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English or European?
@goodguy5 why did I just fall off of a rickety bridge and into a deep chasm?
Because you didn't know the answer.
Aug 7 '18 at 20:02, by doppelgreener
At least for this chat, going by its history, the most off-topic thing anyone's probably asked in here was a tabletop RPG question.
Did we do Starmas this year? Or did that slip my mind?
@nitsua60 Not that I recall!
Looks like we did. I totally forgot about it, though.
(so much for my recollection!)
@nitsua60 Whomever "we" is that wants to do Starmast, let them know that I am married and faithful. Oh, wait, Starmas .... never mind.
@KorvinStarmast yeah it's got a lot of point stuff, I'm not too surprised honestly
So I guess I never realized how strongly I felt about players drawing maps...
Looks like only @BESW and I celebrated.
@KorvinStarmast yeah that was actually something we mentioned might happen too
Maybe in about a month we need to celebrate Starstice?
ohhh neat!
@trogdor I'd like to play again so that I get a better feel for the game. Maybe a game like that would be a way to see if my wife would like other RPGs .... but I won't be introducing such a game unless I have a better grasp of it
I'd be down.
@KorvinStarmast yeah I would certainly be fine with running it again
@Rubiksmoose what do you mean by that? Mapping was a core skill in our early dungeoning.
@nitsua60 Sol is a star, so why not?
@KorvinStarmast then I will accept your downvotes!
A: How should I introduce map drawing to my players?

RubiksmooseDon't have the players draw maps This answer is challenging the premise of your suggestion. From everything I have experienced with players new and old, having players make the maps has never worked well and I would recommend not doing it at your table. Firstly though, I think there are some se...

I'm not sure how coherent that answer came out actually. So do tell me if I'm raving or not lol
@KorvinStarmast I like it!
@Rubiksmoose Man, that's a long answer; a little bit stream of consciousness, but well organized at that.
I'd suggest a bit of liposuction to trim it, though I know you like to be very thorough.
@Rubiksmoose I think I agree with you (after a skim of your answer) - its not a fair comparison that your character would only know/remember what you know/remember
@Rubiksmoose Not gonna down vote since there are some play style things involved in map/don't map.
it's much easier to remember the layout of a house youve been in vs one that has been described to you, no matter how good that description was
Thanks! Yeah I'm quite sure it needs some hard cuts. I'm basically just wrote it straight through though so I'll give it another read.
@nitsua60 I think I'll be in Seattle then ... need to check calendar.
@Rubiksmoose Bro... I just read your comment regarding Pete's Portable Outhouse.
@goodguy5 Me too... unfortunately >:(
@SirCinnamon @KorvinStarmast yeah I think my big beef was with how how and why OP was trying to do this. If not for that I probably wouldn't have answered
@goodguy5 hahaha. Sorry for the crappy joke.
Man my answer is waaaay too long. Where to cut...
nah, I like it
It'd be like saying "I need one of you to pitch and break down this tent for you to complete your long rest"
Fwiw, I'm generally fine with asking the player's to map things out as long as everyone is cool with it, but not if it is supposed to have in game ramifications if they screw up.
@goodguy5 Yeah very much like that.
(more or less)
I'm going to be running LMoP in a few weeks, my plan was to put the "Player" map of Cragmaw Hideout on the roll20 interface and hide like 90% of it, only revealing portions as players explore it.
Not sure if it lets me do that, though...
(I have no experience using Roll20)
@Xirema You can manually hide / reveal map areas in roll20
@MikeQ I'm aware of that from my testing—but does it completely hide those areas, like render them as an opaque black box?
Yes, to the player view, it's covered in opaque black.
Hmm. Good.
Yeah, definitely doing map creation that way then. =D
The problem with letting players create maps is that you always think you've perfectly described the scene, and then you compare their maps with yours, and your "open-sky pavilion" has somehow become an underground sewer complex. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@Xirema hahaha yes.
Even clear things like 40 feet long 30 feet wide corrider going east-west somehow end up getting garbled consistently.
Maybe we are just awful at maps.
I am but that is why I refuse to be in charge of drawing it when we do it.
Well, at least you describe the environment. That's at least some effort.
The world gets boring if it exclusively consists of featureless rectangular rooms
@MikeQ Truncated pyramids are much more fun. ;)
Caller: Listen at the east door.
Ref: (After appropriate check) You hear shuffling.
Caller; Two of us (specifying which two) will throw our weight against the door
to open it. All will be ready for combat.
Ref: (After rolling two dice:) The door opens! You can't be surprised, but
the monsters — you see half-a-dozen gnolls — can be (Here a check for
surprise is made, melee conducted, and so on.)
Caller: Okay, what does the room look like — we're examining the walls, ceiling,
floor, and contents of the room itself.
@MikeQ From 1974, Book 3 ...
1 hour later…
@Xirema That's how it works for fantasygrounds as well. It puts a lot of work on the DM. It also leads to less dynamic stories.
@GcL I'm not too worried about that. I'm running for a group of new-er players, so trying to step them through learning the game, and having them write maps is probably going to end poorly for them.
@Xirema Also, neither roll20 nor fantasy grounds support doing that. Player drawn maps usually only work for physical table top or between artists that already have a near real-time drawing sharing system worked out.
@GcL That too.
I also hate fitting grids to images by hand. Neither system have an api for applying a grid by a coordinate offset and sizing. I'd write (copy pasta) a grid detection function for a system that provided the apply grid api.
Except for SVG.... it doesn't work for those. Although, you could probably figure it out. There's only so many ways people are actually going to define grids, and nested squares isn't likely to be one of them.
I did do some preliminary testing, it took... effort, but I was able to take a map of Cragmaw Hideout and very nearly map the square grid of the map to the square grid of roll20.
Was only off by like 5% on the edges of the map, decided it was "Good Enough"
Yeah, but that off by one or two pixels can get worse for big maps.
@Xirema Nice job, I'll try and get with you later to discuss details. Have to run at the moment ...
@Xirema That is also my experience. I convert a lot of old sprite maps from our favorite SNES games to battle maps. They're regular 32 pixel squares, but neither fg nor r20 make it easy to set the grid just right.
Usually takes two or three attempts... which is just frustrating enough to slowly build up a disdain? no... it gets worse than that. It's like a contempt for doing it.
For the new 5e question that just showed up in the listing: does anyone have a good example of a question of the form "Here's my BBEG; how would this party fare against it?"? In particular, I'm looking for a good example of the kind of statblock you'd post in the question.
@Xirema hmmm I vaguely remember a couple we had to do a lot of work on, but I don't remember the particulars. I was just looking at that myself.
Wow, I'm just not finding any good examples
@Rubiksmoose Yeah. =/
Q: Can I summon an otherworldly creature with Gate without knowing it's true name?

Q PaulFor example, say I cast Gate and say Orcus's name, assuming he didn't veto the gate opening would this summon him? Or would I have to say his true name for this to work?

Ironically, this one is probably a good example, despite the negative question score.
Q: What is the CR of this custom Drow Elite Assassin?

Ira AstriWhat would be the challenge rating for this custom NPC enemy? It's definitely more than 8 but I don't know what. In essence, it's a Drow Elite Warrior combined with an Assassin: Drow Elite Assassin Medium humanoid (elf), neutral evil Armor Class 16 (Studded Leather) Hit Points 75 ...

Morning all
@Xirema oh that's better
swapped them out lol
well that turned into a big oil' pile of comments real quick
Isn't that a question of what's the equivalent CR of a PC?\
@GcL Interesting point. It kind of is.
@Rubiksmoose Which is a farce anyway, because the published material doesn't follow the guidelines in the DMG.
Or, the guidelines in the DMG are not the model by which the CRs of published creatures are determined.
@GcL Right. At least not entirely.
But yeah, I agree it is kind of pointless in the end.
CR is supposed to be a place to start.
How is that question unclear as to what the querrent is asking?
Q: How should I introduce map drawing to my players?

ZomaI DMed my first session last week. We played the scenario Lost Mine of Phandelver from the D&D 5e Starter Set. My players haven't yet entered the first "dungeon" but will likely next session: (LMOP spoiler here) While we're all new to D&D mechanics, I'm the only one who knows (mostly thanks to...

What is the CR of X? is a pretty clear question. The answers are of the form, "The CR is Y." Possibly with a follow of up, "here's the rationale"
@GcL We need more info. Namely the spells listed and expected damage
Providing insufficient background info doesn't make the question unclear. It means that assumptions must be made.... which is nearly always true.
Answers almost always have some assumptions baked in or stated.
@GcL I think it does, hence why I voted. It is unclear what spells the creature is capable of casting, and it is necessary to know those spells to accurately gauge the CR of the creature.
@GcL It does actually as long as people think the information missing makes it so.
@Xirema Not for me. I had an answer I was hacking together. I made some nice assumptions to get answer bounds.
It is off putting to me when this stack trends towards the ivory tower of fandom.
@GcL If the OP adds that info into the post, I'm happy to reopen the question. But evaluating the CR of a level 18 spellcaster without knowing what spells they can cast will lead to a wrong answer, IMO.
@Xirema or at the very least a useless one. A wizard has access to a vast variety of spell options. I have no idea what a reasonable range of spell assumptions would even look like. And it would all be moot if OP decides to go with something different (which they don't seem to understand)
@Xirema Or a larger bound of uncertainty. I disagree that there is an absolute and objectively correct answer for what is the CR of a custom thing.
@GcL having an "absolute and objectively correct answer" is not the standard by which we judge the clarity of a question however.
CR definitely involves almost as much handwaiving as it does actual calculation. That doesn't mean we should accept a lack of basic necessary information.
How would you adjudicate that an answer is wrong or how wrong an answer is?
All models are wrong. Some are useful.
@GcL I don't follow. I'm specifically talking about this question and not theoretical answers to it.
I mean, I don't think we disagree on that, but that's not the reason I'm voting to close.

If I looked at the stats as-is, I could say "oh, that's a CR 5 creature: tons of hit points, but 0 damage output, so we'll give it a 5 just to accommodate the possibility that the environment is a potential hazard".

I could also say "CR25, because this spellcaster has access to Meteor Swarm, and with a save DC of 24, that would TPK most parties that aren't already level 15+, and anything on top of that would be lethal to most parties".
@Xirema A creature whose CR "might be 5 or might be 25" is useless to a DM.
@Xirema All of that seems like reasonable answers. You even showed your work.
I'd probably combine those into a CR5 if it can't do damage and CR25 if meteor swarm is available.
@GcL Our goal is not to collect only correct answers, but useful correct answers —Useful to solving the problem in the question.
The OP, might then consider, "hey this BBEG definitely has meteor swarm.... 24 seems good."
@GcL But if that's the case, then they could put that info in the question.
@Xirema Sure, but you didn't need it to produce the answer above.
Also, assumptions in the form of "conjecture out of your butt" is just fine when the information is lacking.
@GcL Which was, by my own standards, a bad answer.
Listen if you are designing an encounter, all other things aside, it seems entirely reasonable to ask you to think about what spells you are equipping to your one enemy.
@Xirema I liked the answer. That would be a useful answer to me.
@GcL so what if your enemy doesn't actually have meteor shower, what CR would it be based on that answer?
@Rubiksmoose Open the question and find out.
I meant based on this theoretical answer. I'm not opening it until sufficient information is provided.
This wizard also has most magic items at his disposal. — Eternallord66 8 mins ago
Ah great.
@Rubiksmoose The theoretical, no meteor swarm, is considered in my answer.
@GcL So what kind of magic items did you give them?
@Rubiksmoose Considered that too.
What kind of magic items would you consider?
None. I would ask OP to tell me what they were equipped with, if anything combat related at all (which 99% of magic items are).
So your answer would have no magic items considered. Seems reasonable. Definitely simplifies things.
No, I wouldn't answer. And I would close the question as unclear. Luckily, that has already been done here.
@GcL can you give me access to that chat please?
You may want to conisder making a new, open chat instead of a closed one.
I'm just giving the user my answer directly.
@GcL please don't
Let other people help.
Chat is not intended to short circuit good question and answers.
Your goal should be to help them improve the question so that we can give them answers not to just give them an answer that is hidden in chat.
@Rubiksmoose That's a laudable goal. Please refrain from asserting what my goals should be. It does not make me feel good? amenable? happy? when I hear or read an assertion about what I should be or want to do. At least if I haven't solicited that kind of advice explicitly.
@GcL BTW that is incorrect. Anybody can get into that chat and see everything.
There is no such thing as private chat on this site.
@GcL How about this? The goal of the site you're participating in, is as Rubiks states: to provide solutions that can be easily found by everyone else who has the same problem later on.
I think it's reasonable to expect people to share the goals of the community they've joined, but it's certainly reasonable to expect to be called out when actively circumventing them.
@GcL My intent with that was to stress what the desired behavior of any responsible community member is. What you are trying to do right now is circumvent the entire point of the site.
@BESW Sure. I had one of those. It's still hanging out poorly formatted in a different tab. I really do enjoyed tabbed browsing.
@Rubiksmoose The fact that you started a chat that you thought others could not see or participate in tells me you probably already understood this.
Mmm. You waited barely half an hour to see if the question could be re-opened.
well this is a train wreck
@Rubiksmoose I have an answer for an answerable question. If I'm able to post it, I will.
the chatroom for context. And the question we were trying to get reopened.
The question will now not get re-opened because the user got an answer another way. The user will not be helped to learn the site's conventions and will either leave, or will expect to get poorly-formatted questions answered the same way in the future. And the answer will not be available to anyone else who has the same problem in the future.
@GcL All we want to do is get the question reopened. I am asking you right now to help us do that.
You can then freely post an answer.
@GcL I was already in the process of creating a chatroom for everyone to help when you created yours (beat me by a few seconds). We need to talk to OP and get some information. Alternatively, you could rustle up a few reopen votes and just reopen it since you feel that it is fine as-is.
I am unsure the OP is reasonably capable of clarifying the question significantly, given attempts to coax that out of them have led to the declaration that the character has all items and knows all spells.
And then that they're new at this so they can't possibly be expected to decide all these things we're trying to understand from them.
@Carcer When questions are clearly unable to be edited and re-opened, we happily invite users to chat to work on answers with them. When users are having trouble with editing a question based on comment support, we eagerly invite them to chat to help them workshop it.
@Carcer helping guide OP to the knowledge of what they were missing/not understanding would have been another achievable goal.
This is not either of those things.
I am not arguing that trying to have that chat with the user is a bad idea
I'm the first to shout that the Stack Exchange model is deeply flawed and inhumane, but going vigilante and shutting the community out isn't the solution.
but I do have a strong suspicion that the only properly stackable answer is a frame challenge that says the question is impossible to answer without committing to a specific spell list and set of items
@Carcer And that'd be a great answer.
I'm also not a big fan of how we not only got shut out, but also subtly vilified.
Wait, that was subtle?
Oct 3 '14 at 2:03, by BESW
"Can't be answered" really shouldn't ever be sufficient reason to close a question, because proof of its unanswerability is a valuable answer.
I completely agree
rubiks I want you to know how strongly I am resisting the urge to correct that grammar
@Carcer hmmm which grammar?
I felt jumping on that would be sort of sabotaging your outreach
This is certainly something to wake up to
@Carcer ohhhhhh in the other chat. Well bullocks now it's bugging me!
(I was apparently more concerned with speed there and let my grammar slip!)
@Rubiksmoose [awkwardly clears my throat] was that on purpose
@Rubiksmoose To be completely transparent, there actually are private chatrooms: elected moderators (and staff) can create rooms that are not visible in room-lists and which have manually-managed R/W permissions.
@nitsua60 oh yeah. I was kind of excluding the mod-stuff, but that is a very good point.
I believe it's publicly known that each site has one by default that elected mods have access to (the "moderator room") and that there exists one (the "Teacher's Lounge") that all elected mods around the Network have access to.
(I wasn't honestly sure they were technically chatrooms)
I believe that some sites' moderators set up private rooms for moderation conversations with users; I don't believe that RPG has any private rooms other than the mod-channel.
Makes sense. Thanks for the correction :)
@Rubiksmoose Yup--just like this one, but with many fewer stars =)
Learning something new every day.
That's the goal, right?
That's probably because BESW ins't in there. Although I see they sadly only have two things starred currently. Well below their average.
hey there @nitsua60
ok everyone in the other chat, I've got to go. hopefully you all are good to help them to some sort of conclusion.
Question, are custom monsters "homebrew" for systems like 5e?
Given who's in there, the advice would be better than mine about CR balancing anyways. Never been something I enjoyed or considered myself super expert in.
@Ben [blink] Bad Ben. No cookie.
@Ben if by custom you mean made outside of a published work, then yes. At least by this site's definition.
It gets a bit messy if the custom monster has been published in a 3rd party book or even fuzzier if it is published online.
I'm honestly still very fuzzy on the difference between the "homebrew" and "house-rules" tags here.
It can be a pretty fine line at times.
@PeterCooperJr. It's the difference between the kind of fuzz that grows on old fruit, and the kind of fuzz that grows on old bread.
But very broadly homebrew is for creating new complex things that are distincly different from any published stuff. House-rules are for slight to moderate modifications of published stuff.
That's the gist anyways.
Yeah, that's my general impression.
Sometime in the next few days, I think I'm going to put up a question with a self-answer evaluating the CR of a boss monster I created, maybe to hopefully create a good "Canonical" version of that kind of question.
@Carcer oh yeah, thank you for that BTW lol. While normally I am more than happy to accept corrections like that, that would have been a very poor time I think. :)
@BESW and the kind of fuzz that grows on old cheese? XD (not to be confused with the mold that grows in cheese sometimes)
@Xirema I think that is a good idea!
it's gotta be a really contrived boss monster
make use of every nook and cranny of those evaluating CR guidelines
"Contrived Boss Monster" would be a good name for either a band or a Chinese energy drink.
It's got resistance to bludgeoning damage and it's immune to piercing damage on Tuesdays!
It can cast any spell whose effect can be summarised in the form of a haiku once per day
Contrived Boss Monster
Today I was reminded of old White Wolf equivalent of RAW/RAI debates: HAP\HOP\HYP|RBD/PBD
A: What is the "whiskey flask" problem with Paradox?

JadascAs with the vampire-to-lawn-chair problem, it involved Matter magick in Mage 1e. One of the examples listed of "coincidental magick" for Matter was "transmuting bullets into air" with the coincidence of "the gun was never loaded." Now, earlier examples in the book of coincidental magick in the bo...

> The two most common types of oMage players on the Internet are Average/Process, and Omniscient/Result. They get into huge arguments. EDIT: Or they did, until we invented HAP\HOP\HYP|RBD/PBD on the Mage forum to stop them. Then they mostly got into arguments over which was official, until Malcolm Sheppard showed up and said "None. The writers don't think about this [stuff] nearly as hard as you all do. Christ." Or something to that effect.
I'm just thinking that the DMG has all the information on how to make your custom monsters... so they have all the rules for it there...?
@BESW Trust me, to me, "Lorem Ipsum" might as well be Simlish. I did a year of web development.
@BESW what the hell is this?
@Ben Do you mean rules for calculating CR? because the bottom line there is "you find it by testing"
I suppose that is true
@BESW The Chinse Energy drink developed in America "雞塊"
quick, I need one more upvote to hit 200 today
I will grind my way towards that badge
@Carcer Quick, run in circles!
the problem is that today for me ends in 15 minutes.
@trogdor One axis is Hypothetical Average Perceiver vs Hypothetical Omniscient Perceiver (vs Harass Yonder Passerby, which should be a joke but I know it's not totally a joke); the other axis is Result-Based Determinism vs Process-Based Determinism. Massive arguments about which combination of the two axes is "right."
@Carcer UTC ends in 1:15?
is it based on UTC? I thought it seemed to be based on user's local timezone.
Basically it boils down to how the magic system works in Mage: you take damage for doing things that are obviously magical, but the system is contradictory on how to determine that. HAP\HOP\HYP|RBD/PBD is an attempt to codify the different player positions on the subject.
@Carcer Nope. UTC.
Oh. I've got an hour 15, then.
Mine resets at about 10am
Well, at 10am.
I appreciate that someone has upvoted one of my old questions
that took me from 193 to 198...
That was me. Lol. I am in need of low-CR demon-types for my Diablo campaign.
@Carcer You could just accept an answer?
someone else upvoted my comedy gold, I'm good
Now you just gotta hope no one downvotes anything :P
[accidentally dv's something]
Was just curious to see if you did have any negative posts, and I just peeked at a few of your 0-score answers, to see if they were just zero, or balance +/-
the page hadn't loaded properly and when I clicked, it jumped, so I accidentally dv'd it haha. I rectified it though :P
I think that if you hit 200 at any point during the day it counts towards the badge even if downvotes take the score down later
but anyway! It's time for sleep
@Carcer Yeah. If you exceed 200, (say 205), that extra 5 point will cover any dv's you get, up to 5 points.
@Ash [wave]
@Carcer ttyl :)
@Ben hi!
@BESW man and I thought D&D alignment was weird
@trogdor It's playstyle alignment.
Q: What is a Centaur Thief's climbing speed?

bubbajake00The Thief archetype Rogue's Second-Story Work (PHB, p. 97) feature states: [...] you gain the ability to climb faster than normal; climbing no longer costs you extra movement. However, the Centaur's Equine Build racial trait (GGR, p. 16) says: In addition, any climb that requires hand...

@BESW oh my God Even worse
@Ash Have you read the Barimaeus Trilogy?
hey again @nitsua60
@Ben I don't believe I have, no
Is that a recommendation? :P
I'm not sure if I should be surprised, or if I should feel special
@Ben Do you mean Bartimaeus?
@Ash I'd personally recommend it. It's a 2-sided series about a Magician in modern-day England (Magic is common knowledge, and separates class) and a Djinni named Bartimaeus.
Djinn are controlled by the magicians to do their bidding, which is how they do "magic".
@BESW Yes, my apologies
@BESW reading this gives me a headache
I think I tried reading the first book a few years ago and couldn't get into it, but I might be misremembering a different series.
It sounds reasonably interesting, I'll keep it in mind :)
Speaking of Djinn, though, I highly recommend the short story A Dead Djinn in Cairo by P. Djèlí Clark.
(Although honestly I am terrible terrible terrible at remembering to read fantasy type books because I am weirdly picky about them)
@BESW I personally had a similar issue, because one perspective is a 3rd-person, of the Magician, and the other is a first-hand perspective of the Djinn. I personally found myself sort of grinding through the former, so that I could get back to reading more of the latter.
@Carcer Whazzat, epic?
@Shalvenay hiya
@nitsua60 how're things going?
It's funny. The 3rd person perspective is full of immersion... mystery... danger... etc. And the 1st person perspective is very much the opposite. Sarcastic, humorous, and "immersion-breaking"
@Shalvenay Going.
@nitsua60 progress is progress, at least
@nitsua60 you think we'll be able to talk some at least?
@Shalvenay Yeah, next hour.
@nitsua60 okiedokie
My DM for my Thursday CoS game just announced, 15 minutes before our session tonight, that he's not really enjoying running a published adventure (specifically, "dming a planned and modules campaign doesn’t feel right for me. Having limited opportunity to put my own brain for it makes it a lot less fun on my side."). He said he figured it was better to let us know now rather than running tonight's session and then announcing the campaign was canceled.
@V2Blast I mean, fair enough.
@V2Blast You are just not having great luck with D&D sessions lately are you?
Adventures in Middle-earth aside
I got pretty fed up with running a certain module cough PrincesoftheApocalypse cough, and in retrospect, I probably should have just said so rather than feeling like I had to get past the finish line.
If only I was in a more appropriate time zone to you guys haha. I'm really starting to feel like I don't belong in my group any more due to conflict of interest
@Ben oh yeah, good evening
I was up extra early this morning
No, just bad at mornings.

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