
Rereading that question, it appears to be a confluence of several factors:

1. The DM thinks "Natural 1→Something reality-bendingly awful needs to happen"
2. But the DM doesn't want to play a game where players lose their characters every few sessions
3. But the DM doesn't want to renege on point 1.
@NautArch I wouldn't mind jumping on to give you some tips.
Point 3 is why I, as DM, decided to change the [houseruled] Critical Success/Critical Failure rules used at my table. Because in theory, I like the small chance of something incredible[-ly good/bad] happening, but a 10% chance per roll was far too frequent.
@Yuuki I'm trying to work on timing for button press combos and targeting.
@Xirema When I DM'd, I tried to keep possible outcomes within an expected range. Crit fails were narrated as "uh oh" moments but (usually) didn't incur additional consequences.
Using a controller, so not sure if that's making it worse.
@MikeQ I changed my rules to "something major happens!" but they can only occur while the character has Advantage/Disadvantage, and only on particular rolls, so the odds of getting a critical success or failure is only ~5% and only when you have Advantage or Disadvantage respectively.
So for normal [non-attack] rolls, there's no critical anything.
@Xirema Doesn't dis/advantage skew the critical chance?
@MikeQ The odds of rolling a natural 20 go to 9.75%. But my rules require more than just getting a natural 20. The other roll has to also be high enough to succeed on the roll normally.
Someone suggested those rules to me in a chat here awhile back.
Ran the numbers, liked what I saw, so I kept them.
@MikeQ It also depends very much on the tone. At comedically inclined tables, frequent crit fails/successes are usually well-liked
@NautArch Generally speaking, the timing for combos is very lenient. MH isn't a button masher.
@MikeQ Sounds like something that might be in the elemental plane of math chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/95878/elemental-plane-of-math
@MikeQ What was one of your favorite narrations of an "uh oh" ?
Q: What are the benefits to casting without the need for somatic components?

irishtatertot25I am playing a Shadowcaster in a 3.5e Forgotten Realms campaign and I took Still Mystery at 1st level, which lets me cast mysteries without the use of somatic components. What is the benefit of being able to do that?

A Sorcerer using the Subtle Spell Metamagic can cast spells while wearing heavy armor. CMV.
(Yes, I know the RAW explicitly forbids this)
Morning all
Space heaters are the perfect housewarming gft
@Ben facedesk
My job here is done. I can go home now
@Yuuki Unless you play Dual Blades, ofc.
@Xirema It's a 3.5 question, so a Sorcerer using Still Spell metamagic can indeed cast spells while wearing heavy armour :P
Greetings, programs.
@JohnP salutations, last surviving human
Oh no, I'm not necessarily human.
Apologies; organism
@GcL I don't have a guide, but usually they're some variation of a minor narrative complication, such as other creatures noticing their blunder. I've also done the "you drop your weapon... and catch it", which only works once, for obvious reasons.
@GcL It really varies by context, and whether adding complications to the situation would make it more engaging or just more tedious
@Ben give this man a medal for his proud service to Punopolis
@Ben so early in your day even :p
Q: Can a polymorphed creature understand languages spoken under the effect of Tongues?

G. MoylanLet's say we have a spy that has been True Polymorphed into a sheep (to blend in, obviously). The spy originally knew Common + some other languages. As a sheep, though, she can only bleat. True Polymorph includes in the description (emphasis mine): The target's game statistics, including me...

I call that a successful day
@Miniman I'm playing dual blades...should I not?
@Ben lol
My current 1st world problem: it's easier and faster for me to google and download a meme that I already have, than to find it in my meme library
Q: Is there any way for an Adventurers League, 5th level Wizard, to gain heavy armor proficiency?

Evoker of MulmasterIs there any way for an Adventurers League character in the 8th season of AL to gain heavy armor proficiency? My level 5 wizard has no armor proficiencies, and the only way I found to get it was the following: Multiclass into fighter or barbarian and then gain the Heavily Armored feat. Are ther...

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